• The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart

    From NefeshBarYochai@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 24 20:29:04 2024
    XPost: uk.legal, soc.culture.jewish, alt.politics.democrats
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    As Mr. Carl writes, white Americans today “suffer from downward
    economic mobility, declining fertility, rising drug addiction and
    depression, and narrowing opportunities, all piled onto a false
    presumption of privilege.” Any vestigial advantages they may still
    derive from belonging to America’s historical majority are “informal
    and evanescent cultural legacies,” whereas “the discrimination they
    experience is . . . increasingly legal and formal.”

    Obviously, if there were any real “white privilege,” non-whites would
    be trying to “pass” for white (as they once did). Instead, we see a
    flight from white. The reported American Indian population ballooned
    from 0.4 percent in 1970 to nearly 3 percent in 2020, not due to any
    explosion in fertility but to an increase in Elizabeth Warren-style
    claims aimed at getting non-white privilege.

    Mr. Carl acknowledges that whites are not merely the victims of
    anti-white hostility, but often its most enthusiastic perpetrators. He
    combines a defense of whites as a group with harsh criticism of these
    white progressives, writing that their “moral mania has made them,
    without question, the most destructive group in American life. No real
    solution to our racial problems is possible until they either reject
    their current anti-white animus or are removed from their positions of
    power and authority.”

    The endgame of the current system is “the expropriation of land,
    property, and other wealth from whites” and the institution of “a
    permanent regime of anti-white employment and legal discrimination.”
    As of now, he writes, “appeals to expropriation are usually indirect,”
    but over time they “will become more direct and in need of less
    justification as the political power of white Americans continues to

    Two developments make this clear. The first is the growing success of
    the reparations movement:

    Black reparations will open the door to massive multi-trillion-dollar
    payments to any group that can seize the holy grail of victimhood. We
    aren’t going to win this fight by nibbling around the edges, by
    compromising, or by saying that groups deserve reparations for this
    but not for that. We must pull up root and branch the entire concept
    of mass racial reparations.

    The alternative is likely to be “racial extortion on an unimaginable
    scale,” possibly leading to “interethnic violence and a collapse of
    American society.”

    The second recent development is a practice imported from Canada: land acknowledgements. It is no common for institutions built by whites to “acknowledge” that they are on land taken from this or that tribe. As
    the author points out, the entire practice is intellectually
    incoherent, since the particular group whose lands whites occupied
    were seldom or never the first group to hold them. An honest land acknowledgement might sound something like: “Our ancestors took this
    land from the Chippewa, who had previously driven out the Sioux to
    another place where they would go on to massacre the Pawnee,” etc.,
    etc. More importantly, such “acknowledgements” are “an intellectual
    precursor to expropriation,” and deserve to be taken seriously as

    Mr. Carl reports that some readers of early drafts of The Unprotected
    Class were enthusiastic about his ideas but felt that “a non-white
    ought to write such a book instead of him.”

    Somehow a white person advancing arguments that white people should be
    treated fairly was seen as unseemly. It’s an understandable political
    instinct for anyone who has been involved in American politics in
    recent decades, but ultimately it’s an attitude we need to eliminate.

    It is whites’ failure to organize in defense of our own interests that
    had made the anti-white regime possible. As Mr. Carl writes,
    “non-whites have organized and made powerful demands, while whites
    have focused on broad, gauzy appeals to . . . universal rights” that
    have proven “almost completely ineffective.” It is time for us to make
    strong demands.

    As noted, we have looked here at only a few of the twelve realms of
    anti-white discrimination Mr. Carl discusses. The reader should get
    the book itself for the full story. I am unaware of any mainstream
    book on race published since American Renaissance was founded 34 years
    ago that pulls so few punches.

    The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America
    Apart, Regnery Publishing, 2024, 369+xviii pages,

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