# (In)Security of the "Pass" password manager
Jan 1, 2021
# What is Pass?
What is "Pass; the standard unix password manager"?
Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy.
With pass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose
filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the
password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful
folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in
general, manipulated using standard command line file management
– https://www.passwordstore.org/
The Pass password manager is often recommended, particularly on the
more "tech-savvy" parts of the internet (e.g. Hacker News, /r/crypto, /r/netsec, "Netsec/Crypto twitter"). This is not surprising: Pass
requires that its user has some grasp of PGP, as a result relatively
few people use Pass, however those that do are necessarily
But does the use of public key encryption (PGP) in the way that it is
applied in "Pass" give rise to a "good" password manager? In this
post I would like to argue that "Pass" has a number of of
anti-features. I call them "anti-features" because they cannot really
be classified as vulnerabilities. A vulnerability necessitates a
(semi-formal) notion of security (which is violated) and it is not
abundantly clear to me what security users expect from their password managers...
# What do we expect?
Before we look at Pass, let us start by getting a rough idea about
what we expect a password manager to accomplish in the presence of an
adversary (with varying degrees of power). There are broadly two
classes of adversaries that seem to apply:
# Passive Security / Passive Adversary
Passive Security (informally): "privacy" is ensured when the
adversary can only read the encrypted contents.
Here the informal weasel-word "privacy" covers a wide variety of
security notions, e.g.
* Does the password manager hide the services or just the passwords?
* Does it hide the length / number of passwords?
* Against adversaries with what types of compute?
Clearly we expect that people might be able to read the encrypted
state of your password manager: otherwise we might as well not
encrypt at all.
Passive adversaries can be further subdivided by considering e.g.
snapshot adversaries which only receive a single instance of the
encrypted contents, vs, adversaries who can observe the entire
history of the encrypted contents.
# Active Security / Active Adversary
Active Security (informally): The adversary cannot violate
"privacy" or modify entries, even when allowed to tamper with the
encrypted password vault contents.
A desirable property is that the adversary cannot manipulate or
reveal your passwords, even if he is allowed to modify the encrypted
contents. Here there is also a variety of different properties one
can strive to achieve:
* To which extend does the password manager enable the adversary to
modify entries?
* How much interaction is required with the victim?
I believe that considering active adversaries is reasonable and that
most users implicitly assume some protection against active
adversaries: most users back up their password vault with some third
party, e.g. Github, Gitlab, Google Drive or Dropbox. These parties
may modify the contents bestowed to them at will without allowing the
user to detect the modification (the exception being e.g. signed
commits). Hence if e.g. you store your "Pass" directory in e.g.
Dropbox, you rely on active security.
Further justification for considering active security is the fact
that qtpass (a pass front-end) supports loading passwords over WebDAV
and that gopass is touting itself as "git by default". Clearly some
users expect to store their encrypted passwords on servers on the
internet (a place of notorious mischief).
# The Trouble
So let us look at some of these "anti-features" of Pass, starting
roughly with the most obvious ones:
# No Service Privacy
Since the file names are not encrypted in Pass a passive adversary
can read the directory structure to learn which services you have
accounts on.
Passive Attack:
Read the directory structure of the password vault.
# Leaks Changes
Furthermore the adversary can learn when (and which) entries are
created / deleted / modified. This problem is particularly pronounced
when the Pass directory is stored in e.g. Git, where the entire
history is stored indefinitely.
Passive Attack:
Observe the updates made to the encrypted files in the directory
over time (or download the VCS history).
# No Post-Quantum security
If sufficiently large quantum computers are ever constructed, RSA
(and all other public key crypto systems supported by PGP) will be
broken by Shor's algorithm.
Passive Attack:
Store the victims encrypted password vault.
Wait for quantum computers to become available.
Decrypt his password vault with ease.
This is in contrast to symmetric encryption which suffer a square
speedup from the generic Grovers algorithm (although future bespoke
quantum algorithms could conceivable break particular symmetric
constructions in polynomial time). In other words: choosing e.g. a
uniformly random 40 character alpha-numeric Keepass password is
sufficient for > 100 bits of post-quantum security with AES-256,
while "Pass" will be utterly broken regardless of what password you
chose to encrypt your PGP private key.
Do you really need the features provided by asymmetric crypto in
Pass? The primary feature provided by the use of public key crypto in
Pass is the ability to add credentials to the password store without
needing to unlocking the store.
# PGP: A 90ties horror show.
PGP was concocted in the 90ties and it shows. For starters there is
no proof that PGP containers are IND-CCA. Roughly speaking, IND-CCA
means that given an encrypted message it is impossible to modify the
encrypted message such that the resulting ciphertext successfully
decrypts to a different message than the original plaintext. In fact
in the last 20 years, there has been practical chosen-ciphertext
attacks against the PGP standard and implementations:
* Implementation of Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against PGP and GnuPG
* An Attack on CFB Mode Encryption As Used By OpenPGP
The retort from the "PGP community" is usually some tirade about the impracticality of the attacks in practical scenarios. However the
main take-away is that PGP is 90ties ad-hoc crypto (cryptography
without even the semblance of a security proof), that you should only
use if you have no other choice. For a more in-depth post on the
maladies of PGP see What's the matter with PGP?.
So what happens to Pass if we assume that PGP containers are
completely malleable?
Active Attack:
If we assume that an active adversary can modify PGP encrypted
message at will (worst case but still IND-CPA scenario), numerous
things break e.g. storing private keys in Pass would allow the
adversary to learn the private key if the user authenticates
against him (e.g. SSH into a compromised server), by setting all
but a few bits of the key to a known constant, then recovering the
unknown bits by brute force.
Sure PGP is not yet known to be this broken. On the other hand: it is
known to not have the cryptographic property (IND-CCA) that ensures
that this will never happen. This is not an architectural problem of
Pass and can simply be avoided by using better crypto.
# No binding between keys/values.
Pass provides no cryptographically binding between keys (services /
domains) and values (passwords / cryptographic keys). This is
catastrophic if you consider active adversaries who may compromise
one of the services (malicious-site.com below) used by the victim.
Consider the example where the victim has an account on
"malicious-site.com" and her SSH private key stored in "Pass". The .password-store directory might look something like this:
|-- Personal
| |
| |-- malicious-site.com
|-- Work
|-- id_ed25519
And the attack proceeds as follows:
Active Attack:
Adversary replaces the contents of ./Personal/malicious-site.com
with the contents of ./Work/id_ed25519
Victim decrypts ./Personal/malicious-site.com and the decrypted
contents is placed in her clipboard automatically.
Victim logs into malicious-site.com.
The victim just uploaded her work SSH private key to
The SSH private key example can of course be extended to recover any
value inside the vault (e.g. passwords for other services) in the
scenario above.
# No authentication of values
Since Pass uses PGP, it is reasonable to assume that the adversary
knows the public key used. This allows her to replace the password
ciphertexts (unknown plaintext) with a ciphertext which has a known
plaintext. This is also potentially a problem and can e.g. be used to deanonymize people:
Active Attack
Adversary picks a random string rnd
Adversary computes ct = Enc(pk, rnd)
Adversary replace malicious-site.com entry with ct
The victim later logs into malicious-site.com inadvertently using
rnd as password.
The adversary observes that someone is logging in with the password
The adversary has now linked the victims identity on
malicious-site.com to his identity on the cloud storage service
(where the encrypted passwords are stored).
# My passwords are emails?
If you insist on using Pass, I highly recommend using a separate PGP
key just for Pass. Here is why:
If you use PGP encrypted mail I can send you one of the encrypted
passwords and your email client will gleefully decrypt it and attempt
to parse it. Which means that you email client can act as a
decryption oracle for your password vault. Cue the full insanity of
all the ways that your email client might attempt to "parse" your
passwords as emails and all the potential ways this can end badly
(perhaps by e.g. by exploiting CBC malleability and lax checks to
inject HTML).
In the other direction: The adversary can take an encrypted email and
insert it into the .password-store directory:
Active Attack
The adversary intercepts an encrypted mail with ciphertext ct.
Adversary replace the entry for malicious-site.com with ct.
The victim later logs into malicious-site.com inadvertently sending
the plaintext of the mail to malicious-site.com
A clear separation between my encrypted passwords and emails seem
like a desirable feature.
# What should I use instead?
If you absolutely need the CLI interface, I do not really have any
good recommendations for you.
If you do not care, then I suggest KeepassXC with very conservative
Argon parameters and KDBX 4.0 (which supports encrypt-then-mac),
without browser integration. Why? Because it:
* Only uses symmetric cryptography (feasibly post-quantum secure).
* Encrypts every key/value pairs together into single encrypted blob
which does not leak which services you use or which entries are
* Provides symmetric IND-CCA security: by decrypting your vault, you
know that who encrypted it also knew the password you used to
unlock the vault.
This still leaves the issue of an adversary rolling back the entire
state of your password manager (essentially a replay attack, hence
IND-CCA security by itself is not sufficient). Which is an issue if
e.g. the adversary wishes to recover a previously used password on a
service which has subsequently been compromised:
Active Attack
Copy the encrypted state of the password vault.
The user updates his password.
Adversary compromises "trusty-site.com" at a later point.
Restore the encrypted state of the password vault to the value
saved in step 1.
The user decrypts the password vault and is tricked into logging in
which his old password.
However, overall the attack surface and the general shenanigans is
greatly reduced.
# Conclusion
Is Pass broken by design?
In theory? Yes, except for the weakest meaningful security notion
(secrecy only for the passwords) against the weakest possible class
of adversaries (passive pre-quantum adversaries). In practice?
Perhaps not, but this is not a sane way to think about security in
general and there exists less-weird alternatives with better security guarantees, why not use those?
The alluring apparent simplicity of "Pass" is a result of giving up
on certain notions of security and shifting the complexity to GPG.
The wider security implications of the resulting construction are
non-obvious: particularly because it provides very little integrity
and hence security is hard to reason about in the presence of active adversaries.
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)