Patch: Elm ME+ 2.5 PLalpha62 -> Elm ME+ 2.5 PLalpha63 [4/7] (5/7)
Kari Hurtta@21:1/5 to
All on Wed Jan 3 13:52:11 2024
[continued from previous message]
+ if (token->tag_lookahead) {
+ " tag_lookahead ",
+ " tag_lookahead > ",
+ token->tag_lookahead);
+ }
+ }
+ if (token->tag_flags) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " tag_flags %d",
+ token->tag_flags));
+ if (ison(token->tag_flags,TFLAG_seen_nl)) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " TFLAG_seen_nl"));
+ }
+ if (ison(token->tag_flags,TFLAG_seen_equals)) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " TFLAG_seen_equals"));
+ }
+ if (ison(token->tag_flags,TFLAG_num_overflow)) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " TFLAG_num_overflow"));
+ }
+ if (ison(token->tag_flags,TFLAG_unhandled_class)) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " TFLAG_unhandled_class"));
+ }
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, "\n"));
+ }
+ if (token->entity_state != ent_init ||
+ token->tag_state != ts_init ||
+ token->token_class == tf_body) {
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " entity_state %d",
+ token->entity_state));
+ switch (token->entity_state) {
+ case ent_init: DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " ent_init")); break;
+ case ent_entity_start: DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " ent_entity_start")); break; /* Seen & on tag params or body */
+ case ent_decimal_ent: DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " ent_decimal_ent")); break; /* Seen &# on tag params or body */
+ case ent_hexdec_ent: DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, " ent_hexdec_ent")); break; /* Seen &#x or &#X */
+ }
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug, "\n"));
+ }
+ if (token->resubmit) {
+ " resubmit ",
+ " resubmit > ",
+ token->resubmit);
+ }
+ if (token->sbuffer) {
+ " sbuffer ",
+ " sbuffer > ",
+ token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ #define TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic 0xFD12
+ struct tagfilter_params {
+ unsigned short magic; /* TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic */
+ mime_t * body;
+ struct in_state * state_in;
+ struct out_state * state_out;
+ const struct decode_opts * decode_opt;
+ charset_t text_charset;
+ struct tagfilter_selection * tagfilter;
+ struct tagfilter_token * current_token;
+ int error;
+ struct tagfilter_stack_item **stack;
+ size_t stack_len;
+ struct tagfilter_global * counter;
+ };
+ static struct pager_range *tagfilter_inherited_pager_range
+ P_((struct tagfilter_params *params));
+ static struct pager_range *tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params)
+ struct tagfilter_params *params;
+ {
+ struct pager_range *inherit = NULL;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_inherited_pager_range",
+ "Bad magic number");
+ if (params->stack && params->stack_len > 0) {
+ size_t i = params->stack_len;
+ while (i > 0) {
+ i--;
+ if (params->stack[i]) {
+ if (TAGFILTER_STACK_ITEM_magic != params->stack[i]->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,
+ "tagfilter_inherited_pager_range",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_stack_item)");
+ inherit = params->stack[i]->range;
+ if (inherit)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return inherit;
+ }
+ static int tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags P_((struct tagfilter_params *params));
+ static int tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags(params)
+ struct tagfilter_params *params;
+ {
+ int inherit = 0;
+ int disable_pg_flags = 0;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags",
+ "Bad magic number");
+ if (params->stack && params->stack_len > 0) {
+ size_t i = params->stack_len;
+ while (i > 0) {
+ i--;
+ if (params->stack[i]) {
+ int flags;
+ int d;
+ if (TAGFILTER_STACK_ITEM_magic != params->stack[i]->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags",
+ "Bad magic number ( tagfilter_stack_item)");
+ flags = params->stack[i]->pg_flags;
+ clearit(flags,disable_pg_flags);
+ setit(inherit,flags);
+ /* No values before this */
+ if (params->stack[i]->reset_pg_flags)
+ break;
+ d = pg_set_or_disable_flags(NULL,flags);
+ setit(disable_pg_flags,d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return inherit;
+ }
+ static void tagfilter_dump_token P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ int pg_flags));
+ static void tagfilter_dump_token(params,pg_flags)
+ struct tagfilter_params *params;
+ int pg_flags;
+ {
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_dump_token",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_params)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_dump_token",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer)
+ state_putstring(params->current_token->sbuffer,
+ params->state_out);
+ if (params->current_token->error)
+ params->error = 1;
+ if (params->current_token->have_nl) {
+ struct pager_range *inherit
+ = tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params);
+ state_putc('\n',params->state_out);
+ /* Re-set pg_flags */
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ }
+ }
+ #define MAX_COLLECTED 1002
+ enum collect_truncated {
+ collect_full_tag,
+ collect_truncated_tag,
+ collect_nl_tag,
+ collect_nl_truncated_tag,
+ };
+ static void tagfilter_collect_token P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ struct string ** collected_tag,
+ enum collect_truncated *truncated_tag));
+ static void tagfilter_collect_token(params,collected_tag,truncated_tag)
+ struct tagfilter_params *params;
+ struct string ** collected_tag;
+ enum collect_truncated *truncated_tag;
+ {
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_collect_token",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_params)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_collect_token",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ if (params->current_token->error)
+ params->error = 1;
+ switch (*truncated_tag) {
+ case collect_truncated_tag:
+ case collect_nl_truncated_tag:
+ break;
+ case collect_nl_tag:
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer)
+ *truncated_tag = collect_nl_truncated_tag;
+ break;
+ case collect_full_tag:
+ if ((* collected_tag) &&
+ string_len(* collected_tag) >= MAX_COLLECTED) {
+ *truncated_tag = collect_truncated_tag;
+ } else {
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer)
+ append_string(collected_tag,params->current_token->sbuffer,0); +
+ if (params->current_token->have_nl)
+ *truncated_tag = collect_nl_tag;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #if DEBUG
+ static char * token_class_string P_((enum tf_token_class cl));
+ static char * token_class_string(cl)
+ enum tf_token_class cl;
+ {
+ switch (cl) {
+ case tf_doctype_error: return "tf_doctype_error";
+ case tf_tag_atrvalue_error: return "tf_tag_atrvalue_error";
+ case tf_tag_param_error: return "tf_tag_param_error";
+ case tf_comment_error: return "tf_comment_error";
+ case tf_bcomment_error: return "tf_bcomment_error";
+ case tf_tag_error: return "tf_tag_error";
+ case tf_entity_error: return "tf_entity_error";
+ case tf_body: return "tf_body";
+ case tf_start_tag: return "tf_start_tag"; /* <tag */
+ case tf_whole_tag: return "tf_whole_tag"; /* <tag> */
+ case tf_selfclosed_tag: return "tf_selfclosed_tag"; /* <tag/> */
+ case tf_bcomment_start: return "tf_bcomment_start"; /* <? or <! or </ */
+ case tf_bcomment_chunk: return "tf_bcomment_chunk"; /* <? gogus comment chunk */
+ case tf_bcomment_end: return "tf_bcomment_end"; /* end bogus comment > */
+ case tf_start_endtag: return "tf_start_endtag"; /* </tag */
+ case tf_whole_endtag: return "tf_whole_endtag"; /* </tag> */
+ case tf_entity: return "tf_entity";
+ case tf_numeric_entity: return "tf_numeric_entity"; /* Numeric entity */
+ case tf_double_smaller: return "tf_double_smaller"; /* << as escaping */
+ case tf_span_nl: return "tf_span_nl"; /* span of newline (except first) */
+ case tf_comment_start: return "tf_comment_start"; /* <!-- */
+ case tf_whole_comment: return "tf_whole_comment"; /* <!----> */
+ case tf_comment_chunk: return "tf_comment_chunk"; /* <!-- comment chunk */
+ case tf_comment_end: return "tf_comment_end"; /* end comment --> */
+ case tf_tag_space: return "tf_tag_space"; /* space on attributes */
+ case tf_tag_atrname: return "tf_tag_atrname"; /* Got attribute name */
+ case tf_tag_selfclosed_end: return "tf_tag_selfclosed_end"; /* Got /> */
+ case tf_tag_end: return "tf_tag_end"; /* Got > */
+ case tf_tag_atrequal: return "tf_tag_atrequal"; /* Got = */
+ case tf_tag_atrvalue_start: return "tf_tag_atrvalue_start"; /* Start attribute value */
+ case tf_tag_atrvalue_segment: return "tf_tag_atrvalue_segment"; /* Part of attribute value */
+ case tf_tag_atrvalue_end: return "tf_tag_atrvalue_end"; /* Start attribute value */
+ case tf_doctype_start: return "tf_doctype_start"; /* <!DOCTYPE */
+ case tf_doctype_segment: return "tf_doctype_segment"; /* Part of DOCTYPE */
+ case tf_doctype_space: return "tf_doctype_space"; /* Space on doctype */
+ case tf_doctype_item: return "tf_doctype_item"; /* Collected doctype item */
+ case tf_doctype_end: return "tf_doctype_end"; /* DOCTYPE line ended */
+ }
+ return "<unknown>";
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* Returns current_token_len -- */
+ static int tagfilter_handle_doctype P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ int current_token_len));
+ static int tagfilter_handle_doctype(params,current_token_len)
+ struct tagfilter_params * params;
+ int current_token_len;
+ {
+ int doctype_ok = 0;
+ int idx = 0;
+ struct string * collected_tag = NULL;
+ enum collect_truncated truncated_tag = collect_full_tag;
+ int inherit_pg_flags;
+ struct pager_range *inherit;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_doctype",
+ "Bad magic number");
+ if (TAGFILTER_SELECTION_magic != params->tagfilter->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_doctype",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_selection)");
+ if (MIME_magic != params->body->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_doctype",
+ "Bad magic number (mime_t)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_doctype",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: START current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ inherit_pg_flags = tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags(params);
+ inherit = tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params);
+ while (current_token_len >= 0) {
+ if (params->current_token->error) {
+ struct pager_range *title_range =
+ state_add_simple_pager_range(params->state_out,inherit,PR_MAX_WIDTH,0,
+ 0);
+ /* \n resets this */
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_BOLD,title_range,
+ 1 /* Newline */);
+ state_nlputs("[ ",params->state_out);
+ state_printf(params->state_out,
+ CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFErrorDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Character error when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ state_nlputs(" ]\n",params->state_out);
+ lib_error(CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFErrorDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Character error when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ free_pager_range(&title_range);
+ goto fail_doctype;
+ }
+ switch(params->current_token->token_class) {
+ case tf_doctype_error:
+ case tf_doctype_segment:
+ goto fail_doctype;
+ case tf_doctype_start:
+ if (0 != idx)
+ goto fail_doctype;
+ break;
+ case tf_doctype_space:
+ idx++;
+ break;
+ case tf_doctype_item:
+ if (1 == idx &&
+ params->tagfilter->doctype_name &&
+ params->current_token->doctype_item) {
+ if (string_matches_ascii(params->current_token->doctype_item,
+ cs2us(params->tagfilter->doctype_name),
+ SMA_ignore_case,SMA_op_normal)) {
+ doctype_ok = 1;
+ } else {
+ struct pager_range *title_range =
+ state_add_simple_pager_range(params->state_out,inherit, + PR_MAX_WIDTH,0,
+ 0);
+ /* \n resets this */
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_BOLD,title_range,
+ 1 /* Newline */);
+ state_nlputs("[ ",params->state_out);
+ state_printf(params->state_out,
+ CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFIdentifierDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Got identifier %S when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ params->current_token->doctype_item,
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ state_nlputs(" ]\n",params->state_out);
+ lib_error(CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFIdentifierDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Got identifier %S when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ params->current_token->doctype_item,
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ free_pager_range(&title_range);
+ goto fail_doctype;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case tf_doctype_end:
+ tagfilter_collect_token(params,&collected_tag,&truncated_tag);
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ goto check_doctype;
+ default:
+ goto check_doctype;
+ }
+ tagfilter_collect_token(params,&collected_tag,&truncated_tag);
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ }
+ check_doctype:
+ if (!doctype_ok) {
+ int pg_flags;
+ if (params->tagfilter->doctype_name) {
+ struct pager_range *title_range =
+ state_add_simple_pager_range(params->state_out,inherit,
+ 0);
+ /* \n resets this */
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_BOLD,title_range,
+ 1 /* Newline */);
+ state_nlputs("[ ",params->state_out);
+ state_printf(params->state_out,
+ CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFNoIdentDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Identifier %s not found when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ params->tagfilter->doctype_name,
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ state_nlputs(" ]\n",params->state_out);
+ lib_error(CATGETS(elm_msg_cat, MeSet,
+ MeTagFNoIdentDoctypeDeclaration,
+ "Identifier %s not found when parsing DOCTYPE declaration for %s/%s."),
+ params->tagfilter->doctype_name,
+ get_major_type_name(params->body->TYPE),
+ get_subtype_name(params->body->TYPE));
+ free_pager_range(&title_range);
+ }
+ fail_doctype:
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: FAIL current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class, + token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class)));
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ pg_flags = pg_UNDERLINE;
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ if (collected_tag)
+ state_putstring(collected_tag,params->state_out);
+ switch (truncated_tag) {
+ case collect_nl_tag:
+ state_putc('\n',params->state_out);
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ break;
+ case collect_nl_truncated_tag:
+ state_putc('\n',params->state_out);
+ /* FALLTRU */
+ case collect_truncated_tag:
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_BOLD|pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ state_puts(" ... ",params->state_out);
+ /* Does not change if not EOLN */
+ set_out_state_line_pg_flags(params->state_out,pg_flags);
+ break;
+ case collect_full_tag:
+ break;
+ }
+ while (current_token_len >= 0) {
+ switch(params->current_token->token_class) {
+ int was_end;
+ case tf_doctype_error:
+ case tf_doctype_start:
+ case tf_doctype_segment:
+ case tf_doctype_space:
+ case tf_doctype_item:
+ case tf_doctype_end:
+ was_end = tf_doctype_end ==
+ params->current_token->token_class;
+ tagfilter_dump_token(params,pg_flags);
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ if (was_end)
+ goto exit_doctype;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto exit_doctype;
+ }
+ }
+ exit_doctype:
+ /* Should not cause newline */
+ if (pg_flags || inherit || inherit_pg_flags) {
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,inherit_pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ }
+ }
+ if (collected_tag)
+ free_string(& collected_tag);
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: END current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class, + token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class)));
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_doctype: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ return current_token_len;
+ }
+ /* Returns current_token_len -- */
+ static int tagfilter_handle_error P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ int current_token_len));
+ static int tagfilter_handle_error(params,current_token_len)
+ struct tagfilter_params * params;
+ int current_token_len;
+ {
+ int pg_flags = pg_UNDERLINE;
+ struct pager_range *inherit;
+ int inherit_pg_flags ;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_error",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_params)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_SELECTION_magic != params->tagfilter->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_error",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_selection)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_error",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: START current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ inherit_pg_flags = tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags(params);
+ inherit = tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params);
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ while (current_token_len >= 0 &&
+ params->current_token->token_class < tf_body /* 0 */) {
+ tagfilter_dump_token(params,pg_flags);
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ }
+ /* Should not cause newline */
+ if (pg_flags || inherit || inherit_pg_flags) {
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,inherit_pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ }
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: END current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_error: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ return current_token_len;
+ }
+ /* Returns current_token_len -- */
+ static int tagfilter_handle_body P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ int current_token_len));
+ static int tagfilter_handle_body(params,current_token_len)
+ struct tagfilter_params * params;
+ int current_token_len;
+ {
+ struct pager_range *inherit;
+ int inherit_pg_flags ;
+ int text_visible = 1;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_body",
+ "Bad magic number");
+ if (TAGFILTER_SELECTION_magic != params->tagfilter->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_body",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_selection)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_body",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: START current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ if (params->stack && params->stack_len > 0) {
+ size_t idx = params->stack_len-1;
+ if (TAGFILTER_STACK_ITEM_magic != params->stack[idx]->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_body",
+ "Bad magic number ( tagfilter_stack_item)");
+ text_visible = params->stack[idx]->text_visible;
+ }
+ /* body text with entities on body */
+ inherit_pg_flags = tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags(params);
+ inherit = tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params);
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: Body pg_flags %d %s\n",
+ inherit_pg_flags,
+ give_pg_flags(inherit_pg_flags)));
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,inherit_pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ while (current_token_len >= 0) {
+ if (tf_body == params->current_token->token_class) {
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer && text_visible)
+ state_putstring(params->current_token->sbuffer,
+ params->state_out);
+ } else if (tf_double_smaller == params->current_token->token_class) {
+ /* text/enriched escaped < */
+ /* Note that sbuffer includes all charaters
+ part of token -- not just token value
+ */
+ if (text_visible)
+ state_putc('<',params->state_out);
+ } else if ( ts_init == params->current_token->tag_state &&
+ tf_entity_error == params->current_token->token_class ) {
+ if (text_visible) {
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,
+ inherit,0 );
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer)
+ state_putstring(params->current_token->sbuffer,
+ params->state_out);
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,
+ inherit_pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ }
+ } else if ( ts_init == params->current_token->tag_state &&
+ tf_entity == params->current_token->token_class ) {
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer &&
+ params->current_token->match_reference &&
+ text_visible) {
+ struct out_entity * oe =
+ out_entity_from_match(params->current_token->sbuffer,
+ params->current_token->
+ match_reference,
+ pg_REVERSE);
+ state_putentity(oe,params->state_out);
+ free_out_entity(&oe);
+ }
+ } else if ( ts_init == params->current_token->tag_state &&
+ tf_numeric_entity == params->current_token->token_class) { +
+ if (params->current_token->sbuffer &&
+ text_visible) {
+ struct out_entity * oe =
+ new_out_entity(params->current_token->sbuffer,
+ params->current_token->
+ numeric_reference,
+ pg_REVERSE);
+ state_putentity(oe,params->state_out);
+ free_out_entity(&oe);
+ }
+ } else
+ break;
+ if (params->current_token->error)
+ params->error = 1;
+ if (params->current_token->have_nl && text_visible) {
+ state_putc('\n',params->state_out);
+ /* Re-set settings after newline */
+ set_out_state_line_mode(params->state_out,
+ inherit_pg_flags,
+ inherit,0 );
+ }
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ }
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: END current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_body: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ return current_token_len;
+ }
+ /* Returns current_token_len -- */
+ static int tagfilter_handle_tag P_((struct tagfilter_params *params,
+ int current_token_len));
+ static int tagfilter_handle_tag(params,current_token_len)
+ struct tagfilter_params * params;
+ int current_token_len;
+ {
+ int tag_ok = 0;
+ int tag_end_seen = 0;
+ int is_start_tag = 0;
+ int is_end_tag = 0;
+ int force_eoln = 0;
+ struct string * collected_tag = NULL;
+ enum collect_truncated truncated_tag = collect_full_tag;
+ struct pager_range * tag_range = NULL;
+ int tag_pg_flags = 0;
+ struct string * tag_name = NULL;
+ struct tagfilter_tag_state * tag_state = NULL;
+ size_t stack_pos = 0;
+ struct tagfilter_atr_state * attribute_state = NULL;
+ if (TAGFILTER_PARAMS_magic != params->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_tag",
+ "Bad magic number");
+ stack_pos = params->stack_len; /* Not on stack */
+ if (TAGFILTER_SELECTION_magic != params->tagfilter->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_tag",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_selection)");
+ if (TAGFILTER_TOKEN_magic != params->current_token->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_tag",
+ "Bad magic number (tagfilter_token)");
+ DPRINT(Debug,20,(&Debug,
+ "tagfilter_handle_tag: START current token len = %d, class = %d %s\n",
+ current_token_len,params->current_token->token_class,
+ token_class_string(params->current_token->token_class))); + if (params->current_token->sbuffer) {
+ "tagfilter_handle_tag: current token = ",
+ "tagfilter_handle_tag: current token > ",
+ params->current_token->sbuffer);
+ }
+ switch (params->current_token->token_class) {
+ case tf_start_tag:
+ is_start_tag = 1;
+ if (0) {
+ case tf_whole_tag:
+ tag_end_seen = 1;
+ is_start_tag = 1;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ case tf_selfclosed_tag:
+ tag_end_seen = 1;
+ is_start_tag = 1;
+ is_end_tag = 1;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ case tf_start_endtag:
+ is_end_tag = 1;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ case tf_whole_endtag:
+ tag_end_seen = 1;
+ is_end_tag = 1;
+ }
+ if (params->current_token->tag_name) {
+ tag_name = dup_string(params->current_token->tag_name);
+ if (! tag_end_seen) {
+ /* Printed on error */
+ tagfilter_collect_token(params,&collected_tag,&truncated_tag); +
+ current_token_len =
+ get_new_tagfilter_token(params->current_token,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->state_in);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* FALLTHRU */
+ default:
+ tag_pg_flags = tagfilter_inherited_pg_flags(params);
+ tag_range = tagfilter_inherited_pager_range(params);
+ goto fail_tag;
+ }
+ if (is_start_tag) {
+ struct tagfilter_stack_item * new_item = NULL;
+ struct tagfilter_tags * search_tags =
+ params->tagfilter->top_tags;
+ int reset_range = 0;
+ if (params->stack && params->stack_len > 0) {
+ size_t idx = params->stack_len-1;
+ while (idx > 0 && ! params->stack[idx])
+ idx--;
+ if (params->stack[idx]) {
+ if (TAGFILTER_STACK_ITEM_magic != params->stack[idx]->magic)
+ mime_panic(__FILE__,__LINE__,"tagfilter_handle_tag",
+ "Bad magic number ( tagfilter_stack_item)");
+ search_tags = params->stack[idx]->nested_tags;
+ }
+ }
+ stack_pos = params->stack_len;
+ tag_state =
+ params->tagfilter->
+ give_stack_item(&new_item,search_tags,
+ tag_name,
+ params->stack,params->stack_len,
+ &stack_pos, /* should be params->stack_len */
+ params->body,
+ params->state_in,
+ params->state_out,
+ params->decode_opt,
+ params->text_charset,
+ params->tagfilter,
+ params->counter);
+ if (tag_state) {
+ /* Potentially this replaces stack_pos with
+ new tag
+ */
+ if (stack_pos < params->stack_len) {
+ size_t i;
+ /* Handle case where need close tags from stack */
+ for (i = params->stack_len -1; i >= stack_pos; i--) {
+ if (params->stack[i]) {
+ if (params->tagfilter->
+ close_stack_item(tag_state,
[continued in next message]
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)