• Re: Multiple arguments to mapcar?

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to Pascal Costanza on Wed Aug 28 02:46:16 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    Pascal Costanza wrote:

    Johan wrote:
    I want to map over a list, but to treat the first object differently
    from the rest. My previous experience with Lisp was Interlisp, which
    has dynamic binding. In Interlisp I could code my problem similar to

    (defun foo ()
    (let ((first-time t))
    (mapcar #'bar '(1 2))))

    (defun bar (n)
    (setf first-time nil)
    (+ n 1))
    (t (+ n 2))))

    and (foo) would return (2 4). This doesn't work with lexical binding,
    and I don't want to make first-time a global variable. What is the
    best design pattern in Common Lisp?

    (loop for n in '(1 2)
    for x = (+ n 1) then (+ n 2)
    collect x)

    Gauche Scheme

    (use gauche.parameter)

    (define first-time (make-parameter 'unset))

    (define (foo)
    (parameterize ((first-time #t))
    (map bar '(400 500 600))))

    (define (bar n)
    (first-time #f)
    (+ n 1))
    (#t (+ n 2))))

    gosh> (foo)
    (401 502 602)
    gosh> (first-time)

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