• Optimization flag for unchecked fixnums in SBCL?

    From Paul Rubin@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 12:42:46 2024
    I looked in the manual and didn't see a way to do this. The following
    Haskell code (Euler problem 14) takes about 0.5 seconds on my old laptop:

    cl :: Int -> Int
    cl n = if odd n then 3*n+1 else n`quot`2
    dl n = (1+) . length . takeWhile (/= 1) . iterate cl $ n
    main = print . maximum $ [(dl n, n) | n <- [1..1000000]]

    Int is Haskell's built-in fixnum type. Integer is bignums and that
    version takes about 7 seconds.

    The below CL version takes 5 seconds (this is chopped down from a
    memoized version that takes about 0.2 seconds). I tried a few different
    ways to tell the compiler that `collatz' should take and return fixnums,
    but I didn't find the right way. Any help? Thanks.

    (defun collatz (n)
    (cond ((oddp n) (1+ (* 3 n)))
    (t (floor n 2))))

    (defun clen (n)
    (cond ((= n 1) 1)
    ((<= n 0) 'crash)
    (t (1+ (clen (collatz n))))))

    (defun run (&optional (n 1) (mi 0) (ma 0))
    (if (> n 1000000)
    (list mi ma)
    (let ((a (clen n))
    (nn (1+ n)))
    (if (> a ma)
    (run nn n a)
    (run nn mi ma)))))
    (print (run))

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  • From Jeff Barnett@21:1/5 to Paul Rubin on Wed Aug 7 19:17:22 2024
    On 8/7/2024 1:42 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
    I looked in the manual and didn't see a way to do this. The following Haskell code (Euler problem 14) takes about 0.5 seconds on my old laptop:

    cl :: Int -> Int
    cl n = if odd n then 3*n+1 else n`quot`2
    dl n = (1+) . length . takeWhile (/= 1) . iterate cl $ n
    main = print . maximum $ [(dl n, n) | n <- [1..1000000]]

    Int is Haskell's built-in fixnum type. Integer is bignums and that
    version takes about 7 seconds.

    The below CL version takes 5 seconds (this is chopped down from a
    memoized version that takes about 0.2 seconds). I tried a few different
    ways to tell the compiler that `collatz' should take and return fixnums,
    but I didn't find the right way. Any help? Thanks.

    (defun collatz (n)
    (cond ((oddp n) (1+ (* 3 n)))
    (t (floor n 2))))

    (defun clen (n)
    (cond ((= n 1) 1)
    ((<= n 0) 'crash)
    (t (1+ (clen (collatz n))))))

    (defun run (&optional (n 1) (mi 0) (ma 0))
    (if (> n 1000000)
    (list mi ma)
    (let ((a (clen n))
    (nn (1+ n)))
    (if (> a ma)
    (run nn n a)
    (run nn mi ma)))))
    (print (run))

    As a start, did you you try defining collatz and clen with defsubst? Did
    you try using declarations and their cousins? And did your CL system
    provide a decent, declaration-sensitive compiler?

    In other words I'm not sure how and what you told the compiler or what
    compiler you were telling. What I recall about this muddle is that what
    a compiler (and system) did with declaration type things was highly implementation dependent so wouldn't be quite sure what to advise you.

    Other than use defsubst. That should open code most anything in most any
    CL compiler-based system.
    Jeff Barnett

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  • From David De La Harpe Golden@21:1/5 to Paul Rubin on Thu Aug 8 15:47:53 2024
    On 07/08/2024 20:42, Paul Rubin wrote:
    The below CL version takes 5 seconds (this is chopped down from a
    memoized version that takes about 0.2 seconds). I tried a few different ways to tell the compiler that `collatz' should take and return fixnums,
    but I didn't find the right way. Any help? Thanks.

    Perhaps showing what you tried would have been good, but see link [1]
    below for typical ways to declare types of function arguments anyway.

    Also bear in mind safety settings - sbcl trusting type decls to unsafe
    levels is at (safety 0), see [2], though do think twice before doing that...

    While the Common Lisp HyperSpec is a reference specification, it's a
    relatively readable one, and documents type specifiers in general, see [3]

    Also worth bearing in mind the SBCL originally forked from CMUCL with
    its declarations-as-assertions, so both SBCL and CMUCL docs may be of
    interest (while bearing in mind they're not actually the same lisp impls
    or there'd be no point in having both), see [4] - Note per that link you
    might favor a more careful integer range type choice over classic fixnum
    (a haskell Int is defined as only at least -2^29..2^29-1, see [5], and
    there's a (signed-byte 29) possible in lisp...)

    (aside: the CMUCL lisp compiler was/is itself called Python, entirely coincidentally - rather before the popular language of the same name,
    somethign to bear in mind when reading SBCL and CMUCL docs)

    with your code, with debian packaged sbcl 2.2.9:

    $ time (for i in {1..100}; do sbcl --script collatz.lisp >/dev/null
    ; done)

    real 3m35.656s
    user 3m34.878s
    sys 0m0.715s

    add some declarations at the top - more adjustments to decls and code in general may well be possible in this case, but this is an example.
    This post is not intended as some exhaustive examination of possible optimizations.

    $ head -n3 collatz-fixnum-noopt.lisp
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) fixnum) collatz))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (or fixnum symbol)) clen))
    (declaim (ftype (function (&optional fixnum fixnum fixnum) list) run))

    $ time (for i in {1..100}; do sbcl --script
    collatz-fixnum-noopt.lisp >/dev/null ; done)

    real 1m46.481s
    user 1m45.735s
    sys 0m0.695s

    *** Unsafe optimizations are, well, unsafe, but measurably faster in
    this case. DON'T be too hasty to do such things, though, the gain may
    not be as much as you think for throwing away safety - a dynamic check
    can allow a good compiler to assume things are already checked /
    specialized further "down" ***

    $ head -n4 collatz-fixnum-unsafeopt.lisp
    (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) fixnum) collatz))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (or fixnum symbol)) clen))
    (declaim (ftype (function (&optional fixnum fixnum fixnum) list) run))

    $ time (for i in {1..100}; do sbcl --script
    collatz-fixnum-unsafeopt.lisp >/dev/null ; done)

    real 1m19.539s
    user 1m18.873s
    sys 0m0.636s

    Another poster mentioned defsubst, but while no doubt possibly still
    present in some Common Lisp impls, that's more likely to be seen in
    Emacs Lisp code these days. You can declare functions inline in a CL
    way, see [6] for sbcl though.

    $ head -n6 collatz-fixnum-inline-unsafeopt.lisp
    (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) fixnum) collatz))
    (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (or fixnum symbol)) clen))
    (declaim (ftype (function (&optional fixnum fixnum fixnum) list) run))
    (declaim (inline collatz))
    (declaim (inline clen))

    $ time (for i in {1..100}; do sbcl --script collatz-fixnum-inline-unsafeopt.lisp >/dev/null ; done)

    real 1m2.662s
    user 0m58.448s
    sys 0m4.174s

    using (signed-byte 29) over fixnum in obvious fashion - and all prior
    decls - apparently actually faster, if only slightly (fixnum is 2^62
    range on 64-bit x86-64 sbcl, various ops on two fixnums won't always
    result in a fixnum)

    $ time (for i in {1..100}; do sbcl --script collatz-signed-byte-29-inline-unsafeopt.lisp >/dev/null ; done)

    real 0m58.247s
    user 0m53.990s
    sys 0m4.209s

    Running with an outer bash shell time around it like the above of course includes entire sbcl script mode startup overhead over and over again
    though, mind...

    At the SBCL REPL you can (compile-file "file.lisp") and read compiler
    messages that may indicate further opportunities for changes, and load
    the file and e.g. (disassemble #'collatz) etc. to see what native code
    the compiler generated, can also help see where further declarations may
    be useful.

    $ sbcl

    * (compile-file "collatz-signed-byte-29-inline-unsafeopt.lisp")

    [... some messages ...]

    * (load "collatz-signed-byte-29-inline-unsafeopt.fasl")

    (837799 525)

    * (time (dotimes (i 100) (run)))
    Evaluation took:
    22.592 seconds of real time
    22.588946 seconds of total run time (22.588519 user, 0.000427 system)
    99.99% CPU
    87,953,286,681 processor cycles
    0 bytes consed


    [1] lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook/type.html#declaring-the-input-and-output-types-of-functions

    [2] www.sbcl.org/manual/#Declarations-as-Assertions

    [3] www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/04_bc.htm

    [4] cmucl.org/docs/cmu-user/html/Fixnums.html

    [5] stackoverflow.com/questions/73106581/why-is-the-standard-guaranteed-range-for-int-in-haskell-exactly-229-229

    [6] www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/d_inline.htm#inline

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  • From Kaz Kylheku@21:1/5 to Jeff Barnett on Thu Aug 8 19:19:52 2024
    On 2024-08-08, Jeff Barnett <jbb@notatt.com> wrote:
    As a start, did you you try defining collatz and clen with defsubst? Did
    you try using declarations and their cousins? And did your CL system
    provide a decent, declaration-sensitive compiler?

    defsubst is some Emacs Lisp thing for inline functions.

    In Common Lisp, it's (declaim (inline ...)).

    TXR Programming Language: http://nongnu.org/txr
    Cygnal: Cygwin Native Application Library: http://kylheku.com/cygnal
    Mastodon: @Kazinator@mstdn.ca

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  • From Jeff Barnett@21:1/5 to Kaz Kylheku on Thu Aug 8 15:26:27 2024
    On 8/8/2024 1:19 PM, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, Jeff Barnett <jbb@notatt.com> wrote:
    As a start, did you you try defining collatz and clen with defsubst? Did
    you try using declarations and their cousins? And did your CL system
    provide a decent, declaration-sensitive compiler?

    defsubst is some Emacs Lisp thing for inline functions.

    In Common Lisp, it's (declaim (inline ...)).

    I thought that defsubst was in both the Symbolics' implementation of CL
    and Allegro's. It's been a while so I might have misremembered. Thanks
    for correction.
    Jeff Barnett

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  • From Paul Rubin@21:1/5 to Jeff Barnett on Fri Aug 9 20:00:51 2024
    Jeff Barnett <jbb@notatt.com> writes:
    As a start, did you you try defining collatz and clen with defsubst?
    Did you try using declarations and their cousins? And did your CL
    system provide a decent, declaration-sensitive compiler?

    I didn't try defsubst. I did try some declarations but didn't get them
    to work. I think that means I didn't use them properly, rather than
    that they don't work. Yes, SBCL is a serious optimizing compiler. If
    not the premier compiler, it is one of them.

    Other than use defsubst. That should open code most anything in most
    any CL compiler-based system.

    I think the issue is not funcall overhead, but rather, the slowness of
    bignum arithmetic compared to just hoping that everything fits in a
    fixnum. The "trick" of this Euler problem is that a few (only a few) of
    the intermediate values will overflow a 32 bit word. But, everyone uses
    64 bit machines these days, so that part works anyway.

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  • From David De La Harpe Golden@21:1/5 to Paul Rubin on Sun Aug 11 02:32:26 2024
    On 10/08/2024 04:00, Paul Rubin wrote:

    The "trick" of this Euler problem is that a few (only a few) of
    the intermediate values will overflow a 32 bit word. But, everyone uses
    64 bit machines these days, so that part works anyway.

    Ah, good point. (erm, last (signed-byte 29) part my prev post probably
    only worked because - at (safety 0) - it was indeed generating code
    using unchecked >32-bit signed arithmetic ops on my 64-bit machine anyway)

    Worth noting in context that if you use sbcl with (safety 3) ON and use (signed-byte 32) say, though, then the type-declarations-as-assertions
    nicely catches the problem (at runtime with dynamic check)

    $ head -n2 collatz-signed-byte-32-inline-safe.lisp
    (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
    (declaim (ftype (function ((signed-byte 32)) (values (signed-byte
    32) &optional)) collatz))

    $ sbcl --control-stack-size 1024 --dynamic-space-size 65536
    * (compile-file "collatz-signed-byte-32-inline-safe.lisp")
    * (load "collatz-signed-byte-32-inline-safe.fasl")

    debugger invoked on a TYPE-ERROR @535D60FF in thread
    #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001348003}>:
    The value
    is not of type
    (SIGNED-BYTE 32)
    from the function type declaration.

    Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.

    restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
    0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

    (COLLATZ 827370449)

    Playing about for n 1000000, apparently (signed-byte 37) enough...

    $ sbcl --control-stack-size 2048 --dynamic-space-size 65536
    --script collatz-signed-byte-36-inline-safe.lisp
    Unhandled TYPE-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING
    The value
    is not of type
    (SIGNED-BYTE 36)
    from the function type declaration.

    $ sbcl --control-stack-size 2048 --dynamic-space-size 65536
    --script collatz-signed-byte-37-inline-safe.lisp

    (837799 525)

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  • From Paul Rubin@21:1/5 to steve g on Mon Aug 12 23:43:28 2024
    steve g <sgonedes1977@gmail.com> writes:
    your problem with clen is the generic+ at the end of your cond
    statement. I'm going to try this in C. What haskell compiler do you use?

    Currently ghc 8.8.4 which is kind of old. I could try with a newer
    compiler. I have a C++ version that is drastically faster but has
    memoization. The maybe weird-looking recursive implementation of clen
    in the Lisp version lingers from ripping out the memoization from an
    earlier version that I posted. I guess I could fix it to be tail
    recursive if that sounds likely to help.

    For specification of the problem, see:


    Thanks, and also the same to David De La Harpe Golden, for help with
    these declarations.

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