• Re: map and reduce

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 19 15:48:02 2024
    Consider n vectors (or lists) v1, ..., vn of equal length, an n-
    variate function f, and a bivariate function g.

    I want to calculate (reduce g (map 'vector f v1 v2 ... vn)), eg

    (reduce #'+ (map 'vector #'* '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))) ; => 32

    but without the intermediate vector (my vectors are long). I can of
    course write a function to do this, but I am wondering if there is a
    clever way to do it with CL library functions.

    I don't think there is a way to do this sort of thing directly. It's
    not difficult (or even particularly ugly) to do using LOOP, though. For
    the case G = #'+, it's particularly nice:

    (loop for x across first-vector
    for y across second-vector
    sum (funcall f x y))

    That cannot handle any number of vectors.

    but for general G, you need

    (loop for x across first-vector
    for y across second-vector
    for temp = (funcall f x y)
    for result = temp then (funcall result temp)

    Wrong. Try (funcall G result temp)

    finally (return result))

    Gauche Scheme

    (use srfi-43) ;; vector ops.

    (define (vec-map-reduce red-func seed map-func . vectors)
    (apply vector-fold
    (lambda (i accum . elements)
    (red-func accum (reduce map-func #f elements)))

    (vec-map-reduce + 0 *
    #(9 2 3 4)
    #(5 6 7 8)
    #(20 22 23 24))


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