• MACRO: define-bitflags

    From steve@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 24 10:41:55 2021
    I wanted to share some code and get some thoughts, and say a bit thank
    you to the lisp community...

    (defsystem "local"
    :description "A macro for using bit-fields as bit-vectors."
    :version "0.3.1"
    :description "bitfield macro"
    :components ((:file "bitfields"))
    :author "steve g"
    :licence "GPL")

    I do not know how to use defsystem or asdf. I use makefiles.

    Description: A macro for using bit-fields as bit-vectors.
    Date: 2021-07-24 09:51:15-05:00
    Author: Steve
    Version: 0.3.1
    License: GPL
    Platform: GNU/Linux/Fedora
    localplatform: Linux loft 5.12.14-s1-loft
    TestedOnSytems: (sbcl franz lispworks)
    TestedSystemInfo: ("franz allegro-express 32bit ^1"
    "LispWorks(R) Personal Edition ^2"
    "Steele Bank Common Lisp non-unicode mode")

    This macro is fun to play with. be careful it is being used but not really tested fully. Always check the macro expansion. This macro is so indispensable to me I thought I would share it; like c.l.l used to do. I do not know how to use github or google drive. I just have always used USEnet or ftp. I have no email address because my ISP thinks I am a ter(ro)rist and I simply cannot bring myself to use MySQL. I really need a nice small database - like SAP sybase for linux (hint hint ).

    hence the use of USEnet.

    I would love to hear comments about this, I wrote it like ~20 years ago, and
    it still works for me. I don't remember it all; someone once asked me what the longest loop macro I wrote was; well here it is. I would like to add
    conditions to the macro; I just don't know how to access the macro
    environment. I would love to know the calling function for better condition handling as these bit vectors get all over the place. I neglected to use a structure or object for simplicity (obviously) and for efficiency I recommend using the type checking option.

    * Warning: Not all common lisp implementations can expand a loop macro of this
    depth. clisp used to be the notable refusal. I am using SBCL and it can
    handle loop macros from Satan himself. Thank you people of the sbcl; I can
    program once again!

    The macro looks difficult to me now; like I said I am a tad under the weather still. Believe it or not I wrote this in one sitting. I sure do miss those dayz.

    What I am looking for is a macro that does basically the same thing but uses integers for field and masks, instead of bitvectors. It would be nice, I would write it myself now but I am still under the weather so to speak.

    Well please enjoy and let me know if there is a bug, if you find this interesting, or if you have something similiar. I have seen something similiar on github; this vrsion seems to be somewhat efficient.

    (defun-bitflags (line-flags
    (:check-type t)
    (:accessor nil)
    (:conc-name line-)
    (:initial-element 0)
    (:reset-function reset-line-flags)
    (:constructor create-line-flags)
    (:predicate-suffix -p)
    (:print-function print-line-flags)
    (:default-mask (:set modified 1))
    (:optimize (speed 3) (space 0)))
    "Test define-bitflags"
    (modified :initial-element 1)
    (deletion :documentation "This is a bit-flag")
    (killed :mask ((:set deletion t) (:toggle insertion))))

    (defmacro define-bitflags (name/options &rest bit-fields)
    (flet ((make-fn-name (&rest names)
    (intern (format nil "~{~@[~a~]~}" names)))
    (extract-docstring (field)
    (let ((string (cadr (member :documentation field))))
    (when string (list string))))
    (l-assq (item lst)
    (declare (list lst))
    "Return ASSOC <item> <lst>. Equality is defined by EQ."
    (assoc item lst :test #'eq))
    (l-memq (item lst)
    (declare (list lst))
    (member item lst :test #'eq))
    (lst-length=1 (lst)
    (declare (list lst))
    "Return T or nil if length of the list <lst> is one."
    (and (consp lst) (null (cdr lst)))))
    (let (field-masks default-masks
    print-function print-function-parameters (conc-name t)
    constructor-name constructor-parameters type reset-function
    type-check optimizations documentation max-field-size
    (initial-element 0) (predicate-suffix '-p) (accessor-p t))

    (when (stringp (car bit-fields))
    ;; Snarf the docstring
    (setq documentation (list (pop bit-fields))))

    (setq bit-fields
    ;; Ensure each of BIT-FIELDS is a list for easier parsing
    (mapcar #'(lambda (field)
    (if (consp field) field (list field)))

    (setq field-masks
    ;; Set to an alist of field names and their bit position in
    ;; the bit vector. This is used to build a suitable mask in
    ;; the setf expanders. Also create the type specifier for the
    ;; bit-vector since we're already traversing the list.
    (let ((bit -1))
    (prog1 (mapcar
    #'(lambda (field)
    (cons field (incf bit)))
    ;; While we're looping through the list of fields
    ;; check the validity of the keyword arguments.
    #'(lambda (bit-field)
    (let ((field (car bit-field))
    (keys (cdr bit-field)))
    (loop for key in keys by #'cddr
    do (check-type key (member :documentation
    :mask :initial-element)))
    (setq type
    `(simple-bit-vector ,(1+ bit))))))

    ;; Setup some defaults for when NAME/OPTIONS is an atom (which
    ;; is an indication that no options have been supplied).
    (cond ((or (atom name/options)
    (and (lst-length=1 name/options)
    (setq name/options (car name/options))))
    (setq conc-name
    (make-fn-name name/options "-"))
    (setq constructor-name
    (make-fn-name 'make "-" name/options)))
    ;; NAME/OPTIONS is a list, parse the default options
    (dolist (option (cdr name/options))
    (ecase (pop option)
    (setq conc-name (car option)))
    (:INITIAL-ELEMENT (setq initial-element (car option)))
    (:ACCESSOR (setq accessor-p (pop option)))
    (setq constructor-name (pop option))
    (setq constructor-parameters option))
    (setq print-function (pop option))
    (setq print-function-parameters (car option)))
    (:RESET-FUNCTION (setq reset-function (pop option)))
    (:PREDICATE-SUFFIX (setq predicate-suffix (car option)))
    (:DEFAULT-MASK (setq default-masks option))
    (:CHECK-TYPE (setq type-check (car option)))
    (:OPTIMIZE (setq optimizations
    (list `(optimize ,@ option))))))))
    ;; Fill in the needed defaults in case they were not supplied
    (when (eq conc-name t)
    (setq conc-name (make-fn-name (car name/options) "-")))
    (when (null constructor-name)
    (setq constructor-name
    (make-fn-name 'make "-" (car name/options))))
    (if print-function
    ;; Get length of the largest field name for print-function
    (setq max-field-size
    (+ (loop for field in field-masks
    for field-name = (car field)
    maximizing (length (symbol-name field-name)))

    ;; Now construct the forms
    (loop for field in bit-fields
    for counter upfrom 0
    for field-name = (pop field)
    for fn-name = (make-fn-name conc-name field-name)
    for value-var = (make-symbol (format nil "BIT-~:@(~R~)" counter))
    ;; Accessors
    when accessor-p
    collect `(defun ,fn-name (flags)
    ,(if type-check
    `(check-type flags ,type)
    `(declare ,@ optimizations (type ,type flags)))
    ,@ (extract-docstring field)
    (sbit flags ,counter))
    into result
    ;; Predicates
    collect `(defun
    ,(make-fn-name fn-name predicate-suffix) (flags)
    ,(if type-check
    `(check-type flags ,type)
    `(declare ,@ optimizations (type ,type flags)))
    (plusp (sbit flags ,counter)))
    into result
    ;; Setf expansions with masks ...
    collect `(defsetf ,fn-name (flags) (,value-var)
    `(progn ,,.
    (let ((masks
    ;; replace `sublis' with `progn' to debug
    (sublis field-masks
    #'(lambda (mask)
    (eq (cadr mask) field-name))
    (append default-masks
    (cadr (l-memq :mask field)))))))
    (when masks
    ;; Masks: ((:SET 2 1) (:TOGGLE 1))
    (loop for mask in masks
    (ecase (pop mask)
    ``(setf (sbit (the ,',type
    ,flags) ,,(car mask))
    ,,(cond ((eq (cadr mask) t)
    (t (check-type (cadr mask) bit)
    (cadr mask)))))
    ``(setf (sbit (the ,',type
    ,flags) ,,(car mask))
    (if (zerop (sbit (the ,',type
    ,flags) ,,(car mask)))
    1 0)))))))
    (setf (sbit (the ,',type ,flags) ,,counter)
    into result
    `(progn ,@ result
    ;; When the print-function was supplied create a
    ;; function that will pretty print the status of
    ;; a given bitvector - for easier debugging.
    ,@ (when print-function
    `((defun ,print-function
    ,(if print-function-parameters
    `(&optional (flags ,print-function-parameters)
    (stream *standard-output*))
    '(flags &optional (stream *standard-output*)))
    (check-type flags ,type)
    (fresh-line stream)
    ,(concatenate 'string
    ";; Status of "
    (string-downcase (symbol-name
    (car name/options)))
    #'(lambda (field)
    (let ((name (symbol-name (car field)))
    (bit-position (cdr field)))
    ,(concatenate 'string
    "~%;; ~"
    (princ-to-string max-field-size)
    (string-downcase name)
    ":~;~[nil~;t ~]~>")
    (sbit flags ,bit-position))))
    ;; When the value of reset-function is non-nil
    ;; create a function that will set an existing
    ;; bit-vector to it's original state.
    ,@ (when reset-function
    `((defun ,reset-function (flags)
    ,(if type-check
    `(check-type flags ,type)
    `(declare ,@ optimizations
    (type ,type flags)))
    ,@ (mapcar
    #'(lambda (field)
    (let ((field-name (car field))
    (value (or (cadr
    (l-memq :initial-element
    (cdr field)))
    `(setf (sbit (the ,type flags)
    ,(cdr (l-assq field-name field-masks)))
    ;; Finally the constructor
    (defun ,constructor-name
    ,(or constructor-parameters
    `(&key ,@(mapcar
    #'(lambda (field)
    (list field
    (or (cadr (member :initial-element
    (assoc field bit-fields)))
    (mapcar #'car bit-fields))))
    ,. documentation
    (the ,type
    (make-array ,(1+ counter)
    :element-type 'bit
    :initial-contents (list ,@(mapcar #'car bit-fields))


    Just use macroexpand-1 on the define-bitflags form. The only thing
    missing I can think of is the default value.

    The following does not work,

    (define-bitflags (this)
    (bit 3))

    It must be like the following, Just use slime-macroexpand-1, or somesuch.

    (define-bitflags (cursor-flags)
    (invisible :initial-element 1 :mask ((:set visible 0))))

    (SBIT FLAGS 0))
    (SBIT FLAGS 1))
    ,`(SETF (SBIT (THE ,'(SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR 2) ,FLAGS) ,0) ,0)

    (DEFINE-BITFLAGS (status-flags
    (:check-type t)
    (:initial-element 0)
    (:predicate-suffix -p)
    (:reset-function reset-status-flags)
    "Flags for current screen status. Used while screen is open and acticve."
    (modified :documentation "Is the screen modified.")
    (cursor-moved :documentation "Is the cursor in a new position.")
    (cursor-visible :mask ((:set cursor-moved 1))
    :documentation "Is the cursor visible. When changed the <cursor-moved> flag gets auto set.")
    (scroll-region-set :documentation "Is the scroll region already set.")
    (opened :documentation "Is the current screen opened")
    (active :documentation "Is the current screen active or suspended. Used to check before running backgroung threads.")
    (save-restriction :documentation "Is screen withing a restriction.")

    (DEFINE-BITFLAGS (mode-flags
    (:initial-element 0)
    (:predicate-suffix -p)
    (:check-type nil)
    (:conc-name mode-)
    (:reset-function reset-mode-flags)
    (:constructor make-mode-flags))
    "Mode flags for current screen."
    (bold :mask ((:set dimmed 0)))
    (dimmed :mask ((:set bold 0)))

    yeah I'm getting there ...


    ^1 Thank you; I like to know how the code runs on 32bits. Your
    platform is so darn fast! Thank you.

    ^2 Thank you to the people of lispworks(r) for letting me
    use your platform to test code. Your IDE rocks does, it do a tty?. I
    really wanted to thank you on this one. thank you seriously - my
    sanity ...

    ^3 I love you people from the sbcl!


    (debugging :documentation "Is the screen in debugging mode; not used."))

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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Madhu@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 27 11:52:48 2021
    * steve <84sg03zscs.fsf@loft.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me> : Wrote on Sat, 24 Jul 2021 10:41:55 -0400:

    [define-bitfields - not yet but will try to use it shortly]

    What I am looking for is a macro that does basically the same thing
    but uses integers for field and masks, instead of bitvectors. It would
    be nice, I would write it myself now but I am still under the weather
    so to speak.

    Not quite the same thing but recently I came up with a very crude DEFSTRUCT-PACKED which operates on (array (unsigned-byte 8)).

    I may have written something better before and forgotten about it but
    what to do with a poor memory and being under the weather and all

    The syntax is (defstruct-packed name options slot-defs)
    options is empty - just to get emacs to indent it properly
    slot-defs = (slot-name [ init-val [ type [ count ]]] )

    all the slots are C- "integral" values int8 int16 int32 int64 and I
    assume efficient functions exist to do IO

    load32 (array offset)
    store32 (uint32 array offset), etc.

    and the accessors will just translate to those functions.

    ;; structures for the metadata

    (defstruct packed-slot-rep
    name type initial-element count type-size octet-count offset)

    (defstruct packed-struct-rep name slot-table)

    (defun parse-packed-slot-def-rep (slot-def)
    (let* ((atomp (atom slot-def))
    (slot-name (if atomp slot-def (car slot-def)))
    (init (if atomp 0 (or (cadr slot-def) 0)))
    (type (if atomp 'uint8 (or (caddr slot-def) 'uint8)))
    (count (if atomp 1 (or (cadddr slot-def) 1)))
    (type-size (ecase type
    ((uint8) 1)
    ((uint16) 2)
    ((uint32) 4)
    ((uint64) 8)))
    (octet-count (* type-size count)))
    :name slot-name :type type :initial-element init
    :count count :type-size type-size
    :octet-count octet-count)))

    (defun parse-packed-struct-rep (name slot-defs)
    (let* ((rep (make-packed-struct-rep :name name))
    (slot-table (mapcar #'parse-packed-slot-def-rep slot-defs))
    (offset 0))
    (dolist (p slot-table)
    (setf (packed-slot-rep-offset p) offset)
    (incf offset (packed-slot-rep-octet-count p)))
    (setf (packed-struct-rep-slot-table rep) slot-table)
    (setf (get name 'struct-rep) rep)))

    (defun make-array-for-packed-struct
    (packed-struct-name &optional (rep (get packed-struct-name 'struct-rep)))
    (let* ((length (reduce #'+ (packed-struct-rep-slot-table rep)
    :key 'packed-slot-rep-octet-count))
    (array (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
    (init-array-for-packed-struct array rep)

    ;; and the macro

    (defmacro defstruct-packed (name options &rest slot-defs)
    (declare (ignore options))
    (let* ((rep (parse-packed-struct-rep name slot-defs))
    (slot-table (packed-struct-rep-slot-table rep))
    (constructor-name (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-"
    (symbol-name name))))
    (forms nil))
    (push `(defun ,constructor-name () (make-array-for-packed-struct ',name))
    (dolist (slot-rep slot-table)
    (with-slots ((slot-name name) type-size offset count) slot-rep
    (when (= count 1)
    (let* ((accessor-name (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name)
    (symbol-name slot-name))))
    (p (gensym "P"))
    (w (gensym "W")))
    (push `(defun ,accessor-name (p)
    ,(ecase type-size
    (1 `(aref p ,offset))
    (2 `(load16 p ,offset))
    (4 `(load32 p ,offset))
    (8 `(load64 p ,offset))))
    (ecase type-size
    (1 `(defsetf ,accessor-name (,p) (,w)
    `(setf (aref ,,p ,,offset) ,,w)))
    (2 `(defsetf ,accessor-name (,p) (,w)
    `(store16 ,,p ,,w ,,offset)))
    (4 `(defsetf ,accessor-name (,p) (,w)
    `(store32 ,,p ,,w ,,offset)))
    (8 `(defsetf ,accessor-name (,p) (,w)
    `(store64 ,,p ,,w ,,offset))))
    `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))

    All very straightforward and crude but since I've lost the chops I can't
    figure out how to put the setters into one single backquoted form with
    the ecase evaluated INSIDE.

    Like you said this sort of thing used to be a breeze a decade ago. In
    any case the mind will be renewed in the world to come so programming
    there shouldn't be a problem

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)