# msvcp90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# msvcr90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# mswindows
# much
# multiplication
# multiplied
# musatov.htm
# musatov.html
# musatov.window
# musatov_files/
# mutable
# mx
# my
# mylist
# mylist.sort(key
# mysql
# n
# n!
# n-1
# nail
# name
# namespaces[$ns])
# naturally
# ncalls
# necessarily
# necessary
# nederlands
# need
# needs
# nested
# net
# netstat
# never
# new
# new 2.txt
# new 4.txt
# new 5
# newfile
# news
# newspaper
# newsreader
# nobody
# node
# noise
# nor
# normally
# nosxs_atl90.dll
# nosxs_mfc90.dll
# nosxs_mfc90chs.dll
# nosxs_mfc90cht.dll
# nosxs_mfc90deu.dll
# nosxs_mfc90enu.dll
# nosxs_mfc90esn.dll
# nosxs_mfc90esp.dll
# nosxs_mfc90fra.dll
# nosxs_mfc90ita.dll
# nosxs_mfc90jpn.dll
# nosxs_mfc90kor.dll
# nosxs_mfc90u.dll
# nosxs_mfcm90.dll
# nosxs_mfcm90u.dll
# nosxs_msvcm90.dll
# nosxs_msvcp90.dll
# nosxs_msvcr90.dll
# nosxs_vcomp.dll
# not
# now
# now+
# ns
# ntuser.dat.LOG1
# ntuser.dat.LOG2
# ntuser.ini
# ntuser.pol
# null
# number
# numberParameters
# numerator
# numpy
# o
# object
# object's
# object-oriented
# objects
# obviously
# of
# off
# offers
# official
# ogdoad
# oin
# old
# omnia
# on)
# one hundred
# oolex
# op_name
# open
# open()
# open(fn)
# open(myfile
# open(path
# opened
# openmp
# operable
# operating
# operations
# operations)
# operator
# operators
# optimistically
# optimized
# options
# options(echo
# orders
# origIsSystemDLL
# original
# osCommerce
# other
# out
# outfile
# output
# output.txt
# outside
# over-used
# overall
# own
# p
# pModule
# pParent
# pReturnSymbol
# pReturnSymbol)
# package
# packages
# page
# pages
# parallizing
# parameter
# parameters
# params
# parentheses
# parseParameters()
# parser
# parser)
# parsers
# parsing
# part
# partial
# participants
# particular
# partly
# parts
# pathping
# pattern
# pen
# people
# perform
# performance
# permission
# permitted
# personal
# persons
# phenomenon
# pi
# pid
# pieces
# piix3ide
# ping
# place
# platform
# plotting
# plug
# point
# pointed
# pointers
# pointlessness[1]
# points
# policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# polynomial
# portion
# portrait
# ports
# positions
# possible
# possibly
# post
# post-conditions
# postalogically
# posting
# postpone
# potentially
# pprint
# practical
# preceding
# precisely
# precursor
# preferable
# preference
# presumably
# primitive
# print(
# print(Start of %s tag
# printed
# printf
# private
# private_root
# probability
# problem
# proc
# procedural
# process
# processes
# processing
# produce
# product's
# professional
# program
# program)
# programing
# programmers
# programming
# progress
# project
# prominent
# promise
# promises
# promote
# pronouncing
# proper
# property
# proponent
# proponent)
# proportional
# prospectus
# provide
# provided
# ps
# pseudo
# public
# publick
# put
# pwrd.prv
# p...@zone.com
# py2exe
# pynotify
# pyparsing
# python's
# python.exe
# python2.6
# pythonw
# qmail
# question
# questions
# quite
# quota
# quotients
# r
# raise
# raised
# rake
# random
# random)
# range(0
# rather
# rational
# rationals
# re-entrant
# re-submit
# read()
# real
# realistic
# reason
# recommended
# reconstruct
# recovery
# recurse_dir(directory
# red
# redistribute
# reduce(add
# refcount2
# refer
# references
# referencing
# refuses
# reg
# regard
# regarding
# regex
# regexp
# regexps
# register
# registry
# reinitialization
# release
# relying
# remain
# remained
# remains
# repercussions
# reply
# repr
# reproduce
# request
# requested
# require
# requirement
# requirements
# requires
# requiring
# res
# research
# resistant
# rest
# restricted
# restrictions
# result
# results
# return
# returns
# revealed
# reviews
# revision
# rich
# ris
# root
# rot13
# route
# rows)
# rp)
# rpReturnSymbol
# ruby
# rules
# run
# running
# runtimes
# russia
# s
# s3key
# s_cell[0]
# said
# same
# sample(a
# sans-1.0.1.exe
# sat
# save($data)
# save(array(
# saves
# says
# schedule
# schemes
# scores
# scribtori
# script
# script.pl.bat
# scripts
# se
# search
# second-highest
# seconds
# securities
# security
# seem
# seems
# seen
# select
# self
# self.__dict__
# self.assertEqual(platform.__builtins__.__class__
# self.assertEquals(platform.__builtins__.__class__
# semantic
# semantically
# send
# sense
# sequence
# sequentially
# series
# serif
# server-location
# session
# set
# setattr(test
# sets
# setup_environment
# several
# shared
# shared_list
# shell
# shop
# should
# show
# show_afs_search.js
# side-by-side
# significant
# similar
# simple
# simplest
# simply
# sin
# sincere
# single
# single-slash-62
# sit
# slower
# slowing
# small
# snip
# social
# society
# solution
# solutions
# someLines
# somebody
# somehow
# someone
# something
# somewhere
# soon
# sorry
# sort
# source
# source-file
# spam
# speaking
# special
# specific
# specificity
# specified
# specifier
# specify
# spectacularly
# spectrum)
# sqlite
# src
# stack[index
# stamp
# stand
# stand-alone
# standards
# start
# starts
# state
# statement
# static
# stdout
# stock
# stored
# storing
# str
# strictly
# strike
# string
# string-builtins
# strings
# stuffs
# stupid
# style
# subbing
# subclass
# subclasses
# submit
# subprocess
# such
# suggesting
# sums
# superpollo
# supported
# supports
# supposedly
# sure
# surprised
# swallows
# sweet-spot
# swell
# symbol
# syntax
# tabs
# tag
# tags
# take
# td
# teacher
# team
# technologies
# temp_buf[hit]
# template
# tenets
# tentative
# termination
# ternary
# test
# test(1
# test2(1
# tested
# testing
# text_reader
# th
# thanks
# that
# the
# their
# them
# theory
# there
# therefore
# these
# they're
# thier
# thin
# thing
# things
# think
# thinking
# this.counter
# this.showMessage(e)
# those
# thought
# threaded
# three
# times
# timing
# timings
# title
# to
# toggle
# tokenizers
# tool
# topic
# tracert
# transducer
# translator
# tried
# tries
# truly
# truth
# trying
# tulip_mediums[media]
# tuples
# turn
# two
# type
# type){
# type]
# types
# uf
# uid
# uint8
# ul_atl90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_catalog.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# ul_manifest.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# ul_manifest.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_manifest.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_manifest.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_manifest.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90chs.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90cht.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90deu.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90enu.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90esn.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90esp.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90fra.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90ita.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90jpn.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90kor.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfc90u.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfcm90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_mfcm90u.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_msvcm90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_msvcp90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_msvcr90.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.RTM
# ul_policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.RTM
# ul_policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86.RTM
# ul_policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86.RTM
# ul_policy.21022.08.policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# ul_vcomp.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# unappealing
# undecorated
# undef
# underlying
# understand
# understandable
# understanding
# unget
# unget)
# unicode_string
# unification
# uniquely
# unnamable
# unnecessary
# unpredictable
# unsigned
# up
# url
# use
# used
# useful
# user()
# user)
# userModel
# user['User']['id']
# using
# utf8_bytes
# utterly
# validation
# value
# value]]
# value_if_true
# valued
# values
# variable
# variables
# vars()
# vast
# vcomp.dll.21022.08.Microsoft_VC90_OpenMP_x86.RTM
# version
# very
# via
# violate
# vipopa
# virgin
# virtual
# visuals
# void
# volunteered
# vote
# voyeurism
# walks
# want
# was
# wasn't
# watching
# way
# web2py
# were
# weren't
# when
# where
# whether
# which
# while(
# while(check())
# white
# whith
# who
# why
# width
# will
# win
# window
# wiring
# wisdom
# within
# without
# wlfraed
# won't
# wood
# woodworking
# word
# work
# workaround
# worked
# works
# wouldn't
# wpipe_url
# wrapped
# write
# writer
# writes
# wrote
# wx
# x
# x.Font
# xlwt
# y
# yacc
# year
# yields
# zx715515047814
# {
# {$param}
# {archdir}
# {installed}
# {int
# {private_root}
# {root_config}
# }
# }??$
# ~
# ~(97e
# "\223A"
# "\223About"
# "\223After"
# "\223Amarilly"
# "\223And"
# "\223Anyway"
# "\223Are"
# "\223As"
# "\223Back"
# "\223Bacon"
# "\223Be"
# "\223Because"
# "\223Beth"
# "\223Bless"
# "\223Boys!\224"
# "\223Bravo"
# "\223Break"
# "\223Bring"
# "\223But"
# "\223By"
# "\223Certainly"
# "\223Chicken"
# "\223Children"
# "\223Come"
# "\223Couldn\222t"
# "\223Di"
# "\223Did"
# "\223Didn\222t"
# "\223Diogenes"
# "\223Diogenes!\224"
# "\223Do"
# "\223Do!\224"
# "\223Does"
# "\223Don\222t"
# "\223Emerald"
# "\223Et"
# "\223Father"
# "\223Fishing"
# "\223For"
# "\223Four"
# "\223From"
# "\223Gee!"
# "\223Get"
# "\223Ghosts"
# "\223Gladys"
# "\223Go"
# "\223Good"
# "\223Got"
# "\223Great"
# "\223Guess"
# "\223H"
# "\223Halloa!\224"
# "\223He"
# "\223Here"
# "\223Here!\224"
# "\223Here\222s"
# "\223He\222ll"
# "\223He\222s"
# "\223His"
# "\223Hold"
# "\223How"
# "\223Huh!"
# "\223Huh!\224"
# "\223Huldah"
# "\223Hush!\224"
# "\223I"
# "\223If"
# "\223In"
# "\223Indeed"
# "\223Is"
# "\223It"
# "\223It\222s"
# "\223I\222d"
# "\223I\222ll"
# "\223I\222m"
# "\223I\222ve"
# "\223Keep"
# "\223Knowing"
# "\223Let\222s"
# "\223Line"
# "\223Lucien"
# "\223Lucien!\224"
# "\223Lucien\222s"
# "\223May"
# "\223Maybe"
# "\223Mebby"
# "\223Milk"
# "\223Miss"
# "\223Mosquitoes!\224"
# "\223Mother"
# "\223Mother!\224"
# "\223Needn\222t"
# "\223No"
# "\223No!"
# "\223No!\224"
# "\223None"
# "\223Not"
# "\223Now"
# "\223Numerous"
# "\223N\226\226o"
# "\223Ocean"
# "\223Of"
# "\223Often"
# "\223Oh"
# "\223Oh!\224"
# "\223On"
# "\223One"
# "\223Only"
# "\223People"
# "\223Playing"
# "\223Poor"
# "\223Presently"
# "\223Ptolemy"
# "\223Ptolemy\222s"
# "\223Pythagoras"
# "\223Read"
# "\223Resort"
# "\223Right"
# "\223Rob"
# "\223Say"
# "\223See"
# "\223She"
# "\223She\222d"
# "\223She\222ll"
# "\223Show"
# "\223Sho\222"
# "\223Silvia"
# "\223So"
# "\223Some"
# "\223Starboard!\224"
# "\223Still"
# "\223Stop!\224"
# "\223Such"
# "\223Suppose"
# "\223Sure"
# "\223Take"
# "\223Talk"
# "\223Tattle-tale!\224"
# "\223Tell"
# "\223Thank"
# "\223That"
# "\223That\222s"
# "\223The"
# "\223Them"
# "\223Then"
# "\223There"
# "\223There\222s"
# "\223They"
# "\223They\222d"
# "\223This"
# "\223Those"
# "\223Thrice"
# "\223Tightwad"
# "\223To"
# "\223Tolly!\224"
# "\223Trying"
# "\223Very"
# "\223Wait!\224"
# "\223Want"
# "\223We"
# "\223Well"
# "\223Well!\224"
# "\223Went"
# "\223Were"
# "\223We\222ll"
# "\223We\222re"
# "\223We\222ve"
# "\223What"
# "\223What\222ll"
# "\223What\222s"
# "\223Where"
# "\223Which"
# "\223Who"
# "\223Whom"
# "\223Why"
# "\223Will"
# "\223Wish"
# "\223With"
# "\223Won\222t"
# "\223Ye"
# "\223Yes"
# "\223You"
# "\223Young"
# "\223Your"
# "\223You\222d"
# "\223You\222ll"
# "\223You\222re"
# "\223You\222ve"
# "\223\221Don\222t"
# "\223\221Oh"
# "\223\221Rob"
# "\223\221You"
# "\2512009"
# "\324"
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Sysop: | Keyop |
Location: | Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK |
Users: | 427 |
Nodes: | 16 (2 / 14) |
Uptime: | 14:43:54 |
Calls: | 9,000 |
Calls today: | 2 |
Files: | 13,373 |
Messages: | 6,004,290 |