• Free Online Event: JSCodeShift to keep your Source EverGreen with Web C

    From X Technology@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 26 08:09:40 2021
    About the event

    In this talk, I will show JSCodeShift, its power, and the approaches I took to migrate the codebase from polymer to lit-html. There will be some basics of AST, why it needs to perform the automatic migration, and why JSCodeShift is a sufficient tool for

    After this talk, you will be able to apply the automatic migration of the codebase and keep it always up-to-date no matter how big it is. The ideas will be applicable also for React or other frameworks.

    Apart from the implementation, you will know the organizational benefits and selling points of such tools.

    On top of the migration of codebases, this knowledge will be useful to understand how ESLint, Babel, and other similar tools work.

    By Pavlik Kiselev, Frontender at ING - JavaScript developer with full-stack experience and frontend passion. Loves to talk about serverless, teach serverless and ready to organize workshops about serverless.

    Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jscodeshift-to-keep-your-source-evergreen-with-web-components-tickets-160593731173

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