• Ada - In Strong Typing We Trust - "coin" updated for Ada 2022

    From Dirk Craeynest@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 5 16:04:59 2022
    XPost: fr.comp.lang.ada

    Ada - In Strong Typing We Trust - "coin" updated for Ada 2022

    As of today, a new version of the traditional "Ada coin" is available
    for promotional use at <http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/pictures/ada-strong.html>

    Coinciding with the final stages in the ISO standardization of the
    latest Ada programming language revision, referred to as "Ada 2022",
    and for the occasion of the 11th Ada Developer Room at FOSDEM 2022,
    a new update was made available, adding "2022".


    Dirk Craeynest
    Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be (for Ada-Belgium/-Europe/SIGAda/WG9 mail)


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  • From "25.BZ942" <25BZ492.net@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 6 00:32:17 2022
    XPost: fr.comp.lang.ada

    Such a thing as *excessively* strong typing :-)

    When you have to spend 10X the code to get from
    here to there ....

    Perfect for Govt projects, of course :-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)