• Giving away a lot of Ada books

    From Michael Feldman@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 3 16:53:48 2021
    Dear Colleagues,

    I hope you are all well and ready for the fall, whatever it might bring in these uncertain times.

    My wife Ruth and I are moving from Portland to Berkeley in the near future (yes, our son and his family live there -- he is a professor at Cal Berkeley); our new flat will have many advantages, but alas, not nearly enough space for all our books, papers,
    and media.

    I'm writing in the hope of finding new homes for (i.e. giving away) any or all of my large set of books on Ada. I've been collecting these since Ada's beginning in the early 1980s; I think I have all (or very nearly) the Ada books ever published. The
    list is included below.

    Please email me if you're interested in any of these. Ruth has very kindly offered to work with you on the shipping logistics; we ask only that you reimburse us for the shipping costs. Overseas mailing has become such an expensive hassle that I'd prefer
    the destinations to be in the U.E.

    Book dealers don't usually have the understanding or respect for the content of these books, so they have little to no sale value. But they might well have real value to people in the Ada community who know the field. Unfortunately, I fear my options
    might come down to saying farewell to these treasures on their way to the landfill. I hope not!

    Best regards to you and yours; please stay out of COVID's way!,
    Michael Feldman
    Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
    The George Washington University
    Washington, DC 20052
    Books on the Ada Programming Language (and related topics)

    Ada: Berger Tests of Programming Proficiency
    AdaTEC Conference 1982
    Airiau, R., et al. VHDL: du Langage à la Modernisation
    Alsys. Safety Critical Handbook (1994)
    Asplund, L. ed. Ada-Europe '98 Proceedings
    Audsley, N. Ada Yearbook Millennium Edition
    Ausnit, C. et al. Ada in Practice
    Baker, L. VHDL Programming
    Barnes, J. High Integrity Ada (1997)
    Barnes, J. Programming in Ada 95
    Barnes, J. Programming in Ada. (2e, 3e, 4e)
    Beidler, J. Data Structures and Algorithms (1997)
    Ben-Ari, M. Ada for Software Engineers (1998)
    Ben-Ari, M. Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming (1990) Ben-Ari, M. Principles of Concurrent Programming (1982)
    Benjamin, G. Ada Minimanual (to accompany Appleby, Programming Languages) Berg_, J-M et al. Ada avec le Sourire
    Booch, G. and D. Bryan. Software Engineering with Ada. (3rd edition)
    Booch, G. Object-Oriented Analysis & Design, 2nd ed. (1994)
    Booch, G. Software Components with Ada.
    Bover, D.C.C., K.J. Maciunas, and M.J. Oudshoorn. Ada: A First Course in Programming and Software Engineering.
    Bray, G. and D. Pokrass. Understanding Ada.
    Breguet, P. and L Zaffalon. Programmation s_quentielle avec Ada 95 (in French) Bryan, D.L., and G.O. Mendal. Exploring Ada, Volumes 1.and 2.
    Buhr, R. Practical Visual Techniques in System Design with Applications to Ada. Burns, A. and A. Wellings. Concurrency in Ada, 2nd ed. (1998)
    Burns, A. and A. Wellings. Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, 2nd ed. Burns, A. and A. Wellings. Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages, 3rd ed. (2001)
    Burns, A. and G. Davies. Concurrent Programming (1993)
    Burns, A. Concurrent Programming in Ada.
    Burns, Alan and Wellings, Andy. Concurrency in Ada.
    Caverly, P. and P. Goldstein. Introduction to Ada.
    Cherry, G. Parallel Programming in ANSI Standard Ada
    Clark, R. Programming in Ada: a First Course.
    Cohen, N. Ada as a Second Language.
    Computer Language, March 1989 (compilers)
    Cooling, J.E. et al. Introduction to Ada
    Crawford, B.S. Ada Essentials
    Culwin, F. Ada: a Developmental Approach. (2nd ed)
    Dale, N., D. Weems, and J. McCormick. Programming and Problem Solving with Ada. D. C. Heath, 1994.
    Dale, N., S. Lilly, and J. McCormick. Ada plus Data Structures.
    Defense Electronics, March 1984 - first Ada compilers
    DeLillo, N. J. A First Course in Computer Science with Ada.
    Denev, N. Programming (in Bulgarian)
    DISA Symposium on Ada Success in MIS (1992)
    Dorchak, S. and P. Rice. Writing Readable Ada
    Downes, V. and S. Goldsack. Programming Embedded Systems with Ada.
    Embedded Systems Programming, Nov. 1995 (Ada 05 issue)
    English, J. Ada 95: the Craft of Object-Oriented Programming (1997)
    Feldman, M. Concepts of Concurrent Programming (1990)
    Feldman, M. Language and System Support for Concurrent Programming (1990) Feldman, M.B. Data Structures with Ada.
    Feldman, M.B. Software Construction and Data Structures with Ada 95 (1996) Feldman, M.B., and E.B. Koffman. Ada: Problem Solving and Program Design. Feldman/Koffman Ada 95 (1st printing, 3rd printing)
    Freedman, R. Programming Concepts with the Ada Language.
    Gabrini, P. Introduction au Genie Logiciel et a la Programmation avec Ada (in French)
    Gauthier, M. Ada: a Professional Course.
    Gauthier, M. Ada: Un Apprentissage (in French).
    Gehani, N. Ada: an Advanced Introduction (2nd edition).
    Gehani, N. Ada: Concurrent Programming (2nd edition).
    Gehani, N. and A. McGettrick. Concurrent Programming (1988)
    Gehani, N. and W.D. Roome. The Concurrent C Programming Language (1989)
    Gilpin, G. Ada: a Guided Tour and Tutorial.
    Glynn, G. Ada Yearbook 1998
    Gonzalez, D. Ada Programmer's Handbook
    Habermann, A. and D. Perry. Ada for Experienced Programmers.
    Hardy, N. Ada Yearbook 1996
    Hibbard, P. et al. Studies in Ada style
    Hillam, Bruce. Introduction to Abstract Data Types Using Ada.
    HOPL-II Forum on the History of Computing preprints (1993)
    IBM Software Engineering Exchange, Oct. 1980 (Ada edition)
    IBM Systems Journal 1991, 25th anniversary of APL
    Jones, D. Ada in Action
    Jonston, S. Ada 95 for C and C++ Programmers (1997)
    K.U. Leuven Dept. of CS Report 91-92
    Krell, B. Developing with Ada
    Lamprecht, G. Introduction to Simula-67 (1983)
    Lindsey, E.R. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of ada terms
    Lomuto, N. Problem-Solving Methods with Examples in Ada.
    Lopes, A.V. Ada 95 (in Portuguese)
    Lundqvist, K. Distributed Computing and Safety-Critical System in Ada (diss.) Mayoh, B. Problem Solving with Ada.
    Miller, N.E. and C.G. Petersen. File Structures with Ada.
    Motet, G. et al. Design of Dependable Ada Software
    Musser, D. and A. Stepanov. The Ada Generic Library
    Naiditch, D.H. Rendezvous with Ada 95
    Naiditch, D.J. Rendezvous with Ada
    National Academy of Sciences, Ada and Beyond (1997)
    Naur, P. and B. Randell. NATO Conference on Software Engrg (1969)
    Nielsen, K. Object-Oriented Design with Ada
    Nissen, J. and P. Wallis. Portability and Style in Ada.
    Nyberg, K. (editor) The Annotated Ada Reference Manual.(2nd edition)
    Olsen, E. and S. Whitehill. Ada for Programmers.
    Perminov, O. Programming in Ada (in Russian)
    Price, D. Introduction to Ada.
    Pyle, I. The Ada Programming Language.
    Rosen, J-P and Kruchten, P. Doctoral Theses on Ada/Ed
    Rosen, J-P. M_thodes de G_nie Logicial avec Ada 95 (in French)
    Saib, S. Ada: an Introduction.
    Sanden, B. Software Systems Construction with Examples in Ada
    Savitch, W.J. and C.G. Petersen. Ada: an Introduction to the Art and Science of Programming.
    Saxon, J.A., and R.E. Fritz. Beginning Programming with Ada
    Schneider, G.M., and S.C. Bruell. Concepts in Data Structures and Software Development (with Ada Supplement by P. Texel).
    Shumate, K. Understanding Ada. (2nd edition)
    Shumate, K. Understanding Concurrency with Ada.
    SIGCSE Bulletin June 1991
    SIGPLAN Notices June 1979 (A) Ada Proposed Rationale
    SIGPLAN Notices June 1979 (A) Ada Proposed Reference Manual
    Skansholm, J. Ada 95 from the Beginning (3rd ed)
    Skansholm, J. Ada from the Beginning. (2nd ed.)
    Smith, M. Object-Oriented Software in Ada 95 (1996)
    Software Productivity Consortium, Ada 95 Quality and Style (1995)
    Stein, D. Ada: a Life and a Legacy (1985)
    Stratford-Collins, M.J. Ada: a Programmer's Conversion Course (in Chinese) Strohmeier, A. Ada Software Components (1992)
    Stubbs, D., and N. Webre. Data Structures with Abstract Data Types and Ada Tedd, M. et al. Ada for Multi-microprocessors
    Texel, P. Introductory Ada. (1986)
    Thiess, H. Minimal Ada
    Toole, A. Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers (2 copies) (1998)
    Tremblay, J-P et al. Programming in Ada (1990)
    US Navy Ada Implementation Guide
    Vasilescu, E. Ada Programming with Applications.
    Volper, D., and M. Katz. Introduction to Programming Using Ada.
    Wallach, Y. Parallel Processing and Ada
    Watt, D.A., B.A. Wichmann, and W. Findlay. Ada Language and Methodology. Wegner, P. Programming with Ada.
    Weiss, M.A. Data Structures and Algorithms in Ada.
    Wheeler, D. Ada 95, the Lovelace Tutorial (1997)
    Young, S. An Introduction to Ada.
    Zaffalon, L. and P. Breguet. Programmation Concurrente et temps r_el avec Ada 95 (in French)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Doctor Who@21:1/5 to mikefeldman915@gmail.com on Sat Sep 4 03:45:52 2021
    On Fri, 3 Sep 2021 16:53:48 -0700 (PDT), Michael Feldman <mikefeldman915@gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Colleagues,

    I hope you are all well and ready for the fall, whatever it might bring in these uncertain times.

    My wife Ruth and I are moving from Portland to Berkeley in the near future (yes, our son and his family live there -- he is a professor at Cal Berkeley); our new flat will have many advantages, but alas, not nearly enough space for all our books, papers,
    and media.

    I'm writing in the hope of finding new homes for (i.e. giving away) any or all of my large set of books on Ada. I've been collecting these since Ada's beginning in the early 1980s; I think I have all (or very nearly) the Ada books ever published. The
    list is included below.

    Please email me if you're interested in any of these. Ruth has very kindly offered to work with you on the shipping logistics; we ask only that you reimburse us for the shipping costs. Overseas mailing has become such an expensive hassle that I'd prefer
    the destinations to be in the U.E.

    Book dealers don't usually have the understanding or respect for the content of these books, so they have little to no sale value. But they might well have real value to people in the Ada community who know the field. Unfortunately, I fear my options
    might come down to saying farewell to these treasures on their way to the landfill. I hope not!

    Best regards to you and yours; please stay out of COVID's way!,
    Michael Feldman
    Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
    The George Washington University
    Washington, DC 20052

    I have selected some book that I would like to read, please tell me a
    mail address where to write to arrange for logistics and shipping
    expense refund.

    Thank you.

    Alsys. Safety Critical Handbook (1994)
    Barnes, J. High Integrity Ada (1997)
    Ben-Ari, M. Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming (1990) >Booch, G. Software Components with Ada.
    Buhr, R. Practical Visual Techniques in System Design with Applications to Ada.
    Dale, N., D. Weems, and J. McCormick. Programming and Problem Solving with Ada. D. C. Heath, 1994.
    Dale, N., S. Lilly, and J. McCormick. Ada plus Data Structures.
    Downes, V. and S. Goldsack. Programming Embedded Systems with Ada.
    Embedded Systems Programming, Nov. 1995 (Ada 05 issue)
    Lomuto, N. Problem-Solving Methods with Examples in Ada.
    Lundqvist, K. Distributed Computing and Safety-Critical System in Ada (diss.) >Miller, N.E. and C.G. Petersen. File Structures with Ada.
    Motet, G. et al. Design of Dependable Ada Software
    Sanden, B. Software Systems Construction with Examples in Ada
    Tedd, M. et al. Ada for Multi-microprocessors
    Vasilescu, E. Ada Programming with Applications.
    Wallach, Y. Parallel Processing and Ada
    Weiss, M.A. Data Structures and Algorithms in Ada.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Randy Brukardt@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 3 22:28:50 2021
    "Michael Feldman" <mikefeldman915@gmail.com> wrote in message news:cc66d8c0-8d52-4688-94d8-8dd85c63b626n@googlegroups.com...

    Good to hear from you again.

    It must have taken a long time to simply list all of these; thanks for not throwing these away.

    I have quite a collection of Ada books here, but you have me beat by a long ways.

    I'd be interested in Norm Cohen's Ada as a Second Language; at one point, we gave our copy to a newly hired person to study and they never brought it
    back. (Most of the early textbooks we had multiple copies of; we used to
    sell Ada books to our customers and still have a few left overs that were
    not sold.) E-mail me if you haven't given it to someone else.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Doctor Who@21:1/5 to Doctor Who on Sun Sep 5 20:44:57 2021
    On Sat, 04 Sep 2021 03:45:52 +0200, Doctor Who <doc@tardis.org> wrote:

    On Fri, 3 Sep 2021 16:53:48 -0700 (PDT), Michael Feldman ><mikefeldman915@gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Colleagues,

    I hope you are all well and ready for the fall, whatever it might bring in these uncertain times.

    My wife Ruth and I are moving from Portland to Berkeley in the near future (yes, our son and his family live there -- he is a professor at Cal Berkeley); our new flat will have many advantages, but alas, not nearly enough space for all our books,
    papers, and media.

    I'm writing in the hope of finding new homes for (i.e. giving away) any or all of my large set of books on Ada. I've been collecting these since Ada's beginning in the early 1980s; I think I have all (or very nearly) the Ada books ever published. The
    list is included below.

    Please email me if you're interested in any of these. Ruth has very kindly offered to work with you on the shipping logistics; we ask only that you reimburse us for the shipping costs. Overseas mailing has become such an expensive hassle that I'd
    prefer the destinations to be in the U.E.

    Book dealers don't usually have the understanding or respect for the content of these books, so they have little to no sale value. But they might well have real value to people in the Ada community who know the field. Unfortunately, I fear my options
    might come down to saying farewell to these treasures on their way to the landfill. I hope not!

    Best regards to you and yours; please stay out of COVID's way!,
    Michael Feldman
    Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
    The George Washington University
    Washington, DC 20052

    I have reduced the list to the following two books that I would like
    to read, please tell me a mail address where to write to arrange for
    logistics and shipping expense refund.

    The rest of the books are available on Amazon or are superseded by new editions.

    Thank you.

    Embedded Systems Programming, Nov. 1995 (Ada 05 issue)
    Lundqvist, K. Distributed Computing and Safety-Critical System in Ada (diss.)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Stephen Leake@21:1/5 to Michael Feldman on Sun Sep 5 11:15:54 2021
    Michael Feldman <mikefeldman915@gmail.com> writes:

    I'm writing in the hope of finding new homes for (i.e. giving away)
    any or all of my large set of books on Ada. I've been collecting these
    since Ada's beginning in the early 1980s; I think I have all (or very
    nearly) the Ada books ever published. The list is included below.

    The University of California at Berkeley library
    (https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ there's a link to a "contact us" page)
    might want some of these. If not, take them to your local library; they
    might just trash them, but they might also end up on shelf somewhere ...

    -- Stephe

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?U3TDqXBoYW5lIFJpdmnDqHJl?@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 7 14:35:12 2021
    Amazing book list Michael !

    A very inspiring source of new reading material !

    Thanks a lot...

    May I reuse it ? (citing you as the compiler of this list ?)

    Books on the Ada Programming Language (and related topics)
    List kindly compiled by Michael Feldmann from its own Ada book library -----------------

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevin Chadwick@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 21 05:15:29 2021
    On Friday, September 3, 2021 at 11:53:50 PM UTC:
    Dear Colleagues,

    I hope you are all well and ready for the fall, whatever it might bring in these uncertain times.

    My wife Ruth and I are moving from Portland to Berkeley in the near future (yes, our son and his family live there -- he is a professor at Cal Berkeley); our new flat will have many advantages, but alas, not nearly enough space for all our books,
    papers, and media.

    I'm writing in the hope of finding new homes for (i.e. giving away) any or all of my large set of books on Ada. I've been collecting these since Ada's beginning in the early 1980s; I think I have all (or very nearly) the Ada books ever published. The
    list is included below.

    Please email me if you're interested in any of these. Ruth has very kindly offered to work with you on the shipping logistics; we ask only that you reimburse us for the shipping costs. Overseas mailing has become such an expensive hassle that I'd
    prefer the destinations to be in the U.E.

    If it's not too late and any are particularly good or of particular use for embedded work generally or even better specifically for ARM cortex-m work. Then I would be interested. I am in the UK but I have friends near Michigan that I shall surely be
    visiting and so I could probably arrange for them to be sent there, if not too costly?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)