• Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integer has a limit of 300 digits?

    From Michael Ferguson@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 21 21:57:08 2021
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.

    Is there any way to get rid of this problem?

    Here is some example code:

    with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
    with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
    with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
    use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
    with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

    procedure Test is
    package Time_IO is new Fixed_IO(Duration);
    start_time, end_time : Ada.Real_Time.Time;
    elapsed_seconds : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;
    solution : Unbounded_String;

    rop : Big_Integer;
    sum : Big_Integer := 0;

    start_time := Ada.Real_Time.Clock;

    for i in 1..700 loop
    rop := To_Big_Integer(i) ** Natural(i);
    sum := sum + rop;
    end loop;
    solution := To_Unbounded_String(sum'Image);

    end_time := Ada.Real_Time.Clock;
    elapsed_seconds := end_time - start_time;
    Put("Solution: " & solution'Image); New_Line; New_Line;
    Put("Program completed in ");
    Time_IO.Put(To_Duration(elapsed_seconds), Fore => 0, Aft => 3);
    Put(" seconds");
    end BigTest;

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  • From Mark Lorenzen@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 00:25:26 2021
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 6:57:10 AM UTC+1, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.

    How did you determine the limit of 300 digits? I see nothing in your example, that would imply such a limit. Are you sure that you are not reaching a line length limit in Text_IO or maybe a limit in the Image attribute?

    Mark L

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 22 03:14:12 2021
    There is a limit
    Bignum_Limit : constant := 200;
    in System.Generic_Bignums body, function Normalize, lines 1100ff.

    I do not see an implementation advice, implementation permission or implementation requirement about such limits in A.5.5, A.5.6.

    But there is somewhere in the RM a paragraph stating that implementation may pose limits on certain features. I just cannot find the place in the RM.

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 22 03:32:23 2021
    See RM 1.1.3(2).
    I guess this limit is just a transient arbitrary limit until Ada 2022 is standardized.

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Wed Dec 22 08:04:29 2021
    Bignum_Limit : constant := 200;
    RM 2.2(14) limiits the line length and the length of lexical elements to 200.

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  • From Luke A. Guest@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 17:01:56 2021
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.

    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ben Bacarisse@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 17:43:46 2021
    Michael Ferguson <michaelblakeferguson@gmail.com> writes:

    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to
    infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a
    default limit of 300 digits.

    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?

    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000) and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Obviously, this is quite a trivial problem when using any arbitrary
    precision library.

    Does Ada's Big_Integer type work with modular ranged types?


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  • From Niklas Holsti@21:1/5 to AdaMagica on Wed Dec 22 19:37:45 2021
    On 2021-12-22 18:04, AdaMagica wrote:
    Bignum_Limit : constant := 200;
    RM 2.2(14) limiits the line length and the length of lexical elements to 200.

    To express it more clearly, RM 2.2(14) requires implementations to
    support lines and lexical elements of /at least/ 200 characters, but
    /allows/ implementations to support longer lines and lexical elements.

    I'm not sure if GNAT supports more than 200 characters, though. And of
    course an Ada program that uses more than 200 characters may not be
    portable to compilers that support only 200.

    But I don't see any direct logical connection to the number of digits
    that Big_Integers can support. While one cannot write a big-number
    literal longer than a line or longer than the maximum length of a
    lexical element, that should not directly limit the size of big-number
    values in computations.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ferguson@21:1/5 to Luke A. Guest on Wed Dec 22 09:27:56 2021
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.
    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?

    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000) and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Obviously, this is quite a trivial problem when using any arbitrary precision library.

    I had incorrectly determined that 700^700 had 300 digits, in fact 700^700 = 3.7E1991.

    However, my code strictly breaks when the loop range is set to 683, which 683^683 = 8.12E1935.

    So, that is interesting that the Big_Integer type works numbers of just under 2000 digit length despite Bignum_Limit : constant := 200.

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  • From Niklas Holsti@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 19:48:42 2021
    On 2021-12-22 19:27, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library"
    that has user defined implementation.

    Surely not "user defined"? Possibly "implementation defined".

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to
    infinitely calculate numbers of any length,

    I have the same impression (up to Storage_Error, of course).

    but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.
    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?

    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000)
    and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Obviously, this is quite a trivial problem when using any arbitrary
    precision library.

    I had incorrectly determined that 700^700 had 300 digits, in fact
    700^700 = 3.7E1991.

    However, my code strictly breaks when the loop range is set to 683,
    which 683^683 = 8.12E1935.

    How does it break? Some exception, or something else?

    Mark Lorenzen suggested in an earlier post that the limit might be in
    the Big_Integer'Image function. The package Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers has some other output operations
    that you could try:

    function To_String (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer; ...) return String;

    procedure Put_Image (Buffer : ... ; Arg: in Valid_Big_Integer);

    Of course those might be internally linked to the 'Image function and
    have the same possible limitation.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael Ferguson@21:1/5 to Niklas Holsti on Wed Dec 22 10:02:41 2021
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:48:46 AM UTC-6, Niklas Holsti wrote:
    On 2021-12-22 19:27, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library"
    that has user defined implementation.
    Surely not "user defined"? Possibly "implementation defined".
    I was under the impression that this library would be able to
    infinitely calculate numbers of any length,
    I have the same impression (up to Storage_Error, of course).
    but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.
    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?

    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000)
    and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Obviously, this is quite a trivial problem when using any arbitrary precision library.

    I had incorrectly determined that 700^700 had 300 digits, in fact
    700^700 = 3.7E1991.

    However, my code strictly breaks when the loop range is set to 683,
    which 683^683 = 8.12E1935.
    How does it break? Some exception, or something else?

    Mark Lorenzen suggested in an earlier post that the limit might be in
    the Big_Integer'Image function. The package Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers has some other output operations
    that you could try:

    function To_String (Arg : Valid_Big_Integer; ...) return String;

    procedure Put_Image (Buffer : ... ; Arg: in Valid_Big_Integer);

    Of course those might be internally linked to the 'Image function and
    have the same possible limitation.

    Not 100% sure what modular types are but I did try to do something like the following

    subtype VeryBigInteger is Big_Integer range 0 .. 10E10000;

    which gave "error: incorrect constraint for this kind of type"

    Niklas also gave me an epiphany as the exact error my program gives for the upper limit is

    raised STORAGE_ERROR : Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers.Bignums.Normalize: big integer limit exceeded

    I had thought that since the end of this error said big integer limit exceeded it was a problem with the library, but now I'm starting to think I need to get GNAT to allocated more memory for the program.

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  • From Niklas Holsti@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 21:05:18 2021
    On 2021-12-22 20:02, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:48:46 AM UTC-6, Niklas Holsti
    On 2021-12-22 19:27, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A.
    Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part
    of the 202X version of ADA.


    Not 100% sure what modular types are

    Types declared with "mod N" instead of "range A .. B", as in:

    type Eight_Bits is mod 256;

    which declares an unsigned type with a range 0 .. 255 and wrap-around arithmetic.

    Modular types are not connected to Big_Integers, except that the
    particular problem you are trying to solve could be computed "mod
    10**10" because it asks for only the last 10 digits. However, the
    Big_Integers package does not directly support computations "mod"
    something (perhaps this should be an extension in a later Ada standard,
    because such computations are quite common).

    Using "mod 10**10" operations in solving the problem would limit the
    number of digits in all intermediate results drastically.

    but I did try to do something like the following

    subtype VeryBigInteger is Big_Integer range 0 .. 10E10000;

    which gave "error: incorrect constraint for this kind of type"

    Indeed, such a range constraint is valid only for (visibly) scalar
    types, which Big_Integer is not (it is a private type).

    Niklas also gave me an epiphany as the exact error my program gives
    for the upper limit is

    raised STORAGE_ERROR : Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers.Bignums.Normalize: big integer
    limit exceeded

    I had thought that since the end of this error said big integer limit exceeded it was a problem with the library, but now I'm starting to
    think I need to get GNAT to allocated more memory for the program.

    Perhaps. However, the very specific exception message ("big integer
    limit exceeded") suggests that this exception is not a typical
    Storage_Error (say, heap or stack exhaustion) but may indeed stem from exceeding some specific limit in the current Big_Integer implementation
    in GNAT.

    The size of your problem, with only a few thousand digits, suggests that
    heap exhaustion is unlikely to happen. However, if the Big_Integer
    computations are internally recursive, and use stack-allocated local
    variables, stack overflow could happen, so the first thing to try would
    be to increase the stack size. Unfortunately, for the main subprogram
    that has to be done with some compiler or linker options which I don't
    recall now. (We should really extend pragma Storage_Size to apply also
    to the environment task, by specifying it for the main subprogram!)

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  • From Mark Lorenzen@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 11:26:48 2021
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 6:27:57 PM UTC+1, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library" that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.
    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?
    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000) and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Interesting. Assume that the problem is related to the maximum size of lexical elements, can't you then use the "rem" function from Big_Integers to determine the last 10 digits e.g. by something like this Last_10_Digits = My_Very_Large_Number rem To_Big_
    Integer(1) ** 10?

    This should give you a value of type Valid_Big_Integer consisting of up to ten digits that you can obtain the integer representation of.

    Mark L

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  • From Paul Rubin@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 12:31:32 2021
    Michael Ferguson <michaelblakeferguson@gmail.com> writes:
    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48. ...
    Obviously, this is quite a trivial problem when using any arbitrary
    precision library.

    The thing about Euler problems is they usually want you to figure out a
    clever math trick to get to the solution, rather than using brute
    calculation. In the case of this problem, you want to reduce all the intermediate results mod 1e10 (which fits in an int64 easily, though not
    quite in an int32). That gets rid of the need for bignums.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Niklas Holsti@21:1/5 to Mark Lorenzen on Wed Dec 22 22:43:49 2021
    On 2021-12-22 21:26, Mark Lorenzen wrote:
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 6:27:57 PM UTC+1, Michael Ferguson
    On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 11:02:03 AM UTC-6, Luke A. Guest
    On 22/12/2021 05:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:
    I just started using the Big_Integer library that is a part of
    the 202X version of ADA.

    It is repeatedly described as an "arbitrary precision library"
    that has user defined implementation.

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to
    infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is
    clearly a default limit of 300 digits.
    What are you doing that requires that number of digits?
    I am working on ProjectEuler.net problem number 48.

    The questions asks you to sum the numbers n^n for (2 <= n <= 1000)
    and determine what the last ten digits of this number are.

    Interesting. Assume that the problem is related to the maximum size
    of lexical elements, can't you then use the "rem" function from
    Big_Integers to determine the last 10 digits e.g. by something like
    this Last_10_Digits = My_Very_Large_Number rem To_Big_Integer(1) **

    You no doubt meant To_Big_Integer (10), not To_Big_Integer(1).

    But it should be possible to write directly "... rem 10_000_000_000",
    and even if that constant is too large for the Integer type, because Big_Integer has the Integer_Literal aspect (assuming GNAT already
    implements it).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Paul Rubin@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Wed Dec 22 12:39:42 2021
    Michael Ferguson <michaelblakeferguson@gmail.com> writes:
    However, my code strictly breaks when the loop range is set to 683,
    which 683^683 = 8.12E1935.

    So, that is interesting that the Big_Integer type works numbers of
    just under 2000 digit length despite Bignum_Limit : constant := 200.

    I wonder if the limit is 6400 bits (200 * 32 bit words) or something
    related to that. 2**6400 is roughly 3.9e1926 if my math is right.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Simon Wright@21:1/5 to AdaMagica on Wed Dec 22 20:34:20 2021
    AdaMagica <christ-usch.grein@t-online.de> writes:

    There is a limit
    Bignum_Limit : constant := 200;
    in System.Generic_Bignums body, function Normalize, lines 1100ff.

    This is the maximum length of a Digit_Vector, where

    subtype SD is Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
    -- Single length digit

    type Digit_Vector is array (Length range <>) of SD;
    -- Represent digits of a number (most significant digit first)

    I think this should give a maximum value of ~10**2000.

    I printed out sum'image'length; the last value before the exception was

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  • From Dmitry A. Kazakov@21:1/5 to Luke A. Guest on Thu Dec 23 09:54:34 2021
    On 2021-12-23 09:31, Luke A. Guest wrote:
    On 22/12/2021 19:05, Niklas Holsti wrote:

    Big_Integers package does not directly support computations "mod"
    something (perhaps this should be an extension in a later Ada
    standard, because such computations are quite common).

    Is mod overloadable?

    It is as any operator.

    P.S. For large numbers one needs rather full division than separate /,
    mod, rem.

    Dmitry A. Kazakov

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  • From Luke A. Guest@21:1/5 to Niklas Holsti on Thu Dec 23 08:31:11 2021
    On 22/12/2021 19:05, Niklas Holsti wrote:

    Big_Integers package does not directly support computations "mod"
    something (perhaps this should be an extension in a later Ada standard, because such computations are quite common).

    Is mod overloadable?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to Niklas Holsti on Thu Dec 23 03:41:13 2021
    Niklas Holsti schrieb am Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 um 20:05:21 UTC+1:
    However, the
    Big_Integers package does not directly support computations "mod"

    It does A.5.6(18/5).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Niklas Holsti@21:1/5 to AdaMagica on Thu Dec 23 14:18:34 2021
    On 2021-12-23 13:41, AdaMagica wrote:
    Niklas Holsti schrieb am Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 um 20:05:21 UTC+1:
    However, the
    Big_Integers package does not directly support computations "mod"

    It does A.5.6(18/5).

    Yes, there is a "mod" operator for Big_Integer. My point was that there
    are no Big_Integer operations, such as multiplication, that are
    intrinsically modular in the same way as the operations for modular
    types are. So the only way to perform a modular multiplication of
    Big_Integers is to first multiply the numbers in the usual way,
    producing a possibly very large product, and then apply "mod" to reduce
    that product.

    In my imperfect understanding, intrinsically modular big-number
    computations can be much more efficient than such post-computation
    applications of "mod", at least if the modulus is not itself a big number.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ben Bacarisse@21:1/5 to Niklas Holsti on Thu Dec 23 14:01:47 2021
    Niklas Holsti <niklas.holsti@tidorum.invalid> writes:

    In my imperfect understanding, intrinsically modular big-number
    computations can be much more efficient than such post-computation applications of "mod", at least if the modulus is not itself a big

    Yes, there are efficient algorithms for "x * y mod n" so almost all "big
    num" libraries provide a function to do it. Ada has the type system for
    the mod operation to be explicit in the type.


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  • From Jeffrey R.Carter@21:1/5 to Michael Ferguson on Thu Dec 23 16:48:17 2021
    On 2021-12-22 06:57, Michael Ferguson wrote:

    I was under the impression that this library would be able to infinitely calculate numbers of any length, but there is clearly a default limit of 300 digits.

    As it appears from the rest of the discussion that there is a limit in the implementation of the pkg, you could try using PragmARC.Unbounded_Numbers.Integers


    where the implementation restricts a number to Integer'Last "digits" or the available heap memory, whichever is less.

    Note that with recent versions of GNAT for 64-bit processors, the "digits" will be 64 bits.

    Jeff Carter
    "There's no messiah here. There's a mess all right, but no messiah."
    Monty Python's Life of Brian

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 24 01:09:53 2021
    with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
    use Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers.Big_Integers;
    procedure Ausprobieren is
    I: Big_Integer := (1E1000 + 1) / 3;
    S: String := I'Image;
    Put_Line (S'Last'Image);
    Put_Line (I'Image);
    end Ausprobieren;

    No problem here.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)