• CfP - Ada Developer Room at FOSDEM 2022, online

    From Dirk Craeynest@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 5 10:52:30 2021
    XPost: fr.comp.lang.ada


    Call for Presentations

    11th Ada Developer Room at FOSDEM 2022

    Sunday 6 February 2022, Online, Everywhere


    Organized in cooperation with Ada-Belgium and Ada-Europe


    The Ada FOSDEM community is pleased to announce the 11th edition of
    the Ada DevRoom! This time, however, it will take place online on
    the 6th of February. This edition of the Ada DevRoom is organized in cooperation with Ada-Belgium [1] and Ada-Europe [2].

    General Information about FOSDEM
    FOSDEM [3], the Free and Open source Software Developers' European
    Meeting, is a free and non-commercial two-day weekend event organized
    early each year in Brussels, Belgium. This year, for obvious reasons,
    it has been turned into an online event, just like last year. It is
    highly developer-oriented and brings together 8000+ participants from
    all over the world. No registration is necessary.

    The goal is to provide open source developers and communities a
    place to meet with other developers and projects, to be informed
    about the latest developments in the open source world, to attend
    interesting talks and presentations on various topics by open source
    project leaders and committers, and to promote the development and
    the benefits of open source solutions.

    Ada Programming Language and Technology
    Awareness of safety and security issues in software systems is
    ever increasing. Multi-core platforms are now abundant. These are
    some of the reasons that the Ada programming language and technology
    attracts more and more attention, among others due to Ada's support for programming by contract and for multi-core targets. The latest Ada
    language definition was updated early 2016. Work on new features is
    ongoing, such as improved support for fine-grained parallelism, and
    will result in a new Ada standard scheduled for 2022. Ada-related
    technology such as SPARK provides a solution for the safety and
    security aspects stated above.

    More and more tools are available, many are open source, including for
    small and recent platforms. Interest in Ada keeps further increasing,
    also in the open source community, from which many exciting projects
    have been started.

    Ada Developer Room
    FOSDEM is an ideal fit for an Ada Developer Room. On the one hand,
    it gives the general open source community an opportunity to see what
    is happening in the Ada community and how Ada can help to produce
    reliable and efficient open source software. On the other hand, it
    gives open source Ada projects an opportunity to present themselves,
    get feedback and ideas, and attract participants to their project
    and collaboration between projects.

    At previous FOSDEM events, the Ada-Belgium non-profit organization
    organized successful Ada Developer Rooms, offering a full day program
    in 2006 [4], a two-day program in 2009 [5], and full day programs
    in 2012-2016 [6-10], and in 2018-2020 [11-13]. An important goal
    is to present exciting Ada technology and projects, including people
    outside the traditional Ada community. This edition is no different,
    and since it will take place online, we hope to attract people from
    all over the world.

    Call for Presentations
    We would like to schedule technical presentations, tutorials, demos,
    live performances, project status reports, discussions, etc, in the
    Ada Developer Room.

    Do you have a talk you want to give?
    Do you have a project you would like to present?
    Would you like to get more people involved with your project?

    The Ada organizers call on you to:
    - discuss and help organize the details, subscribe to the Ada-FOSDEM
    mailing list [14];
    - for bonus points, be a speaker: the Ada-FOSDEM mailing list is the
    place to be!
    - don't hesitate to propose a topic that you would like to present to
    the community, we are eager to know what you have in store for us!

    We're inviting proposals that are related to Ada software development,
    and include a technical oriented discussion. You're not limited to
    slide presentations, of course. Be creative. Propose something fun to
    share with people so they might feel some of your enthusiasm for Ada!

    Speaking slots should be 15 or 30 minutes, plus 5 or 10 minutes resp.
    for Q&A, if the same schedule as last year is followed. However, this
    schedule is flexible and can be modified for longer talks. For example,
    a long technical talk can be transformed into a 45 minutes talk, plus
    time for Q&A. Depending on interest, we might also have a session
    with lightning presentations (e.g. 5 minutes each), and/or an informal discussion session.

    Note that all talks will be streamed live (audio+video) and should
    be prerecorded. After the streaming of the talk, a live Q&A session
    will take place. By submitting a proposal, you agree to being recorded
    and streamed. You also agree that the contents of your talk will be
    published under the same license as all FOSDEM content, a Creative
    Commons (CC-BY) license.

    Submission Guidelines
    Your proposal must be submitted to the FOSDEM Pentabarf system [15].
    If you already had an account from previous years, please, reuse it.
    If, for whatever reason, you cannot use Pentabarf, you can also
    submit your proposal by messaging the Ada-FOSDEM mailing list [14].
    If needed, feel free to contact us at the Ada-FOSDEM Mailing list or
    at <irvise (at) irvise.xyz> (without spaces).

    Please include:
    - your name, affiliation, contact info;
    - the title of your talk (be descriptive and creative);
    - a short descriptive and attractive abstract;
    - potentially pointers to more information;
    - a short bio and photo.

    See programs of previous Ada DevRooms (URLs below) for presentation
    examples, as well as for the kind of info we need.

    Here is the slightly flexible schedule that we will follow:
    - December 26, 2021: end of the submission period. Remember, we only
    need the information in the list above. You do not have to submit
    the entire talk by this date. Try to submit your proposal as early
    as possible. It is better to submit half of the details early than
    all late, so do not wait for the last minute. If you are a bit late,
    submit it to Pentabarf and message <irvise (at) irvise.xyz> directly.
    - December 31, 2021 - January 2, 2022: announcement of accepted talks.
    - January 15, 2022: your talk should be recorded and uploaded to the
    Pentabarf platform.
    - February 6, 2022: Ada-Devroom day!

    We look forward to lots of feedback and proposals!


    The Ada-FOSDEM team
    Main organiser: Fernando Oleo Blanco <irvise (at) irvise.xyz>
    Second in command: Ludovic Brenta <ludovic (at) ludovic-brenta.org>


    [1] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium
    [2] http://www.ada-europe.org
    [3] https://fosdem.org
    [4] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/06/060226-fosdem.html
    [5] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/09/090207-fosdem.html
    [6] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/12/120204-fosdem.html
    [7] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/13/130203-fosdem.html
    [8] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/14/140201-fosdem.html
    [9] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/15/150131-fosdem.html [10] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/16/160130-fosdem.html [11] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/18/180203-fosdem.html [12] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/19/190202-fosdem.html [13] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/20/200201-fosdem.html [14] http://listserv.cc.kuleuven.be/archives/adafosdem.html
    [15] https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM22

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  • From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 24 00:43:34 2021
    Hi everybody,

    FOSDEM 2022 Ada-devroom organiser here.

    This is just a friendly reminder that you have still time to submit
    your proposals :) For the time being, we have received 4 talks. I know
    a few more are brewing and are yet to be submitted. However, there is
    still some free time to be filled, since we will be running the room
    from 10 AM to 6 PM ;)


    Am Sun, 5 Dec 2021 10:52:30 -0000 (UTC)
    schrieb dirk@orka.cs.kuleuven.be. (Dirk Craeynest):


    Call for Presentations

    11th Ada Developer Room at FOSDEM 2022

    Sunday 6 February 2022, Online, Everywhere


    Organized in cooperation with Ada-Belgium and Ada-Europe


    The Ada FOSDEM community is pleased to announce the 11th edition of
    the Ada DevRoom! This time, however, it will take place online on
    the 6th of February. This edition of the Ada DevRoom is organized in cooperation with Ada-Belgium [1] and Ada-Europe [2].

    General Information about FOSDEM
    FOSDEM [3], the Free and Open source Software Developers' European
    Meeting, is a free and non-commercial two-day weekend event organized
    early each year in Brussels, Belgium. This year, for obvious reasons,
    it has been turned into an online event, just like last year. It is
    highly developer-oriented and brings together 8000+ participants from
    all over the world. No registration is necessary.

    The goal is to provide open source developers and communities a
    place to meet with other developers and projects, to be informed
    about the latest developments in the open source world, to attend
    interesting talks and presentations on various topics by open source
    project leaders and committers, and to promote the development and
    the benefits of open source solutions.

    Ada Programming Language and Technology ---------------------------------------
    Awareness of safety and security issues in software systems is
    ever increasing. Multi-core platforms are now abundant. These are
    some of the reasons that the Ada programming language and technology
    attracts more and more attention, among others due to Ada's support
    for programming by contract and for multi-core targets. The latest
    Ada language definition was updated early 2016. Work on new features
    is ongoing, such as improved support for fine-grained parallelism, and
    will result in a new Ada standard scheduled for 2022. Ada-related
    technology such as SPARK provides a solution for the safety and
    security aspects stated above.

    More and more tools are available, many are open source, including for
    small and recent platforms. Interest in Ada keeps further increasing,
    also in the open source community, from which many exciting projects
    have been started.

    Ada Developer Room
    FOSDEM is an ideal fit for an Ada Developer Room. On the one hand,
    it gives the general open source community an opportunity to see what
    is happening in the Ada community and how Ada can help to produce
    reliable and efficient open source software. On the other hand, it
    gives open source Ada projects an opportunity to present themselves,
    get feedback and ideas, and attract participants to their project
    and collaboration between projects.

    At previous FOSDEM events, the Ada-Belgium non-profit organization
    organized successful Ada Developer Rooms, offering a full day program
    in 2006 [4], a two-day program in 2009 [5], and full day programs
    in 2012-2016 [6-10], and in 2018-2020 [11-13]. An important goal
    is to present exciting Ada technology and projects, including people
    outside the traditional Ada community. This edition is no different,
    and since it will take place online, we hope to attract people from
    all over the world.

    Call for Presentations
    We would like to schedule technical presentations, tutorials, demos,
    live performances, project status reports, discussions, etc, in the
    Ada Developer Room.

    Do you have a talk you want to give?
    Do you have a project you would like to present?
    Would you like to get more people involved with your project?

    The Ada organizers call on you to:
    - discuss and help organize the details, subscribe to the Ada-FOSDEM
    mailing list [14];
    - for bonus points, be a speaker: the Ada-FOSDEM mailing list is the
    place to be!
    - don't hesitate to propose a topic that you would like to present to
    the community, we are eager to know what you have in store for us!

    We're inviting proposals that are related to Ada software development,
    and include a technical oriented discussion. You're not limited to
    slide presentations, of course. Be creative. Propose something fun
    to share with people so they might feel some of your enthusiasm for

    Speaking slots should be 15 or 30 minutes, plus 5 or 10 minutes resp.
    for Q&A, if the same schedule as last year is followed. However, this schedule is flexible and can be modified for longer talks. For
    example, a long technical talk can be transformed into a 45 minutes
    talk, plus time for Q&A. Depending on interest, we might also have a
    session with lightning presentations (e.g. 5 minutes each), and/or an informal discussion session.

    Note that all talks will be streamed live (audio+video) and should
    be prerecorded. After the streaming of the talk, a live Q&A session
    will take place. By submitting a proposal, you agree to being
    recorded and streamed. You also agree that the contents of your talk
    will be published under the same license as all FOSDEM content, a
    Creative Commons (CC-BY) license.

    Submission Guidelines
    Your proposal must be submitted to the FOSDEM Pentabarf system [15].
    If you already had an account from previous years, please, reuse it.
    If, for whatever reason, you cannot use Pentabarf, you can also
    submit your proposal by messaging the Ada-FOSDEM mailing list [14].
    If needed, feel free to contact us at the Ada-FOSDEM Mailing list or
    at <irvise (at) irvise.xyz> (without spaces).

    Please include:
    - your name, affiliation, contact info;
    - the title of your talk (be descriptive and creative);
    - a short descriptive and attractive abstract;
    - potentially pointers to more information;
    - a short bio and photo.

    See programs of previous Ada DevRooms (URLs below) for presentation
    examples, as well as for the kind of info we need.

    Here is the slightly flexible schedule that we will follow:
    - December 26, 2021: end of the submission period. Remember, we only
    need the information in the list above. You do not have to submit
    the entire talk by this date. Try to submit your proposal as early
    as possible. It is better to submit half of the details early than
    all late, so do not wait for the last minute. If you are a bit
    late, submit it to Pentabarf and message <irvise (at) irvise.xyz>
    - December 31, 2021 - January 2, 2022: announcement of accepted talks.
    - January 15, 2022: your talk should be recorded and uploaded to the
    Pentabarf platform.
    - February 6, 2022: Ada-Devroom day!

    We look forward to lots of feedback and proposals!


    The Ada-FOSDEM team
    Main organiser: Fernando Oleo Blanco <irvise (at) irvise.xyz>
    Second in command: Ludovic Brenta <ludovic (at) ludovic-brenta.org>


    [1] http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium
    [2] http://www.ada-europe.org
    [3] https://fosdem.org
    [14] http://listserv.cc.kuleuven.be/archives/adafosdem.html [15] https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM22

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