• GNAT Community 2021 and PolyORB: Can't find source for a-sttebu.ali

    From =?UTF-8?B?RnJhbmsgSsO4cmdlbiBKw7hyZ@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 7 02:41:33 2021

    I installed GNAT Community 2021 64bit via MinGW32 (I sense an inconsistensy here but this is what I did for GNAT2020 and and REAME in PolyORBS says to use MinGW32...) in Windows 10 Pro

    Installation went ok after the usual messing with wrong paths and missing Python :)
    When I compile a normal, Non-DSA program with GtkAda it works fine.

    When I compile the bank application in the PolyORB or my own DSA application I get an error referring to a-sttebu.ali which I suspect is something new in GNAT 2021 to handle the improved 'Img functionality in Ada 202X.

    I am guessing that the issue here is that the PolyORB is not up to date with GNAT 2021 compiler, or have I missed something in installation?

    C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank>po_gnatdist simcity.cfg C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list polyorb.ali -Ppolyorb -s -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gprbuild.exe simcity_monolithic_app.adb -c -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -margs -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    [Ada] simcity_monolithic_app.adb
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list simcity_monolithic_app.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list a-sttebu.ali client.ali manager.ali polyorb.ali polyorb-dsa_p.ali polyorb-dsa_p-partitions.ali server.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    Can't find source for a-sttebu.ali
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe compile C:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb -gnatc -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -margs -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    gprbuild: "c:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb" was not found in the sources of any project
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list a-sttebu.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    Can't find source for a-sttebu.ali
    po_gnatdist: failed to load ALI for C:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb
    po_gnatdist: *** can't continue


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jesper Quorning@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 7 08:38:21 2021
    søndag den 7. november 2021 kl. 11.41.35 UTC+1 skrev Frank Jørgen Jørgensen:
    When I compile the bank application in the PolyORB or my own DSA application I get an error referring to a-sttebu.ali which I suspect is something new in GNAT 2021 to handle the improved 'Img functionality in Ada 202X.

    a-sttebu.ali is the package Ada.Strings.Text_Buffers (.ali), which is a recent invention [1].
    It is not part of FSF 10.3.0 or FSF 11.2.0.

    I am guessing that the issue here is that the PolyORB is not up to date with GNAT 2021 compiler, or have I missed something in installation?
    I do not know why it is needed by your application.


    [1] https://learn-staging.adacore.com/courses/ada_2022_whats_new/chapters/image_redefine.html#

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon Wright@21:1/5 to Jesper Quorning on Mon Nov 8 09:04:06 2021
    Jesper Quorning <jesper.quorning@gmail.com> writes:

    [1] https://learn-staging.adacore.com/courses/ada_2022_whats_new/chapters/image_redefine.html#

    Most of us can't see this (but looking forward!).

    In the meantime, see the 202x ARM A.4.12: http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/2xrm/html/RM-A-4-12.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel Norte Moraes@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 30 11:25:49 2021
    Em domingo, 7 de novembro de 2021 às 07:41:35 UTC-3, Frank Jørgen Jørgensen escreveu:

    I installed GNAT Community 2021 64bit via MinGW32 (I sense an inconsistensy here but this is what I did for GNAT2020 and and REAME in PolyORBS says to use MinGW32...) in Windows 10 Pro

    Installation went ok after the usual messing with wrong paths and missing Python :)
    When I compile a normal, Non-DSA program with GtkAda it works fine.

    When I compile the bank application in the PolyORB or my own DSA application I get an error referring to a-sttebu.ali which I suspect is something new in GNAT 2021 to handle the improved 'Img functionality in Ada 202X.

    I am guessing that the issue here is that the PolyORB is not up to date with GNAT 2021 compiler, or have I missed something in installation?

    C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank>po_gnatdist simcity.cfg C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list polyorb.ali -Ppolyorb -s -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gprbuild.exe simcity_monolithic_app.adb -c -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -margs -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    [Ada] simcity_monolithic_app.adb
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list simcity_monolithic_app.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list a-sttebu.ali client.ali manager.ali polyorb.ali polyorb-dsa_p.ali polyorb-dsa_p-partitions.ali server.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    Can't find source for a-sttebu.ali
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe compile C:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb -gnatc -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -margs -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    gprbuild: "c:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb" was not found in the sources of any project
    C:\GNAT\2021\bin\gnat.exe list a-sttebu.ali -V -P C:\Ada\Git\PolyORB\examples\dsa\bank\dsa\i686-pc-mingw32\simcity_dist_app.gpr -aPC:\GNAT\2021\lib\gnat
    Can't find source for a-sttebu.ali
    po_gnatdist: failed to load ALI for C:/gnat/2021/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/10.3.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.adb
    po_gnatdist: *** can't continue


    Hi! I use it (ada 202x) with gnat switch '-gnat2020' in command line. gcc-11.2 and gcc-12

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rod Kay@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 23 20:06:49 2023
    On 7/11/21 21:41, Frank Jørgen Jørgensen wrote:

    When I compile the bank application in the PolyORB or my own DSA application I get an error referring to a-sttebu.ali which I suspect is something new in GNAT 2021 to handle the improved 'Img functionality in Ada 202X.

    I encountered the exact same problem today, except on arch linux,
    rather than windows.

    After much stabbing in the dark, the chase for several wild gueese,
    playing option roulette and moving files around, I found this
    'workaround' ...

    In the folder from which po_gnatdist is invoked ...

    $ cp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13.2.1/adainclude/a-sttebu.ads .

    $ mkdir --parents dsa/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/obj

    $ cp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13.2.1/adalib/a-sttebu.ali dsa/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/obj/

    Obviously, this is only a temporary fix. I'll try to send a bug
    report to the polyorb issues area on github and hope the problem is able
    to be resolved by the experts.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)