• Announce: AdaStudio-2021 release 01/10/2021 free edition

    From Leonid Dulman@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 1 22:31:52 2021
    I'm please to announce AdaStudio-2021 new release,
    based on Qt-6.2.0-everywhere Qt 6.2.0 opensource without qtwebengine,extended with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgraphicaleffects qtlocation qtgamepad qtspeech qtx11extras qtwinextras
    Qt 6 is new long time project and I hope to add qtwebengine in next releases.

    Qt6ada version 6.2.0 open source and qt6base.dll ,qt6ext.dll (win64),libqt6base.so,libqt6txt.so(x86-64) built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 x64 Windows, gcc x86-64 in Linux.

    Package tested with gnat gpl 2020 ada compiler in Windows 64bit , Linux x86-64 Debian 10.4
    Qt-6.2.0 everywhere opensource prebuilt binaries for win64 and amd64 are included into AdaStudio-2021

    AdaStudio-2021 includes next modules : qt6ada,vtkada,qt6avada,qt6cvada and voice recognizer.

    Qt6Ada is built under  GNU GPLv3 license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.

    Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) is available from
    Google drive https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2QuZLoe-yiPbmNQRl83M1dTRVE&usp=sharing (It can be mounted as virtual drive with ExpandDrive (https://www.expandrive.com/download-expandrive/)), go to Adastudio directory and load index.html to browser.

    Directory is
    AdaStudio - root
    qt6ada - qt6ada components
    qt-6.2win64.tar.bz2 - Qt-6.2.0 win64 prebuilt
    qt-6.2amd64.tar.bz2 - Qt-6.2.0 x86-64 prebuilt
    qt6adademos.tar.bz2 - qt6ada demos
    qt6adasrc.tar.bz2 - qt6ada packages
    qt6adawin64.tar.bz2 - qt6ada win64 binaries
    qt6adax86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6ada x86-64 binaries

    qtavada - qt6avada components
    qt5avadasrc.tar.bz2 - qt6avada packages(qt5avada packages)
    qt6avadademos.tar.bz2 - qt6avada demos
    qt6avadawin64.tar.bz2 - qt6avada win64 binaries
    qt6avadax86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6avada win64 binaries

    qtopencvada - qt6opencvada componenets
    opencv_4.5.2.win64.tar.bz2 - OpenCV 4.5.2 win64 prebuilt
    opencv_4.5.2.x86-64.tar.bz2 - OpenCV 4.5.2 x86-64 prebuilt
    qt6opencvadademos.tar.bz2 - qt6opencvada demos
    qt6opencvadasrc.tar.bz2 - qt6opencvada packages
    qt6opencvadawin64.tar.bz2 - qt6opencvada win64 binaries
    qt6opencvadax86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6opencvada x86-64 binaries

    voicerecognizer - qt6ada voicerecognizer components
    qt6speech2textwin64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada win64 binries
    qt6speech2textx86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada x86-64 binries
    speech2textdemo.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada demos
    speech2textsrc.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada packages

    vtkada - vtk6ada componenets
    vtk-9.0.0.win64.tar.bz2 - VTK 9.0 win64 prebuilt
    vtk9.0.x86-64.tar.bz2 - VTK 9.0 x86-64 prebuilt
    vtkada9qt6.tar.bz2 - VTK 9.0 Qt6 modules prebuilt
    vtkadademo.tar.bz2 - vtkada demos
    vtkadasrc.tar.bz2 - vtkada packages
    vtkadawin64.tar.bz2 - vtkada win64 binaries
    vtkadax86-64.tar.bz2 - vtkada x86-64 binaries

    The full list of released classes is in "Qt6 classes to Qt6Ada packages relation table.docx" 

    If you have any problems or questions, tell me know.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 2 16:00:50 2021
    Hi Leonid,

    I have been following your work for a few years. I like the Qt ecosystem
    (even with their change of heart) and very specially VTK. Thank you for
    your work. I hope to use it in the future for my projects.

    I first wanted to say that the webpage that is indicated on your CV and
    where QtAda has been living is unreachable. Google says it has been
    blocked since it is suspicious. Do you receive the same message? [https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/adastudio.html]

    Qt6Ada is built under  GNU GPLv3 license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.

    Is it GPLv3 or LGPLv3? I am asking since you mention GPLv3 but link LGPLv3.

    Once again, thank you for maintaining this lovely software suite!

    Fernando Oleo Blanco

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ldries46@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 4 13:11:24 2021
    Op 2-10-2021 om 16:00 schreef Fernando Oleo Blanco:
    Hi Leonid,

    I have been following your work for a few years. I like the Qt
    ecosystem (even with their change of heart) and very specially VTK.
    Thank you for your work. I hope to use it in the future for my projects.

    I first wanted to say that the webpage that is indicated on your CV
    and where QtAda has been living is unreachable. Google says it has
    been blocked since it is suspicious. Do you receive the same message? [https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/adastudio.html]
    I get the same problem. Is there perhaps another way to reach this item.
    I cannot say that it is google but I have tried it in windows 10 and in

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dennis Lee Bieber@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 4 11:42:54 2021
    On Mon, 4 Oct 2021 13:11:24 +0200, ldries46 <bertus.dries@planet.nl>
    declaimed the following:

    I get the same problem. Is there perhaps another way to reach this item.
    I cannot say that it is google but I have tried it in windows 10 and in >Android

    Given that my attempt just now display the blocked message but also showed the hosting company's menu at the bottom of the page (and I could navigate its options)... I'd suspect it is the hosting company that is
    doing the blocking.

    Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
    wlfraed@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ldries46@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 5 08:06:58 2021
    Op 4-10-2021 om 17:42 schreef Dennis Lee Bieber:

    Given that my attempt just now display the blocked message but also showed the hosting company's menu at the bottom of the page (and I could navigate its options)... I'd suspect it is the hosting company that is
    doing the blocking.

    I have seen that but it gives me no possibility to enter the site. So
    Leonid please create a better way to enter that site.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Manuel Gomez@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 5 20:46:12 2021
    Am 2/10/21 um 16:00 schrieb Fernando Oleo Blanco:
    Hi Leonid,

    I have been following your work for a few years. I like the Qt ecosystem (even with their change of heart) and very specially VTK. Thank you for
    your work. I hope to use it in the future for my projects.

    I first wanted to say that the webpage that is indicated on your CV and
    where QtAda has been living is unreachable. Google says it has been
    blocked since it is suspicious. Do you receive the same message? [https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/adastudio.html]

    Qt6Ada is built under  GNU GPLv3 license

    Is it GPLv3 or LGPLv3? I am asking since you mention GPLv3 but link LGPLv3.

    Once again, thank you for maintaining this lovely software suite!

    Hi Leonid,

    Last time I checked qt5ada I was surprised by the fact that it doesn't
    include the source code for the C intermediate layer that you are using
    to import the Qt classes (libqtc.so), and after a quick check now, I
    think it is still not included. I don't know if this is an intended
    omission or an oversight, but in any case, if you want to distribute it
    as open source and under the GPL or LGPL licenses, you have to
    distribute all the sources, so anyone can recompile the library and use
    their own compilation. I am not a lawyer, but it seems that you are
    infringing the license with your own distribution of your binding.

    If this cannot be solved, I wouldn't recommend using this library. It's unfortunate, because works like yours are highly needed in the Ada

    Best regards

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas ZEURCHER@21:1/5 to Manuel Gomez on Tue Oct 5 20:14:30 2021
    On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 1:46:15 PM UTC-5, Manuel Gomez wrote:
    Am 2/10/21 um 16:00 schrieb Fernando Oleo Blanco:
    Hi Leonid,

    I have been following your work for a few years. I like the Qt ecosystem (even with their change of heart) and very specially VTK. Thank you for your work. I hope to use it in the future for my projects.

    I first wanted to say that the webpage that is indicated on your CV and where QtAda has been living is unreachable. Google says it has been blocked since it is suspicious. Do you receive the same message? [https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/adastudio.html]

    Qt6Ada is built under GNU GPLv3 license

    Is it GPLv3 or LGPLv3? I am asking since you mention GPLv3 but link LGPLv3.

    Once again, thank you for maintaining this lovely software suite!

    Hi Leonid,

    Last time I checked qt5ada I was surprised by the fact that it doesn't include the source code for the C intermediate

    Generated code is not source code, as it can be regenerated from unmodified GPL-/LGPL-compliant widely-available tools. Just because it is C doesn't make it source code. C code can be generated intermediate representation too, which it appears to be in
    this case. What stops you from regenerating the intermediate C code just like Leonid does? You have the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code. Leonid has the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code. All
    seems to be quite good there.

    Now this is assuming that Leonid performs to hand editing of the generated C code. Or if Leonid modifies the generated C code with scripts that the source code for the scripts are obtainable along with (or distributed with) each release of AdaStudio, so
    that you can invoke those scripts too, just like Leonid did.

    layer that you are using
    to import the Qt classes (libqtc.so), and after a quick check now, I
    think it is still not included. I don't know if this is an intended
    omission or an oversight, but in any case, if you want to distribute it
    as open source and under the GPL or LGPL licenses, you have to
    distribute all the sources, so anyone can recompile the library and use their own compilation. I am not a lawyer, but it seems that you are infringing the license with your own distribution of your binding.

    If this cannot be solved, I wouldn't recommend using this library. It's unfortunate, because works like yours are highly needed in the Ada ecosystem.

    Best regards

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Manuel Gomez@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 6 21:06:38 2021
    Am 6/10/21 um 5:14 schrieb Andreas ZEURCHER:
    On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 1:46:15 PM UTC-5, Manuel Gomez wrote:
    Last time I checked qt5ada I was surprised by the fact that it doesn't
    include the source code for the C intermediate

    Generated code is not source code, as it can be regenerated from unmodified GPL-/LGPL-compliant widely-available tools. Just because it is C doesn't make it source code. C code can be generated intermediate representation too, which it appears to be
    in this case. What stops you from regenerating the intermediate C code just like Leonid does? You have the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code. Leonid has the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code.
    All seems to be quite good there.

    Now this is assuming that Leonid performs to hand editing of the generated C code. Or if Leonid modifies the generated C code with scripts that the source code for the scripts are obtainable along with (or distributed with) each release of AdaStudio,
    so that you can invoke those scripts too, just like Leonid did.

    That is only moving the question one step away, since then you could
    formulate it as 'where are the source scripts and/or instructions to
    generate the intermediate C library'. Intermediate meaning here: layer
    between Ada and the Qt C++ libraries. I wasn't assuming that there is
    something wrong with the distribution, only that there's an issue that
    needs clarification. Please note that this is not quick and unjustified criticism, it comes from my failed attempt to use this binding with the
    Qt libraries provided by Ubuntu (see [1]), which is one of the basic
    freedoms granted by the GPL and LGPL, and restated by Qt as:

    The user is allowed to change and re-link the library used in the
    application or device [2]

    [1] https://github.com/ohenley/qt5ada/issues/1
    [2] https://www.qt.io/licensing/open-source-lgpl-obligations

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 6 23:28:33 2021

    I have been playing today with qt5ada and I think I can shed some light
    on the issue.

    The Ada sources that call the Qt procedures are in the AdaStudio/qt5ada/qt5adasrc.tar.bz2 file. That is the source file. There
    are no C files there. That library contains all of the Ada wrapper.

    However, that is indeed not enough to use it. It requires a fully
    functional Qt5 installation (and a very complete one, with bells and
    whistles). The binaries are provided in the other *.tar.bz2 files
    (except the demos file). There is also the qt5adax86-64.tar.bz2 file
    which weights about 6Mb. That seems to be the relevant file to build
    qt5ada from source in Linux. It comes with different files to setup the
    file structure and environment. I must admit, I have not tried to build
    it with the provided files in qt5adax86-64.tar.bz2

    These "build files" expect you to have a Qt5 installation in your local /usr/local folder. I suppose that is where the qt5.15x86-64.tar.bz2
    comes into place, after all, it should unpack in the directory written
    in the environment file.

    Of course, the question is: where are the instructions to build this all
    from source? The short answer is in the document "How to use
    Qt5Ada.docx" that is present in AdaStudio/qt5ada. That sheds more light
    into the procedure. But it still expects you to use the precompiled Qt5
    binary. And, I must be honest, it is not clear and easy to follow, you
    need to adapt the generic instructions to what is on your system...

    Then the question becomes: "How can I build _everything_ from source?
    Specially with the system provided libraries, such as the system
    provided Qt5." Well... That is not so simple. I understand why Leonid
    has set up things this way. Correctly setting the compiler flags and directories for system installed libraries is a nightmare. I tried to
    compile qt5ada with my system provided Qt5 (OpenSUSE Tumbleweed), it is
    not trivial _at all_. There can be problems with the Qt5 version, there
    can be problems with the plugins, compiler flags, etc. Can it be done?
    Most likely, but it will require some elbow grease. There is a reason to
    why most Qt projects use CMAKE to build and link themselves; because it
    is not an easy task.

    So I would say that the instructions need to be cleaner and that in its
    current state, there is only one easy solution to building qt5ada, and
    it requires the binaries provided. But I would also say that all the
    source files needed are in there. The prebuilt Qt5 binary seems to be
    the standard unmodified Qt5 distribution, so no surprises there. And
    that a lot of extra work would be needed to make qt5ada work seamlessly
    with the system provided libraries.

    Fernando Oleo Blanco

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas ZEURCHER@21:1/5 to Manuel Gomez on Thu Oct 7 07:44:48 2021
    On Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 2:06:41 PM UTC-5, Manuel Gomez wrote:
    Am 6/10/21 um 5:14 schrieb Andreas ZEURCHER:
    On Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 1:46:15 PM UTC-5, Manuel Gomez wrote:
    Last time I checked qt5ada I was surprised by the fact that it doesn't
    include the source code for the C intermediate

    Generated code is not source code, as it can be regenerated from unmodified GPL-/LGPL-compliant widely-available tools. Just because it is C doesn't make it source code. C code can be generated intermediate representation too, which it appears to be
    in this case. What stops you from regenerating the intermediate C code just like Leonid does? You have the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code. Leonid has the widely-available tools with source code to generate the C code. All
    seems to be quite good there.

    Now this is assuming that Leonid performs to hand editing of the generated C code. Or if Leonid modifies the generated C code with scripts that the source code for the scripts are obtainable along with (or distributed with) each release of AdaStudio,
    so that you can invoke those scripts too, just like Leonid did.
    That is only moving the question one step away, since then you could formulate it as 'where are the source scripts and/or instructions to generate the intermediate C library'. Intermediate meaning here: layer between Ada and the Qt C++ libraries. I wasn't assuming that there is something wrong with the distribution,

    You seem to be making a crystal-clear claim that the distribution of AdaStudio is omitting either hand-modified C code or Leonid's scripts from which the C code was somehow generated or post-generation manipulated, either in its post-generation
    manipulations of the C code via scripts or in its build scripts themselves. Leonid would most certainly find it useful where your ability to utilize AdaStudio failed due to inability to regenerate the intermediate-representation C code, because that is
    either exposing his undistributed hand modifications (in seeming violation of the license) or that is exposing his undistributed scripts (in seeming violation of the license) or your incorrect utilization of the build environment of AdaStudio that is
    causing perfectly functioning perfectly legal-abiding C code generation to go awry. Did you raise an official support-ticket/issue request with Leonid about your build problems regarding the intermediate-representation C code?

    only that there's an issue that
    needs clarification. Please note that this is not quick and unjustified criticism, it comes from my failed attempt to use this binding with the
    Qt libraries provided by Ubuntu (see [1]), which is one of the basic freedoms granted by the GPL and LGPL, and restated by Qt as:

    The user is allowed to change and re-link the library used in the
    application or device [2]

    [1] https://github.com/ohenley/qt5ada/issues/1
    [2] https://www.qt.io/licensing/open-source-lgpl-obligations

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)