• Ann: Qplt

    From Jeffrey R.Carter@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 2 17:49:20 2023
    I have created Qplt (Quick Plot), and Ada-GUI program to quickly produce a plot of a data set, and make it publicly available in hopes that it might prove useful. The program automatically selects axis ranges and tick intervals. The user may select whether points, lines, or both are plotted, and supply a title and axis labels.

    Qplt is available at



    Jeff Carter
    "People called Romanes, they go the house?"
    Monty Python's Life of Brian

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 4 09:10:30 2023
    Hi Jeffrey,
    downloaded QPlt, Ada_GUI, PragmARC, linked OK
    (with many warnings "-gnatyOr", -- overriding indicators, casing as in declaration).

    Tried to run according to your README.md.

    Result for any attempt the same:

    C:\Path...\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig>qplt np qplt_sine.txt
    Ada GUI :1.0
    Application root :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ Executable at :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ HTML root :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ Upload directory :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ Templates root :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ /js at :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ /css at :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ /img at :C:\Users\Grein\Documents\Christoph\Ada-Libraries\Qplot\Orig\ Boot file :boot.html
    HTTP listen on :localhost:8080
    Singleton application.
    Press Ctrl-C to close server.
    2023-06-04 17:58:45.03 : HTTP Server Started
    2023-06-04 17:58:46.17 : Requested: Kind: FILE, File: , Query:
    2023-06-04 17:58:46.17 : Reply: Not found

    And browser window says:
    No file "" found

    What am I missing? Do I have to put QPlt in the same directory as Ada_GUI? Christoph

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeffrey R.Carter@21:1/5 to AdaMagica on Sun Jun 4 20:12:41 2023
    On 2023-06-04 18:10, AdaMagica wrote:

    downloaded QPlt, Ada_GUI, PragmARC, linked OK
    2023-06-04 17:58:46.17 : Requested: Kind: FILE, File: , Query:
    2023-06-04 17:58:46.17 : Reply: Not found

    And browser window says:
    No file "" found

    What am I missing? Do I have to put QPlt in the same directory as Ada_GUI?

    As the Readme for Ada GUI says, "The Test directory contains boot.html, boot.js,
    and jquery.min.js. These files must be available to every Ada-GUI program." (https://github.com/jrcarter/Ada_GUI/blob/master/README.md) Typically you put a copy of these in any working directory from which you run an Ada-GUI program.

    I guess I thought that anyone not already familiar with Ada GUI would install and test it first before using it to build Qplt, and in the process become aware
    of this. Silly me.

    Jeff Carter
    "It is the German who is so uncourteous to his verbs."
    A Scandal in Bohemia

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 5 02:09:27 2023
    Thanx Jeff, works now.
    Should be written in the README.md.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)