• Ada Monthly Meetup 2023

    From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 14:27:07 2023
    Hi all,

    this message contains the final time of the meeting, connection details
    and other info.

    The (first!) Ada Monthly Meetup will take place this Saturday 3rd of
    June at 13:00 UTC Time. That corresponds to 15:00 CET (Central European
    Time: Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome...).

    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is https://meet.jit.si/2023AdaMonthlyMeetupJune The room name is "2023AdaMonthlyMeetupJune" and in case it asks for a password, it will
    be set to "first".
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.


    No one proposed any topics, but that is fine as **this first meeting
    will not be recorded.** I will record it for internal testing and to see
    how it works, but it will not be published.

    Having no talks will allow us, the community, to discuss any technical
    issues and comments that may help improve the experience of the monthly
    meetup. However, I will give a short introduction and share my ideas at
    the beginning :) Someone could also propose a topic for the next meetup too.

    If I forgot something, please, point it out so that any issues can get
    patched out.

    Best regards,

    P.S: I, Fer, will post this over at the C.L.A and Ada-Lang.io. Feel free
    to repost this to Reddit, Gitter/Matrix, Telegram or any other channels!
    The more people know about this, the better (I hope).

    P.P.S: this if for C.L.A only. The main thread was named "Ada Monthly
    Meetup Proposal". However, as this is no longer a proposal, but the
    actual thing, I am creating a new thread. For more information, please,
    refer to the aforementioned thread!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dirk Craeynest@21:1/5 to irvise_ml@irvise.xyz on Thu Jun 1 09:58:34 2023
    Fernando Oleo Blanco <irvise_ml@irvise.xyz> wrote:
    P.S: I, Fer, will post this over at the C.L.A and Ada-Lang.io. Feel free
    to repost this to Reddit, Gitter/Matrix, Telegram or any other channels!
    The more people know about this, the better (I hope).

    Reposted to all Ada-Belgium members. HTH

    Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be (for Ada-Belgium/Ada-Europe/SIGAda/WG9)

    +-------------/ Home: http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium |Ada-Belgium / E-mail: ada-belgium-board@cs.kuleuven.be
    +-----------/ Maillist: ada-belgium[-info]-request@ls.kuleuven.be

    * 27th Ada-Europe Int. Conf. Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2023)
    * June 13-16, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, www.ada-europe.org/conference2023

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 28 17:38:18 2023
    Hi all,

    this message contains the final time of the meeting, connection details
    and other info.

    The first “official” Ada Monthly Meetup will take place this Saturday,
    1st of July, at 13:00 UTC Time. That corresponds to 15:00 CET (Central
    European Time: Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Rome…).

    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is
    https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.


    No one proposed any topics, but there was a proposal that I quite liked!
    An Ada user told me they would like for people to present themselves
    with a brief introduction so that listeners and other new users could
    tell who is who. I think this is a great idea as that allows the
    community to get closer together, know who is who and what they work on
    and have a better understanding of the speakers and their background. Obviously, this will be optional, nobody will be forced to do this in
    any kind of way. The introductions should be short (think 30s to a
    minute) and I will be the first one to do it to help break the ice :smiley:

    If I forgot something, please, point it out so that any issues can get
    patched out.

    Notice! The link to the room has been changed to be more “universal”. So please, share it with people who received the old link. Another point is
    that the password, in case it is needed, has also changed. I sadly
    cannot block the room with a password unless a moderator in connected.
    This means that there is a very unlikely chance someone could vandalise
    the room, but I do not expect this to be a problem. Also the
    presentation will not be streamed just yet. I did not have time to test
    it but Maxim kindly agreed to help, so that will be coming down the line.

    Best regards,

    P.S: I, Fer, will post this over at the C.L.A and Ada-Lang.io . Feel
    free to repost this to Reddit, Gitter/Matrix, Telegram or any other
    channels! The more people know about this, the better (I hope).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo Blanco@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 13 21:30:10 2023
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to announce the October Ada Monthly Meetup which will be
    taking place on the 7th of October at 13:00 UTC time (15:00 CET). As
    always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. Hopefully this time I
    will not have the same amount of technical issues…

    If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so!
    I will be talking about FOSDEM, but only for a couple of minutes, since
    the dates have already been announced (the same as every year, first
    weekend of February).

    Here are the connection details from previous posts:
    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is [1]. The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.

    [1] https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup

    Best regards and see you soon!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rod Kay@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 23 20:06:51 2023
    I might give a small talk on swig4ada, if that would be of interest.

    If it's possible to request talks, I'd love to see an overview of 'Pragmarc' and 'Simple Components' by Jeffrey and Dmitry.

    I used the neural net component of Pragmarc many years ago but have
    not kept up with Pragmarcs development. Also, I've been meaning to look
    into Simple Components for quite a while.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo / Irvise@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 11 19:16:21 2023
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to announce the November Ada Monthly Meetup which will be
    taking place on the 4th of November at **14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET)**.
    As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. Hopefully this time
    I will not have the same amount of technical issues…

    If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! Streaksu, the creator of the [Ironclad](https://ironclad.cx/) kernel,
    has volunteered to give an introductory talk and demonstration of the OS :)

    Here are the connection details from previous posts:
    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is [Jitsi Meet ](https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup) The room name is
    “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.

    Best regards and see you soon!

    P.S: careful with the time! In the EU we will enter daylight savings
    time at the end of October. For that reason, I have decided to change
    the meeting to UTC 14:00h! Please, check you local timezones!

    P.P.S: the October meeting went pretty well! We had quite a few people
    and two presentations, one from Francesc, who introduced [Alice](https://github.com/alice-adventures/Alice) and Rod Kay, who
    showed his work on [SWIG4Ada](https://github.com/charlie5/swig4ada). The meeting was livestreamed to Youtube and can be watched [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pnuy663gZM) (the video
    resolution is only 360p for the time being).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo / Irvise@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 2 21:13:18 2023
    Small reminder that the meetup will take place this Saturday, in just a
    couple of days!

    See you there!

    On 10/11/23 19:16, Fernando Oleo / Irvise wrote:
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to announce the November Ada Monthly Meetup which will be
    taking place on the 4th of November at **14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET)**.
    As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. Hopefully this time
    I will not have the same amount of technical issues…

    If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so! Streaksu, the creator of the [Ironclad](https://ironclad.cx/) kernel,
    has volunteered to give an introductory talk and demonstration of the OS :)

    Here are the connection details from previous posts:
    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is [Jitsi Meet ](https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup) The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.

    Best regards and see you soon!

    P.S: careful with the time! In the EU we will enter daylight savings
    time at the end of October. For that reason, I have decided to change
    the meeting to UTC 14:00h! Please, check you local timezones!

    P.P.S: the October meeting went pretty well! We had quite a few people
    and two presentations, one from Francesc, who introduced [Alice](https://github.com/alice-adventures/Alice) and Rod Kay, who
    showed his work on [SWIG4Ada](https://github.com/charlie5/swig4ada). The meeting was livestreamed to Youtube and can be watched [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pnuy663gZM) (the video
    resolution is only 360p for the time being).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rod Kay@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 3 18:39:56 2023
    On 3/11/23 07:13, Fernando Oleo / Irvise wrote:
    Small reminder that the meetup will take place this Saturday, in just a couple of days!

    See you there!

    Looking forward to it, Fer. Ironclad sounds *very* interesting.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo / Irvise@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 13 22:19:27 2023
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to announce the December Ada Monthly Meetup which will be
    taking place on the 2nd of December at **14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET)**.
    As always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also
    be livestreamed to Youtube :)

    If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so!
    We currently have no topics ;)

    Here are the connection details from previous posts:
    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is [Jitsi Meet](https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup) The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.

    Best regards and see you soon!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo / Irvise@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 12 19:06:54 2024
    Hello everybody!

    I would like to announce the March (2024) Ada Monthly Meetup which will
    be taking place on the 9th of March at 14:00 UTC time (15:00 CET). As
    always the meetup will take place over at Jitsi. The Meetup will also be livestreamed to Youtube.

    If someone would like to propose a talk or a topic, feel free to do so!
    We currently have no topics :wink:

    Here are the connection details from previous posts:
    The meetup will take place over at Jitsi, a conferencing software that
    runs on any modern browser. The link is [1]. The room name is “AdaMonthlyMeetup” and in case it asks for a password, it will be set to “AdaRules”.
    I do not want to set up a password, but in case it is needed, it will be
    the one above without the quotes. The room name is generally not needed
    as the link should take you directly there, but I want to write it down
    just in case someone needs it.

    Best regards and see you soon!

    [1] https://meet.jit.si/AdaMonthlyMeetup

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Niocl=C3=A1s_P=C3=B3l_Cai@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 15 14:00:08 2024

    It is not still 2023!

    With kind regards.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Fernando Oleo / Irvise@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 19 19:34:51 2024
    On 2/15/24 14:00, Nioclás Pól Caileán de Ghloucester wrote:

    It is not still 2023!

    With kind regards.

    Ouch! True! I will make a new thread with the reminder in the next few
    days ^^


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)