XPost: fr.comp.lang.ada, be.comp.programming
Ada-Belgium Spring 2023 Event
Sunday, May 28, 2023, 12:00-19:00
Leuven, Belgium
including at 15:00
2023 Ada-Belgium General Assembly
and at 16:00
Ada Round-Table Discussion
*** Announcement
The next Ada-Belgium event will take place on Sunday, May 28, 2023
in Leuven.
After an interruption of 3 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and
for the 13th time, Ada-Belgium organizes their "Spring Event", which
starts at noon, runs until 7pm, and includes an informal lunch, the
30th General Assembly of the organization, and a round-table discussion
on Ada-related topics the participants would like to bring up.
*** Schedule
* 12:00 welcome and getting started (please be there!)
* 12:15 informal lunch
* 15:00 Ada-Belgium General Assembly
* 16:00 Ada round-table + informal discussions
* 19:00 end
*** Participation
Everyone interested (members and non-members alike) is welcome at
any or all parts of this event.
For practical reasons registration is required. If you would like
to attend, please send an email before Thursday, May 25, 18:00,
to Dirk Craeynest <
Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be> with the subject
"Ada-Belgium Spring 2023 Event", so you can get precise directions
to the place of the meeting. Even if you already responded to the
preliminary announcement, please reconfirm your participation ASAP.
If you are interested to join Ada-Belgium, please register by
filling out the 2023 membership application form[1] and by paying the appropriate fee before the General Assembly. After payment you will
receive a receipt from our treasurer and you are considered a member
of the organization for the year 2023 with all member benefits[2]. Early enrollment ensures you receive the full Ada-Belgium membership benefits (including the Ada-Europe indirect membership benefits package).
As mentioned at earlier occasions, we have a limited stock of
documentation sets and Ada related CD-ROMs that were distributed at
previous events, as well as some back issues of the Ada User Journal[3].
These will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the
General Assembly for current and new members. (Please indicate in
the above-mentioned registration e-mail that you're interested,
so we can bring enough copies.)
*** Informal lunch
The organization will provide food and beverage to all Ada-Belgium
members. Non-members who want to participate at the lunch are also
welcome: they can choose to join the organization or pay the sum of 20
Euros per person to the Treasurer of the organization.
*** General Assembly
All Ada-Belgium members have a vote at the General Assembly, can add
items to the agenda, and can be a candidate for a position on the
Board[4]. See the separate official convocation[5] for all details.
*** Ada Round-Table Discussion
As in recent years, we plan to keep the technical part of the Spring
event informal as well. We will have a round-table discussion
on Ada-related topics the participants would like to bring up.
We invite everyone to briefly mention how they are using Ada in
their work or non-work environment, and/or what kind of Ada-related
activities they would like to embark on. We hope this might spark
some concrete ideas for new activities and collaborations.
*** Directions
To permit this more interactive and social format, the event takes
place at private premises in Leuven. As instructed above, please inform
us by e-mail if you would like to attend, and we'll provide you precise directions to the place of the meeting. Obviously, the number of
participants we can accommodate is not unlimited, so don't delay...
Looking forward to meet many of you!
Dirk Craeynest
President Ada-Belgium
We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support
of our activities: AdaCore, and KU Leuven (University of Leuven).
If you would also like to support Ada-Belgium, find out
about the extra Ada-Belgium sponsorship benefits:
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