• Rejected (legal?) program

    From Nick Foubert@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 14 09:10:10 2023
    I raised this in the ada-lang gitter channel and it was suggested that this is likely a bug, but figured I'd post here before raising a bug report just in case.

    The following example program gives me a compile error with x86-64 gnat 12.2 (can also be seen at https://ada.godbolt.org/z/45G1x9sEd)

    example.adb:70:05: error: instantiation error at line 67
    example.adb:70:05: error: "P_Formal_Type" is not a visible entity of "P_Instance"


    procedure Example is

    type E_Formal_Type is
    abstract tagged private;
    package E is end;

    type E_Actual_Type is tagged null record;

    package E_Instance is new E (E_Actual_Type);

    with package E_Formal_Pkg is new E (<>);

    type D_Formal_Type is
    new E_Formal_Pkg.E_Formal_Type with private;

    package D is end;

    type D_Actual_Type is
    new E_Actual_Type with null record;

    package D_Instance is
    new D (E_Instance, D_Actual_Type);


    with package E_Formal_Pkg is new E (<>);

    with package D_Formal_Pkg is
    new D
    (E_Formal_Pkg => E_Formal_Pkg,
    others => <>);

    type P_Formal_Type is
    new E_Formal_Pkg.E_Formal_Type with private;

    package P is end;

    type P_Actual_Type is
    new E_Actual_Type with null record;

    package P_Instance is
    new P (E_Instance, D_Instance, P_Actual_Type);

    with package E_Formal_Pkg is new E (<>);

    with package D_Formal_Pkg is
    new D (E_Formal_Pkg => E_Formal_Pkg,
    others => <>);

    with package P_Formal_Pkg is
    new P
    (E_Formal_Pkg => E_Formal_Pkg,
    D_Formal_Pkg => D_Formal_Pkg,
    others => <>);

    package Test is
    type Test_Type is
    new P_Formal_Pkg.P_Formal_Type with null record; -- Line 67
    end Test;

    package Test_Instance is -- Line 70
    new Test (E_Instance, D_Instance, P_Instance);

    end Example;


    Per ARM 12.7.10/2 I believe that should be legal?

    A slight modification as can be seen at https://ada.godbolt.org/z/4x4h4s7f5 compiles successfully.

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