• ANN: Embedded AVR Ada Setup - Linux edition

    From =?UTF-8?B?U3TDqXBoYW5lIFJpdmnDqHJl?@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 12 11:21:30 2023
    Hi all,

    Embedded AVR Ada Setup - Linux edition

    Thanks to the work of Rolf Ebert (AVR-Ada and AVR-Ada to Alire
    conversion), Fabien Chouteau and Adacore (GNAT-AVR, GNAT-AVR to Alire conversion, Alire promotion) and their friendly help, here is a tutorial
    to get the most pleasant environment to develop in Ada on 8-bit AVR
    targets under Linux.

    Based on Alire and GNAT Studio 23 it allows real-time debugging in GNAT
    Studio as if you were in a native X86_64 environment.

    This was an opportunity to get acquainted with Alire while keeping our
    usual GNAT Studio based environment, which integrates perfectly with
    Alire. Thanks to the author Alejandro R. Mosteo, who also wrote a very interesting presentation of Alire in AUJ Vol 39, Number 3, Sept 2018, P 189.

    This work is part of a more general desire to empower the Ada community
    with respect to the defunct GNAT CE. We therefore adhere to this new
    policy of Adacore. Between this new direction, the arrival of Alire, the availability of many Crates, the first successes of the community in
    building GNAT Studio independently, the arrival of Rust which is good
    for the visibility of our favorite language, Ada is certainly entering a
    new era :)

    https://github.com/sowebio/adam-doc (GNAT Studio & project example
    additional files)


    Feedback and criticism are welcome.

    Stéphane Rivière
    Ile d'Oléron - France

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