• 2-dimensional view on 1 dimensional array

    From Marek@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 23 14:31:22 2022
    Assume we have:

    type T is private;
    type T_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased T;
    type T_Array_Access is access all T_Array;
    package Buffers is

    type Row_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased

    type Row_Array_Access is access all Row_Array;

    type Buffer is tagged
    Raw_Buffer : T_Array_Access := null;
    Rows_Table : Row_Array_Access := null;
    Rows : Natural := 0;
    Columns : Natural := 0;
    Step : Integer := 0;
    Max_Rows : Natural := 0;
    end record;

    procedure Init
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Buffer : T_Array_Access;
    Rows : Natural;
    Columns : Natural;
    Step : Integer);

    procedure Set_Value
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Value : T);

    end Buffers;


    with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

    package body Buffers is

    type T_Access is access all T;

    -- Init --

    procedure Init
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Buffer : T_Array_Access;
    Rows : Natural;
    Columns : Natural;
    Step : Integer)
    procedure Free is
    new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Row_Array, Row_Array_Access);

    Row_Index : Integer := 0;
    This.Raw_Buffer := Buffer;
    This.Rows := Rows;
    This.Columns := Columns;
    This.Step := Step;

    if Rows > This.Max_Rows then
    if This.Rows_Table /= null then
    Free (This.Rows_Table);
    end if;

    New_Rows : constant Row_Array_Access :=
    new Row_Array (0 .. Rows - 1);
    This.Rows_Table := New_Rows;
    This.Max_Rows := Rows;
    end if;

    for H in 0 .. Rows - 1 loop
    Row_Start : constant T_Access :=
    This.Raw_Buffer (Row_Index * Step)'Access;
    This.Rows_Table (H) := ... -- What code here?

    Row_Index := Row_Index + 1;
    end loop;

    end Init;

    -- Set_Value --

    procedure Set_Value
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Value : T)
    if This.Rows > 0 then
    for Y in 0 .. This.Rows - 1 loop
    Row : constant T_Array_Access := This.Rows_Table (Y);
    if This.Step > 0 then
    for X in 0 .. This.Step - 1 loop
    Row (X) := Value;
    end loop;
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    end Set_Value;

    end Buffers;

    and finally:

    with Buffers;

    procedure Test is

    type Float_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased Float;

    type Float_Array_Access is access all Float_Array;

    package Buffer_Package is
    new Buffers (Float, Float_Array, Float_Array_Access);

    use Buffer_Package;

    A : aliased Float_Array := (0 .. 99 => 0.0);
    B : Buffer_Package.Buffer;

    B.Init (A'Access, 10, 10, 10);
    B.Set_Value (10.0);
    end Test;

    Is there any possibilities to get this working?
    Idea is to have another (2 dimensional) view on 1 dimensional array. Unchecked_Conversion is not working (different sizes of objects). Address_To_Access conversion also (unconstrained array);


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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 24 03:35:36 2022
    The object X must be aliased because of the address clauses.

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 24 03:31:18 2022
    Your code looks rather ununderstandable to me.
    A quick attempt on what you claimed you are trying to do (no guarantee):


    type T is private;

    type T_Array is array (Integer range <>) of T;

    package Dim1_to_2 is

    -- type T_Array_2Dim is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of T;

    procedure Set (TA: in T_Array; Row, Num_Row, Col, Num_Col: Positive; Value: T)
    with Pre => Row in 1 .. Num_Row and Col in 1 .. Num_Col and
    Num_Row * Num_col = TA'Length;

    end Dim1_to_2;
    package body Dim1_to_2 is

    type T_Array_2Dim is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of T;

    procedure Set (TA: in T_Array; Row, Num_Row, Col, Num_Col: Positive; Value: T) is
    TA2: T_Array_2Dim (1 .. Num_Row, 1 .. Num_Col);
    for TA2'Address use TA'Address;
    if Num_Row * Num_Col /= TA'Length or
    Row not in 1 .. Num_Row or Col not in 1 .. Num_Col then
    raise Constraint_Error;
    end if;
    TA2 (Row, Col) := Value;
    end Set;

    end Dim1_to_2;
    with Dim1_to_2;

    procedure Ausprobieren is

    type A is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;

    X: aliased A (-10 .. 10) := (others => 0);

    package To_2D is new Dim1_to_2 (Integer, A);


    To_2D.Set (X, Row => 2, Num_Row => 7, Col => 1, Num_Col => 3, Value => -1);

    for V of X loop
    Put_Line (V'Image);
    end loop;

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 25 04:05:57 2022
    Also interesting: The array is an in-parameter. You get a variable view with the overlay. Clever Gnat gives you a warning. Don't know what other cmpilers say.

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  • From J-P. Rosen@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 25 14:57:15 2022
    Le 23/10/2022 à 14:31, Marek a écrit :
           type T is private;
           type T_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased T;
           type T_Array_Access is access all T_Array;
        package Buffers is

           type Row_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased T_Array_Access;

           type Row_Array_Access is access all Row_Array;
    Here I see a pointer to an array of pointers to an array whose
    components can pointed to...
    That's too much for my small head ( (c) Hoare)
    Can you explain what you try to accomplish?

    J-P. Rosen
    2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
    https://www.adalog.fr https://www.adacontrol.fr

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  • From Jeffrey R.Carter@21:1/5 to J-P. Rosen on Tue Oct 25 17:53:21 2022
    On 2022-10-25 14:57, J-P. Rosen wrote:
    That's too much for my small head ( (c) Hoare)

    I am familiar with the Dijkstra quote, "I have a very small head and I had better learn to live with it". Did Hoare say something along those lines, too?

    Jeff Carter
    "[Many] programmers do not use [languages with
    automatic run-time checks] because 'They're not
    efficient.' (Presumably this means that it is
    vital to get the wrong answers quickly.)"
    Elements of Programming Style

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  • From Marek@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 25 18:59:14 2022
    I want just to know if it is possible to make different "view" on 1
    dimensional array. And of course I meant not 2-dimensional array but
    array of arrays. Reason for that is that I want to use slicing on that view.

    Ok, here is full specification:

    type T is private;
    type T_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased T;
    type T_Array_Access is access all T_Array;
    package Buffers is

    type Row_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased

    type Row_Array_Access is access all Row_Array;

    type Buffer is tagged
    Raw_Buffer : T_Array_Access := null;
    Rows_Table : Row_Array_Access := null;
    Rows : Natural := 0;
    Columns : Natural := 0;
    Step : Integer := 0;
    Max_Rows : Natural := 0;
    end record;

    procedure Init
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Buffer : T_Array_Access;
    Rows : Natural;
    Columns : Natural;
    Step : Integer);

    procedure Set_Value
    (This : in out Buffer;
    Value : T);

    function Get_Buffer
    (This : Rendering_Buffer)
    return T_Array_Access
    is (This.Buffer);

    function Get_Rows_Table
    (This : Rendering_Buffer)
    return Row_Array_Access
    is (This.Rows);

    function Get_Columns
    (This : Rendering_Buffer)
    return Natural
    is (This.Columns);

    function Get_Rows
    (This : Rendering_Buffer)
    return Natural
    is (This.Rows);

    function Get_Step
    (This : Rendering_Buffer)
    return Integer
    is (This.Step);

    function Move_Start
    (This : Rendering_Buffer;
    Col_Offset : Natural;
    Row_Offset : Natural)
    return T_Array_Access;

    function Row
    (This : Rendering_Buffer;
    R : Natural)
    return T_Array_Access;

    procedure Copy_From
    (This : in out Rendering_Buffer;
    Source : Rendering_Buffer);

    end Buffers;

    I consider this package to be a kind of template that I can apply to the
    raw data and get what it expects. That is why I am using access types.
    I know this is very C-ish but...

    thank you for your answers everybody
    p.s. Be aware that this group is read not only by software engineers. Carpenters may also happen ... :)

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  • From J-P. Rosen@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 25 21:55:33 2022
    Le 25/10/2022 à 17:53, Jeffrey R.Carter a écrit :
    I am familiar with the Dijkstra quote, "I have a very small head and I
    had better learn to live with it". Did Hoare say something along those
    lines, too?
    My confusion, must be Dijkstra. But that's the quote I wanted...

    J-P. Rosen
    2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
    https://www.adalog.fr https://www.adacontrol.fr

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  • From J-P. Rosen@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 26 10:57:53 2022
    Le 25/10/2022 à 18:59, Marek a écrit :
    I want just to know if it is possible to make different "view" on 1 dimensional array. And of course I meant not 2-dimensional array but
    array of arrays. Reason for that is that I want to use slicing on that
    Any one dimensional array can be sliced. If you have an (1 dimensional)
    array of arrays, it can be sliced, as well as any of its components.
    Still puzzled about what you want to achieve (and the depth of your pointers-to-pointers-to-pointers....)

    J-P. Rosen
    2 rue du Docteur Lombard, 92441 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX
    https://www.adalog.fr https://www.adacontrol.fr

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  • From AdaMagica@21:1/5 to ficorax@gmail.com on Wed Oct 26 08:08:36 2022
    ficorax@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2022 um 18:59:15 UTC+2:
    I want just to know if it is possible to make different "view" on 1 dimensional array. And of course I meant not 2-dimensional array but
    array of arrays. Reason for that is that I want to use slicing on that view.

    Ok, here is full specification:
    type T is private;
    type T_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased T;
    type T_Array_Access is access all T_Array;
    package Buffers is

    and so on ununderstandably.
    Have you ever heard of something like comments? Or more fundamentally, of design? This is just a lump of code fragments hurting my brain.

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