• Announce: AdaStudio-2022 release 01/10/2022 free edition

    From Leonid Dulman@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 1 00:19:44 2022
    I'm pleased to announce AdaStudio-2022 .
    It based on Qt-6.4.0-everywhere opensource (expanded with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgraphicaleffects qtgamepad qtx11extras qtwinextras),VTK-9.2.0,FFMPEG-5.1.1,OpenCV-4.6.0,SDL2-2.24.0,MDK-SDK(wang-bin)
    Qt6ada version 6.4.0 open source and qt6base.dll ,qt6ext.dll (win64),libqt6base.so,libqt6txt.so(x86-64) built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 x64 Windows, gcc amd64 in Linux.
    Package tested with gnat gpl 2020 ada compiler in Windows 64bit , Linux amd64 Debian 11.2
    AdaStudio-2022 includes next modules : qt6ada,vtkada,qt6mdkada,qt6cvada(face recognition, QRcode detector,BARcode detection and others ) and voice recognizer.
    Qt6Ada is built under  GNU LGPLv3 license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
    Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) are available from
    Google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2QuZLoe-yiPbmNQRl83M1dTRVE?resourcekey=0-b-M35gZhynB6-LOQww33Tg&usp=sharing
    WebPage is https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/index.html Directories tree is
    AdaStudio – root
    Prebuilt - Qt-6.4.0, VTK-9.2.0, FFMPEG-5.1.1,Opencv-4.6.0,SDL2-2.24.0,MDK-SDK
    Win64 - prebuilt for Windows x64
    qt-6.4.0win64.tar.xz - Qt-6.4.0
    vtk-9.2.0win64.tar.xz - VTK-9.1.0
    ffmpeg-5.1.1win64.tar.xz - FFMPEG-5.1.1
    opencv-4.6.0win64.tar.xz - OpenCV-4.5.5
    sdl2-2.24.0win64.tar.xz - SDL2-2.0.20
    AMD64 - prebuilt binaries for Linux/Unix Desktop amd64
    qt-6.4.0amd64.tar.xz - Qt-6.4.0
    vtk-9.2.0amd64.tar.xz - VTK-9.2.0
    ffmpeg-5.1.1amd64.tar.xz - FFMPEG-5.1.1
    opencv-4.6.0amd64.tar.xz - OpenCV-4.6.0
    sdl2-2.24.0amd64.tar.xz - SDL2-2.24.0
    qt6ada - qt6ada components
    qt6adademos.tar.xz - qt6ada demos
    qt6adasrc.tar.xz - qt6ada packages
    qt6adawin64.tar.xz - qt6ada win64 binaries
    qt6adaamd64.tar.xz - qt6ada x86-64 binaries
    mdkada - qt6mdkada components
    qt-qmdk.ads - qt6mdkada package
    mdkadademos.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada demos
    mdkadawin64.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada win64 binaries
    mdkadaamd64.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada amd64 binaries
    mdk-sdk-0.16.0.tar.xz - mdk-sdk binaries win64 amd64

    qtopencvada - qt6opencvada components
    qt6opencvadademos.tar.xz - qt6opencvada demos
    qt6opencvadasrc.tar.xz - qt6opencvada packages
    qt6opencvadawin64.tar.xz - qt6opencvada win64 binaries
    qt6opencvadaamd64.tar.xz - qt6opencvada amd64 binaries

    voicerecognizer - qt6ada voicerecognizer components
    qt6speech2textwin64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada win64 binries
    qt6speech2textx86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada x86-64 binries
    speech2textdemo.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada demos
    speech2textsrc.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada packages

    vtkada - vtk9ada componenets
    vtkadademo.tar.xz - vtkada demos
    vtkadasrc.tar.xz - vtkada packages
    vtkadawin64.tar.xz - vtkada win64 binaries
    vtkadaamd64.tar.xz - vtkada amd64 binaries

    The full list of released classes is in "Qt6 classes to Qt6Ada packages relation table.pdf"
    The simple manual how to build Qt6Ada application can be readed in "How to use Qt6ada.pdf"  
    If you have any problems or questions, tell me know. Leonid(leonid.dulman@gmail.com)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 1963bib@googlemail.com@21:1/5 to leonid...@gmail.com on Sat Oct 15 07:42:39 2022
    On Saturday, 1 October 2022 at 08:19:46 UTC+1, leonid...@gmail.com wrote:
    I'm pleased to announce AdaStudio-2022 .
    It based on Qt-6.4.0-everywhere opensource (expanded with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgraphicaleffects qtgamepad qtx11extras qtwinextras),VTK-9.2.0,FFMPEG-5.1.1,OpenCV-4.6.0,SDL2-2.24.0,MDK-SDK(wang-bin)

    Tried building the examples with Qt5. Fails miserably. Too many undefines when linking. As an example, it bombs on QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo which is not surprising given that QUtlinfo is not longer exported as of qt5... apparently...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Thomas@21:1/5 to Leonid Dulman on Thu Jan 12 22:57:38 2023
    In article <ecde4dc3-eb70-4e7d-95a1-e7612f0a0ff0n@googlegroups.com>,
    Leonid Dulman <leonid.dulman@gmail.com> wrote:

    I'm pleased to announce AdaStudio-2022 .
    It based on Qt-6.4.0-everywhere opensource
    Qt6ada version 6.4.0 open source

    Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) are available from
    Google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2QuZLoe-yiPbmNQRl83M1dTRVE?resourceke

    i don't have access to Google drive.

    WebPage is https://r3fowwcolhrzycn2yzlzzw-on.drv.tw/AdaStudio/index.html


    Directories tree is

    qt6ada - qt6ada components
    qt6adademos.tar.xz - qt6ada demos
    qt6adasrc.tar.xz - qt6ada packages
    qt6adawin64.tar.xz - qt6ada win64 binaries
    qt6adaamd64.tar.xz - qt6ada x86-64 binaries

    if i understand, qt6ada is part of AdaStudio?

    i would like to have a debian package for qt6ada, not including all
    is it realistic?

    RAPID maintainer

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)