From Jeffrey R.Carter@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 4 18:16:57 2022
I've been playing with trying to create a safe-pointer type for SPARK, where SPARK doesn't know that access types are involved. So I've tried
private with Ada.Finalization;
generic -- SRC.Pointers
type Object (<>) is private;
package SRC.Pointers with SPARK_Mode
type Pointer is tagged private with
Default_Initial_Condition => Pointer.Is_Null;
function Is_Null ...
private -- SRC.Pointers
pragma SPARK_Mode (Off);
type Safe_Group;
type Name is access Safe_Group;
type Pointer is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Ptr : Name;
end record;
overriding procedure Adjust (Item : in out Pointer);
overriding procedure Finalize (Item : in out Pointer);
end SRC.Pointers;
My understanding is that SPARK will not look at the private part or the body. All proofs will assume that the operations are correct.
When I instantiate it in a SPARK unit:
package Pointers is new SRC.Pointers (Object => Fixed);
and run
gnatprove --level=4 -Psrc
I get errors such as
value Off was set for SPARK_Mode on "Adjust" at
implying that SPARK is looking at the private part of SRC.Pointers. I can work around that by putting the instantiation in an internal pkg with SPARK_Mode => Off:
package SPARK_Control with SPARK_Mode => Off
package Pointers is new SRC.Pointers (Object => Fixed);
end SPARK_Control;
package Pointers renames SPARK_Control.Pointers;
but then I get errors such as
"Pointer" is not allowed in SPARK
"Object" is not allowed in SPARK
which don't make much sense. How can I get SPARK to ignore the private part and body of SRC.Pointers?
Jeff Carter
"You cheesy lot of second-hand electric donkey-bottom biters."
Monty Python & the Holy Grail