• how to include additional path folder for eclipse with maven?

    From e.d.programmer@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 25 06:17:34 2023
    I have some jars required for my project which must be in the tomcat/lib folder; including the jdbc jar, log4j jars, and jars required for password decryption with tomcat config data source.
    I put <dependency> tags in for the public project ones with <scope>provided</scope>.
    In the pom I added the build-helper-maven-plugin with phase generate-test-sources, goal add-test-source, configuration source tag referencing a folder in the project containing all provided jars. I tried adding another execution with an add-source goal.
    Eclipse looks at this folder for compiling/validation, but if I start the eclipse tomcat server without copying the jars into the eclipse tomcat/lib directory, I get errors log4j not found.
    When I deploy, I'm copying the project's tomcat-lib jars into the integration/production tomcat/lib folder. Is there a maven way to get eclipse to see these jars for it's tomcat server without copying them into tomcat/lib?
    I am using the latest maven with eclipse 2021-06 with Java 8. The latest eclipse didn't like Java 8, but our production environment isn't allowing anything newer yet.
    Obviously we can edit the project build path property and add the folder under libraries but I'd like to be able to pull source into a new eclipse project and be able to just run it with a clean tomcat.

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