What You Need to Know About Surgical Endodontics by James L. Gutmann
Surgical endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with surgical procedures to save teeth that cannot be saved by nonsurgical root canal treatment. It is a topic that many dentists and patients may not be familiar with, but it can make a difference
in preserving natural teeth and preventing further complications.
In this article, we will review the book Surgical Endodontics by James L. Gutmann, a renowned endodontist and author of several textbooks on the subject. We will also explain what surgical endodontics is, why it is needed, what types of procedures are
available, and what to expect before, during, and after surgery.
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What is Surgical Endodontics by James L. Gutmann?
Surgical Endodontics is a book that provides a comprehensive and updated overview of the principles and techniques of surgical endodontics. It covers topics such as diagnosis, indications, contraindications, complications, instruments, materials,
anesthesia, wound healing, and postoperative care. It also includes detailed descriptions and illustrations of various surgical procedures, such as apicoectomy, root repair, root resection, hemisection, bicuspidization, intentional replantation, root
amputation, and guided tissue regeneration.
The book is intended for both endodontists and general dentists who want to learn more about surgical endodontics and improve their skills and outcomes. It is based on the latest scientific evidence and clinical experience of the author and other experts
in the field. It is also a valuable reference for dental students, residents, and educators who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of surgical endodontics.
Why is surgical endodontics needed?
Surgical endodontics is needed when nonsurgical root canal treatment alone cannot save a tooth or when it fails to resolve the infection or inflammation in the root canal system or the surrounding bone. Some of the reasons why surgical endodontics may be
indicated are:
To treat persistent or recurrent symptoms that do not respond to nonsurgical root canal treatment or retreatment.
To diagnose and treat hidden problems that cannot be detected by conventional methods, such as fractures, perforations, calcifications, or accessory canals.
To remove or repair damaged root surfaces or bone defects that affect the prognosis of the tooth.
To access areas that are difficult or impossible to reach with nonsurgical instruments or materials.
To prevent or treat complications of nonsurgical root canal treatment, such as extrusion of filling materials or instruments.
Surgical endodontics can help save teeth that would otherwise have to be extracted and replaced with artificial substitutes. It can also help prevent or reduce the risk of systemic infections or diseases that may result from untreated dental infections.
What types of surgical endodontic procedures are available?
There are many types of surgical endodontic procedures that can be performed depending on the situation and the goal of the treatment. The most common type is called an apicoectomy, which involves removing the tip of the root (apex) along with any
infected tissue and sealing the root canal with a filling material. This procedure is usually done when there is persistent infection or inflammation at the end of the root that cannot be eliminated by nonsurgical means.
Other types of surgical endodontic procedures include:
Root repair: This involves repairing defects or injuries in the root surface or canal wall that may compromise the integrity or function of the tooth.
Root resection: This involves removing part or all of a root that is diseased or damaged beyond repair.
Hemisection: This involves dividing a tooth with two roots into two separate parts and treating each part individually.
Bicuspidization: This involves splitting a tooth with two roots into two separate teeth and restoring them with crowns.
Intentional replantation: This involves extracting a tooth, performing root canal treatment outside the mouth, and replanting it back into its
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