• EasyList for Delphi and Freepascal version 1.0 is here..

    From Wisdom90@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 10 12:37:10 2020

    EasyList for Delphi and Freepascal version 1.0 is here..


    This is EasyList that is implemented with generics, EasyList looks like
    a TList because and it is implemented with an array, and it also uses my powerful Parallel Sort Library to sort the array to be able to find an
    element with a binary search. Please take a look at the demo called
    test.pas to know how to use it, also you can take a look at the source
    code of EasyList to know how it is implemented.

    When you define a variable of TEasyList with generics like the following:

    var list:TEasyList<Integer>;

    That means that the parameter of the Find() method of TEasyList (that
    uses a Binary search) must be passed as an Integer type.

    You can download my ERasyList from:


    Read more in the following about my Powerful Parallel Library that is
    used by my EasyList:

    Parallel Sort Library that supports Parallel Quicksort, Parallel
    HeapSort and Parallel MergeSort on Multicores systems.

    Parallel Sort Library uses my Thread Pool Engine and sort many array
    parts - of your array - in parallel using Quicksort or HeapSort or
    MergeSort and after that it finally merge them - with the merge()
    procedure -

    In the previous parallelsort version i have parallelized only the sort
    part, but in this new parallelsort version i have parallelized also the
    merge procedure part and it gives better performance.

    My new parallel sort algorithm has become more cache-aware, and i have
    done some benchmarks with my new parallel algorithm and it has given up
    to 5X scalability on a Quadcore when sorting strings, other than that i
    have cleaned more the code and i think my parallel Sort library has
    become a more professional and industrial parallel Sort library , you
    can be confident cause i have tested it thoroughly and no bugs have
    showed , so i hope you will be happy with my new Parallel Sort library.

    I have implemented a Parallel hybrid divide-and-conquer merge algorithm
    that performs 0.9-5.8 times better than sequential merge, on a quad-core processor, with larger arrays outperforming by over 5 times. Parallel processing combined with a hybrid algorithm approach provides a powerful
    high performance result.

    My algorithm of finding the median of Parallel merge of my Parallel Sort Library that you will find here in my website:


    Is O(log(min(|A|,|B|))), where |A| is the size of A, since the binary
    search is performed within the smaller array and is O(lgN). But this new algorithm of finding the median of parallel merge of my Parallel Sort
    Library is O(log(|A|+|B|)), which is slightly worse. With further
    optimizations the order was reduced to O(log(2*min(|A|,|B|))), which is
    better, but is 2X more work, since both arrays may have to be searched.
    All algorithms are logarithmic. Two binary searches were necessary to
    find an even split that produced two equal or nearly equal halves.
    Luckily, this part of the merge algorithm is not performance critical.
    So, more effort can be spent looking for a better split. This new
    algorithm in the parallel merge balances the recursive binary tree of
    the divide-and-conquer
    and improve the worst-case performance of parallel merge sort.

    Why are we finding the median in the parallel algorithm ?

    Here is my previous idea of finding the median that is
    O(log(min(|A|,|B|))) to understand better:

    Let's assume we want to merge sorted arrays X and Y. Select X[m] median
    element in X. Elements in X[ .. m-1] are less than or equal to X[m].
    Using binary search find index k of the first element in Y greater than
    X[m]. Thus Y[ .. k-1] are less than or equal to X[m] as well.
    Elements in X[m+1..] are greater than or equal to X[m] and Y[k .. ] are greater. So merge(X, Y) can be defined as concat(merge(X[ .. m-1], Y[ ..
    k-1]), X[m], merge(X[m+1.. ], Y[k .. ])), now we can recursively in
    parallel do merge(X[ .. m-1], Y[ .. k-1]) and merge(X[m+1 .. ], Y[k ..
    ]) and then concat results.

    Language: FPC Pascal v3.02+ / Delphi tokyo+


    Required FPC switches: -O3 -Sd

    -Sd for delphi mode....

    - Platform: Windows,Linux

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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