With the following new discovery computers and phones could run
thousands of times faster..
Prof Alan Dalton in the School of Mathematical and Physics Sciences at
the University of Sussex, said:
"We're mechanically creating kinks in a layer of graphene. It's a bit
like nano-origami.
"Using these nanomaterials will make our computer chips smaller and
faster. It is absolutely critical that this happens as computer
manufacturers are now at the limit of what they can do with traditional semiconducting technology. Ultimately, this will make our computers and
phones thousands of times faster in the future.
"This kind of technology -- "straintronics" using nanomaterials as
opposed to electronics -- allows space for more chips inside any device. Everything we want to do with computers -- to speed them up -- can be
done by crinkling graphene like this."
Dr Manoj Tripathi, Research Fellow in Nano-structured Materials at the University of Sussex and lead author on the paper, said:
"Instead of having to add foreign materials into a device, we've shown
we can create structures from graphene and other 2D materials simply by
adding deliberate kinks into the structure. By making this sort of
corrugation we can create a smart electronic component, like a
transistor, or a logic gate."
The development is a greener, more sustainable technology. Because no additional materials need to be added, and because this process works at
room temperature rather than high temperature, it uses less energy to
Read more here:
AI system optimally allocates workloads across thousands of servers to
cut costs, save energy
Read more here:
It is related to the following article, i invite you to read it:
Why Energy Is A Big And Rapidly Growing Problem For Data Centers
It’s either a breakthrough in our compute engines, or we need to get
deadly serious about doubling the number of power plants on the planet.
Read more here:
And it is related to my following thoughts, i invite you to read them:
About how to beat Moore’s Law and about Energy efficiency..
Aand now i will talk about: "How to beat Moore’s Law ?" and more about: "Energy efficiency"..
How to beat Moore’s Law ?
I think with the following discovery, Graphene can finally be used in
CPUs, and it is a scale out method, read about the following discovery
and you will notice it:
New Graphene Discovery Could Finally Punch the Gas Pedal, Drive Faster CPUs
Read more here:
The scale out method above with Graphene is very interesting, and here
is the other scale up method with multicores and parallelism:
Beating Moore’s Law: Scaling Performance for Another Half-Century
Read more here:
Also read the following:
"Also Modern programing environments contribute to the problem of
software bloat by placing ease of development and portable code above
speed or memory usage. While this is a sound business model in a
commercial environment, it does not make sense where IT resources are constrained. Languages such as Java, C-Sharp, and Python have opted for
code portability and software development speed above execution speed
and memory usage, while modern data storage and transfer standards such
as XML and JSON place flexibility and readability above efficiency.
The Army can gain significant performance improvements with existing
hardware by treating software and operating system efficiency as a key performance parameter with measurable criteria for CPU load and memory footprint. The Army should lead by making software efficiency a priority
for the applications it develops. Capability Maturity Model Integration
(CMMI) version 1.3 for development processes should be adopted across
Army organizations, with automated code analysis and profiling being
integrated into development. Additionally, the Army should shape the
operating system market by leveraging its buying power to demand a
secure, robust, and efficient operating system for devices. These
metrics should be implemented as part of the Common Operating
Environment (COE)."
And about improved Algorithms:
Hardware improvements mean little if software cannot effectively use the resources available to it. The Army should shape future software
algorithms by funding basic research on improved software algorithms to
meet its specific needs. The Army should also search for new algorithms
and techniques which can be applied to meet specific needs and develop a learning culture within its software community to disseminate this information."
Read the following:
More about Energy efficiency..
You have to be aware that parallelization of the software
can lower power consumption, and here is the formula
that permits you to calculate the power consumption of
"parallel" software programs:
Power consumption of the total cores = (The number of cores) * (
1/(Parallel speedup))^3) * (Power consumption of the single core).
Also read the following about energy efficiency:
Energy efficiency isn’t just a hardware problem. Your programming
language choices can have serious effects on the efficiency of your
energy consumption. We dive deep into what makes a programming language
energy efficient.
As the researchers discovered, the CPU-based energy consumption always represents the majority of the energy consumed.
What Pereira et. al. found wasn’t entirely surprising: speed does not
always equate energy efficiency. Compiled languages like C, C++, Rust,
and Ada ranked as some of the most energy efficient languages out there,
and Java and FreePascal are also good at Energy efficiency.
Read more here:
RAM is still expensive and slow, relative to CPUs
And "memory" usage efficiency is important for mobile devices.
So Delphi and FreePascal compilers are also still "useful" for mobile
devices, because Delphi and FreePascal are good if you are considering
time and memory or energy and memory, and the following pascal benchmark
was done with FreePascal, and the benchmark shows that C, Go and Pascal
do rather better if you’re considering languages based on time and
memory or energy and memory.
Read again here to notice it:
Using artificial intelligence to find new uses for existing medications
Read more here:
New research shows machine learning could lop a year off technology
design cycle
Read more here:
Accelerating AI computing to the speed of light
Read more here:
At a major AI research conference, one researcher laid out how existing
AI techniques might be used to analyze causal relationships in data.
Read more here:
Also read the following news:
Researchers engineer a tiny antibody capable of neutralizing the coronavirus
Read more here:
Scientists uncover potential antiviral treatment for COVID-19
Read more here:
Computer model makes strides in search for COVID-19 treatments
Read more here:
Look at this interesting video:
Are Hydrogen-Powered Cars The Future?
More about Protein Folding and more of my news..
Look at the following interesting video:
Has Protein Folding Been Solved?
And read the following news about Protein Folding:
DeepMind may just have cracked one of the grandest challenges in
biology. One that rivals the discovery of DNA’s double helix. It could
change biomedicine, drug discovery, and vaccine development forever.
Read more here:
Here is a new important discovery and more news..
Solving complex physics problems at lightning speed
"A calculation so complex that it takes twenty years to complete on a
powerful desktop computer can now be done in one hour on a regular
laptop. Physicists have now designed a new method to calculate the
properties of atomic nuclei incredibly quickly."
Read more here:
Why is MIT's new "liquid" AI a breakthrough innovation?
Read more here:
And here is Ramin Hasani, Postdoctoral Associate (he is an Iranian):
And here he is:
He is the study’s lead author of the following new study:
New ‘Liquid’ AI Learns Continuously From Its Experience of the World
Read more here:
And read the following interesting news:
Global race for artificial intelligence: the EU continues to fall behind
the leading US and China
Read more here:
And read my following news:
More precision about Metformin and COVID 19 and more..
I have just read the following study about Metformin and COVID 19,
i invite you to read it:
I think that the above study was not yet precise, so it can not be
Here is the study that can be generalized for age, sex, race, obesity,
and hypertension or chronic kidney disease and heart failure:
"Use of the diabetes drug metformin -- before a diagnosis of COVID-19 --
is associated with a threefold decrease in mortality in COVID-19
patients with Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study. Diabetes is a significant comorbidity for COVID-19. This beneficial effect remained,
even after correcting for age, sex, race, obesity, and hypertension or
chronic kidney disease and heart failure.
"This beneficial effect remained, even after correcting for age, sex,
race, obesity, and hypertension or chronic kidney disease and heart
failure," said Anath Shalev, M.D., director of UAB's Comprehensive
Diabetes Center and leader of the study.
"Since similar results have now been obtained in different populations
from around the world -- including China, France and a UnitedHealthcare analysis -- this suggests that the observed reduction in mortality risk associated with metformin use in subjects with Type 2 diabetes and
COVID-19 might be generalizable," Shalev said.
After controlling for other covariates, age, sex and metformin use
emerged as independent factors affecting COVID-19-related mortality. Interestingly, even after controlling for all these other covariates,
death was significantly less likely -- with an odds ratio of 0.33 -- for
Type 2 diabetes subjects taking metformin, compared with those who did
not take metformin."
Read more here:
About Metformin and COVID 19 and more..
People who suffer from diabetes are at greater risk of death from
diseases like COVID 19. Researchers found that those taking metformin (a
cheap and popular anti-diabetes drug) are protected from COVID 19.
Future studies will have to explore how metformin might confer these
protective effects, provide a careful risk benefit assessment and
determine whether the indications for metformin treatment should be
broadened in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more here:
About Metformin and Statin and cancers..
Metformin found not to prevent prostate cancer:
Read more here:
But Metformin, Statin Combination Reduces Mortality in High-Risk
Prostate Cancer
Read more here to notice:
"Patients who received the combination also experienced a reduction in
risk for all-cause mortality (32%) and prostate cancer mortality (54%). However, metformin alone did not have any significant effects on
all-cause and prostate cancer mortality.
And notice that the longer half-lives of rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, pitavastatin, and pravastatin allow these agents to maintain a
therapeutic drug concentration over a 24-hour period and allow alternate administration times.
And taking Metformin prevents other cancers, read here to notice it:
"Indeed, observational studies with time-related biases have reported extraordinary effects of ranging from 20 to 94% reductions in the risk
of cancer (10), suggesting that metformin may be more effective at
preventing or treating cancer than preventing the cardiovascular
complications of diabetes."
And more precision about I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) and cancer..
I have just read the following article, i invite you to read it:
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts: Cancer foes
But i think that the above article is not speaking about the following
research that says the following about I3C (Indole-3-carbinol):
"In vivo studies showed that I3C inhibits the development of different
cancers in several animals when given before or in parallel to a
carcinogen. However, when I3C was given to the animals after the
carcinogen, I3C promoted carcinogenesis. This concern regarding the
long-term effects of I3C treatment on cancer risk in humans resulted in
some caution in the use of I3C as a dietary supplement in cancer
management protocols"
Read more here to notice it:
So i don't advice to take I3C(Indole-3-carbinol) as a dietary
supplement, because I3C(Indole-3-carbinol) can reduce the risk of cancer
, but still you can have cancer even if you take I3C(Indole-3-carbinol)
, so it is dangerous to take I3C(Indole-3-carbinol) because taking I3C(Indole-3-carbinol) after the carcinogen promotes carcinogenesis(read
my writing above to notice it).
Moderna's Covid vaccine appears to work against new, more infectious
variants of the pandemic virus found in the UK and South Africa, say
scientists from the US pharmaceutical company.
Read more here:
Covid: How worrying are the UK, South Africa, and Brazil coronavirus
Read more here:
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine calculated that South
Africa’s 501Y.V2 variant could be 50% more transmissible but no better
at evading immunity, or just as transmissible as previous variants but
able to evade immunity in one in five people previously infected.
Read more here:
A Language AI Is Accurately Predicting Covid-19 ‘Escape’ Mutations
Read more here:
Efficacy of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines confirmed by study
Read more here:
About science and viruses and antibiotic resistance..
As you have just noticed i think i have just posted about a smart
solution to COVID-19, read below about it, but you have to be smart
and notice that Donald Trump and republicans are not yet correctly "progressive", since i think they are lacking on wisdom of science and
they are lacking on science, this is why you have not to waste your time
with Donald Trump because i think that he is "archaism".
Now as you have noticed there is not only the problems of viruses such COVID-19, but there is also the problem of antibiotic resistance,
and i think here is a new solution to it:
With COVID exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon
Study identifies novel compound in fight against antibiotic resistance
Read more here:
And don't forget to read my below other news:
Here is more of my precision about the smart solution to the COVID-19:
Now you have to efficiently minimize the chances of the COVID-19 virus
mutating so that to avoid making the COVID-19 virus evolve enough to
render the current vaccines impotent(means powerless), so the
governments around the world have also to "force" there people to be
vaccinated quickly and they have to keep the number of cases COVID-19 efficiently down while that happens. It is i think the smart solution to COVID-19.
Read my previous writing to understand:
Here is the smart solution to the COVID-19..
I have just posted the following:
COVID-19 vaccines may not work as well against South African variant,
experts worry
Read more here:
And as you are noticing it tells you to read the following:
And you can read that the solution is the following:
"Immunizing about 60 percent of a population within about a year, and
keeping the number of cases down while that happens, will help minimize
the chances of the virus mutating significantly, Dr. Hodcroft said."
So you have to minimize the chances of the virus mutating significantly.
So the governments around the world have also to "force" there people to
be vaccinated.
Chinese scientists develop gene therapy which could delay ageing
Read more here:
How super-fast-charging batteries can help sell the transition to
electric vehicles
Read more here:
More of my philosophy of how to reduce global warming..
First i will give some numbers:
- Nuclear produces 4 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour
- Solar produces 60 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour
- Gas produces 420 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour
- Coal produces 800 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour
- Fuel produces 1500 grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour
- Fusion reactor would not burn fossil fuels and would not produce greenhouse-gas emissions
So i think that the best way to fight global warming is also to use
Fusion reactors and Electric cars and Electric vehicles and to reduce
birth rate in Africa and India and such that have high birth rates.
So read the following articles to understand:
Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is ‘Very Likely to Work,’ Studies Suggest
Read more here:
Big Oil is getting scared of electric vehicles – and so it should be
Read more here:
And Tesla’s $25,000 electric car could be coming sooner than we thought
Read more here:
And about capitalism and the positive correlation between economic
growth and environmental performance..
As an economy expands, resource usage becomes increasingly efficient and economies tend to move away from ecologically harmful behavior, while
raising the standard of living of its participants. In fact, the 2018
Yale Environmental Performance Index shows a clear positive correlation
between economic growth and environmental performance, read about it here:
Researchers create new form of cultivated meat
Read more here:
And read the following news:
Scientists figured out how to turn black holes into power sources
Read more here:
Big data analysis finds cancer's key vulnerabilities
Read more here:
Extremely energy efficient microprocessor developed using superconductors
Researchers from Yokohama National University in Japan have developed a prototype microprocessor using superconductor devices that are about 80
times more energy efficient than the state-of-the-art semiconductor
devices found in the microprocessors of today's high-performance
computing systems.
Read more here:
AI, robots and "vertical farms" integrate agriculture to produce 400
times more yield, using 95% less water and 99% less space
Read more here:
2-Acre Vertical Farm Run By AI And Robots Out-Produces 720-Acre Flat Farm
Read more here:
More about immigration and the social protection system..
I have just read the following article from United Nations:
Growing at a slower pace, world population is expected to reach 9.7
billion in 2050 and could peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100
Read more here:
So notice that it says the following:
"Falling proportion of working-age population is putting pressure on
social protection systems
The potential support ratio, which compares numbers of persons at
working ages to those over age 65, is falling around the world. In Japan
this ratio is 1.8, the lowest in the world. An additional 29 countries,
mostly in Europe and the Caribbean, already have potential support
ratios below three. By 2050, 48 countries, mostly in Europe, Northern
America, and Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, are expected to have
potential support ratios below two. These low values underscore the
potential impact of population ageing on the labour market and economic performance, as well as the fiscal pressures that many countries will
face in the coming decades as they seek to build and maintain public
systems of health care, pensions and social protection for older persons."
So this is why you have to read the following to understand more:
And I have just looked at this video of the french politician called
Jean-Marie Le Pen and he is saying in the video that with those flows of immigrants in Europe that: "La 3ème Guerre mondiale est commencée", look
at the following video to notice it:
But i think that Jean-Marie Le Pen is "not" thinking correctly, because
if Western Europe wants to keep its social benefits, the countries of
the E.U. are going to need more workers. No place in the world has an
older population that's not into baby making than Europe, read more here
on Forbes to notice it:
Here's Why Europe Really Needs More Immigrants
I have just read the following interesting article,
i invite you to read it carefully:
Does Our Survival Depend on Relentless Exponential Growth?
As you also notice that the article above says the following:
"There have concurrently been developments in agriculture and medicine
and, in the 20th century, the Green Revolution, in which Norman Borlaug
ensured that countries adopted high-yield varieties of crops—the first precursors to modern ideas of genetically engineering food to produce
better crops and more growth. The world was able to produce an
astonishing amount of food—enough, in the modern era, for ten billion people."
So i think that the world will be able to produce enough food for world population in year 2100, since around 2100, the world population will
peak at nearly 11 billions, read the following article to notice it:
Growing at a slower pace, world population is expected to reach 9.7
billion in 2050 and could peak at nearly 11 billion around 2100
Read more here:
Look at the following video:
China claims ‘quantum supremacy’ with new supercomputer | DW News
With COVID exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon
Study identifies novel compound in fight against antibiotic resistance
Read more here:
New IBM Research Means We Could Soon Train Neural Networks on a Smartphone
Read more here:
DeepMind may just have cracked one of the grandest challenges in
biology. One that rivals the discovery of DNA’s double helix. It could
change biomedicine, drug discovery, and vaccine development forever.
Read more here:
Revolutionary CRISPR-based genome editing system treatment destroys
cancer cells
Researchers have demonstrated that the CRISPR/Cas9 system is very
effective in treating metastatic cancers, a significant step on the way
to finding a cure for cancer. The researchers developed a novel lipid nanoparticle-based delivery system that specifically targets cancer
cells and destroys them by genetic manipulation. The system, called CRISPR-LNPs, carries a genetic messenger (messenger RNA), which encodes
for the CRISPR enzyme Cas9 that acts as molecular scissors that cut the
cells' DNA
Read more here:
Scientists discover the switch that makes human brown fat burn energy
Read more here:
Novel diabetes drug candidate shows promising properties in human islets
and mouse models
Researchers have discovered a new drug candidate that offers a major
advance in the treatment for diabetes. Tested on isolated human and
mouse pancreatic islets, mouse and rat cell cultures and animal models
of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the experimental drug significantly improved four detrimental characteristics of diabetes: hyperglycemia; hyperglucagonemia, elevation in the hormone glucagon; excessive
production of glucose by the liver; and fatty liver, known as hepatic steatosis.
Read more here:
Breakthrough with cancer vaccine
Read more here:
And Drug researcher develops 'fat burning' molecule
Scientists have recently identified a small mitochondrial uncoupler,
named BAM15, that decreases the body fat mass of mice without affecting
food intake and muscle mass or increasing body temperature.
Webster Santos, professor of chemistry and his colleagues have recently identified a small mitochondrial uncoupler, named BAM15, that decreases
the body fat mass of mice without affecting food intake and muscle mass
or increasing body temperature. Additionally, the molecule decreases
insulin resistance and has beneficial effects on oxidative stress and inflammation.
The findings, published in Nature Communications on May 14, 2020, hold
promise for future treatment and prevention of obesity, diabetes, and especially nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a type of fatty liver
disease that is characterized by inflammation and fat accumulation in
the liver. In the next few years, the condition is expected to become
the leading cause of liver transplants in the United States.
Read more here:
Body mass index is a more powerful risk factor for diabetes than genetics
Losing weight could prevent or even reverse diabetes, according to late breaking research presented today at ESC Congress 2020.
Read more here:
Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
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