• More about what is self-awareness and what is human smartness.. (2/3)

    From Wisdom91@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 4 11:04:06 2020
    [continued from previous message]

    violence that permits to be less individualistic and that permits to be
    more order and that permits to be more organized", so as you are
    noticing that, like in democracy and in morality, it is also extremism
    of violence that has to be avoided in a civilization and this is in
    accordance with the tendency of the essence of morality.

    Read the rest of my thoughts of my political philosophy to understand more:

    More political philosophy about morality and extremism..

    I am a white arab and i think i am smart, and today i will talk
    about morality and extremism, so first i will invite you to
    read carefully all my following thoughts of my political philosophy
    about morality:


    So if you are smart you will notice that something is happening,
    it is that we have to be aware of my thoughts of political philosophy,
    since you will notice that essence of morality is that it has a
    tendency, like democracy, of avoiding extremism, but there is a
    requirement and it is that you have to be aware of my thoughts of my
    political philosophy about morality so that you understand it, the
    essence of morality is like being "reasonable", and if we look at how
    the dictionary defines reasonable, it says the following:

    "having sound judgment; fair and sensible"

    but it is also:


    So by noticing that it is also being like "moderate", and i think
    that this moderate means that morality has to avoid to be "extremism" so
    that for it to still being called morality. So we have to be much more efficient at avoiding extremism because i think that it is the main
    problem today.

    More about the tracker..

    Being a great philosopher is like being an efficient tracker, read here
    about the tracker:


    And i think that being smart at political philosophy is like being an
    efficient tracker that finds the rules or laws or the architectural
    ideas that permit to guide people or humanity to the right and efficient
    path. I think that i am more smart at doing it.

    I give you my predictions..

    I am a white arab and i think i am more smart, so i will give you my predictions about politics: i think that we are noticing today that it
    is "extremism" that is the main problem and that is causing violence, so
    we are adapting quickly , even in USA, and we are able to measure
    morality more efficiently by knowing how to be reasonable so that to
    avoid extremism that is the main problem and that is causing violence.
    So i am very positive because it is a beautiful day in our history since
    we are becoming much more "aware" and much more efficient at avoiding extremism. So we have to be positive about politics.

    More political philosophy about politics..

    I think that doing political philosophy is a very interesting thing,
    because it permits to efficiently extract the rules and the laws that
    permit you to guide people or humanity in the right way or path, for
    example when you read my thoughts below of my political philosophy, you
    will notice that it permits you to understand why are we Democracy and
    what are the protecting walls of democracy and i am showing also
    how i am extracting the rules or the laws that permit us to be more
    efficient, it is the same for beauty, i am extracting the rules and laws
    that permit us to be more efficient by avoiding efficiently "extremism",
    also i am extracting the rules or laws that permit us to show why
    we have not to be the far-right political party or nationalism, also i
    am extracting the rules and laws of how to be a civilization etc. so as
    you are noticing political philosophy is so important.

    More political philosophy about USA and morality..

    I am very positive about USA, since you have to understand
    the power of morality so that you can understand what is
    happening in USA today, because i think that it is a beautiful day in
    our history, since we are understanding that so that to be
    this equilibrium in morality we have to know how to avoid "extremism",
    this is what is happening to USA , USA has neglected how to avoid
    efficiently extremism, so USA is noticing today that it has engendered problems, and i am positive about USA and the world,
    because i know about the essence of morality and i know that
    the most important thing today is how to avoid efficiently
    "extremism", and so that to avoid efficiently extremism you
    are seeing me talking below in my political philosophy about
    Democracy and about the far-right and about beauty and about political
    centrism and about civilization etc.

    Please read carefully my thoughts below to understand more:

    More precision about morality..

    Here is the definition of "balance" in the dictionary:

    "a state of equilibrium"

    So as you are noticing that i am logical below in my writing,
    since the state of equilibrium is also with wich we measure
    morality, and now you are understanding that since
    morality is a balance between being pure performance and
    helping others such as the weakest members of the society,
    so how do we define what is it to be this equilibrium in morality ?
    i think this equilibrium in morality is measured by
    the fact that it is "reasonable", so then if it is "extremism"
    so it is not in accordance with morality, and this can create problems
    such as violence in the world or in the society. This is why you
    are noticing that i am talking in my political philosophy below about
    beauty and about democracy and about political centrism etc. so that
    to show what is that we call political extremism.

    About political centrism..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am like a genius since
    i have invented many scalable algorithms and there implementations,
    and today i will speak about political centrism, so i will invite you
    to read the following webpage from The Atlantic :


    And read about The Atlantic here:


    I think that the above webpage From the Atlantic is not smart,
    because i think that they are not knowing how to define correctly
    political centrism, i think you have to measure political centrism by
    the essence of morality, read my following political philosophy about
    morality here to understand:


    So you will notice that in my political philosophy above that the
    essence of morality is also seeking a "balance", it is the "tendency"
    in morality, and we have to define what is seeking a balance,
    so if we look at the dictionary, it says:

    "an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright"

    So morality as i have explained in my political philosophy, it is
    also seeking a balance between being pure performance and helping others
    as the weakest members of the society, and now you are understanding you
    are understanding from my political philosophy about morality that if
    you contextualize morality by putting it in everyday reality and it
    becomes "extremism" that hurts the essence of morality so it can not be
    called morality, but we have not to be pessimistic, because we can
    notice that our civilization has become much more sophisticated so we
    have to be responsable about morality, so this is why i think that
    political centrism is in accordance with the essence of morality.

    Look at the following very interesting video:

    Democrats vs Republicans - Become a Centrist


    So as you are noticing in the video above that we have
    to seek a "balance" so that to be reasonable and rational..

    More political philosophy about globalization and nationalism..

    I am a white arab and i think i am more smart, so today i will
    talk about a very important subject about Globalization and nationalism,
    so i will invite you to look at the following video of Marine Le Pen of
    the far-right political party in France:

    Marine Le Pen explains why nationalism is important


    As you notice that Marine Le Pen is saying in french that the
    fight today is between nationalism and globalization, since
    Marine Le Pen says that globalization is a treat to national
    identity and is a treat to national sovereignty, but i think that Marine
    Le Pen is not understanding correctly globalization, since i think that nationalism is too much competition and communism and socialism is too
    much collaboration , so i think the best way is to seek like a balance
    between collaboration and competition and when we look
    at globalization you will notice that we are collaborating with others
    by for example sharing Open Source softwares or Free softwares or PhD
    papers or knowledge on internet etc, and we are also competition by not collaborating with others, and with this new kind of model we are
    noticing that we are not just one identity like being french, but we are becoming multiple identities because this kind of new model is making a
    part of us that collaborate "universal", and this is why i think that
    Marine Le Pen is not understanding correctly this new kind of model of
    like seeking a balance between competition and collaboration , and i
    think that this new model is better because it is more efficient ,
    because think this partly collaboration of this new model is good and
    more efficient for creativity, innovation, adaptability and speed of
    progress, i also think in capitalism the price of internet has gotten
    cheap and the price of computers has gotten cheap, so we are able today
    to access internet with a low price and benefit from "collaboration" and
    also sharing in internet, for example look at me, i have invented many
    scalable algorithms and i have decided to share some of them with the
    others, and it is of course collaboration , so look for example at my
    following inventions of scalable algorithms that i have shared with
    others, here they are:







    Also i have decided to not share others of my scalable algorithms and it
    is competition, so i am seeking like a balance between collaboration and competition.

    More political philosophy about beauty..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am more smart, and today i will talk
    about: Does beauty exist ? and i will start it by saying the following:

    When you are smart you will notice that you can think beauty
    systemically or think beauty individually, also by logical analogy you
    will notice that beauty can depend on the layer of abstraction, so it
    can be when you look at a thing from the outside , it looks beautiful
    and when you look at it from the inside or from the details it looks
    not beautiful, i give you an example:

    I said that Democracy has two protecting walls, first protecting wall is
    that it is better at fighting corruption(and corruption is also lack of efficiency in governing, read below to notice it), and Democracy has a
    second protecting wall that it must not be "extremism" that harms Democracy.

    So as you are noticing that the second protecting wall
    is the "tendency" that doesn't get into the details, so do we have to
    be pessimistic and say that Democracy is not beautiful ? i don't think
    so, because to understand more about beauty we have by analogy to
    compare it with my following writing about Morality:


    As you have noticed i have just said (read below) the following:

    "First you have to know how to take care of your "image" , and
    taking care of your image is also an engine that pushes you
    forward towards more perfection, but there is also my Rule of:
    "More perfection brings satisfaction" that is also an engine
    that pushes you forward towards more and more perfection,
    since also i said that this satisfaction is double satisfaction
    as i explained it to you by saying:

    "When you are preparing and cooking a beautiful Moroccan couscous and
    eating it, you will feel doubly satisfied by being satisfaction of being
    this more perfection of preparing and cooking the beautiful Moroccan
    couscous and you will also be satisfaction of eating it even if it comes
    with the "difficulty" of preparing and cooking and of learning how to
    prepare and to cook a beautiful Moroccan couscous. That's an efficient philosophy. And it is also my spirit.""

    But you have to be "smart" to understand my example above, the double satisfaction is also the intellectual or cultural satisfaction
    and the material satisfaction, because knowing how to cook
    a Moroccan couscous is intellectual or cultural and eating a
    Moroccan couscous is material. -----------------------------------------------------------------

    So as you are noticing that my Rule of: "More perfection brings
    satisfaction" comes also with the not beautiful of the effort that we
    have to be so that to be satisfaction, this is by logical analogy the
    same for Democracy, the second protecting wall of the Democracy also is
    the satisfaction of not being extremism that harms Democracy, but when
    you get into the details it can be somewhat not beautiful, but we have
    to know how to be tolerance and patience about it(read below my writing
    about Donald Trump to notice it), so now you are understanding my kind
    of philosophy about it, it looks like my following thoughts:

    And more political philosophy about money to understand more:

    When you look at the beautiful, like a beautiful moon in the night,
    you will notice that it is like a satisfaction of looking at the
    beautiful, but at the same time the moon is also a wild place and
    dangerous place, so by logical analogy, if you only work for money , it
    it is like thinking at the other side of the moon that is dangerous for
    us and that is a wild place and logically inferring that the world is
    not beautiful and that this or that thing can look beautiful but our
    world is not beautiful and that this spirit makes you like hating our
    world, but saying so and being so is like working only for money and it
    is a "corruption" of the mind, so you have to change your "perception"
    and "conception" and to think differently by adhering to my Rule of:
    "More perfection brings satisfaction", it means that more perfection
    brings a satisfaction of being more perfection, and this Rule is an
    engine that pushes you forward towards more and more perfection, and
    this is also an efficient spirit and it is also my spirit.

    Read more on my thoughts here about Morality:

    https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.culture.morocco/7UmkfURwoU4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    So to answer the question above of: Does beauty exist ? we can say that
    it is by analogy as to what i am saying below about competition and collaboration, that we have to seek a balance between collaboration and competition, it is analogically the same as beauty, since i think that
    life is a balance between the beautiful and the not beautiful, and can
    we say that life is not beautiful ? i don't think so, because we are
    getting "satisfactions" from it that prove that life is not that is not beautiful.

    And about the universality of beauty , read my following thoughts:

    Is beauty universal ?

    I will make you understand with smartness what about the following webpage:

    Look at the following webpage from BBC:

    The myth of universal beauty


    So notice in the above webpage that it is saying the following about

    "Where starvation is a risk, heavier weight is more attractive"

    So you have to understand that the above webpage from BBC is not smart,
    i will make you understand with smartness that beauty is universal,
    so if we take the following sentence of the above webpage:

    "Where starvation is a risk, heavier weight is more attractive"

    So you have to put it in the context of the above webpage, and
    understand that the way of thinking of the webpage from BBC is not
    smart, because it is saying that since in the above sentence starvation
    is a risk , so heavier weight can be more attractive, but this can be
    heavier weight that is not beautiful for the eyes, so it makes a
    conclusion that universal beauty is not universal, but this is not smart because we have not to measure beautifulness with only our eyes and say
    that heavier weight that is not beautiful for the eyes is not beautiful, because we have to measure it with smartness and say that smartness says
    that in the above sentence that heavier weight that is not beautiful for
    the eyes is beautiful for smartness because starvation is a risk, so
    then with smartness we can say that beauty is universal. So we have to
    know that that the system of reference of measure is very important, by
    logical analogy we can say that measuring beautifulness with the eyes is
    like measuring individual smartness with only genetics, but measuring beautifulness with both the eyes and smartness is like measuring
    individual smartness with both the genetical and the cultural.

    More political philosophy about proactivity of morality..

    I said below the following:


    More political philosophy about politics..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am like a genius since i have invented
    many scalable algorithms and there implementations, so i will invite
    you to look carefully at my following thoughts of my political
    philosophy about Morality:


    So if you are like a genius like me, you will notice that my philosophy
    above about Morality shows the "tendency" of the essence of Morality or Morality that is also seeking a "balance", and it doesn't get into the
    details, it is by logical analogy the same as what i am saying below
    about competition and collaboration, since i said that the best way is
    to seek a balance between competition and collaboration, and it is by
    logical analogy the same as Democracy, since Morality of Democracy
    doesn't get into the details , but Democracy shows the "tendency" that
    it must not be "extremism" that harms Democracy and Morality of
    Democracy is "not" completely purifying from evil.


    So as you are noticing i am saying the following:

    "Morality of Democracy is "not" completely purifying from evil"

    And if you are smart You will notice that i am not saying it in relative
    but "absolute"(I mean: the same in all situations), and it is truth in absolute.

    Other than that you will notice that Democracy has two protecting walls,
    first wall is that it is better at fighting corruption(and corruption is
    also lack of efficiency in governing, read below to notice it), and
    Democracy has a second protecting wall that it must not be "extremism"
    that harms Democracy. But here again you are noticing that we have to be proactive in Democracy to avoid corruption of the minds of people, and i
    have for example said the following about it:

    And more political philosophy about money to understand more:

    When you look at the beautiful, like a beautiful moon in the night,
    you will notice that it is like a satisfaction of looking at the
    beautiful, but at the same time the moon is also a wild place and
    dangerous place, so by logical analogy, if you only work for money , it
    it is like thinking at the other side of the moon that is dangerous for
    us and that is a wild place and logically inferring that the world is
    not beautiful and that this or that thing can look beautiful but our
    world is not beautiful and that this spirit makes you like hating our
    world, but saying so and being so is like working only for money and it
    is a "corruption" of the mind, so you have to change your "perception"
    and "conception" and to think differently by adhering to my Rule of:
    "More perfection brings satisfaction", it means that more perfection
    brings a satisfaction of being more perfection, and this Rule is an
    engine that pushes you forward towards more and more perfection, and
    this is also an efficient spirit and it is also my spirit. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Also you have to be proactive in Democracy by correctly educating people
    and by being Mass media that are responsable and that correctly educate

    And read my previous thoughts to understand more:

    More political philosophy about politics..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am like a genius since i have invented
    many scalable algorithms and there implementations, so i will invite
    you to look carefully at my following thoughts of my political
    philosophy about Morality:


    So if you are like a genius like me, you will notice that my philosophy
    above about Morality shows the "tendency" of the essence of Morality or Morality that is also seeking a "balance", and it doesn't get into the
    details, it is by logical analogy the same as what i am saying below
    about competition and collaboration, since i said that the best way is
    to seek a balance between competition and collaboration, and it is by
    logical analogy the same as Democracy, since Morality of Democracy
    doesn't get into the details , but Democracy shows the "tendency" that
    it must not be "extremism" that harms Democracy and Morality of
    Democracy is "not" completely purifying from evil.

    Read my following thoughts of my political philosophy to understand more:

    About more political philosophy about Democracy and the West..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am more smart, and i will
    talk today about a very important thing, and i think it is
    what we call "purifying" from evil, i think that the problem of
    the West is that it is not understanding that Democracy
    is not completely "purifying" from evil, but Democracy doesn't accept "extremism" that harms it, this is the weakness of the West, people of
    the West are not understanding Democracy of the West, and here is what
    i said about Democracy:


    More political philosophy about Democracy..

    You have to understand more deeply Democracy, since Donald Trump is not
    here to please "all" americans, but we have to know about the essence
    of Democracy, because Democracy is here because of constraints, since
    there is a characteristics in morality that is a first protecting wall
    and there is a characteristic in Democracy that is a second protecting wall(read below to notice it), but you have to understand the essence of morality and the essence of Democracy, because Democracy doesn't mean
    that it is people that choose, because it is not in accordance with the
    essence of morality that must be the King(read below to notice it),
    since Democracy has been choosen because it is a system that is better
    at avoiding corruption than dictatorship(and corruption is also lack of efficiency of governance) and Democracy is a system that tries to give a
    choice and a voice that is a right , but our "duty" in Democracy is that
    we have not to be "extremism" that harms Democracy. So this is why i
    think that Donald Trump is not extremism of neo-nazism or white
    supremacism that harms Democracy, so we have to be patience and
    tolerance that is in accordance with Democracy and Morality.


    So as you are noticing i am clearly making you understand by
    my thoughts above that Democracy is not completely purifying from evil
    and Democracy must not accept extremism that harms Democracy,
    and now you are understanding that idiologies such
    as Islamism or neo-nazism or white supremacism want like
    to completely purify from evil and they are extremism so they do harm Democracy.

    More precision about political philosophy about Democracy..

    You have to know about abstract reasoning, so when
    i am saying below that Democracy is like morality that is a diversity,
    so you have to understand that it is abstract reasoning, because
    the essence of morality is perfectioning towards absolute
    perfection, and democracy is also an acts of perfectioning, so
    a logical analogy can be made, this is why it is what we call abstract reasoning, so I think i am a white arab that is more smart, and
    i will explain more Democracy, you have to know that Democracy
    needs to advance with more and more perfection towards absolute
    perfection so that to solve all our problems, so then Democracy needs responsability from the people, and Democracy needs meritocracy , so
    then it needs capitalism, and read my following logical reasoning to
    notice it, please read it carefully and think about it deeply:

    From where people get a correct judgment in Democracy ?

    So you are noticing that to be able to be good judgment in Democracy,
    you have to be correct "Elitism" that guides people, and you have to be Meritocracy to be able to be the necessary quality or perfection, but
    then you are noticing that to be able to be Meritocracy there must be
    a reward for the merit, by for example rewarding by giving more

    Now why to be Democracy ?

    I think that we have to be more smart and notice that
    Democracy is also smart, the big benefits of democracy that it is also
    like a morality that is a diversity that prioritize by giving weights to
    some important things and processes to be able to succeed, for example
    if i ask a question of how to be less corruption ? i think
    that Democracy is an enhanced system that fights corruption
    more efficiently than dictatorship, i think this is
    understandable because to be able to "escape" a local maximum
    towards a global maximum(like in artificial intelligence) on efficiency
    of fighting corruption (and corruption also means lack of efficiency),
    we have to be able to vote for another political party that is more apt
    and more efficient at fighting corruption, this is why i think that
    democracy is better at fighting corruption, also i think that in
    democracy the governance must be a "competent" governance
    this is how we will enhance democracy to be the best.

    More political philosophy about morality..

    I think i am more smart, and i think that "confidence" is part
    of the game of being a society or humanity, so we have to know how to
    bring confidence so that the society and humanity be able to work
    correctly, and so that to bring confidence we have to know how to be the
    right tolerance and the right patience, and since also we are not all beautiful, read the following to notice it:

    Not everyone is beautiful


    So confidence must take into account this fact and be the right
    tolerance and patience that bring confidence in the system.

    And read my following thoughts of my political philosophy about


    Why Mistakes Matter in Creating A Path For Learning

    Read more here:


    More political philosophy about competition or collaboration..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am more smart, and today
    i will talk about do we have to be collaboration or competition ?
    so as you are noticing that nationalism and individualism are
    too much competition and communism and socialism are too much
    collaboration, so we have to be more smart since i think that
    the best ideology is to seek a balance between competition and
    collaboration and since this way of doing also permits us to
    avoid to be a violent society by still being good for creativity,
    innovation, adaptability and speed of progress, i also think in
    capitalism the price of internet has gotten cheap and the price of
    computers has gotten cheap, so we are able today to access internet
    with a low price and benefit from "collaboration" in internet,
    for example look at me, i have invented many scalable algorithms and i
    have decided to share some of them with the others, and
    it is of course collaboration, so look for example at my following
    inventions of scalable algorithms that i have shared with others, here
    they are:





    Also i have decided to not share others of my scalable algorithms and it
    is competition, so i am seeking like a balance between collaboration and competition.

    More political philosophy about Communism..

    There is one big problem with communism, and of communism of China, you
    can know about it by contrasting a too centralized and not too
    centralized and by logically inferring the advantages and
    disadvantages, the main problem of communism is a problem of diversity,
    and what is it to be the right diversity? and now you are understanding
    that to be more efficient and since i am thinking and writing rapidly
    and this is the constraint, i have to proceed like by proving by logical contradiction, so how can i make you feel the main problem of Communism
    of China or Communism? so by like a proof by logical contradiction i
    will ask the following: can you learn what is darkness by just looking
    and analyzing the lightness ? so now you are immediately noticing that
    we are also learning from the darkness and we are also learning from
    lightness ! so i think this diversity is necessary ! because it is right
    that we have to know how to prevent mistakes, but we are also learning
    by making mistakes ! and i say that both the way of prevention and the
    way of making mistakes are very important ! so this is the main problem
    of dictatorship of Communism, it is too centralized and it is lacking on diversity and it is thus lacking on both the way of learning by making
    mistakes and the way of prevention, and i say that in Democracy people
    has to be prepared to learn by making mistakes and by being prevention !
    i will give you an example so that you understand rapidly, read the
    following about this big problem or weakness of being too centralized of dictatorship of Communism:

    About agility and flexibility..

    We have to be more smart, so i will invite you to
    look at the following video about the Israel army:

    Why is the ISRAELI ARMY so POWERFUL? - VisualPolitik EN


    You will notice that the english person that is talking
    in the video is not "technical" about the methodology and is
    not speaking about the "inside" of the methodology,
    and the methodology of the Israel army is agility
    and flexibility that comes from the following, read my following
    posting to understand about it:

    Managing complex programs – standardize and decentralize for efficiency
    and agility

    Read more here:


    And notice that the web link above is related to the following agile methodology:

    What is agile methodology? Modern software development explained

    Read more here on InfoWorld:


    More political philosophy about civilization..

    [continued in next message]

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