Released today, the logmore2.0 patch adds the following features to
Motsognir v1.0.11:
+ New command line option '--log' allows users to specify either a log
file, or a syslog local facility number. This option is also available
as new configuration file directive 'log';
+ a directory specified on the command line is taken to be the
Gopher root;
+ standard options '--help', '--version'; plus '--license';
+ [NEW in 2.0] 'autoinfo' configuration directive: if set to 1, any
gophermap line containing no tabs is considered an "info line"
(no need for an initial 'i');
* [NEW in 2.0] plus sign '+' characters in a URL are no longer
translated to spaces by the server; if you want the old behaviour
back, just remove '-DRFC3986' from the Makefile;
! [NEW in 2.0] stricter validation on port number given in config file;
* [NEW in 2.0] changes to the build/installation process:
* the Makefile now optimizes `motsognir' for size;
+ new 'install-strip' recipe further reduces the binary's footprint;
* everything is installed under the '/usr/local' subtree, unless
otherwise directed (by setting DESTDIR and/or PREFIX);
! an existing config file will not be overwritten upon installation;
+ the paths referenced in the supplied init scripts and man page
are filled in at build time to make sure they match actual
installation paths;
* GNU Make is now required.
Gopher & WWW homepages for the logmore patch:
It's also posted today to <alt.sources> in shar format. Look for
Message-ID: <>
Dario Niedermann. Also on the Internet at:
gopher:// <>
--- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)