• Simple conversions from HTML to simple markups are disappointing

    From Luca Saiu@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 23 13:25:29 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    Disgusted by the web with its anti-features, its enormous gratuitous
    complexity and its essentially proprietary nature (the effort of re-implementing a significant component from scratch is unrealistic for
    single developers), I have recently opened Gemini and Gopher services
    on ageinghacker.net .
    I plan to publish new information on the simpler systems as well, rather
    than only on my web site.

    About existing web pages I had thought about machine-converting HTML to
    Gopher and Gemini markup, using lynx -dump along with some simple Unix
    shell scripting. The existing HTML on my web site is hand-written and
    very simple; I had at least the good taste of not using JavaScript.

    After experimenting for one day or two I have to admit that the result
    is disappointing. The conversion is unnatural and I find that at the
    same time some important information is lost (<tt> and <pre>) while some
    which is irrelevant is preserved (icons). Having out-of-line links does
    not help readability when references are numerous.

    You can find my experiment at
    , and my crude script attached to this message.

    Now, it is possible to obtain a better conversion by spending more
    effort: in particular lynx (which of course was never designed for this
    task) is inadequate in preserving markup information. It is possible to
    parse HTML instead, and start from an AST. On the other hand some fault
    lies in the HTML source document as well: The document could have used,
    for example, CSS for icons instead of <img> elements when the content
    was not significant enough to deserve translation. However some style information only encoded in CSS would be significant for translation:
    had I used CSS in the place of old-style <tt> elements, recognising “code”-type elements would have been an issue.
    My html-to-gemini or html-to-gopher conversion would need a lot of the complexity I want to avoid.

    I have come to believe that the only really practical solution is
    translating in the opposite direction: starting from a simple and clean
    markup (I would say Gemini) and from that generating other simple
    markups (Gopher) and the legacy system (HTML). This can and should
    handle relative, intra-server links.

    Luca Saiu -- http://ageinghacker.net
    I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
    matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented
    enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".

    IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKIyBXcml0dGVuIGJ5IEx1Y2EgU2FpdSAgPGh0dHA6Ly9hZ2VpbmdoYWNrZXIu bmV0PiBpbiAyMDIyLgojIFRoZSBhdXRob3IgcmVsZWFzZXMgdGhpcyBjb2RlIGludG8gdGhlIHB1 YmxpYyBkb21haW4sIHVwIHRvIHRoZSBleHRlbnQgb2YKIyB0aGUgYXBwbGljYWJsZSBsYXcuCgpz Y3JpcHRuYW1lPSQwCgp0YXJnZXRtYXJrdXA9J2dlbWluaScKIyB0YXJnZXRtYXJrdXA9J2dvcGhl cicKCiNpbnZpc2libGVjaGFyYWN0ZXI9J+KBpCcgIyBVKzIwNjQg4oCcaW52aXNpYmxlIHBsdXPi gJ0KaW52aXNpYmxlY2hhcmFjdGVyPSfigI0nICAjIFUrMjAwRCDigJx6ZXJvLXdpZHRoIGpvaW5l cuKAnQojaW52aXNpYmxlY2hhcmFjdGVyPSfigaRGT09GT09GT08nCgpjbGVhbnVwICgpCnsKICAg IGlmIHRlc3QgIiR7dGVtcG9yYXJ5ZGlyZWN0b3J5fSIgPSAnJzsgdGhlbgogICAgICAgIHRydWUg IyBEbyBub3RoaW5nLgogICAgZWxpZiAhIHRlc3QgLWQgIiR7dGVtcG9yYXJ5ZGlyZWN0b3J5fSI7 IHRoZW4KICAgICAgICBtZXNzYWdlPSJub3QgYSBkaXJlY3Rvcnk6ICR7dGVtcG9yYXJ5ZGlyZWN0 b3J5fSIKICAgICAgICB0ZW1wb3JhcnlkaXJlY3Rvcnk9JycKICAgICAgICBmYXRhbCAiJG1lc3Nh Z2UiCiAgICBlbHNlCiAgICAgICAgcm0gLXJmICIke3RlbXBvcmFyeWRpcmVjdG9yeX0iCiAgICBm aQp9CgpzdWNjZXNzICgpCnsKICAgIGNsZWFudXAKIyAgICBlY2hvICJTVUNDRVNTIgp9CgpmYXRh bCAoKQp7CiAgICBlY2hvICJGQVRBTDogJEAiCiAgICBjbGVhbnVwCiAgICBleGl0IC0xCn0KCmlt cG9zc2libGUgKCkKewogICAgZmF0YWwgJ3RoaXMgc2hvdWxkIG5ldmVyIGhhcHBlbicKfQoKc3lu b3BzaXMgKCkKewogICAgZWNobyAiU1lOT1BTSVM6ICQwIGh0bWxmaWxlIgogICAgZmF0YWwgImlu dmFsaWQgY29tbWFuZC1saW5lIGFyZ3VtZW50cyIKfQoKaWYgdGVzdCAiJCMiICE9IDE7IHRoZW4K ICAgIHN5bm9wc2lzCmZpCgpodG1sZmlsZT0iJDEiCmh0bWxmaWxlPSIkKHJlYWRsaW5rIC0tY2Fu b25pY2FsaXplICR7aHRtbGZpbGV9KSIKCmlmICEgdGVzdCAtZSAiJGh0bWxmaWxlIjsgdGhlbgog ICAgZmF0YWwgImNvdWxkIG5vdCByZWFkIGZpbGUgJGh0bWxmaWxlIgpmaQoKdGVtcG9yYXJ5ZGly ZWN0b3J5PSQobWt0ZW1wIC1kKQpjZCAiJHt0ZW1wb3JhcnlkaXJlY3Rvcnl9IgoKcGF0Y2hlZGh0 bWxmaWxlPSIke3RlbXBvcmFyeWRpcmVjdG9yeX0vcGF0Y2hlZC5odG1sIgpjYXQgIiR7aHRtbGZp bGV9IiBcCiAgICB8IHNlZCAicy9eIy8ke2ludmlzaWJsZWNoYXJhY3Rlcn0jL2ciIFwKICAgIHwg c2VkICdzLzxbIFx0XG5ccl0qaFwoMVx8Mlx8M1wpXChbXj5dKlwpPi88aFwxXDI+XGQwX1wxL2cn IFwKICAgIHwgc2VkICdzL1xkMF8xLyMvZycgXAogICAgfCBzZWQgJ3MvXGQwXzIvIyMvZycgXAog ICAgfCBzZWQgJ3MvXGQwXzMvIyMjL2cnIFwKICAgID4gIiR7cGF0Y2hlZGh0bWxmaWxlfSIKCnRl eHRmaWxlPSIke3RlbXBvcmFyeWRpcmVjdG9yeX0vdGV4dCIKTENfQUxMPSAgbHlueCBcCiAgICAg IC1kdW1wIFwKICAgICAgLWZvcmNlX2h0bWwgXAogICAgICAtdW5pcXVlX3VybHMgLWhpZGRlbmxp bmtzPW1lcmdlIFwKICAgICAgLWltYWdlX2xpbmtzIFwKICAgICAgLW5vbWFyZ2lucyBcCiAgICAg IC1kb250X3dyYXBfcHJlIFwKICAgICAgLWluZGV4PSdodHRwOi8vZm9vYmFycXV1eCcgXAogICAg ICAiJHtwYXRjaGVkaHRtbGZpbGV9IiBcCiAgICAgID4gIiR7dGV4dGZpbGV9IgoKbnVtYmVyZm9y bWF0PSclMDEwZCcKZm9ybWF0bnVtYmVyICgpCnsKICAgIHByaW50ZiAiJG51bWJlcmZvcm1hdCIg IiRAIgp9Cnplcm9lcz0kKGZvcm1hdG51bWJlciAwKQoKY3NwbGl0IC0tc3VmZml4LWZvcm1hdD0i JHtudW1iZXJmb3JtYXR9IiBcCiAgICAgICAiJHt0ZXh0ZmlsZX0iIFwKICAgICAgICcvXlJlZmVy ZW5jZXMkLycgJ3sqfScgXAogICAgICAgPCAiJGh0bWxmaWxlIiBcCiAgICAgICA+IC9kZXYvbnVs bAoKZnJhZ21lbnRubz0iJChscyB4eCogfCB3YyAtbCkiCmxhc3RmcmFnbWVudD0kKHByaW50ZiAi eHgke251bWJlcmZvcm1hdH0iICQoKCAkKGVjaG8gJHtmcmFnbWVudG5vfSB8IHNlZCAncy9eMCov LztzL14kLzAvJykgLSAxKSkpCgpwcmludGZyYWdtZW50ICgpCnsKICAgIGZyYWdtZW50PSJ4eCQo Zm9ybWF0bnVtYmVyICRAKSIKICAgICNlY2hvIFByaW50aW5nIGZyYWdtZW50ICRmcmFnbWVudAog ICAgY2F0ICIke2ZyYWdtZW50fSIKfQoKIyBQcmludCBldmVyeSBmcmFnbWVudCBidXQgdGhlIGxh c3QuCmZpbHRlcl9ub25fcmVmZXJlbmNlcyAoKQp7CiAgICBjYXNlICR0YXJnZXRtYXJrdXAgaW4K ICAgICAgICBnb3BoZXIpCiAgICAgICAgICAgIGNhdCBcCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICB8IHNlZCAi cy9eXFsvJHtpbnZpc2libGVjaGFyYWN0ZXJ9Wy9nIiBcCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICB8IGZtdCAt LXNwbGl0LW9ubHkgLS13aWR0aD0xNjA7OwogICAgICAgIGdlbWluaSkKICAgICAgICAgICAgIyBX ZSBoYXZlIGFscmVhZHkgaGFuZGxlZCBeIyBiZWZvcmUgdGhpcyBwb2ludC4KICAgICAgICAgICAg Y2F0IFwKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHwgc2VkICJzL149Pi89JHtpbnZpc2libGVjaGFyYWN0ZXJ9 Pi9nIiBcCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICB8IHNlZCAicy9cYFxgXGAvXGAke2ludmlzaWJsZWNoYXJh Y3Rlcn1cYFxgPT4vZyIKICAgICAgICAgICAgOzsKICAgICAgICAqKQogICAgICAgICAgICBpbXBv c3NpYmxlOzsKICAgIGVzYWMKfQpmb3IgaSBpbiBgc2VxIDAgJCgoJHtmcmFnbWVudG5vfSAtIDIp KWA7IGRvCiAgICBwcmludGZyYWdtZW50ICIkaSIgfCBmaWx0ZXJfbm9uX3JlZmVyZW5jZXMKZG9u ZQoKIyBQcmludCB0aGUgbGFzdCBmcmFnbWVudCwgd2l0aCB0aGUgYXBwcm9wcmlhdGUgcmVwbGFj ZW1lbnRzLgpmaWx0ZXJfcmVmZXJlbmNlcyAoKQp7CiAgICBlY2hvICIjI1JlZmVyZW5jZXMiCiAg ICAjIGNhc2UgJHRhcmdldG1hcmt1cCBpbgogICAgIyAgICAgZ29waGVyKQogICAgIyAgICAgICAg IDs7CiAgICAjICAgICBnZW1pbmkpCiAgICAjICAgICAgICAgZWNobyAiIyNSZWZlcmVuY2VzIjs7 CiAgICAjICAgICAqKQogICAgIyAgICAgICAgIGltcG9zc2libGU7OwogICAgIyAgICAgZXNhYwog ICAgd2hpbGUgcmVhZCBudW1iZXIgdXJsOyBkbwogICAgICAgIG51bWJlcj0kKGVjaG8gJG51bWJl ciB8IHNlZCAncy9cLiQvLycpCiAgICAgICAgY2FzZSAkdGFyZ2V0bWFya3VwIGluCiAgICAgICAg ICAgIGdvcGhlcikKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHRhcmdldHByZWZpeD0nJwogICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgdGFyZ2V0PSIkdXJsIgogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgaWYgZWNobyAiJHVybCIgfCBncmVwIC1x ICdeaHR0cHNcPzovLycgXAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgJiYgISBlY2hvICIkdXJsIiB8IGdy ZXAgLXEgJ15odHRwc1w/Oi8vYWdlXD9pbmdoYWNrZXJcLm5ldCc7IHRoZW4KICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICB0eXBlPSdoJwogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHRhcmdldHByZWZpeD0nVVJMOicK ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGVsaWYgZWNobyAiJHVybCIgfCBncmVwIC1xICdcLlwoaHRtbFw/XHx4 bWxcfHhodG1sXHxjc3NcfGpzXHwvXCkkJzsgdGhlbgogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHR5cGU9 JzEnCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBlbGlmIGVjaG8gIiR1cmwiIHwgZ3JlcCAtcSAnXC5cKHRlXD94 dFwpJCc7IHRoZW4KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICB0eXBlPScwJwogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ZWxpZiBlY2hvICIkdXJsIiB8IGdyZXAgLXEgJ1wuXChqcGVcP2dcfGdpZlx8cG5nXCkkJzsgdGhl bgogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHR5cGU9J0knCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBlbGlmIGVjaG8g IiR1cmwiIHwgZ3JlcCAtcSAnXC5cKHBzXHxwZGZcKSQnOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgdHlwZT0nZCcKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGVsaWYgZWNobyAiJHVybCIgfCBncmVwIC1xICdc Llwob2d2XHx3ZWJtXHxhdmlcfG1wZ1x8bXA0XHxta3ZcKSQnOyB0aGVuCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgdHlwZT0nOycgIyBNb3ZpZSBmaWxlCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBlbGlmIGVjaG8gIiR1 cmwiIHwgZ3JlcCAtcSAnXC5cKGF1XHx3YXZcfG9nZ1x8bXAzXCkkJzsgdGhlbgogICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgIHR5cGU9JzwnICMgU291bmQgZmlsZQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgZWxzZQogICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIHR5cGU9JzknICMgQmluYXJ5IGZpbGUKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGZp CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBlY2hvICJbJHt0eXBlfXxbJG51bWJlcl0gJHVybHwkdGFyZ2V0cHJl Zml4JHVybHxhZ2VpbmdoYWNrZXIubmV0fDcwXSI7OwogICAgICAgICAgICBnZW1pbmkpCiAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICBlY2hvICI9PiAkdXJsIFskbnVtYmVyXSAkdXJsIjs7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICop CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBpbXBvc3NpYmxlOzsKICAgICAgICBlc2FjCiAgICBkb25lCn0KcHJp bnRmcmFnbWVudCAkKCgke2ZyYWdtZW50bm99IC0gMSkpIFwKICAgIHwgc2VkICdzL15SZWZlcmVu Y2VzLy8nIFwKICAgIHwgZ3JlcCAtdiAnXiQnIFwKICAgIHwgZmlsdGVyX3JlZmVyZW5jZXMKCgoj IGVjaG8gIlRoZXJlIGFyZSAke2ZyYWdtZW50bm99IGZyYWdtZW50cyIKIyBlY2hvICJsYXN0ZnJh Z21lbnQgaXMgJHtsYXN0ZnJhZ21lbnR9IgojIGNhdCAke2xhc3RmcmFnbWVudH0KIyBscyAtbCBg cmVhZGxpbmsgLS1jYW5vbmljYWxpemUgLmAKIyBjYXQgeHgkemVyb2VzCiNjYXQgJHRleHRmaWxl CiMgY2F0ICR7cGF0Y2hlZGh0bWxmaWxlfQoKc3VjY2Vzcwo=

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  • From rtr@21:1/5 to Luca Saiu on Sun Jan 23 20:37:50 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 13:25:29 +0100
    Luca Saiu <luca@ageinghacker.net> wrote:


    Now, it is possible to obtain a better conversion by spending more
    effort: in particular lynx (which of course was never designed for
    this task) is inadequate in preserving markup information. It is
    possible to parse HTML instead, and start from an AST. On the other
    hand some fault lies in the HTML source document as well: The
    document could have used, for example, CSS for icons instead of <img> elements when the content was not significant enough to deserve
    translation. However some style information only encoded in CSS
    would be significant for translation: had I used CSS in the place of old-style <tt> elements, recognising “code”-type elements would have
    been an issue. My html-to-gemini or html-to-gopher conversion would
    need a lot of the complexity I want to avoid.

    I have come to believe that the only really practical solution is
    translating in the opposite direction: starting from a simple and
    clean markup (I would say Gemini) and from that generating other
    simple markups (Gopher) and the legacy system (HTML). This can and
    should handle relative, intra-server links.

    Interesting. I also do think that gemini/gopher -> html is easier to
    deal with rather than the other way around. When I was first starting to
    get into gemini I also dabbled with the idea of just converting my HTML
    pages to gemtext. I figured that it's just easier to strip everything
    of formatting and starting with plaintext and convert that gemtext.

    Granted I don't have that much posts to mess with so that probably
    played into my decision making process.

    Give them an inch and they will take a mile.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From bunburya@21:1/5 to Luca Saiu on Sun Jan 23 14:03:27 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    On 23/01/2022 12:25, Luca Saiu wrote:
    I have come to believe that the only really practical solution is
    translating in the opposite direction: starting from a simple and clean markup (I would say Gemini) and from that generating other simple
    markups (Gopher) and the legacy system (HTML). This can and should
    handle relative, intra-server links.

    I believe this is correct, because the features supported by HTML are a superset of those supported by gemtext. So going from HTML -> gemtext
    almost always results in a loss of some information, which means a
    choice must be made as to how to handle the loss of information. I
    suspect the optimal solution to the problem will depend heavily on the
    context, so it is hard to create a perfect, generalised HTML -> gemtext converter.

    Alternatively, you could consider starting in markdown, which lies
    somewhere between gemtext and HTML in terms of features. Markdown ->
    HTML is easy and commonly done. In principle, markdown -> gemtext
    suffers from the same issues as HTML -> gemtext (loss of information due
    to moving to a format with fewer supported features), but much less
    information is lost as markdown is much closer to gemtext to begin with.
    There are some tools out there already to convert from markdown to
    gemtext, such as https://pypi.org/project/md2gemini/

    I'm guessing the main thing you are missing in gemtext is inline links.
    If you start from markdown, these can be preserved perfectly when
    converting to HTML, and handled sensibly when converting to gemtext
    (there are a few common ways to do this, such as converting to
    footnotes, which the above tool supports).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Luca Saiu@21:1/5 to bunburya on Sun Jan 23 17:58:18 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    Hello bunburya.

    On 2022-01-23 at 14:03 +0000, bunburya wrote:

    In principle, markdown -> gemtext suffers from the same issues as HTML
    gemtext (loss of information due to moving to a format with fewer
    supported features), but much less information is lost as markdown is
    much closer to gemtext to begin with.


    I'm guessing the main thing you are missing in gemtext is inline links.

    To me the lack of control on preformatted text is more serious than the
    lack of inline links, possibly because of the technical topics I
    normally write about.

    Not being able to display source code clearly is a fatal flaw for me;
    and notice how Gopher is less flawed than Gemini in this sense, by
    virtue of being less abstract.

    I do not particularly mind non-inline links; in fact they may promote a
    clear style. However numbered footnote-style links obtained by
    conversion, without descriptive labels, are difficult to follow without interrupting the flow of reading: see the end of my conversion example,
    which I believe is representative in terms of clutter.


    One has to write, from the beginning, in the new “minimal markup” style.

    Incidentally I am not saying that Gemini is perfect. In fact I miss a
    comment syntax, which I would use to encode my own information
    (examples: list of keywords, tags, priority in a site-wide page map).
    But what I am thinking is a set of semantic extensions, the kind which
    Gemini is designed to prevent; that is fair.

    In the same way I also miss italic and bold -- call them “emphasis” if
    you will -- but here it might be healthy to let them go altogether.
    Part of this entire exercise is detoxing from the overabundance of
    irrelevant information. For decades I have been planning never to use
    smileys again and write text a dignified style, with meaning conveyed
    through words instead of some flashy semi-literate replacement for them.
    In the end once in a while laziness wins.

    The more I consider the issue the more I lean towards defining my own
    source format from which to machine-generate even simple formats like
    Gemini. In the longer term it would be something powerful and
    extensible, like M4 without the awful quoting mechanism. For the time
    being it can be a trivial system.

    I would keep my public site source tree, with markup files identified by
    a specific extension linking each other, along with data files such as
    images. A script would generate copies of the entire tree, with
    symbolic links where appropriate, with notes translated into Gemini,
    Gopher or HTML.

    If I get to write this tool and make it even vaguely usable by others I
    will announce it here.

    How do you, and other people here, solve the problem? Do you write
    sites accessible only to Gemini or only to Gopher?

    Thanks for the conversation.

    Luca Saiu -- http://ageinghacker.net
    I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
    matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented
    enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From meff@21:1/5 to Luca Saiu on Sun Jan 23 20:02:52 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    On 2022-01-23, Luca Saiu <luca@ageinghacker.net> wrote:
    Disgusted by the web with its anti-features, its enormous gratuitous complexity and its essentially proprietary nature (the effort of re-implementing a significant component from scratch is unrealistic for single developers), I have recently opened Gemini and Gopher services

    Hm I didn't think Jehova's Witnesses made it from the Web onto the net

    After experimenting for one day or two I have to admit that the result
    is disappointing. The conversion is unnatural and I find that at the
    same time some important information is lost (<tt> and <pre>) while some which is irrelevant is preserved (icons). Having out-of-line links does
    not help readability when references are numerous.

    Indeed it's hard to move from HTML to more "lean" markup formats when
    you are, at least somewhat, relying on the semantic information that
    HTML is providing.

    I have come to believe that the only really practical solution is
    translating in the opposite direction: starting from a simple and clean markup (I would say Gemini) and from that generating other simple
    markups (Gopher) and the legacy system (HTML). This can and should
    handle relative, intra-server links.

    HTML offers semantic information in its markup and browsers can take
    that semantic information and make sense of it. There's obviously a
    lot of conflation between visual and semantic information in HTML, but
    the semantic information present makes it hard to translate to
    non-semantic markup formats. Markdown, Gemtext, etc are mostly just
    visual formats (where the browser is usually fairly "dumb" about how
    to display the format.) It might make sense to format your information
    in a non-semantic way first and then add semantic niceities, like
    <pre> afterword.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From bunburya@21:1/5 to Luca Saiu on Mon Jan 24 21:24:14 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    On 23/01/2022 16:58, Luca Saiu wrote:
    To me the lack of control on preformatted text is more serious than the
    lack of inline links, possibly because of the technical topics I
    normally write about.

    Not being able to display source code clearly is a fatal flaw for me;
    and notice how Gopher is less flawed than Gemini in this sense, by
    virtue of being less abstract.

    What is the issue you are having with pre-formatted text? Line numbering
    and syntax highlighting are the main things that come to mind - I think
    these could be achieved on the client side, though I'm not aware of any
    client that currently does so. (I know there was some discussion of
    syntax highlighting in pre-formatted text on the mailing list a while
    ago; the majority view seemed to be that the alt text part of the
    pre-formatted text block could indicate the language, though some
    disagreed with using alt text in that way).

    How do you, and other people here, solve the problem? Do you write
    sites accessible only to Gemini or only to Gopher?

    Personally I publish only to Gemini; however, I write very little anyway (really just my gemlog, which is not updated all that often) so I don't
    claim to be any kind of example to follow.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Luca Saiu@21:1/5 to bunburya on Wed Jan 26 01:10:59 2022
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    On 2022-01-24 at 21:24 +0000, bunburya wrote:

    On 23/01/2022 16:58, Luca Saiu wrote:
    To me the lack of control on preformatted text is more serious than the
    lack of inline links, possibly because of the technical topics I
    normally write about.
    Not being able to display source code clearly is a fatal flaw for me;
    and notice how Gopher is less flawed than Gemini in this sense, by
    virtue of being less abstract.

    What is the issue you are having with pre-formatted text?

    On Gemini we have to clearly indicate what is pre-formatted and what is
    not, because the default is that whitespace can be congealed and lines
    broken and moved in order to fill paragraphs; Gopher does not do it, but
    that means that paragraphs may end up displayed too narrow or too wide
    for the client.

    If I convert from HTML my quick hack based on Lynx fails because the information on what was pre-formatted is lost. Converting *well* from
    HTML requires analysing CSS as well.

    For new text, not obtained by conversion, the Gemini solution works

    Line numbering and syntax highlighting are the main things that come
    to mind - I think these could be achieved on the client side, though
    I'm not aware of any client that currently does so.

    Yes. I am not against these features as long as line numbering does not interfere with cut-and-paste.

    (I know there was some discussion of syntax highlighting in
    pre-formatted text on the mailing list a while ago; the majority view seemed to
    be that the alt text part of the pre-formatted text block could indicate the language, though some disagreed with using alt text in that way).

    The alt text is a good feature by itself (example: this kind of
    colour-coding for different programming languages or abstraction layers: http://ageinghacker.net/projects/jitter-tutorial/ ), but in my opinion
    not very philosophically coherent with the rest of Gemini which is
    otherwise so minimalistic. And the alt text, again, lends itself to
    semantic extension.

    How do you, and other people here, solve the problem? Do you write
    sites accessible only to Gemini or only to Gopher?

    Personally I publish only to Gemini; however, I write very little
    anyway (really just my gemlog, which is not updated all that often) so
    I don't claim to be any kind of example to follow.

    I see. Thanks.

    I think I will write some simple translator to generate Gemini, Gopher
    and HTML from the same source.

    Luca Saiu -- http://ageinghacker.net

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  • From Andrea Biscuola@21:1/5 to All on Wed Mar 8 21:05:47 2023
    XPost: comp.infosystems.gemini

    Hi Luca.

    I have come to believe that the only really practical solution is
    translating in the opposite direction: starting from a simple and clean markup (I would say Gemini) and from that generating other simple
    markups (Gopher) and the legacy system (HTML). This can and should
    handle relative, intra-server links.

    This is what I do through gmi2html:


    I write my articles in gemtext and, through a script, convert the pages to
    HTML with that tool (BTW, I wrote it).

    My capsule:


    Luca Saiu -- http://ageinghacker.net
    I support everyone's freedom of mocking any opinion or belief, no
    matter how deeply held, with open disrespect and the same unrelented enthusiasm of a toddler who has just learned the word "poo".


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