I created a short overview of a selection of names of element
types of the current WHATWG HTML for myself. Maybe other people
can use it too?
Stefan Ram, 2024-04-09 13:23:
I created a short overview of a selection of names of element
types of the current WHATWG HTML for myself. Maybe other people
can use it too?
This would be easier, if you would put this list on a public accessible
URL. But what is wrong with the official documentation?
See <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#toc-semantics>
I created a short overview of a selection of names of element
types of the current WHATWG HTML for myself. Maybe other people
can use it too?
html root
head metadata collection of document
title title
meta metadata item of document
body contents of document
article composition - may start with h(n)
section section - may start with h(n)
nav navigation section
aside a tangent section
hgroup <hgroup><h(n)>heading</h(n)><p>subheading</p></hgroup>
header header for document
footer footer for document/section
address contact information for nearest article or body element
p paragraph
hr thematic break
pre preformatted ("mono") (xml:space="preserve") >code >samp >kbd blockquote long quotation
ol ordered list
ul unordered list
menu toolbar unordered list of commands
li list item
dl association list
dt association term
dd assiciation data
figure separated unit
figcaption figure caption
main main content
search UI for searching
div generic flow container
em passive emphasis
strong active emphasis
small small print
s deleted
cite work title
q a quotation
dfn term being defined
abbr abbreviation or acronym
rt ruby text
data data in attributes
time time in datetime attribute
code code ("monospaced") (use xml:space="preserve" too!)
var formal name
samp system output
kbd input (samp>kbd=inp echo, kbd>samp=inp of outp, kbd>kbd=key)
sup superscript
sub subscript
i alternate voice ("italic") (taxon/tech term, foreign text)
b attention grabbing ("bold", active) keyword, name, lede
u unarticulated (misspelled, not clearly artic.) ("underl.")
mark highlighted text
bdi bidirectional text
bdo text directionality formatting
span generic phrase container
br a line break (p>br=blank line)
wbr line break opportunity
ins inserted
del deleted
picture container for img variants
img image
iframe external content inserted
video video
audio audio
map clickable image
area image area
table table
caption table title
tbody table body
thead table head
tfoot table footer
tr table row
td table data
th table header
form a UI
label UI text (one line)
input UI input
optgroup UI options
option UI option
textarea UI text (multiple lines)
output UI output
progress UI progress bar
meter value from a range
fieldset UI group
legend fieldset legend
details hidden information
summary summary of details
dialog UI dialog
noscript for disabled scripting
slot placeholder type
I created a short overview of a selection of names of element
types of the current WHATWG HTML for myself. Maybe other people
can use it too?
These do not show short descriptions as in Stefan’s list. But there are >almost as short descriptions at >https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#elements-3
It’s not “official”, though: “This section is non-normative.”
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