• Re: How to get rid of speckles from matte finished photos?

    From CHC AVL@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 20 12:18:41 2023
    I know this is a very old thread, but I am late to the game of digitizing my old matte-finish snapshots. One thing I tried, with some success but which takes time, is a Photoshop solution: (a) open the photo in PS; (b) copy the photo to a new layer; (c)
    set that layer mode to Darken; (d) nudge the copy a couple pixels x and a couple of pixels y; (e) merge all layers to a new layer; (f) apply unsharp mask to the merged layer, relatively low amount, relatively high radius. It worked pretty good on a
    casual snapshot, not saying this would be print-worthy. - CHC

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