help with shader on emescripten
Alessio Mochi@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Mar 12 07:55:55 2021
i am trying to compile on emscripten the wireframe shader
// vertex shader
const char * strVertexShader =
"precision mediump float;"
"attribute vec4 aPosition;"
"attribute vec4 aColor;"
"attribute vec4 aNormal;"
"attribute vec3 a_barycentric;"
"uniform mat4 uNormalMatrix;"
"uniform mat4 uMvpMatrix;"
"uniform vec3 uLightColor;"
"uniform vec3 uLightDirection;"
"uniform bool uActiveColorPerMesh;"
"uniform vec4 uColorPerMesh;"
"varying vec4 vColor;"
"varying vec3 vbc;"
"void main() {"
"vbc = a_barycentric;"
"gl_Position = uMvpMatrix * aPosition;"
"vec3 normal = normalize(vec3(uNormalMatrix * aNormal));"
"float nDotL = max(dot(uLightDirection, normal), 0.0);"
"vec3 diffuse = vec3(0, 0, 0);"
"if (!uActiveColorPerMesh) { diffuse = uLightColor * aColor.rgb * nDotL; }"
"else { diffuse = uColorPerMesh.rgb * aColor.rgb * nDotL; }"
"vColor = vec4(diffuse, aColor.a);"
// fragment shader
const char *fsCode =
"precision mediump float;"
"varying vec4 vColor;"
"varying vec3 vbc;"
"const float lineWidth = 0.5;"
"float edgeFactor() {"
"vec3 d = fwidth(vbc);"
"vec3 f = step(d * lineWidth, vbc);"
"return min(min(f.x, f.y), f.z);"
"void main() {"
"gl_FragColor =vec4(min(vec3(edgeFactor()),, 1.0);"
On the desktop with qt shader compile correctly but when I try to compile on emscripten I get one error on the fragment shader
main.js:1 ------------------------------------------
main.js:1 No compiled fragment shader when at least one graphics shader is attached.
I use the canvas and rendering call directly from emscripten. Thanks in advance.
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