• Gomoku: How to always win

    From matzern123@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 14 03:50:57 2017
    torsdag 7. desember 2000 09.00.00 UTC+1 skrev Gregory A. Shimansky følgende:
    Hello here :)

    First, thanks to Stefan Monnier <foo@acm.com> for coloring gomoku for me :)
    Now, I can't call it is exactly a bug report, but I found a
    sequence of moves so you can win in 100% of times. You may consider it a
    bug report because emacs makes a mistake.

    Here we go. Let emacs always do the first move. After it if you put your X diagonally from emacs' O it puts next O near your X:

    . . . .

    . . X1 . (numbers next to O and X show the number of move)

    . O1 O2 .

    . . . .

    If you got this, you know you will win :) The only problem happens when you put your X next to emacs' O and the second O goes diagonally from your X:

    . . . .

    . . O2 . (numbers next to O and X show the number of move)

    . O1 X1 .

    . . . .

    In this situation I didn't figure the winning sequence yet.
    But let's return to the first combination. Here is the complete sequence winning sequence:

    . . O12 . . . . . . After move 8 emacs makes a big
    mistake. It places its O not next to the
    . O7 . X10 O5 . . . . three O from 3, 6 and 8 moves, but leaves
    \ an empty space. After move X9 emacs is
    . . X7 . X5 . . . . out of attacking moves so it has to defend.
    \ O10 is an attempt to break unclosed four
    . X8 O8 O6 O3 X9 O9 . . of X. X10 finishes creating two
    \ unclosed threes of X which means
    O11 . O10 . O4 X1 X11 . . you've won :)
    \ O11 - an attempt to close one of threes.
    . . . X3 O1 O2 X2 X12 . X11 - unclosed four
    O12 - attempt to close it
    . . . . X4 . X6 . . X12 - five X in a row

    What I want to say is that move 8 was a mistake. Emacs allows me to place
    my X to almost finish creating two crossing unclosed threes (which is a
    sure win if you don't make mistakes). Trying to attack it should pay more attention to how I can defend.

    Ok I am done. Just don't say I have too much free time :)

    fuck you, too complicated. Make a new one, im not satisfied

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