From to All on Sat Jan 30 00:42:33 2016
For family hope LOVE and most of all everyone who is true to Americas and brother's amd sisters mothers and fathers who have been in brokenhomes and kicked to the streets for a quest to find every part of there lives missing in there dreams mind and sol
money is matteral no use for it just some thing to separate real family and friends from fakes my all stay blessed and in mother earth and her purpose of our life here and to our faith in our father take us together to being of life and my we find
love in anothet women and bless our sols to make what life is about family love is what makes the world go around the empire is here we love our nation and my you hater eat dog food and rest in hell this is our hope and heaven so stop wit this
nongovernmental and fake jack bois out here eat dog shit and die brown is better