• Re: The philosophy of computation reformulates existing ideas on a new

    From Andy Walker@21:1/5 to olcott on Tue Oct 29 14:50:24 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 29/10/2024 13:56, olcott wrote:
    To the best of my knowledge no one besides me ever came up with the
    idea of making a simulating halt decider / emulating termination

    The /idea/ is ancient, and certainly dates back at least to the
    1970s. For a relatively informal discussion, see paragraph 3 of


    intended for second-year undergraduates and present on the web from 1996 [though then as a Nottingham University web page]. I certainly didn't
    invent the idea. The same page includes some stuff about Busy Beavers.
    You, and perhaps others, may also find some of the surrounding pages
    [linked from that one] interesting, eg the stuff about UTMs and about
    minimal computers. Again, I am not claiming credit for inventing any
    of this.

    Andy Walker, Nottingham.
    Andy's music pages: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music
    Composer of the day: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music/Composers/Pridham

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Tue Oct 29 21:17:34 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 10/29/24 10:58 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 10/29/2024 9:50 AM, Andy Walker wrote:
    On 29/10/2024 13:56, olcott wrote:
    To the best of my knowledge no one besides me ever came up with the
    idea of making a simulating halt decider / emulating termination

         The /idea/ is ancient, and certainly dates back at least to the
    1970s.  For a relatively informal discussion, see paragraph 3 of


    The word "simulate" or "UTM" or "interpret" was not there.
    Let me know what keyword to search for I have to prepare
    my house for my cancer treatment.

    Look at the third paragraph.

    Its first sentence talks about the method to use, EMULATION.

    I guess you are just admitting you can't read,

    intended for second-year undergraduates and present on the web from 1996
    [though then as a Nottingham University web page].  I certainly didn't
    invent the idea.  The same page includes some stuff about Busy Beavers.
    You, and perhaps others, may also find some of the surrounding pages
    [linked from that one] interesting, eg the stuff about UTMs and about
    minimal computers.  Again, I am not claiming credit for inventing any
    of this.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeff Barnett@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 29 21:50:05 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    T24gMTAvMjkvMjAyNCA4OjUwIEFNLCBBbmR5IFdhbGtlciB3cm90ZToNCj4gT24gMjkvMTAv MjAyNCAxMzo1Niwgb2xjb3R0IHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gVG8gdGhlIGJlc3Qgb2YgbXkga25vd2xl ZGdlIG5vIG9uZSBiZXNpZGVzIG1lIGV2ZXIgY2FtZSB1cCB3aXRoIHRoZQ0KPj4gaWRlYSBv ZiBtYWtpbmcgYSBzaW11bGF0aW5nIGhhbHQgZGVjaWRlciAvIGVtdWxhdGluZyB0ZXJtaW5h dGlvbg0KPj4gYW5hbHl6ZXIuDQo+IA0KPiAgwqDCoMKgwqBUaGUgL2lkZWEvIGlzIGFuY2ll bnQsIGFuZCBjZXJ0YWlubHkgZGF0ZXMgYmFjayBhdCBsZWFzdCB0byB0aGUNCj4gMTk3MHMu wqAgRm9yIGEgcmVsYXRpdmVseSBpbmZvcm1hbCBkaXNjdXNzaW9uLCBzZWUgcGFyYWdyYXBo IDMgb2YNCj4gDQo+ICDCoCBodHRwOi8vd3d3LmN1Ym9pZC5tZS51ay9hbncvRzEyRkNPL2xl Y3QxOC5odG1sDQo+IA0KPiBpbnRlbmRlZCBmb3Igc2Vjb25kLXllYXIgdW5kZXJncmFkdWF0 ZXMgYW5kIHByZXNlbnQgb24gdGhlIHdlYiBmcm9tIDE5OTYNCj4gW3Rob3VnaCB0aGVuIGFz IGEgTm90dGluZ2hhbSBVbml2ZXJzaXR5IHdlYiBwYWdlXS7CoCBJIGNlcnRhaW5seSBkaWRu J3QNCj4gaW52ZW50IHRoZSBpZGVhLsKgIFRoZSBzYW1lIHBhZ2UgaW5jbHVkZXMgc29tZSBz dHVmZiBhYm91dCBCdXN5IEJlYXZlcnMuDQo+IFlvdSwgYW5kIHBlcmhhcHMgb3RoZXJzLCBt YXkgYWxzbyBmaW5kIHNvbWUgb2YgdGhlIHN1cnJvdW5kaW5nIHBhZ2VzDQo+IFtsaW5rZWQg ZnJvbSB0aGF0IG9uZV0gaW50ZXJlc3RpbmcsIGVnIHRoZSBzdHVmZiBhYm91dCBVVE1zIGFu ZCBhYm91dA0KPiBtaW5pbWFsIGNvbXB1dGVycy7CoCBBZ2FpbiwgSSBhbSBub3QgY2xhaW1p bmcgY3JlZGl0IGZvciBpbnZlbnRpbmcgYW55DQo+IG9mIHRoaXMuDQoNCllvdSBtYXkgaGF2 ZSBub3RpY2VkIHRoYXQgdGhlIG1vcm9uIHJlc3BvbmRlZCB0byB5b3VyIG1lc3NhZ2UgaW4g bGVzcyANCnRoYW4gMTAgbWludXRlcy4gRG8geW91IHRoaW5rIGhlIHJlYWQgdGhlIG1hdGVy aWFsIGJlZm9yZSByZXNwb25kaW5nPyBBIA0KZ29vZCB0cm9sbCB3b3VsZCBoYXZlIHdhaXRl ZCBhIGZldyBob3VycyBiZWZvcmUgYW5zd2VyaW5nLg0KLS0gDQpKZWZmIEJhcm5ldHQNCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Walker@21:1/5 to Jeff Barnett on Wed Oct 30 11:17:45 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 30/10/2024 03:50, Jeff Barnett wrote:
    You may have noticed that the moron responded to your message in
    less than 10 minutes. Do you think he read the material before
    responding? A good troll would have waited a few hours before

    I doubt whether Peter is either a moron or a troll. Rather, as
    I have previously pointed out, he is playing "Fetch" with anyone who is prepared to play [which I am not, and nor are most other readers here].
    A troll would perpetrate a somewhat cranky idea and then sit back an
    watch everyone else argue to and fro without participating further, other
    than to stoke the fires occasionally. Peter will reply instantly to
    anyone who will reply to him. So, sadly, though less instantly, will
    several others. I suspect they are rather lonely attention seekers,
    but as I am not a psychiatrist this is not a professional opinion.

    Andy Walker, Nottingham.
    Andy's music pages: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music
    Composer of the day: www.cuboid.me.uk/andy/Music/Composers/Wolf

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Wed Oct 30 07:19:53 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 10/30/24 12:10 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 10/29/2024 10:50 PM, Jeff Barnett wrote:
    On 10/29/2024 8:50 AM, Andy Walker wrote:
    On 29/10/2024 13:56, olcott wrote:
    To the best of my knowledge no one besides me ever came up with the
    idea of making a simulating halt decider / emulating termination

         The /idea/ is ancient, and certainly dates back at least to the >>> 1970s.  For a relatively informal discussion, see paragraph 3 of


    intended for second-year undergraduates and present on the web from 1996 >>> [though then as a Nottingham University web page].  I certainly didn't
    invent the idea.  The same page includes some stuff about Busy Beavers. >>> You, and perhaps others, may also find some of the surrounding pages
    [linked from that one] interesting, eg the stuff about UTMs and about
    minimal computers.  Again, I am not claiming credit for inventing any
    of this.

    You may have noticed that the moron responded to your message in less
    than 10 minutes. Do you think he read the material before responding?
    A good troll would have waited a few hours before answering.

    Announced how I reviewed it and Richard correctly corrected me.
    It is still wrong, but for a different reason. It rejects the
    self-evident truth of this idea:

    Which just proves that you thnk LYING is ok, and that you regularly LIE
    in what you say,

    <MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 10/13/2022>
        If simulating halt decider H correctly simulates its input D
        until H correctly determines that its simulated D would never
        stop running unless aborted then

        H can abort its simulation of D and correctly report that D
        specifies a non-halting sequence of configurations.
    </MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 10/13/2022>

    Which means that if H can determine that a CORRECTLY (which to Professr
    Sipser means completely) Simulation of THIS input would not halt.

    SInce it does, (even if H doesn't do it because it wasn't programmed to)
    H could not correctly determine that it does.

    You "logic" is based on lying about what a "program" is, as you
    "program" doesn't contain all the code it uses so your hypothetical H
    can be given the "same input" that isn't actually the same,

    Sorry, you are just proving will all of this that you are nothig but a
    DAMNED LIAR that doesn't care about truth.

    Zeno could make a paradox concluding that it is impossible
    to walk across the room. Zeno was simply wrong.

    As are YOU.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Wed Oct 30 19:35:42 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 10/30/24 8:26 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 10/30/2024 6:17 AM, Andy Walker wrote:
    On 30/10/2024 03:50, Jeff Barnett wrote:
    You may have noticed that the moron responded to your message in
    less than 10 minutes. Do you think he read the material before
    responding? A good troll would have waited a few hours before

         I doubt whether Peter is either a moron or a troll.  Rather, as >> I have previously pointed out, he is playing "Fetch" with anyone who is
    prepared to play [which I am not, and nor are most other readers here].
    A troll would perpetrate a somewhat cranky idea and then sit back an
    watch everyone else argue to and fro without participating further, other
    than to stoke the fires occasionally.  Peter will reply instantly to
    anyone who will reply to him.  So, sadly, though less instantly, will
    several others.  I suspect they are rather lonely attention seekers,
    but as I am not a psychiatrist this is not a professional opinion.

    void DDD()

    *That people fail to agree with this and also fail to*
    *correctly point out any error seems to indicate dishonestly*
    *or lack of technical competence*

    DDD emulated by HHH according to the semantics of the x86
    language cannot possibly reach its own "return" instruction
    whether or not any HHH ever aborts its emulation of DDD.

    But only if HHH does follow the sematantics, which mean it never aborts.

    Since that isn't the HHH that you have provided, all you have done is
    proved that you believe that lies are appropriate in logic, and you
    think it is ok to assume the existance of non-existent things.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Sat Nov 16 10:28:04 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 11/16/24 9:57 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 11/16/2024 3:16 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-15 23:43:02 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/15/2024 3:19 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-14 23:53:38 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/14/2024 3:09 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-13 23:11:30 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/13/2024 4:58 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-12 13:58:03 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/12/2024 1:12 AM, joes wrote:
    Am Mon, 11 Nov 2024 10:35:57 -0600 schrieb olcott:
    On 11/11/2024 10:25 AM, joes wrote:
    Am Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:58:02 -0600 schrieb olcott:
    On 11/11/2024 4:54 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-09 14:36:07 +0000, olcott said:
    On 11/9/2024 7:53 AM, Mikko wrote:

    The actual computation itself does involve HHH emulating >>>>>>>>>>>>> itself
    emulating DDD. To simply pretend that this does not occur >>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
    Which is what you are doing: you pretend that DDD calls some >>>>>>>>>>>> other HHH
    that doesn’t abort.
    DDD emulated by HHH does not reach its "return" instruction >>>>>>>>>>> final halt
    state whether HHH aborts its emulation or not.
    When DDD calls a simulator that aborts, that simulator returns >>>>>>>>>> to DDD,
    which then halts.

    It is not the same DDD as the DDD under test.

    If the DDD under the test is not the same as DDD then the test >>>>>>>> is performed incorrectly and the test result is not valid.

    The DDD under test IS THE INPUT DDD

    I agree that there is only one DDD but above you said otherwise.

    That is a ridiculously stupid thing to say because we
    already know that DDD emulated by HHH emulates itself
    emulating DDD and DDD emulated by HHH1 *DOES NOT DO THAT*

    You are free to laugh if you think the truth is stupid.

    This is my life's only legacy that I really want to complete
    before I die.

    What does that "This" mean?

    https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/369971402_Simulating_Termination_Analyzer_H_is_Not_Fooled_by_Pathological_Input_D

    Which just shows you are a hypocrite, as you don't go to the axioms, or accepted truths of the system.

    and my work on generic undecidability showing that:
    (⊢ is to be construed as applying truth preserving
     operations to the LHS deriving the RHS)

    Incomplete(L) ≡  ∃x ∈ Language(L) ((L ⊬ x) ∧ (L ⊬ ¬x))
    *never has been correct it has always actually been this*
    ¬TruthBearer(L,x) ≡ ∃x ∈ Language(L) ((L ⊬ x) ∧ (L ⊬ ¬x))

    True(L,x) ≡ Haskell_Curry_Elementary_Theorems(L) □ x
    x is a necessary consequence of the expressions of the
    language of L that have been stipulated to be true.

    False(L,x) ≡ Haskell_Curry_Elementary_Theorems(L) □ ~x
    ~x is a necessary consequence of the expressions of the
    language of L that have been stipulated to be true.

    The above provides the basis for LLM AI systems to
    distinguish facts from fictions.

    Nope, as LLM don't do "Logic", but just pattern matching.

    That the provability operator has been replaced
    with the necessity operator seems to require semantic
    relevance. This prevents logic from diverging from
    correct reasoning in many different ways such as
    the principle of explosion.

    Which just shows that you don't undetstand that problem.

    Provability is about KNOWLEDGE, we can KNOW something because we have
    proved it.

    We can not know if something meets "necessity", which allows for an
    infinite number of steps, unless we can find a finite sequence that we
    can see.

    There are many classical problem which we know that they must be True or
    False, as the form of the problem doesn't allow something in between,
    either it is true for ALL Numbers, or there is a number that it breaks
    for, or there is a highest number that satisfies something or there
    isn't, but whose truth hasn't been provable yet, and they might NEVER be actually provable because the ONLY way to establish that truth is to
    check EVERY POSSIBLE NUMBER out of the infinite set, and that operation
    is impossible to complete.

    All you are doing is showing that your don't understand the fundamental
    basics of how logic works, and just blindly assume to your determent
    that you can just "tweek" some definitions and everything will be the
    same except you eliminate the "problems" you have.

    The changes you want to make to remove "incompleteness" either remove
    the concept of Knowledge from your system (as you remove the method to determine what is known) or reduce the power of the system by preventing operations that have been used to establish some of the basic tools used
    in modern logic.

    But, you just don't understand that, because you don't understand how
    things work, and thus you whole world becomes inconsistent, which then
    explodes by the principle of explosion.

    Yes, there are logic system that remove some of the logic needed to show
    the principle of explosion, but the removal of that logic also greatly
    reduces what those system can show.

    Sorry, all you are doing is proving your utter stupidity and ignorance
    of what you talk about, and that your logic is based on approving that
    lying is acceptable at times, and thus Truth isn't true anymore.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Sat Nov 16 12:32:39 2024
    XPost: comp.theory

    On 11/16/24 10:55 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 11/16/2024 9:28 AM, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 11/16/24 9:57 AM, olcott wrote:
    On 11/16/2024 3:16 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-15 23:43:02 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/15/2024 3:19 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-14 23:53:38 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/14/2024 3:09 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-13 23:11:30 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/13/2024 4:58 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-12 13:58:03 +0000, olcott said:

    On 11/12/2024 1:12 AM, joes wrote:
    Am Mon, 11 Nov 2024 10:35:57 -0600 schrieb olcott:
    On 11/11/2024 10:25 AM, joes wrote:
    Am Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:58:02 -0600 schrieb olcott: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/11/2024 4:54 AM, Mikko wrote:
    On 2024-11-09 14:36:07 +0000, olcott said:
    On 11/9/2024 7:53 AM, Mikko wrote:

    The actual computation itself does involve HHH emulating >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> itself
    emulating DDD. To simply pretend that this does not occur >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
    Which is what you are doing: you pretend that DDD calls >>>>>>>>>>>>>> some other HHH
    that doesn’t abort.
    DDD emulated by HHH does not reach its "return" instruction >>>>>>>>>>>>> final halt
    state whether HHH aborts its emulation or not.
    When DDD calls a simulator that aborts, that simulator >>>>>>>>>>>> returns to DDD,
    which then halts.

    It is not the same DDD as the DDD under test.

    If the DDD under the test is not the same as DDD then the test >>>>>>>>>> is performed incorrectly and the test result is not valid. >>>>>>>>>>

    The DDD under test IS THE INPUT DDD

    I agree that there is only one DDD but above you said otherwise. >>>>>>>>

    That is a ridiculously stupid thing to say because we
    already know that DDD emulated by HHH emulates itself
    emulating DDD and DDD emulated by HHH1 *DOES NOT DO THAT*

    You are free to laugh if you think the truth is stupid.

    This is my life's only legacy that I really want to complete
    before I die.

    What does that "This" mean?


    Which just shows you are a hypocrite, as you don't go to the axioms,
    or accepted truths of the system.

    The axioms of every x86 emulator are the definition
    of the semantic of the x86 language only an ignoramus
    or a liar would say or imply otherwise.

    The problem is there is no "axiom" that says that HHH is an emulator.

    And the x96 Language says that the instruction "call HHH" needs to be
    followed by the instructions OF HHH, which are not given, so your
    question is just gobbledygook like "What is the sum of one plus?"

    SOrry, you are the liar..

    If you want to add a supposition that HHH is actually an emulator, then
    you lock yourself into that definition, and HHH, even being a "decider"
    isn't ALLOWED to abort, and thus fails to meet its requirement.

    Either it is a decider or it is an emulator. Trying to assert both is
    just an admission of your logic being built on inherent contradictions.

    Claiming partial emulation is allowed as the definition of the semantics
    of the input is just an admission that you are just lying about what you
    are talking about, as that contradicts the actual definitions of the x86 language.

    and my work on generic undecidability showing that:
    (⊢ is to be construed as applying truth preserving
      operations to the LHS deriving the RHS)

    Incomplete(L) ≡  ∃x ∈ Language(L) ((L ⊬ x) ∧ (L ⊬ ¬x))
    *never has been correct it has always actually been this*
    ¬TruthBearer(L,x) ≡ ∃x ∈ Language(L) ((L ⊬ x) ∧ (L ⊬ ¬x))

    True(L,x) ≡ Haskell_Curry_Elementary_Theorems(L) □ x
    x is a necessary consequence of the expressions of the
    language of L that have been stipulated to be true.

    False(L,x) ≡ Haskell_Curry_Elementary_Theorems(L) □ ~x
    ~x is a necessary consequence of the expressions of the
    language of L that have been stipulated to be true.

    The above provides the basis for LLM AI systems to
    distinguish facts from fictions.

    Nope, as LLM don't do "Logic", but just pattern matching.

    Hence we augment them so that they do more than this.
    Once that have an actual basis to distinguish fact from
    fiction LLM hallucinations will cease. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2308/2308.04445.pdf

    Then they aren't LLM any more.

    Sorry, you are just having trouble with the definitions of words.

    That the provability operator has been replaced
    with the necessity operator seems to require semantic
    relevance. This prevents logic from diverging from
    correct reasoning in many different ways such as
    the principle of explosion.

    Which just shows that you don't undetstand that problem.

    Provability is about KNOWLEDGE, we can KNOW something because we have
    proved it.

    We can not know if something meets "necessity", which allows for an
    infinite number of steps, unless we can find a finite sequence that we
    can see.

    The purpose the changing to the "necessity" operator is
    to mandate semantic relevance.

    Maybe you need to really define what you mean by "necessity". If you
    mean what is normally called truth by the (possibly infinite) chain of
    truth preserving operations, then you lose the concept of knowledge, as
    that rests on the FINITE nature of proofs.

    If you mean that the conclusion falls as a necessity of the premises,
    then that is what logic entails. IF it is a FACT that A or B is true,
    and it is a FACT that A is not true, it is a logically necessity that B
    be True.

    Part of your problem is you don't undetstand what "semantics" means in
    logic. If you want to try to tie the "semantics" in the formal system to
    some meaning for outside the system, then you are just not working in a
    formal system.

    Note, there is a type of logic called "relevance logic" that seems to do
    some of what you are trying to do, but that leads to restrictions on the
    logic, like the requirement for atomic formulae.

    Since you don't seem to be able to define exactly what you mean, it is
    hard for your arguements to make any sense.

    There are many classical problem which we know that they must be True
    or False, as the form of the problem doesn't allow something in
    between, either it is true for ALL Numbers, or there is a number that
    it breaks for, or there is a highest number that satisfies something
    or there isn't, but whose truth hasn't been provable yet, and they
    might NEVER be actually provable because the ONLY way to establish
    that truth is to check EVERY POSSIBLE NUMBER out of the infinite set,
    and that operation is impossible to complete.

    All you are doing is showing that your don't understand the
    fundamental basics of how logic works, and just blindly assume to your
    determent that you can just "tweek" some definitions and everything
    will be the same except you eliminate the "problems" you have.

    The changes you want to make to remove "incompleteness" either remove
    the concept of Knowledge from your system (as you remove the method to
    determine what is known) or reduce the power of the system by
    preventing operations that have been used to establish some of the
    basic tools used in modern logic.

    But, you just don't understand that, because you don't understand how
    things work, and thus you whole world becomes inconsistent, which then
    explodes by the principle of explosion.

    I supersede and overrule how things work the same sort of
    way that ZFC overruled naive set theory.

    Then you just admit that you are a liar, because ZFC doesn't "OVERRULE"
    naive set theory, but created a totally new set theory that was then

    YOU haven't done the work to actually "create" a new logic system, just
    vaguely defined a few terms, and as thus there is nothing for anyone to
    even try to "accept"

    Then, you talk about theories, that you haven't even been able to show
    that your logic ideas can form a logic system that meets the
    requirements for the theorems.

    A & ~A derives FALSE.
    To say that A & ~A derives "the Moon is made from green cheese".
    is a psychotic degree of nuts.

    No, it just shows that you don't understand what logic says, and thus
    your insistance shows that YOU are the one that is NUTS.

    When we require semantic relevance of the necessity operator
    then A & ~A □ derives nothing at all, not even the empty set.

    Which seems to be you are talking about Relevance logic, but don't
    understand what you are actually talking about, as the things you want
    to refute aren't based in Relevance logic.

    Yes, there are logic system that remove some of the logic needed to
    show the principle of explosion, but the removal of that logic also
    greatly reduces what those system can show.

    Sorry, all you are doing is proving your utter stupidity and ignorance
    of what you talk about, and that your logic is based on approving that
    lying is acceptable at times, and thus Truth isn't true anymore.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)