• Concise refutation of halting problem proofs V10 [ all rebuttals are ca

    From olcott@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 12 14:11:22 2021
    XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math

    #include <stdint.h>
    typedef void (*ptr)();

    int H(ptr x, ptr y)
    return 1;

    // Minimal essence of Linz(1990) Ĥ
    // and Strachey(1965) P (see below)
    void P(ptr x)
    H(x, x);

    int main(void)
    H(P, P);

    It is obvious that the direct execution of the above code never halts
    because it is infinitely recursive. It is equally obvious that when H
    performs a correct pure simulation of its input (instead of directly
    executing it) that its input never halts.

    [00001a5e](01) 55 push ebp
    [00001a5f](02) 8bec mov ebp,esp
    [00001a61](03) 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+08]
    [00001a64](01) 50 push eax // push P
    [00001a65](03) 8b4d08 mov ecx,[ebp+08]
    [00001a68](01) 51 push ecx // push P
    [00001a69](05) e810000000 call 00001a7e // call H
    [00001a6e](03) 83c408 add esp,+08
    [00001a71](01) 5d pop ebp
    [00001a72](01) c3 ret
    Size in bytes:(0021) [00001a72]

    Because there is nothing that H can possibly do to cause or enable P to
    reach its final state at 1a72 we correctly conclude that the input to
    H(P,P) never halts.

    For every possible H in the universe that is invoked at machine address 00001a7e the specific byte sequence of the machine code for P as input
    to H(P,P) never halts. Thus all rebuttals in the universe are
    categorically denied.

    Halting problem undecidability and infinitely nested simulation (V2) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356105750_Halting_problem_undecidability_and_infinitely_nested_simulation_V2

    Copyright 2021 Pete Olcott

    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
    minds." Einstein

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