XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math
#include <stdint.h>
typedef void (*ptr)();
int H(ptr x, ptr y)
return 1;
// Minimal essence of Linz(1990) Ĥ
// and Strachey(1965) P (see below)
void P(ptr x)
H(x, x);
int main(void)
H(P, P);
It is obvious that the direct execution of the above code never halts
because it is infinitely recursive. It is equally obvious that when H
performs a correct pure simulation of its input (instead of directly
executing it) that its input never halts.
[00001a5e](01) 55 push ebp
[00001a5f](02) 8bec mov ebp,esp
[00001a61](03) 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+08]
[00001a64](01) 50 push eax // push P
[00001a65](03) 8b4d08 mov ecx,[ebp+08]
[00001a68](01) 51 push ecx // push P
[00001a69](05) e810000000 call 00001a7e // call H
[00001a6e](03) 83c408 add esp,+08
[00001a71](01) 5d pop ebp
[00001a72](01) c3 ret
Size in bytes:(0021) [00001a72]
Because there is nothing that H can possibly do to cause or enable P to
reach its final state at 1a72 we correctly conclude that the input to
H(P,P) never halts.
For every possible H in the universe that is invoked at machine address 00001a7e the specific byte sequence of the machine code for P as input
to H(P,P) never halts. Thus all rebuttals in the universe are
categorically denied.
Halting problem undecidability and infinitely nested simulation (V2)
Copyright 2021 Pete Olcott
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds." Einstein
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