• Re: Experts would agree that my reviewers are incorrect [ Malcolm is my

    From olcott@21:1/5 to Mike Terry on Sun May 29 12:19:10 2022
    XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math

    On 5/29/2022 12:04 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 29/05/2022 03:43, olcott wrote:
    On 5/28/2022 7:22 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 27/05/2022 22:32, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/27/22 5:21 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 14:38, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 3:06 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:41, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 2:10 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:01, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 1:57 PM, Richard Damon wrote:

    The input to H is NOT a "sequence of configuratios", but the >>>>>>>>>>> representation of an algorithm and its input.

    The finite string inputs to a halt decider specify (rather >>>>>>>>>> then merely represent) a sequence of configurations that may >>>>>>>>>> or may not reach their own final state.

    I really don't think you have any idea what terms like
    'represent', 'specify', or 'sequence of configurations' mean. >>>>>>>>> Richard is perfectly correct. You, as usual, are not.

    The distinction that I make between represent and specify is
    that the x86 source-code for P represents P(P) whereas the
    actual correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) specifies
    the actual behavior of this input. This is not the same behavior >>>>>>>> as the behavior specified by P(P).

    A sequence of configurations means a list of x86 program steps >>>>>>>> executed or emulated in the order that their source-code specifies. >>>>>>>>
    Likewise with a TM or the UTM simulation of a TM description
    specifies a sequence of state transitions.

    And this decidedly is *not* what a halt decider is given as its
    input. It is not given a sequence of state transitions. It is
    given a representation of a computation.

    No it is not and you know that it is not. A halt decider is given
    a finite string TM description that specifies a sequence of

    A TM description and a sequence of configurations are entirely
    different things (and the former certainly does not 'specify' the
    latter). It's given either one or the other. Make up your mind.


    Well, a TM description, and a description of an input to that TM,
    does specify a "sequence of configurations" based on what running
    that TM on that input would do.

    "Specify" is not the word I'd use.  (If I write a shopping list I
    specify what I'm going to get when I go shopping: one loaf of bread
    and 4oz jar of strawberry jam.  I don't write various clues which can
    together be used to generate what I want by applying some algorithm.)

    For your scenario, "determine" seems accurate.  But PO also says that
    P(P) "specifies non-halting behaviour", and that computation halts.
    I think that this use just means "matches PO's abort test".

    I never said that: "P(P) specifies non-halting behaviour".
    Your term "determine" is better than my term "specify".

    The input to H(P,P) determines the sequence of x86 instructions of the
    correct x86 emulation of P by H. This sequence never reaches the "ret"
    instruction of P.

    Obviously H never gets to emulate the final ret of P - because it aborts
    the emulation before it gets there.  Duh!  Not seeing the final ret /because you gave up and stopped emulating/ does not mean the
    computation P(P) never halts, or that "never halts" is "the correct
    answer" for H to return for input (P,P).  That's some gibberish idea
    you've come up with in your confusion.

    If UTM emulates the P(P) computation, it will see all the EXACT SAME
    config steps that H emulated, except that where H gave up due to
    spotting some pattern, UTM carries on and sees the P(P) steps after H
    The correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) by H never reaches the
    "ret" instruction of P in 1 to ∞ emulated steps.

    Honest reviewers can very easily verify the truth of this by simply reverse-engineering the execution trace of the sequence of instructions
    of P when the input to H(P,P) is correctly emulated by H.

    Honest reviewers that are not stupid will also know that when H(P,P)
    aborts the simulation of its input that this does not magically cause P
    to leap to its "ret" instruction.

    [00001352](01) 55 push ebp
    [00001353](02) 8bec mov ebp,esp
    [00001355](03) 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+08]
    [00001358](01) 50 push eax // push P
    [00001359](03) 8b4d08 mov ecx,[ebp+08]
    [0000135c](01) 51 push ecx // push P
    [0000135d](05) e840feffff call 000011a2 // call H
    [00001362](03) 83c408 add esp,+08
    [00001365](02) 85c0 test eax,eax
    [00001367](02) 7402 jz 0000136b
    [00001369](02) ebfe jmp 00001369
    [0000136b](01) 5d pop ebp
    [0000136c](01) c3 ret
    Size in bytes:(0027) [0000136c]

    Copyright 2022 Pete Olcott

    "Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
    Genius hits a target no one else can see."
    Arthur Schopenhauer

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Sun May 29 13:39:09 2022
    XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math

    On 5/29/22 1:19 PM, olcott wrote:
    On 5/29/2022 12:04 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 29/05/2022 03:43, olcott wrote:
    On 5/28/2022 7:22 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 27/05/2022 22:32, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/27/22 5:21 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 14:38, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 3:06 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:41, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 2:10 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:01, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 1:57 PM, Richard Damon wrote:

    The input to H is NOT a "sequence of configuratios", but the >>>>>>>>>>>> representation of an algorithm and its input.

    The finite string inputs to a halt decider specify (rather >>>>>>>>>>> then merely represent) a sequence of configurations that may >>>>>>>>>>> or may not reach their own final state.

    I really don't think you have any idea what terms like
    'represent', 'specify', or 'sequence of configurations' mean. >>>>>>>>>> Richard is perfectly correct. You, as usual, are not.

    The distinction that I make between represent and specify is >>>>>>>>> that the x86 source-code for P represents P(P) whereas the
    actual correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) specifies >>>>>>>>> the actual behavior of this input. This is not the same
    behavior as the behavior specified by P(P).

    A sequence of configurations means a list of x86 program steps >>>>>>>>> executed or emulated in the order that their source-code

    Likewise with a TM or the UTM simulation of a TM description >>>>>>>>> specifies a sequence of state transitions.

    And this decidedly is *not* what a halt decider is given as its >>>>>>>> input. It is not given a sequence of state transitions. It is
    given a representation of a computation.

    No it is not and you know that it is not. A halt decider is given >>>>>>> a finite string TM description that specifies a sequence of

    A TM description and a sequence of configurations are entirely
    different things (and the former certainly does not 'specify' the
    latter). It's given either one or the other. Make up your mind.


    Well, a TM description, and a description of an input to that TM,
    does specify a "sequence of configurations" based on what running
    that TM on that input would do.

    "Specify" is not the word I'd use.  (If I write a shopping list I
    specify what I'm going to get when I go shopping: one loaf of bread
    and 4oz jar of strawberry jam.  I don't write various clues which
    can together be used to generate what I want by applying some

    For your scenario, "determine" seems accurate.  But PO also says
    that P(P) "specifies non-halting behaviour", and that computation
    halts. I think that this use just means "matches PO's abort test".

    I never said that: "P(P) specifies non-halting behaviour".
    Your term "determine" is better than my term "specify".

    The input to H(P,P) determines the sequence of x86 instructions of
    the correct x86 emulation of P by H. This sequence never reaches the
    "ret" instruction of P.

    Obviously H never gets to emulate the final ret of P - because it
    aborts the emulation before it gets there.  Duh!  Not seeing the final
    ret /because you gave up and stopped emulating/ does not mean the
    computation P(P) never halts, or that "never halts" is "the correct
    answer" for H to return for input (P,P).  That's some gibberish idea
    you've come up with in your confusion.

    If UTM emulates the P(P) computation, it will see all the EXACT SAME
    config steps that H emulated, except that where H gave up due to
    spotting some pattern, UTM carries on and sees the P(P) steps after H
    The correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) by H never reaches the
    "ret" instruction of P in 1 to ∞ emulated steps.

    No, H will abort it at whatever number of steps would abort that input.

    Remember, H is a FIXED algorithm (or needs to be to be a decider) and
    thus has DEFINITE behavior for a given input.

    Your arguement isn't about a given H, but confounds the behavior of
    different members of a whole class of them, each generating a DIFFERENT
    input, and thus not making an actual arguement about any of the input.

    This is the fallacy of your notation. Your H keeps on being shown to not
    be a definite algorithm, so it can't be a Halt Decider.

    Honest reviewers can very easily verify the truth of this by simply reverse-engineering the execution trace of the sequence of instructions
    of P when the input to H(P,P) is correctly emulated by H.

    What, that P(P) calls H(P,P) which is defined to return a 0 after some
    period of time and thus halts.

    The problem is you have introduced incorrect assumptions into your logic
    system making it inconsistent, thus we can actually prove opposites
    sides of a number of questions.

    Honest reviewers that are not stupid will also know that when H(P,P)
    aborts the simulation of its input that this does not magically cause P
    to leap to its "ret" instruction.

    In one sense, you are right, THAT instance of P doesn't just jump to the
    ret instruction.

    But, H returning 0, mean that an P that called that H WILL go to its ret instruction.

    This PROVES that if H is actually a Computation, and thus the property
    that ALL copies of it given the same input will produce the same
    behavior, proves that the P that H aborted, would have reached that ret instruction if continued to be simulated by what the field defines as a
    correct simulation (that of a UTM), even if that is not what you want to
    define as a correct simulation in your proof.

    You INCORRECT definition of what a "Correct Simulation", and then
    assuming it has all the properties of what the theory calls a correct simulation, is what broke you logic system.

    You are just shown to not be actually working on the halting problem,
    and are working in a logic system broken by your incorrect assumptions.

    [00001352](01)  55              push ebp
    [00001353](02)  8bec            mov ebp,esp
    [00001355](03)  8b4508          mov eax,[ebp+08]
    [00001358](01)  50              push eax      // push P [00001359](03)  8b4d08          mov ecx,[ebp+08]
    [0000135c](01)  51              push ecx      // push P [0000135d](05)  e840feffff      call 000011a2 // call H [00001362](03)  83c408          add esp,+08
    [00001365](02)  85c0            test eax,eax
    [00001367](02)  7402            jz 0000136b
    [00001369](02)  ebfe            jmp 00001369
    [0000136b](01)  5d              pop ebp
    [0000136c](01)  c3              ret
    Size in bytes:(0027) [0000136c]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Damon@21:1/5 to olcott on Sun May 29 15:55:37 2022
    XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math

    On 5/29/22 3:16 PM, olcott wrote:
    On 5/29/2022 12:39 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/29/22 1:19 PM, olcott wrote:
    On 5/29/2022 12:04 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 29/05/2022 03:43, olcott wrote:
    On 5/28/2022 7:22 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 27/05/2022 22:32, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/27/22 5:21 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 14:38, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 3:06 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:41, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 2:10 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:01, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 1:57 PM, Richard Damon wrote:

    The input to H is NOT a "sequence of configuratios", but >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the representation of an algorithm and its input.

    The finite string inputs to a halt decider specify (rather >>>>>>>>>>>>> then merely represent) a sequence of configurations that >>>>>>>>>>>>> may or may not reach their own final state.

    I really don't think you have any idea what terms like >>>>>>>>>>>> 'represent', 'specify', or 'sequence of configurations' >>>>>>>>>>>> mean. Richard is perfectly correct. You, as usual, are not. >>>>>>>>>>>>

    The distinction that I make between represent and specify is >>>>>>>>>>> that the x86 source-code for P represents P(P) whereas the >>>>>>>>>>> actual correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) specifies >>>>>>>>>>> the actual behavior of this input. This is not the same
    behavior as the behavior specified by P(P).

    A sequence of configurations means a list of x86 program >>>>>>>>>>> steps executed or emulated in the order that their
    source-code specifies.

    Likewise with a TM or the UTM simulation of a TM description >>>>>>>>>>> specifies a sequence of state transitions.

    And this decidedly is *not* what a halt decider is given as >>>>>>>>>> its input. It is not given a sequence of state transitions. It >>>>>>>>>> is given a representation of a computation.

    No it is not and you know that it is not. A halt decider is
    given a finite string TM description that specifies a sequence >>>>>>>>> of configurations.

    A TM description and a sequence of configurations are entirely >>>>>>>> different things (and the former certainly does not 'specify'
    the latter). It's given either one or the other. Make up your mind. >>>>>>>>

    Well, a TM description, and a description of an input to that TM, >>>>>>> does specify a "sequence of configurations" based on what running >>>>>>> that TM on that input would do.

    "Specify" is not the word I'd use.  (If I write a shopping list I >>>>>> specify what I'm going to get when I go shopping: one loaf of
    bread and 4oz jar of strawberry jam.  I don't write various clues >>>>>> which can together be used to generate what I want by applying
    some algorithm.)

    For your scenario, "determine" seems accurate.  But PO also says
    that P(P) "specifies non-halting behaviour", and that computation
    halts. I think that this use just means "matches PO's abort test". >>>>>>

    I never said that: "P(P) specifies non-halting behaviour".
    Your term "determine" is better than my term "specify".

    The input to H(P,P) determines the sequence of x86 instructions of
    the correct x86 emulation of P by H. This sequence never reaches
    the "ret" instruction of P.

    Obviously H never gets to emulate the final ret of P - because it
    aborts the emulation before it gets there.  Duh!  Not seeing the
    final ret /because you gave up and stopped emulating/ does not mean
    the computation P(P) never halts, or that "never halts" is "the
    correct answer" for H to return for input (P,P).  That's some
    gibberish idea you've come up with in your confusion.

    If UTM emulates the P(P) computation, it will see all the EXACT SAME
    config steps that H emulated, except that where H gave up due to
    spotting some pattern, UTM carries on and sees the P(P) steps after
    The correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) by H never reaches
    the "ret" instruction of P in 1 to ∞ emulated steps.

    No, H will abort it at whatever number of steps would abort that input.

    Remember, H is a FIXED algorithm (or needs to be to be a decider) and
    thus has DEFINITE behavior for a given input.

    Your arguement isn't about a given H, but confounds the behavior of
    different members of a whole class of them,

    Yes, that is how categorically exhaustive reasoning** works.
    ** Reasoning that cannot possibly have any gaps.

    But it does have gaps.

    The alternative method that you suggest is to test each element of an infinite set one-at-a-time.

    What infinite set.

    H is supposed to be *A* Halt Decider.

    You need to show that *IT* is correct.

    each generating a DIFFERENT input, and thus not making an actual
    arguement about any of the input.

    The literal string of machine code bytes is the only actual input.

    WRONG. That string of code does NOT define the behavior of the PROGRAM
    P, because it doesn't define the contents of the memory at 000011A2

    THAT is the "GAP" in your logic.

    [00001352](01)  55              push ebp
    [00001353](02)  8bec            mov ebp,esp
    [00001355](03)  8b4508          mov eax,[ebp+08]
    [00001358](01)  50              push eax      // push P [00001359](03)  8b4d08          mov ecx,[ebp+08]
    [0000135c](01)  51              push ecx      // push P [0000135d](05)  e840feffff      call 000011a2 // call H [00001362](03)  83c408          add esp,+08
    [00001365](02)  85c0            test eax,eax
    [00001367](02)  7402            jz 0000136b
    [00001369](02)  ebfe            jmp 00001369
    [0000136b](01)  5d              pop ebp
    [0000136c](01)  c3              ret
    Size in bytes:(0027) [0000136c]

    H is defined to be at machine address 000011a2.

    WHICH H? You said H is an infinite set of deciders. You have just
    defined that No H can actually look at a P that does't use it.

    Let us lable each of the members of that set H as Hi where i is the
    number of steps that it will simulate its corresponding Pi before
    aborting it.

    First thing to note, as defined, your H's fail to be valid halt deciders
    as it is impossible to give Hi the input Pj,Pj for j != i, so there are
    inputs it BY YOUR DEFINITION can't answer. Let us fix that by making an
    actual copy of the code of H (as Linz says to do) and include that in P,
    and make that call go to that one, thus for the code above 000011a2 has
    diffent contents for the different Pi's based on the value of i and will
    always be the corresponding Hi.

    If you can't even give your decider all computations, it just fails to
    meet the definition.

    Now, when we look at the set of exprements you run, you show that for
    every Hi, when called as Hi(Pi,Pi) that by the i'th step it hasn't
    reached the return statement. That means you have shown that for all i,
    Pi doesn't halt in i steps.

    If all the Pi's were the same (call it Q), then you could argue that you
    have shown that for any finite number i, Q doesn't halt in that time,
    and thus Q doesn't halt.

    But, since the Pi's differ, that induction doesn't work, all you have
    proven is that for i = infinity that Pi doesn't halt, i.e, the Pi built
    on an H that simulates forever doesn't halt.

    In the past, we have labeled that H, the one that never aborts, as Hn
    (for H non-aborting), and yes, you have just proved that Pn(Pn) is a non-halting computation, but unfortunately, it is also shown that
    Hn(Pn,Pn) never aborts its simulation to give that answer.

    And also, it has been shown that for any finite i, that while Hi(Pi,Pi)
    never reaches the halt instruction in its simulation, there is a k (a
    function of i and >i) such that all Hk(Pi,Pi) will simulate its input to
    the ret instruction, and thus show that Hi aborted its simulation too soon.

    If you are going to argue over all H, you need to FULLY argue over all
    H, and that means that 'Correct Simulation' means by ANY H, thus that
    fact that Hk can simulate to the ret, means Hi was WRONG to abort its simulation.

    This is the fallacy of your notation. Your H keeps on being shown to
    not be a definite algorithm, so it can't be a Halt Decider.

    There are only two possible ways that H can be defined:
    (a) H that aborts its simulation after some fixed number of emulated steps.

    And thus its simulation is NOT actually a "Correct Simulation" by the definition needed to use "Correct Simulation" as a critera for Halting.

    Once you change your definition to allow partial simulations to be
    considered "Correct", you have lost the right to say a "Correct
    Simulation" determines halting, but you HAVE to go back to the original behavior of the machine, and it is shown that P(P) Halts if H(P,P)
    returns 0, and thus the correct answer to H(P,P) would have been 1
    (which it didn't give, and in fact if it did, that would be a DIFFERENT
    P, and wrong for that P).

    Remember, the DEFINITION of Halting is based on the TURING MACHINE
    itself. If you use simulation per the definition of a UTM, (which, by definition matches the machine, and thus never aborts) then you can
    substitute that simulation. If your definition of simulation deviates
    from that IN ANY WAY, it is invalid to make that transformation.


    (b) H that does not abort its simulation after some fixed number of
    emulated steps.

    And it is shown that this H never answer.

    In neither of these categorically exhaustive cases does the correctly emulated input to H(P,P) ever reach its "ret" instruction.

    WRONG. For case (a) it is shown that H aborts its simulation too soon.

    Only by INVALID logic do you reach your result.

    THus, it has been shown that for ANY of the H's so defined, that H does
    NOT give the correct answer for the P derived from THAT H, thus that H
    fails to be a counter example.

    For ANY H built by your rule (a), it is shown that P(P) will Halt when
    its H(P,P) returns 0, and thus that 0 is the wrong answer.

    For ANY H built by your rule (b), it is shown that that H never answer
    H(P,P), and so fails to be a decider.

    Only by conflating the P's built by those two different method does your arguement SEEM to make some sense, but is shown to be incorrect.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From olcott@21:1/5 to Richard Damon on Sun May 29 14:16:17 2022
    XPost: comp.theory, sci.logic, sci.math

    On 5/29/2022 12:39 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/29/22 1:19 PM, olcott wrote:
    On 5/29/2022 12:04 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 29/05/2022 03:43, olcott wrote:
    On 5/28/2022 7:22 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
    On 27/05/2022 22:32, Richard Damon wrote:
    On 5/27/22 5:21 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 14:38, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 3:06 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:41, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 2:10 PM, André G. Isaak wrote:
    On 2022-05-27 13:01, olcott wrote:
    On 5/27/2022 1:57 PM, Richard Damon wrote:

    The input to H is NOT a "sequence of configuratios", but >>>>>>>>>>>>> the representation of an algorithm and its input.

    The finite string inputs to a halt decider specify (rather >>>>>>>>>>>> then merely represent) a sequence of configurations that may >>>>>>>>>>>> or may not reach their own final state.

    I really don't think you have any idea what terms like
    'represent', 'specify', or 'sequence of configurations' mean. >>>>>>>>>>> Richard is perfectly correct. You, as usual, are not.

    The distinction that I make between represent and specify is >>>>>>>>>> that the x86 source-code for P represents P(P) whereas the >>>>>>>>>> actual correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) specifies >>>>>>>>>> the actual behavior of this input. This is not the same
    behavior as the behavior specified by P(P).

    A sequence of configurations means a list of x86 program steps >>>>>>>>>> executed or emulated in the order that their source-code

    Likewise with a TM or the UTM simulation of a TM description >>>>>>>>>> specifies a sequence of state transitions.

    And this decidedly is *not* what a halt decider is given as its >>>>>>>>> input. It is not given a sequence of state transitions. It is >>>>>>>>> given a representation of a computation.

    No it is not and you know that it is not. A halt decider is
    given a finite string TM description that specifies a sequence >>>>>>>> of configurations.

    A TM description and a sequence of configurations are entirely
    different things (and the former certainly does not 'specify' the >>>>>>> latter). It's given either one or the other. Make up your mind.


    Well, a TM description, and a description of an input to that TM,
    does specify a "sequence of configurations" based on what running
    that TM on that input would do.

    "Specify" is not the word I'd use.  (If I write a shopping list I
    specify what I'm going to get when I go shopping: one loaf of bread
    and 4oz jar of strawberry jam.  I don't write various clues which
    can together be used to generate what I want by applying some

    For your scenario, "determine" seems accurate.  But PO also says
    that P(P) "specifies non-halting behaviour", and that computation
    halts. I think that this use just means "matches PO's abort test".

    I never said that: "P(P) specifies non-halting behaviour".
    Your term "determine" is better than my term "specify".

    The input to H(P,P) determines the sequence of x86 instructions of
    the correct x86 emulation of P by H. This sequence never reaches the
    "ret" instruction of P.

    Obviously H never gets to emulate the final ret of P - because it
    aborts the emulation before it gets there.  Duh!  Not seeing the
    final ret /because you gave up and stopped emulating/ does not mean
    the computation P(P) never halts, or that "never halts" is "the
    correct answer" for H to return for input (P,P).  That's some
    gibberish idea you've come up with in your confusion.

    If UTM emulates the P(P) computation, it will see all the EXACT SAME
    config steps that H emulated, except that where H gave up due to
    spotting some pattern, UTM carries on and sees the P(P) steps after H
    The correct x86 emulation of the input to H(P,P) by H never reaches
    the "ret" instruction of P in 1 to ∞ emulated steps.

    No, H will abort it at whatever number of steps would abort that input.

    Remember, H is a FIXED algorithm (or needs to be to be a decider) and
    thus has DEFINITE behavior for a given input.

    Your arguement isn't about a given H, but confounds the behavior of
    different members of a whole class of them,

    Yes, that is how categorically exhaustive reasoning** works.
    ** Reasoning that cannot possibly have any gaps.

    The alternative method that you suggest is to test each element of an
    infinite set one-at-a-time.

    each generating a DIFFERENT
    input, and thus not making an actual arguement about any of the input.

    The literal string of machine code bytes is the only actual input.

    [00001352](01) 55 push ebp
    [00001353](02) 8bec mov ebp,esp
    [00001355](03) 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+08]
    [00001358](01) 50 push eax // push P
    [00001359](03) 8b4d08 mov ecx,[ebp+08]
    [0000135c](01) 51 push ecx // push P
    [0000135d](05) e840feffff call 000011a2 // call H
    [00001362](03) 83c408 add esp,+08
    [00001365](02) 85c0 test eax,eax
    [00001367](02) 7402 jz 0000136b
    [00001369](02) ebfe jmp 00001369
    [0000136b](01) 5d pop ebp
    [0000136c](01) c3 ret
    Size in bytes:(0027) [0000136c]

    H is defined to be at machine address 000011a2.

    This is the fallacy of your notation. Your H keeps on being shown to not
    be a definite algorithm, so it can't be a Halt Decider.

    There are only two possible ways that H can be defined:
    (a) H that aborts its simulation after some fixed number of emulated steps.

    (b) H that does not abort its simulation after some fixed number of
    emulated steps.

    In neither of these categorically exhaustive cases does the correctly
    emulated input to H(P,P) ever reach its "ret" instruction.

    Copyright 2022 Pete Olcott

    "Talent hits a target no one else can hit;
    Genius hits a target no one else can see."
    Arthur Schopenhauer

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