• Hitler = Nazi -- Hitler = Socialist, ergo, Nazis = Socialists (5/5)

    From AlleyCat@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 1 22:33:24 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    49 Ibid., 235-236.

    50 Ibid., 237.

    51 Ibid., 237, 243.

    52 Ibid., 240.

    53 Norbert Frei, preface to the German edition of Ryback, 12.

    54 Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries, 13.

    55 Ibid., 8.

    56 Ibid., 16.

    57 Ibid., 16.

    58 Ibid., 30.

    59 Ibid., 51-52.

    60 Ibid., 52.

    61 Ibid., 51.

    62 Ibid., 60-63.

    63 Ibid., 65.

    64 Ibid., 4.

    65 Ibid., 323.

    66 Some critics have made links between my work and Aly's (Frei, Wie modern; Roth) because we both stress the thesis of the social-revolutionary character of National Socialism and modernity. Nevertheless, Aly himself did not address my theses directly in his book.

    67 Hachtmann, Rüdiger: Review of Götz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries. Plunder, Racial War and the Nazi Welfare State in sehepunkte 5 (2005), No. 7/8 [July 15, 2005], www.sehepunkte.de/2005/o7/8191.html (accessed: December 28, 2020). Christoph Buchheim attempts to prove that the German population's standard of living increased less positively in the years 1933 to 1938 than previously assumed. Gross weekly wages rose by 26 percent and net wages by 22 percent. However, these figures need to be put into perspective, since this was partly due to the extension of working hours and, moreover, the official cost-of- living index did not correctly reflect the rate of consumer price inflation. See Buchheim, 661.

    68 Hachtmann, Volksgemeinschaftliche Dienstleister, 113.

    69 Ibid., 113.

    70 Wildt, Michael. "Volksgemeinschaft: A Controversy', in Devin O. Pendas, Mark Roseman and Richard F. Wetzell (eds,), Beyond the Racial State, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 328. In general, Wildt's judgment of Aly's book is well-balanced. As is Frank Bajohr's review in sehepunkte 5 (2005), No. 7 [July 15, 2005], www.sehepunkte.de/2005/07/8194.html (accessed: December 28, 2020). In addition to clear criticism, there are also words of agreement: "In spite of the criticism and the problems with some of the detail, Hitler's Beneficiaries is an important and highly noteworthy book ... Seldom before has the question of the unifying force

    of the Nazi Volksgemeinschaft been placed so much at the center of a presentation, even if the answers given are, ultimately, not sufficient.'

    71 Winfried Süß, review of Götz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries, in sehepunkte 5 (2005), No. 7 [July 15, 2005], www.sehepunkte.de/2005/07/7698.html. (accessed:

    December 28, 2020).

    72 Winfried Süß, review of von Götz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries, in sehepunkte 5 (2005), No. 7 [July 15, 2005], www.sehepunkte.de/2005/07/7698.html. (accessed:

    December 28, 2020).

    73 Aly, Wehler, Mommsen, Brumlik, 806-807.

    74 Hachtmann, ""Öffentlichkeitswirksame Knallfrösche." Anmerkungen zu Götz Alys Hitlers Volkstaat' in Sozial.Geschichte 20 (2005) 3, 57-58.

    75 Fritzsche, review of Frank Bajohr, Wildt, Michael (eds.), Volksgemeinschaft. Neue Forschungen zur Gesellschaft des Nationalsozialismus. 2009, in H-Soz-Kult,

    December 15, 2009, www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/reb-13588


    December 28, 2020).

    76 Kershaw, "Volksgemeinschaft: Potential and Limitations of the Concept' in Steber, Martina and Bernhard Gotto (eds.), Visions of Community in Nazi Germany: Social Engineering and Private Lives, 33.

    77 Herbert, Ulrich, "Treue, Rache, Triumph. Raphael Gross fragt, ob die Nationalsozialisten durch ein besonderes Moralempfinden verbunden waren' in Die Zeit, March 31, 2011.

    78 Kershaw, "Volksgemeinschaft: Potential and Limitations of the Concept' in Steber, Martina and Bernhard Gotto (eds.), Visions of Community in Nazi Germany: Social Engineering and Private Lives, 31. Kershaw is sceptical regarding the first way in which the concept of Volksgemeinschaft is used, while describing the second and third uses as having greater explanatory value. At the same time, he opposes the "inflationary usage of the concept' (Ibid., 37): "The constraints on its usage are real and weighty. Overall, it [the term Volksgemeinschaft] seems to me to be a concept of limited value, which can indeed be usefully deployed but also has significant defects as a tool of analysis.' (Ibid., 42).

    79 Bajohr/Wildt, 18.

    80 Schmiechen-Ackermann, "Einleitung', in Schmiechen-Ackermann, Detlef (ed.) Volksgemeinschaft: Mythos, wirkungsmächtige soziale Verheißung oder soziale Realität im Dritten Reich? Zwischenbilanz einer kontroversen Debatte. Paderborn, 2012, 17.

    81 Götz, 56.

    82 Ibid., 56.

    83 Ibid., 59.

    84 Ibid., 61.

    85 Ibid., 66.

    86 Ibid., 67.

    87 Pohl, 71.

    88 Bavaj, Der Nationalsozialismus, 75.

    89 Ibid., 76.

    90 Schmiechen-Ackermann, 36.

    91 Kroll, Volksgemeinschaft, 104.

    92 Ibid., 105.

    93 Ibid., 106.

    94 Ibid., 99.

    95 Mommsen, Forschungskontroversen zum Nationalsozialismus and Zur Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert.

    96 Wehler, 771.

    97 Steber / Gotto, 433.

    98 Ibid., 435.

    99 Föllmer, 452.

    100 See also the introduction to this book on pages 75 et seq.

    101 Mommsen, "Nationalsozialismus als vorgetäuschte Modernisierung,' in Mommsen, Hans, Der Nationalsozialismus und die deutsche Gesellschaft. Ausgewählte Aufsätze, 422.

    102 Ibid., 423.

    103 Ibid., 420.

    104 Frei, Wie modern, 386. The 1994 contribution from Axel Schildt adopts a similarly critical tenor.

    105 Ibid., 379.

    106 Wehler, 794.

    107 Ibid., 785.

    108 See also Zitelmann, "Nationalsozialismus und Moderne' and "Die totalitäre
    Seite der Moderne'.

    109 Wehler, 783.

    110 Ibid., 783.

    111 Ibid., 786.

    112 At the beginning of Chapter III.2, I explain in detail how Hitler's concept of equal opportunities differs from modern concepts.

    113 Wehler, 789.

    114 Mommsen, Der Mythos, 165.

    115 Frei, Wie modern ..., 373-374.

    116 Frei, Führerstaat, 109.

    117 Ibid., 111.

    118 Ibid., 211.

    119 Ibid., 213.

    120 Ibid., 215.

    121 See Section V.1 of this book.

    122 Wehler, 713.

    123 Ibid., 692.

    124 König, 17 et seq., 252.

    125 Ibid., 254. Berghoff does not agree with König's thesis that the National Socialist consumer society had "failed': "Many of the projects König investigated simply lacked the time required to be completed by 1939. With a longer lead time or in a subjugated Europe, they might have appeared less megalomaniacal or illusionary. They are therefore not merely to be dismissed as failed projects, but also allow us to appreciate the extent of the possible privileges German manufacturers would enjoy in the event of a victorious war.' Hartmut Berghoff, review of König, Wolfgang, Volkswagen, Volksempfänger, Volksgemeinschaft. Volksprodukte im Dritten Reich, in H-Soz-Kult, November 4, 2004,

    www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/rezbuecher-4176 (accessed: December 28, 2020). For a more detailed analysis of the National Socialist consumer society, see also Berghoff, Gefälligkeitsdiktatur oder Tyrannen des Mangels?

    126 Fritzsche, 5-6.

    127 Ibid., 5.

    128 Ibid., 5.

    129 Ibid., 7.

    130 Roseman, National Socialism and Modernisation, 216.

    131 Ibid., 217.

    132 Ibid., 216.

    133 Hildebrand, Das Dritte Reich, 176.

    134 Ibid., 177.

    135 See also the books from Fukuyama and Kriele.

    136 Zitelmann, "Träume'.

    137 Zitelmann, "Die totalitäre Seite der Moderne', 7.

    138 Bavaj, Die Ambivalenz der Moderne, 24-52.

    139 Ibid., 200.

    140 Ibid., 201.

    141 Zitelmann, "Nationalsozialismus und Moderne' and "Die totalitäre Seite der Moderne'.

    142 Bavaj, Die Ambivalenz der Moderne, 202.

    143 Roseman, National Socialism and the End of Modernity, 688.

    144 Ibid., 691.

    145 Ibid., 700.

    146 Janka, 72.

    147 Ibid., 71-72.

    148 Ibid., 266-267.

    149 Ibid., 69.

    150 Ibid., 71.

    151 Mommsen, 332-333.

    152 Evans, Coming, 456.

    153 Ibid., 457.

    154 Ibid., 457.

    155 Manfred Zeidler rightly points out in his review of the book: "Evans' final verdict on the character of the "National Socialist revolution" remains somewhat insubstantial and vague.' On this and other aspects of Evans' account, Zeidler cites several contradictory statements by the author. Zeidler, Manfred, review of Evans, Richard J., The Coming of the Third Reich, in Totalitarianism and Democracy 1 (2004), 2, 274-277.

    156 Evans, Coming, 457-458.

    157 Ibid., 459.

    158 Ibid., 461.

    159 Abelshauser and Faust also observe that it would be necessary "to distinguish between "good" revolutions of the French or Russian type and the National Socialist seizure of power'. Abelshauser / Faust, 115.

    160 This positive connotation of the term "revolution' is, as Alexander Gallus states, substantively inappropriate: "Revolutions ... have long lost their enlightenment-progressive-optimistic innocence; they can fluctuate in course and result between peacefulness and terrorism, freedom and coercion, democracy and dictatorship. This empirical-analytical diversity corresponds to the normative ambivalence of the term.' Gallus, 575.

    161 In this respect, Evans is correct when he states that the view that National Socialism deliberately sought to modernize German society "has not been widely accepted, at least not in the form put by Zitelmann'. Evans, Power, Note 183 to Chapter 6, 796.

    162 Evans, Power, 500.

    163 Herbert, "Der alte neue Diktator', review of Longerich, Hitler. A Biography in Die Zeit, December 10, 2015.

    164 Institut für Zeitgeschichte (publisher), Adolf Hitler. Reden, Schriften,
    Anordnungen: Februar 1925 bis Januar 1933, 17 volumes, Munich, 1992 to 2003.

    165 Hartmann, et al. (eds.), Hitler. Mein Kampf, Eine kritische Edition in zwei Bänden. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte, Munich and Berlin,


    166 Kershaw, Nemesis, xliv.

    167 Ibid., 10.

    168 Kershaw, Hubris, 530.

    169 Ibid., 289-290.

    170 Krüger, 262 et seq.

    171 Kershaw, Hubris, 448-449.

    172 Ibid., xxiii.

    173 Ibid., xxiii.

    174 Ibid., xxiii.

    175 Kershaw, Nemesis, 404.

    176 Ibid., 945, Note 77.

    177 Kershaw, Hubris, 449.

    178 Kershaw, Nemesis, 404.

    179 Hildebrand, "Nichts neues über Hitler. Ian Kershaws zukünftige Biografie
    über den deutschen Diktator' in Historische Zeitschrift, Vol. 270 (2000), 392.

    180 Ullrich, Ascent, 6.

    181 Ibid., 6.

    182 Ibid., 7.

    183 The same point of criticism is also raised by Manfred Zeidler in his review of Volker Ullrich, Adolf Hitler. Die Jahre des Aufstiegs, in Totalitarismus und Demokratie 11 (2014), 2, 295-298. In his book on Hitlers Weltanschauung, Lars Lüdicke also notes that, "Hitler's worldview in all its systematic consistency also remains rather nebulous; in fact, Ullrich and Longerich limit themselves to a few cursory remarks on Hitler's fixations, which they summarize, strictly speaking, over little more than three or four pages of the book,' Ludicke, 42. Unfortunately Ludicke's book itself contributes little to the study of Hitler's worldview.

    184 Ullrich, Ascent, 8.

    185 Ibid., 240.

    186 Ibid., 534.

    187 Ibid., 544.

    188 Ibid., 545.

    189 Longerich, 517.

    190 Ibid., 517.

    191 Ibid., 960.

    192 Aly, Beneficiaries, 29.

    193 Longerich, 523.

    194 Ibid., 519.

    195 Ibid., 4.

    196 Ibid., 5.

    197 Pyta, 24.

    198 Ibid., 17-24.

    199 Ibid., 23.

    200 Herbst, 63.

    201 Pyta, 50.

    202 Ibid., 59.

    203 Ibid., 15.

    204 Ibid., 10.

    205 Simms, Brendan, Hitler: A Global Biography, 552.

    206 Ibid., 552.

    207 Ibid., 171.

    208 Ibid., 22.

    209 Ibid., 90-91.

    210 Ibid., 42.

    211 Ibid., 436.

    212 Ibid., 506.

    213 Ibid., 506.

    214 Ibid., 97.

    215 Nolte, Bürgerkrieg.

    216 Zitelmann, "Nationalsozialismus und Antikommunismus'.

    217 Hayek, Road to Serfdom, 59.

    218 Ibid., 80-81.

    219 Ibid., 81.

    220 Ibid., 81.

    Bibliography: "On the Recent Historiography of Hitler and National Socialism (1996-2020)'

    (This bibliography only features works that were not included in the original English edition's full bibliography on pages 606-628.)

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    Aly, Götz, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Hans Mommsen, Micha Brumlik, "Barbarei aus Gefälligkeit? Götz Aly im Streitgespräch mit Hans-Ulrich Wehler, Hans Mommsen und Micha Brumlik', in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 7 (2005), 786-810.

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    Herrschaft, Berlin: Bebra Verlag, 2016.

    Berghoff, Hartmut, "Gefälligkeitsdiktatur oder Tyrannei des Mangels? Neue Kontroversen zur Konsumgeschichte des Nationalsozialismus', in Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht (GWU) 58, Friedrich Verlag, 2007, 502-518.

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