• WTF!!!! High Schools now demanding defibrillators!!

    From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 23 18:08:18 2023
    Since when do 14 year old kids have heart attacks ?? Since Child Molester in Chief Pedo Joe Biden forced them to get the covid killer vax!!!!


    march 23 2023 New laws are being proposed to increase access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in educational institutions in the states of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.

    After ignoring the alarming increase in heart attack deaths among children and adults for three years, the mainstream media and the government finally began to cover the story.

    However, they are too blind to see the cause of these incidents. Their solution is more defibrillators in schools.

    Lawmakers in some states like Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania are now calling for more access to AED.

    In Indiana, legislation is moving forward that would mandate the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and cardiac emergency plans at all high school and collegiate sporting activities, 16 News Now reported.

    Senate Bill 369 also referred to as “Jake’s Law,” was debated at the State House on Wednesday. Senator Linda Rogers of Granger sponsored the legislation.

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