• The China Spy Balloon was SANCTIONED by Pedo Joe Biden

    From HangTextDrivers@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 3 18:14:47 2023
    More proof Child Molester in Chief biden is being blackmailed over something. Maybe his ukraine corruption or maybe his proven pedophilia. Millions of possibilities with a president this corrupt and this perverse.


    feb 3 2023 The Biden team must have sanctioned China’s balloon flying over the US says a former RAF and commercial airline pilot who flew in and out of the US.

    A former Royal Air Force pilot who flew Harrier jets and then flew hundreds of flights in and out of the US as a commercial pilot shared some breaking information .

    The former RAF pilot shared the following:

    "At an absolute minimum, an object flying over the United States, a plane or balloon, has to file a flight plan.
    In addition, at the absolute minimum, the object (plane or balloon) must have a transponder so that other flying objects know where it is and don’t crash into it.
    Because of these two items, the FAA had to know that the China balloon spotted flying over the US was coming.
    If the FAA did not know this then it is illegal and as President Trump recommends, it should be removed from US airspace immediately.
    The balloon also can legally only fly in certain areas. It needs to be above the commercial airline space of approximately 50,000 feet."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From KWills@21:1/5 to hangtextdrivers@gmail.com on Sat Feb 4 03:15:16 2023
    On Fri, 3 Feb 2023 18:14:47 -0800 (PST), HangTextDrivers <hangtextdrivers@gmail.com> wrote:

    More proof Child Molester in Chief biden is being blackmailed over something. Maybe his ukraine corruption or maybe his proven pedophilia. Millions of possibilities with a president this corrupt and this perverse.

    Please overcome your irrational fear of your Enter/Return key.


    feb 3 2023 The Biden team must have sanctioned China’s balloon flying over the US says a former RAF and commercial airline pilot who flew in and out of the US.

    A former Royal Air Force pilot who flew Harrier jets and then flew hundreds of flights in and out of the US as a commercial pilot shared some breaking information .

    The former RAF pilot shared the following:

    "At an absolute minimum, an object flying over the United States, a plane or balloon, has to file a flight plan.

    This is not true for civilian, non-commercial craft. It's a wise
    idea, but not required.

    In addition, at the absolute minimum, the object (plane or balloon) must have a transponder so that other flying objects know where it is and don’t crash into it.

    Also not true. It's a very good idea, and most craft come with one
    by default. But private craft are rarely *required* to have a

    Because of these two items, the FAA had to know that the China balloon spotted flying over the US was coming.

    Radar is what alerted people to its approach and arrival in US
    air space.

    If the FAA did not know this then it is illegal and as President Trump recommends, it should be removed from US airspace immediately.

    It should be brought down. But, as of the time I write this,
    there is nothing inherently illegal about the balloon. Nothing
    suggests it's a spy balloon. But a definitive conclusion can be made
    when it's brought down and examined.

    The balloon also can legally only fly in certain areas. It needs to be above the commercial airline space of approximately 50,000 feet."

    It is painfully obvious the "pilot" has never read 14 CFR §

    Strategic Writer.
    Psychotronic World Dominator.
    And FEMA camp activities director.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)