• TURMEL: Crown Response to Supreme Court Covid False Alarm Aylen appeal

    From John KingofthePaupers Turmel@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 26 21:07:30 2023
    TURMEL: Crown Response to Supreme Court Covid False Alarm Aylen appeal

    JCT: http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf is my original
    Statement of Claim to declare-+id Mortality Hyped
    Hundredfold a false alarm. Who cares about vaccine safety
    and effectiveness if the threat is a hoax?

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3sc.pdf is my Application for
    Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada the decision
    of Federal Court Judge Mandy Aylen to strike the action to
    declare the Covid False Alarm on the basis of comparing
    Apple to Orange, CFR to IFR to hype the threat a
    hundredfold! I've been blaming her for all the excess
    deaths due to the clot shot. Every time I read of another
    sudden excess death, I share it to my gab.com/johnturmel and librti.com/johnturmel Turmel News pages asking if they'd
    have taken the killer shot if she had let me warn them the
    threat was a false alarm.

    But the threat from the vaccine was not. As an engineer, I
    had studied fluid mechanics to know that programming our
    cells to produce spikes would disrupt laminar flow in
    capillaries to cause turbulence and blood clots.

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19a3tlc.pdf is the Crown's Response I
    got from the Ministry of Justice:

    Department of Justice Canada
    Ontario Regional Office
    National Litigation Sector
    120 Adelaide Street West Suite #400
    Toronto, ON M5H 1T1
    Telephone/Tiliphone: (416) 347 8754
    Email/Courriel: james.schneider@justice.gc.ca


    January 23, 2023

    Ms. Chantal Carbonneau, Registrar
    Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington Street
    Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0J1
    Email: registry-greffe@scc-csc.ca

    Dear Registrar:

    Re: TURMEL, John v His Majesty the King, File No. 40520

    JCT: It's weird to see His Majesty the King after my whole
    life against Her Majesty The Queen.

    CR: Please accept this letter as the response of His Majesty
    the King in Right of Canada ("Canada"), to the application
    for leave to appeal in this matter. The proposed appeal does
    not raise an issue of public importance, and Canada
    accordingly requests that the application be dismissed, with

    JCT: So finding out how Canadians were tricked into
    lockdowns and then coeerced to get the clot shot to escape
    or keep their jobs isn't an issue of national importance.
    But that's what we'll say when the Court doesn't let it in.
    Didn't think it was important enough.

    CR: A. Background

    In 2021, the applicant, John Turmel ("the applicant") filed a
    statement of claim in the Federal Court ("FC") seeking
    declarations related to the federal government. Among other
    things, the applicant sought a declaration that "COVID-
    mitigation restrictions" violated his rights under the
    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and sought an order
    pursuant to section 24(1) of the Charter for an injunction
    prohibiting any COVID-mitigation restrictions not used to
    control the flu.1
    - 1 Turmel v Canada, Order of Case Management Judge Mandy
    Aylen dated July 12, 2021, T-130-21 ["Prothonotary Order"]
    at para 11, Application Record, Tab 2, p 7

    JCT: Notice there is no mention of a false alarm by
    hundredfold exaggeration of the mortality threat less than
    the flu. Because there is no threat restrictions are
    unreasonable, because there is no reason for restrictions.

    CR: A Prothonotary of the FC struck the applicant's claim
    without leave to amend, finding that the statement of claim
    failed to plead the material facts necessary to satisfy the
    individual elements of any specific Charter infringement and
    did not particularize how the applicant's Charter rights had
    been infringed.2
    - 2 Prothonotary Order at para 25, Application Record, Tab
    2, p 11

    JCT: Standard judicial ploy. I don't see the facts (proving
    2 plus 2 is 4). I am insufficiently shown that 2+2=4. I have
    seen insufficient facts thast 2+2=4. A judge can close his
    eyes to anything and just say "Not enough." It's the only
    way to dismiss 2+2=4!

    The point is she knew the threat was a hundredfold-hyped
    false alarm. A statistical trick. And she has a degree in
    Economics. And she didn't grasp the trickery in comparing
    Apple to Orange?

    CR: The Prothonotary also found that the claim was an abuse
    of process as it contained bare assertions that the
    Defendant could not know how to answer,

    JCT: Am I supposed to be bothered that the Respondent can't
    answer? You were suckered by an Apple Orange comparison,
    What kind of answer can there be? Of course, they can't
    answer. Condemning my claim because they cannot answer seems
    very Alice-in-Wonderland-ish.

    CR: and was replete with lengthy diatribes, and scandalous
    and extreme allegations.

    JCT: I have never been accused of being overly-lengthy. The
    Ontario Court of Appeal once let me speak for 7 Appellants
    because I could tell their story the quickest (McCrady et
    al) and it came in under half an hour. I talk fast and say
    it once. Same with my Statement of Claim. The Engineer's
    KISS: Keep It Super Simple.

    And the fact I explained France's Didier Raoult gave his
    patients 1 gram of HCQ to lose under 1% while the Bill Gates
    Oxford test overdosed the patients with 9.6 grams to lose
    25.7%, 32 times more. I didn't have to call Bill Gates a
    scandalous name after showing all the deaths he deliberately
    caused to get an Emergency Use Authorization for his vaccine
    by discrediting HCQ. Yes,http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf
    is replete with scandalous and extreme allegations. But

    CR: The applicant unsuccessfully appealed the Prothonotary's
    decision to a single judge of the Federal Court3,
    - 3 Turmel v Canada, 2021 FC 1095, Application Record, Tab
    3, p 17

    and then to the Federal Court of Appeal4.
    - 4 Turmel v Canada, 2022 FCA 166, Application Record, Tab
    4, p 28

    CR: The applicant now seeks leave to appeal the Court of
    Appeal's decision.

    B. The proposed appeal does not raise an issue of public

    If you close your eyes and nose to the corpses, sure. But
    the corpses are starting to show up recently.

    CR: The proposed appeal does not raise an issue of public

    JCT: What is that, third time?

    CR: In striking the claim, the Prothonotary relied on well-
    established principles concerning the elements of proper
    pleadings, and in affirming her decision, the Courts below
    correctly identified and applied the appellate standard of

    JCT: Notice we reach the end of his response and it doesn't
    mention the issue: she should have set the precedent of
    allowing a claim to a declaration that any restriction for a
    false alarm was unconstitutional. She said there was no
    precedent so she couldn't let it in to warn Canadians that
    they were being forced into lockdowns and clot clot on a
    deliberate false alarm.

    I identified her error in that she should have set the
    precedent of declaring "any restrictions on a false alarm
    unconstitutional" and not waiting to have a specific
    restriction to strike.

    While the applicant now alleges that it would be more "just"
    for his claim to proceed, so that Canadians can be alerted
    to the COVID-19 "false alarm," he does not identify any
    specific errors in the decisions below, let alone any errors
    that give rise to issues of public importance.

    JCT: Sorry, refusing to set a precedent that would have
    saved lives had to be an error. A judge can do anything that
    is just and then defend the decision. Was it going to be
    hard to allow the challenge top any and all restrictions
    when that had never been done without a specific restriction

    CR: In any event, even if the applicant could identify
    errors, the proposed appeal would serve no purpose.

    JCT: It would alert Canadians that they should stop
    poisoning their children and themselves and now focus on
    saving them.

    CR: As the Motions Judge observed, the only federal COVID-19
    measures specifically identified in the claim were the pre-
    flight testing and 14-day quarantine requirements for
    travellers entering Canada by air.5
    - 5 Prothonotary Order at para 25C-D , Application Record,
    Tab 2, p 13

    JCT: We were looking for a declaration that "any restriction
    for a false alarm was unconstitutional."

    CR: However, the testing and quarantine requirements in
    place at the time of the applicant's claim set out in the
    Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil
    Aviation Due to COVID-19 were repealed on September 30,
    - 6 Order Repealing the Interim Order Respecting Certain
    Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No 73

    The applicant has correspondingly failed to identify any
    live issue of public importance. Canada therefore requests
    that the application for leave to appeal be dismissed, with

    JCT: They repeated 4 times it's of no national importance
    and I'll repeat 4 times finding out how they tricked us is.

    James Schneider, Counsel
    National Litigation Sector
    cc John Turmel, Applicant
    Christopher Rupar, Agent for the Respondent

    JCT: So I have until Monday to prepared my 2-page Reply and
    get it served and filed. It's going to have force them to
    call a stop to the mass murder. Quite the aim.

    And after months of delays, things are finishing. And Feb 7
    I have my Covid Protest $880 Ticket Trial on at #1 102
    Wellington St. Brantford N3T2M2 for attending a protest.

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