• Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabato

    From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 26 11:46:47 2022
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff December 26th 2022 4:04 am 169,132 words (192 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    Taking Responsibility:

    You turn trees into decorated idols, shun people from your churches who point out that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, have people arrested and tortured when they complain that your churches are censoring
    Scriptural references to cannibalism, and then have the audacity to proclaim that your prayers have power. Instead, go out from your filthy phallic-capped cannibal-run churches and get into groups of 2 or 3 (or more if vetted), and start detaining the
    rapists and the murderers and those committing election fraud and other forms of treason. You do not require a building to worship God in, wherever two or more are gathered in His name, there you will find His Church.

    Use your best judgment if you catch people crossing the border carrying hard drugs, you can test the powder and determine if it is a lethal drug by forcing the invader to ingest a quantity, if the invader dies, then there is no need to detain him or her.
    If you catch Americans leaving out food and water for the invaders, then shoot the individuals and tell God at the gates that I will take full responsibility should He see this as a sin (Scripture proclaims we should arm ourselves and secure our borders).
    Never shoot anybody that is black because their lives matter, similarly you can’t you shoot Latinos nor Chinese as their lives matter as well, you can only shoot white people who are leaving the food and water out in the desert for the invaders, shoot
    these white appeasers (don’t kill them, instead injure one of their legs so they don’t take any more treasonous walks into the desert). If you find Americans in uniform aiding the invaders and transporting them inland, recover their weapons and burn
    their uniforms lest these items fall into the hands of those yet more evil.

    Scripture doth not proclaim that you should tithe to cannibals, laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and then sit on your arses while your nations are being invaded. Islamists are coming here to murder and enslave Christians and First Nations, the
    Christians and First Nations need to play a more active role in closing airports, seaports and borders, and in returning the invaders to their home continents.

    Thomas Mick has a plan to return America to its former glory, read about it in Restoring The American Republic:

    “I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be
    regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican
    invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014

    “The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to
    stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties
    consistent with it. - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014

    Catholics verses Jews verses Christians:

    For the most part, Jews were expelled from Catholic countries, they were not Christian countries at all. The Catholics in these Catholic nations prayed to Mary and turned trees into decorated idols. Some nations converted to Protestantism, but that was
    in name only as they still upheld Catholic fertility rites. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Catholics killed Christians century after century, forcing the changing of God's Sabbath to
    Sunday. Satan dothn’t care if the sheep called themselves Catholics or Protestants, just as long as their Sunday worship coupled with their winter traditions together violated God’s First Four Commandments, which He hates.

    The Catholics rammed their penises up the children's arseholes, the Catholics censored Scriptural references to cannibalism and devoured children, as they continue to today. Now you embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your soul and blame
    Jews for all your problems. Now many of you call yourselves Protestants, and as your Protestant ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes you still blame Jews for all of your problems. Whether Protestant or Catholic, you make sure to cap
    the roofs of your churches and the very top of your blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises so now why don't you consider pulling down your pants and ejaculating upon your blinkin' fertility idols as well?

    You cover the graves of your war dead with evergreen tree branches twisted into decorative wreaths, these are pagan symbols of fertility just like your blinkin’ evergreen trees. You place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian
    penises, then you bow to these pagan dinks when you place your decorative wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the base of these Egyptian penises (another pagan symbol of fertility). You push your Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers with
    your Catholic (pagan) fertility wreaths. Now that you are decorating the tombstones of the dead soldiers with fertility idols, why don’t you also get these wreaths to blink? You get your trees to blink and you cap these blinkin’ trees with miniature
    Egyptian penises… then you place the statues of your war dead next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, so why don’t you place a little Egyptian penis on the very top of the soldier’s tombstones as well? Cover the graves of your war dead
    with blinkin’ fertility idol wreaths, and maybe also a glittering golden miniature penis, just like the little glittering Egyptian penis that you cap your blinkin’ evergreen tree with. Try some of these ideas I am mentioning and see if God will
    restore your nations and restore your fertility. And regardless if these ideas work or if they dothn’t work, you will still be offended by my words, so phone the police on me.

    Get me arrested and tortured again in psychiatric facilities as a reward for speaking, the drugs make me nauseous beyond belief, makes my brain pound in pain, makes my skin hard and dry, makes my jaw lock open and my lips and tongue turn into hard
    leather, makes me unable to get an erection. Maybe if you continue to have me tortured with psychiatric drugs that also prevents me from getting an erection then you will receive God’s blessings and He will restore your nations and restore your
    fertility. It can’t hurt to try (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    World Peace:

    Catholics killed an estimated 100 million Christians to force the changing of God's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Catholics persecuted and killed a lot of Jews as well, as the Catholics hate God's Saturday Sabbath that the Jews uphold, and the Jews
    would not join with them in turning trees into decorated idols nor pray to Mary. Catholics expelled Jews from Catholic nations. Catholics have a hatred of both Jews and Christians while Jews have a hatred of both Catholics and Christians, Christians in
    turn are embracing Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of their souls, are handing cash over to Jews while handing their nations over to members of alternative fertility cults (to Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists). All the while the witches are laughing
    at you and eating your children. And all the while the Catholics, Christians and Jews join together and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror (they laugh at those people who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric
    facilities as a reward for trying to warn you witches are eating your children). So recognize that Catholics, Christians and Jews can bring about world peace by simply joining together and laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, and by assaulting
    them further, while continuing to ignore the witches, who are eating your children. This is how the world works.

    Concern Trees May Have Obstructed Visibility:

    The Bott children were pulled out of school and homeschooled in order to instill into them Christian values. Then they had to return to school every winter to take part in the pagan winter festivities and see the trees that blink. God proclaims in
    Scripture that He is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are together in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. People exchanged God's Laws for pagan traditions and
    then they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when they hear my criticisms of their filthy phallic-capped churches.

    It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. Your phallic-capped churches are either run by cannibals who
    censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, or your phallic-capped churches are run by racists, liars and idiots who claim that white Christians eliminated cannibalism is the South Seas and in Africa. Phallic-capped church members publish books praising
    themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism being conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture explaining that we have cannibals living among us.

    I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, I
    begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further, and scornfully tell me that I was judging them. They cover their trees with copious quantities
    of tinfoil and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat, and that I should shut up and take another pill.

    Then they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so important for them to pose with the pagan idols and post the photos on Facebook, that they would post the photo even if it depicted one of their children
    playing with his penis. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.

    I beg God with every breath to honour His promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children, and He chose the Bott daughters (among others). The Bott daughters were born for the role. And just as you think it hilarious that I
    lose year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, I think that the deaths of the Bott daughters is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

    You people have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, courts of law, police stations, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you have millions of dollars to have me repeatedly arrested
    and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities in an effort to prevent me from saying so, and are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie. Go to hell.


    They are witches. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Witches have been poisoning people for millennia, that is what they do. Witches rule over the nations and they are laughing at you.

    The witches even preach to you from pulpits and teach you to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols. They cap the roofs of many of their churches with Egyptian penises... it is no surprise that they ram their penises up your children's arseholes for
    they already advertise themselves with penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. The witches in the churches cap the very tops of their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with miniature sparkling golden or miniature sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (
    penises), which you love, so then you turn your own homes into blinkin' temples of fertility with your own phallic-capped blinkin' evergreen tree idols.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture dothn't proclaim that God is enraged when He sees witches rape, torture, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn
    tree into decorated idols. So therefore phone the police on me when you hear my criticisms of your churches, then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, then assault them further. Make a big show of your objection to the Covid injections that you
    take by choice, while remaining silent about the psychiatric injections that others are forced to take. If you would have first defended those people who were stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, none of this Covid
    shit would have happened to you.

    Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for pointing out that they are pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments... and
    all you people can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I cry out to God against you people with every breath I take. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. You are the
    Jingle Bell people, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook where the witches shop for their next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to them,
    they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Then you voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over you, when you saw photos of Obama posing with the pagan
    idols you assumed he shared your values. Those who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) tolerated his presidency, for he posed with their beloved pagan idols. Year after year after year of brutal
    horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that not a single one of you can find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to
    make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me a cookie!!! I worked for you since 1988 and you rewarded my ministry with brutal
    horrid torture, with laughter and with additional brutal assaults. Many Christians died from the psychiatric drugs, God preserved my life so I could tell you about it.

    Proclaim You Are Saved:

    After you say NO to all the bullshit your see, you will still abide by the teachings of the churches and turn trees into decorated idols. You will still tithe to the priests and ministers who ram their penises up your children's arseholes because you
    love to see the blinkin' fertility tree idols in their churches. You will continue to phone the police on me for saying that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for saying “It is no surprise that your priests and
    ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of your filthy churches.”

    And you will continue to honor your war vets by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises. And you will bow to these pagan dinks when you place decorative evergreen tree wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the bases of
    these fertility idols. And you will bow down and place these pagan fertility wreaths on the grave stones of the war dead, you will use the dead soldiers to push your Catholic beliefs upon others.

    Then you will continue to vote for politicians who appear to share your values because they pose next to the blinkin' idols. You will even vote for a politician if he is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal.

    Then you will continue to phone the police on me in an attempt to prevent me from criticizing your Catholic churches and your Catholic beliefs. Then you will get tired of hearing me criticize your churches, and tire of me complaining of the years of
    psychiatric horror, and you will close your ears and eyes, take a Covid shot and roll over and die. Those who never took the Covid shots will also tire of my words, will sing Jingle Bells and will still eventually roll over and die. The jabbed and the
    unjabbed will both proclaim their prayers are full of power and that mine are of no effect.

    Year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and all you can do is laugh at me and assault me further, and proclaim that you are saved. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Unaware of Cannibals:

    They are cannibals. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Those who should be arresting the cannibals are on film committing the acts themselves, they are blackmailed into silence. God proclaims in Scripture that it
    enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The cannibals rejoice in your ignorance of their existence and love to eat your children and homeless without anybody
    being aware.

    How do you keep people unaware? 1) By focusing on them being pedophiles and rapists rather than identifying them as being the cannibals that they are. 2) By arresting and torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities when they proclaim that the
    churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. 3) By impoverishing people and making them homeless, as homeless people go missing (get eaten) without raising alarm.

    They are witches (cannibals), you ignore they are witches and instead call them pedophiles and rapists. The witches have been poisoning people for many thousands of years, that and eating people is what they do. You respond by getting your tree to blink.
    The tree blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, it is a real show. Then when your children die from the poison jabs, you respond by giving the priests and ministers more money as these priests and ministers gave you assurances that your loved one is
    now in heaven, watching over you (and because you love their blinkin' trees).

    You love their blinkin' trees so much that you would vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal, you assumed Obama shared your values because he posed with the fertility tree idols.

    Then you hear reports for decades of American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric faciltiies and you ignore them, continue to close your hearts to them and to the other victims of psychiatric horror, and then
    see yourself as an absolute hero because you speak up about the J6 prisoners, or because you call the cannibals "pedophiles and rapists" rather than the cannibals that they really are.

    You want your J6 prisoners released so they can return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. You are Catholics who speak out in defense of other
    Catholic prisoners while being silent about the victims of psychiatric horror who are tortured to death for daring to criticize the pagan fertility rites taught by your churches and that you embrace as gospel. You consider yourselves Christians but
    rather than face persecution for your beliefs, you instead persecute those Christians who dare to speak up against your churches for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, for teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, and for pointing out
    that they cap the roofs of their filthy churches with Egyptian penises. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. You are allied with atheists and are at war against God.

    Perhaps your highly esteemed Catholic J6 prisoners will be released on “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain, not His Mass) day, then you will rejoice and hang J6 decorations upon your trees. In a few years it will be established tradition and
    whoever questions the practice will be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities.

    Chinese vs Canadian Protestors

    The Chinese communists identify those protesting in the crowd and abduct and kill them and harvest their organs later when nobody is watching. Instead of throwing objects at the communists, the people should be piercing them with sharp sticks. There is a
    time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), because the Chinese people are not allowed to have rifles, they should be using sharp sticks (aka spears), or bows and arrows. Scripture doth not proclaim we should be sitting on our arses and allowing evil to triumph.
    Tolerance is not a Christian virtue.

    Compare the Chinese protestors to Canadians, the Canadians accept all manners of indignities and then respond by having people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. In 1988 I proclaimed that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to
    cannibalism. In 1988 I also proclaimed that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. In 1988 I was
    arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals and she proceeded to brutally torture me for years. All the Canadians could do for me is laugh at me and call me a pedophile, and assault me

    In the late 1980's sexual assaults by the priests and ministers was becoming widely known, many people were making their views known on the subject. I thought that I should speak up and make my views known as well. I want the Canadians to understand that
    there are cannibals running their churches (they are not just pedophiles, they are cannibals), and these cannibals are teaching people to turn trees into decorated fertility idols. Different aspects of the winter festival are together in opposition to
    God's First Three Commandments. Canadians love their pagan fertility idols so much that they are willing to throw me under the bus so they don't have to hear criticisms of their pagan idolatry. They spend billions of dollars annually turning their
    churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, they spent millions having me repeatedly arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities in an attempt to prevent me from saying so. I lost year after year
    after year to brutal horrid torture and all they can do for me is laugh and call me a pedophile, then fly to tropical resorts and pose with the pagan idols there. It is so vitally important for the Canadians to pose with the blinkin' idols that they
    would post the photos on Facebook even if a child of theirs is shown in the photograph to be playing with his penis. The Canadians are quite simply compassionless God-damned turds, the God-damned shit of the earth. I cry out to God against you Canadians
    with every breath I take, I pray for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. You will not get away with what you have done to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and there
    isn't a single one of you that has so much compassion for me that you are willing to buy me a single simple holiday to anywhere in a feeble effort to make up for the loss of years of my life. You filthy God-damned penis whoreshipping pricks are so cheap
    that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie!!!

    The Counter-Reformation:

    The Catholic Church is run by cannibals, they took over the Protestant churches with something known as the "counter-reformation" which is censored. They took over the other institutions as well. They did this because you enabled them by tithing to them,
    you tithed to them because you loved to see the blinkin' evergreen tree idols and all the gold and smoke and mirrors and stained glass windows in their churches. You loved their evergreen tree fertility idols so much that you made decorative wreaths (
    pagan fertility idols), bowed down and placed these wreaths (pagan fertility idols) upon the graves of your war dead. You loved the steeples (Egyptian obelisks, aka penises) on the roofs of the churches, you saw the priests and ministers cap their
    blinkin' evergreen tree idols with these Egyptian penises, so you went home and capped your blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idol with an Egyptian penis as well, then bowed to this idol when you placed and retrieved presents at the base of the tree.
    Then you made statues of soldiers and placed them next to or on top of Egyptian penises, then bowed to these penises as well when you placed your decorative fertility wreaths (pagan idols) at the base of the dinks. Then you voted for a homosexual
    Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal, when you saw Obama posing with the pagan idols you assumed he shared your values. Those who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal, tolerated him, because he
    posed with your beloved pagan idols. Then you phoned the police on me and had me arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities and laughed at me and assaulted me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country. I said that the churches were
    censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and said it is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches,
    and you delivered me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals, and then you laughed and laughed and laughed (and assaulted me further). You allowed the CIA to fund torture research at the University of
    Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, then you reserve seats in your western universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, then you Americans fly to Saskatoon in order to catch a connecting flight up north so you may hunt and
    fish with your finely balanced gold-inlayed shotguns costing $20,000 US ($30,000 Canadian). I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture and you people
    are so cheap and ignorant that your can't find it in your hearts to even attempt to make up the loss of years of my life by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. So you laugh at me and then fly to tropical resorts and photograph your children
    posing with the pagan idols there. It is so vitally important for you God-damned pagan arseholes to post pictures of your children on Facebook posing with the pagan idols that you would even post the photo if it shows one of your children playing with
    his penis. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, an order is placed, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten, and you respond by phoning the police on me, laughing at me, calling me
    a pedophile, assaulting me further and singing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. I cry out to God against you people with my every breath, but you do not care because you see your prayers as being full of power and see my prayers as being of no effect.
    Good luck with that. Your people are dying, your nations are dying, and I am praying for your deaths and for the deaths of your children. Compassionless pagan arseholes, that is all you are. Decades of reports of American service men being stripped of
    their rights and tortured to death in American psychiatric facilities and you ignore that as well and think yourselves as heroes because you decorate their graves with pagan symbols of fertility. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Time To Retire:

    The jabbed should all retire from their jobs, sell their houses and go on holidays as they only have a handful of months left to live. Consider taking your holiday at the southern border and defending your nation there in an attempt to do something
    positive for your fellow Americans. Or take over an airport and prevent Islamists from being flown in. Or shut down a psychiatric facility and free those being detained and tortured to death there.

    Or stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, take your bullshit Covid injections by choice and then stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, at those who have the horrid drugs forced upon them. Post messages on social
    media defending turning trees into decorated idols, tithe to the priests and ministers who taught you to, to the priests and ministers who stood at their pulpits and urged their sheep to comply and take the death jabs. Cover your blinkin' trees with
    copious quantities of tinfoil and then spend your final days laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats. Twitch, convulse and necrotize from your bullshit Covid injections and continue to laugh at the victims
    of psychiatric horror. Sell your homes and go on holidays, maybe see all the evergreen trees in Yukon and Alaska, time is short for you. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what
    doth He know? Laugh at those who criticized your pagan fertility rites and who then faced years of psychiatric horror in an attempt to shut them up about this and your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, when you hear them screaming
    out in horror about the psychiatric drugs, laugh and tell them to take another pill. Time is short for you, do all you do with conviction and zeal.

    The Reason For The Season:

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 22 20:41:38 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff January 22nd 2023 1:57 pm 174,240 words (200 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    Heroes and Hype:

    You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
    speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
    blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
    your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
    tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
    you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
    shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
    Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.

    You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
    if your child is playing with his penis. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped,
    tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First
    Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
    coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
    churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?

    Jingle All The Way:

    If you first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror none of this shit would have happened to you. Now you will fight desperately for your nations and if you win, you will still have people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities because they
    continue to criticize the pagan idolatry in your Catholic churches and continue to claim that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you use your
    universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. Your compassion is limited to your pagan
    evergreen tree idols and to the Egyptian penises you cap your churches and blinkin' trees with. Rather than assist you to fight for the survival of your nations, I am crying out to God against you, against your children, and against your nations. You
    people are compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth!!! Years of absolute horror in the psychiatric wards, additional years of absolute horror utterly fearful of another arrest and round of torture, and all you filthy pagan pricks can do for
    me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror is laugh at us, slander and libel us and assault us further, and then sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. You turn trees into decorated idols and then cap these idols with miniature sparkling silver or
    golden Egyptian penises because you follow the example made by the cannibals running your filthy phallic-capped churches. You turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility and then fly to tropical resorts where you pose with the pagan idols there,
    then you post the photos of your children posing with the idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches see an attractive child on Facebook, place and order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. God
    proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. You spend millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities and
    think it funny, then you annually spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you can’t even
    find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you don’t even have the compassion to buy me a cookie!!! Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Respond By Laughing:

    Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
    every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
    Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
    defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.

    To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by doink so,
    became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
    to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
    People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
    to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.

    Handing Over Authority:

    If Hindus owned the media they would use it to teach you to obtain your spiritual bliss via orgasm and to worship monkeys and rats. If Jews owned the media then they would use it to teach you to abide by God's Ten Commandments. If Christians owned the
    media they would use it to teach you that Jesus created heaven and earth and is God in the flesh who died for your sins. If Catholics owned the media they would teach you to get your evergreen trees to blink. It is written in Scripture that God hates
    your evergreen tree idols and seeing them enrages Him, yet folks embrace this Catholic fertility rite with great zeal while worshipping a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of their God-damned mouths.
    Pretty much every single institution teaches you to embrace Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, and there you are, abiding by Catholic fertility rites while claiming it is Jews who rule the world.

    We live in a corrupt church-state which teaches you to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Now this same corrupt church is using their media to demand you to take a death jab. Some people woke up and see that the injections are a death jab, but they
    continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. After criticizing the pagan fertility rites in the churches (evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, Egyptian penises on the church roofs, the priests and ministers ramming
    their penises up your children’s arseholes, the clergy cannibalizing your children and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for years in psychiatric facilities. All people could do for me is slander me,
    libel me, steal from me, laugh at me, and assault me further.

    Note that your former Queen was a cannibal, she was supposedly the head of a Protestant church yet she used her office to annually teach you to abide by Catholic fertility rites and get your trees to blink. Her son Charles is the Anti-Christ, he has been
    using his wealth to fund the spread of Islam for the last several decades. The Catholic Church is about to hand all of their authority over to Charles, who claims to be the defender of faith. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a
    cannibal, who tells Biden what to do and say. Both Canada and the United States are ruled by Islamists who demand you take the death jabs. If you attempt to remove Trudeau or Obama from office and expel the Islamic invaders, then Charles will come with
    his massive United Nations Islamic army and defend his people. And oh look, UN (Islamic) aircraft are already landing in both the US and Canada in quantities.

    Utter Hilarity:

    Can't you folks see the utter hilarity of you teaching your children to abide by pagan fertility rites and then having them injected with toxins that removes their fertility and their lives?!!! Those people who attempted to warn you to flee from the
    pagan idolatry you had tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. You allowed doctors to be trained at your universities to practice the brutal torture and you ignored those who complained of the treatments. I got repeatedly arrested and brutally
    tortured as a reward for speaking and all people could do for me is mock me, openly laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, because your pagan traditions are maintained by these actions. I sought to destroy your traditions (your embrace of pagan
    fertility rites) by educating you, by informing you that the practice of turning trees into decorated idols is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, your response was to continue spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and
    laughing at me, and by phoning the police on me when you heard my criticisms of your pagan idolatry. Cannibals head your churches, the cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then the cannibals parroted their own media and demanded that
    the sheep take injections that destroyed their fertility and their lives. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me is slander and libel me and rob me and assault me further and
    then fly to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another
    arrest and round of torture, and your response is to totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and psychiatric horror, then have your children injected as well. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    The Love of Catholic Traditions:

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The Christians behave as pagans during the winter pagan festival and turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into
    blinkin' temples of fertility. Their supposedly Protestant Queen modeled the behavior annually, turning trees into decorated idols is a Catholic tradition.

    Then the Christians act as pagans year around when they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when I dare to point out that they are embracing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and that their churches are
    censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. When I complain of the brutal horrid torture they slander me, libel me, mock me, laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, then they say that I am judging them.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. I was being repeatedly arrested for speaking and never knew when the next arrest and round of
    torture would occur, leaving me in an state of apprehension, wanting to leave the country but finding ridicule rather than support. Once I was arrested and tortured because I was brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Bible study,
    for speaking… these people are Catholics, different aspects of their winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, then they think themselves holy for upholding His Fourth Commandment. Some of the Seventh-day Adventist
    churches have Egyptian penises on their roofs, while Ellen G. White has an Egyptian dink for a tombstone.

    The Catholics spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about it, and they don't have the compassion to even attempt to make up my loss by
    buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Instead they fly to tropical resorts where they and their children pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they post the photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their
    next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for victims and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. It is so vitally important for these Catholics to pose for photos beside their Catholic fertility tree
    idols, that they would post the photo on Facebook even if it showed one of their children playing with his penis. Every winter in Vatican Square the Catholics erect a huge blinkin’ tree next to the stolen Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis),
    they place their symbols of fertility side by side.

    All I can do is cry, and I cry out to God against you so-called Christians who embrace this Catholic fertility rite, you are a stumbling block who then teaches this pagan filth to others. When you adopt Catholic fertility rituals, then you become
    Catholics. Even the atheists among you have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. One of my superpowers
    is to not die from the psychiatric drugs and the years of psychiatric horror. What is your superpower? Is it to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror or just to ignore the horror of psychiatry and allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive? God
    preserved my life so that I could give testimony against you and your churches, why doth God bother preserving your life?

    Honouring Your Veterans:

    You honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow down to the penis and place a fertility wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made from the branches of evergreen trees at the base of the
    dink (another pagan fertility idol). You also honour your war dead by placing decorative wreaths (pagan idols) on their tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. Then you elected and re-elected a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photos next to the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols. Those of you
    who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist pedophile and cannibal tolerated him because he posed with the pagan idols, which you love more than The Word of God. You also ignored decades of reports of American soldiers being stripped of their
    rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, now you consider yourselves as absolute heroes because you dare to speak out about the J6 prisoners. These favoured prisoners of yours are all Catholics, as they all abide by the Catholic fertility
    rites and get their trees to blink, they want to be released from prison so they may return home to their families and bow to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols. Your favoured prisoners are all Catholics who decorate and bow to trees, while some of the
    victims of psychiatric horror who you ignore or scorn, are detained because they criticized your churches for teaching pagan fertility traditions.

    American and Canadian soldiers defended one group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women, and then they raped the female soldiers serving in their own
    platoons. After ignoring the soldiers that were stripped of their rights and had psychiatric drugs forced upon them, they took the bullshit Covid injections by choice and lost their fertility and their lives. Those veterans that have not yet perished
    from the bullshit Covid jabs are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing and have lost their fertility. Maybe if you pagan arseholes ejaculated upon your blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols then you would regain your fertility. Anyway, just as you
    think it hilarious that people who criticize your Catholic churches and evergreen tree idols get arrested and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    Jingle Bell People:

    Your destruction is allowed because you used your CIA to fund the development of the psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities, then allowed Canadians and others to face brutal horrid torture in psychiatric
    facilities, then you were utterly compassionless to these victims and to your own veterans who were similarly stripped of their rights and brutally tortured with the drugs. I was stripped of my rights as a reward for criticizing the churches who are
    pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments. So I cry out to God against you, against your children and against your nation, and you know what??? You are dying, your children are dying and your nation is dying. You think your prayers are
    oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all
    you pagan pricks could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. You folks are so cheap and compassionless that you can't find it in your hearts to buy me a single simple holiday to anywhere in a feeble
    effort to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, indeed, you are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie!!! You are utterly compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. I cry
    out to God against you people with all my soul, I desperately desire your deaths and the deaths of your children. You are the Jingle Bell People, jingle all the way.

    A Time of Trouble:

    They are instructed to move to western nations, and the vast majority of them are not making demands and are appearing to assimilate. They believe that they are guaranteed a place in heaven by simply moving here. Without making demands they are being
    provided for, lavishly, by the Islamic federal government. Then the average Canadian buys Halal certified foods and so further funds the expansion of Islam. Then, if the Canadians manage to expel the Islamic invaders, the Canadians will continue to shit
    upon me when I criticize their pagan fertility rites and their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism and petition authorities to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured in psychiatric facilities. Presently you reserve seats
    for and use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and under Trudeau allow them to practice this "art" without being Canadian citizens... so if you manage to expel the Islamic invaders, then you would only
    have Hindu, Sikh and Catholic psychiatrists left to torture me in the psychiatric facilities when I criticize your filthy churches. All I can do is cry out to God against you, I pray for Him to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. Year
    after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you can do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. And do note, Charles is the Anti-Christ, he is fabulously wealthy and for decades has been using his
    wealth to fund the expansion of Islam in western nations, he is the self-proclaimed defender of faith. And do note, you are again set to spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin'
    temples of fertility, and you do so without blushing. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the many episodes of brutal horrid torture and you folks are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me so much as a cookie. You
    turn trees into decorated idols and defend this filth with brutal violence, then think your prayers are oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. Go to hell.


    On November 13th 2022 in “Election Integrity (Stop The Steal)” on www.GAB.com, Olvar proclaims that people are free to do whatever they damn well want, it is their money so they are free to use it as they wish, and says that the act of decorating the
    tree is not the same as election fraud and the rest of the corruption in the political arena. He continues to say that nobody who embraces these pagan idols are whoreshipping them. He also says that the pagan celebration makes him happy. I am unable to
    join the group and respond to him there.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The fact that you bow down to the base of the tree when you place and retrieve presents at the base of the tree, and that you do so after God
    proclaims the act enrages Him, are indications to me that you are truly whoreshipping the tree. If this makes you happy then go for it. Furthermore the election fraud and the other political corruption is conducted by members of this corrupt church. They
    are witches who rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The corrupt church-state not only runs the government, but also the media, educational system, the legal system, the medical system and the entertainment industry. All these institutions parrot
    their church and teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, for they are all the same institution.

    The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up as fish and taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that many species of fish lay enormous quantities of eggs and so were viewed and whoreshipped as symbols of fertility, while
    the evergreen tree was whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Many people also cap the very top of their blinkin’ trees with miniature sparking Egyptian obelisks, they are representations of penises, another
    symbol of fertility.

    In 1988 I first spoke out against the churches teaching the pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments and was brutally tortured for years. Another indication to me that you indeed whoreship the tree is that you close your hearts to the
    suffering of me and other Christians who dared to share God’s Word and speak out against the pagan idols. You would prefer to annually spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols than raise a finger in defense of the victims
    of psychiatric torture.

    Now I suggest that you not only continue in your pagan filth but also pull your pants down and ejaculate onto your God-damned fertility tree idols. Maybe that will make you happier.

    Pagan Fertility Rites:

    I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches and said they were censoring Scriptural reference to cannibalism. I said that it was no surprise your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they
    already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, then I was horribly tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at The University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital for years. The Hindu said that I
    thought too much about penises, odd as Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me was mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, this false church owns and uses the media, the educational and political systems to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is extremely important
    for them to get you to abide by the pagan winter festivities as different aspects of this pagan holiday are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, which they hate.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols then later these same priests and ministers parroted their media and parroted their politicians and told you to take the death jab. Now all I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26)
    . You abided by pagan fertility rites and then took a jab that removed your fertility and will ultimately take your lives, and now as you are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the jabs, your greatest desire is to return to church this winter
    and see the trees that blink (and to turn your own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility). The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show.

    The Christians laughed and laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country, and each winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos while standing next to the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos of their children
    standing next to the idols on Facebook, where the witches shopped for your children. The witches would cruise Facebook and find a child that appealed to them, they would place an order and the child would be abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed
    and eaten. It was so vitally important for the parents to post photos on Facebook of their children posing with the pagan idols that they would do so even if their child was shown to be playing with his penis.

    The Christians also voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over them, when they saw Obama posing with the pagan idols they assumed he shared their values. Those who did not vote for this cannibal
    tolerated him for he was posing with their favoured idols.

    The Christians have absolutely zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror, odd as it is the Spirit-filled Christians who face the greatest horror in the psychiatric wards, those who are opposed to the pagan idols are targeted
    and then provided with treatments that causes the most harm.

    When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. Even the atheists (people who hate God and Christians) decorate and bow to the Catholic idols and so have become Catholics as well. Even the Doukhobors, people who historically fled
    from the corrupt churches, now turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility and so have become Catholics as well. All I can do now is cry out to God against the so-called Christians. You celebrate and laugh when I begged in vain for assistance
    to flee the country, now I celebrate the fact that you are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dropping dead. All I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26).

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 21 12:08:47 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff February 21st 2023 2:00 pm 186,291 words (216 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    Utter Hilarity:

    Can't you folks see the utter hilarity of you teaching your children to abide by pagan fertility rites and then having them injected with toxins that removes their fertility and their lives?!!! Those people who attempted to warn you to flee from the
    pagan idolatry you had tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. You allowed doctors to be trained at your universities to practice the brutal torture and you ignored those who complained of the treatments. I got repeatedly arrested and brutally
    tortured as a reward for speaking and all people could do for me is mock me, openly laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, because your pagan traditions are maintained by these actions. I sought to destroy your traditions (your embrace of pagan
    fertility rites) by educating you, by informing you that the practice of turning trees into decorated idols is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, your response was to continue spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and
    laughing at me, and by phoning the police on me when you heard my criticisms of your pagan idolatry. Cannibals head your churches, the cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then the cannibals parroted their own media and demanded that
    the sheep take injections that destroyed their fertility and their lives. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me is slander and libel me and rob me and assault me further and
    then fly to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another
    arrest and round of torture, and your response is to totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and psychiatric horror, then have your children injected as well. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Honouring Your Veterans:

    You honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow down to the penis and place a fertility wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made from the branches of evergreen trees at the base of the
    dink (another pagan fertility idol). You also honour your war dead by placing decorative wreaths (pagan idols) on their tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. Then you elected and re-elected a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photos next to the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols. Those of you
    who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist pedophile and cannibal tolerated him because he posed with the pagan idols, which you love more than The Word of God. You also ignored decades of reports of American soldiers being stripped of their
    rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, now you consider yourselves as absolute heroes because you dare to speak out about the J6 prisoners. These favoured prisoners of yours are all Catholics, as they all abide by the Catholic fertility
    rites and get their trees to blink, they want to be released from prison so they may return home to their families and bow to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols. Your favoured prisoners are all Catholics who decorate and bow to trees, while some of the
    victims of psychiatric horror who you ignore or scorn, are detained because they criticized your churches for teaching pagan fertility traditions.

    American and Canadian soldiers defended one group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women, and then they raped the female soldiers serving in their own
    platoons. After ignoring the soldiers that were stripped of their rights and had psychiatric drugs forced upon them, they took the bullshit Covid injections by choice and lost their fertility and their lives. Those veterans that have not yet perished
    from the bullshit Covid jabs are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing and have lost their fertility. Maybe if you pagan arseholes ejaculated upon your blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols then you would regain your fertility. Anyway, just as you
    think it hilarious that people who criticize your Catholic churches and evergreen tree idols get arrested and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    Jingle Bell People:

    Your destruction is allowed because you used your CIA to fund the development of the psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities, then allowed Canadians and others to face brutal horrid torture in psychiatric
    facilities, then you were utterly compassionless to these victims and to your own veterans who were similarly stripped of their rights and brutally tortured with the drugs. I was stripped of my rights as a reward for criticizing the churches who are
    pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments. So I cry out to God against you, against your children and against your nation, and you know what??? You are dying, your children are dying and your nation is dying. You think your prayers are
    oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all
    you pagan pricks could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. You folks are so cheap and compassionless that you can't find it in your hearts to buy me a single simple holiday to anywhere in a feeble
    effort to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, indeed, you are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie!!! You are utterly compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. I cry
    out to God against you people with all my soul, I desperately desire your deaths and the deaths of your children. You are the Jingle Bell People, jingle all the way.

    A Time of Trouble:

    They are instructed to move to western nations, and the vast majority of them are not making demands and are appearing to assimilate. They believe that they are guaranteed a place in heaven by simply moving here. Without making demands they are being
    provided for, lavishly, by the Islamic federal government. Then the average Canadian buys Halal certified foods and so further funds the expansion of Islam. Then, if the Canadians manage to expel the Islamic invaders, the Canadians will continue to shit
    upon me when I criticize their pagan fertility rites and their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism and petition authorities to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured in psychiatric facilities. Presently you reserve seats
    for and use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and under Trudeau allow them to practice this "art" without being Canadian citizens... so if you manage to expel the Islamic invaders, then you would only
    have Hindu, Sikh and Catholic psychiatrists left to torture me in the psychiatric facilities when I criticize your filthy churches. All I can do is cry out to God against you, I pray for Him to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. Year
    after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you can do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. And do note, Charles is the Anti-Christ, he is fabulously wealthy and for decades has been using his
    wealth to fund the expansion of Islam in western nations, he is the self-proclaimed defender of faith. And do note, you are again set to spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin'
    temples of fertility, and you do so without blushing. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the many episodes of brutal horrid torture and you folks are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me so much as a cookie. You
    turn trees into decorated idols and defend this filth with brutal violence, then think your prayers are oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. Go to hell.


    On November 13th 2022 in “Election Integrity (Stop The Steal)” on www.GAB.com, Olvar proclaims that people are free to do whatever they damn well want, it is their money so they are free to use it as they wish, and says that the act of decorating the
    tree is not the same as election fraud and the rest of the corruption in the political arena. He continues to say that nobody who embraces these pagan idols are whoreshipping them. He also says that the pagan celebration makes him happy. I am unable to
    join the group and respond to him there.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The fact that you bow down to the base of the tree when you place and retrieve presents at the base of the tree, and that you do so after God
    proclaims the act enrages Him, are indications to me that you are truly whoreshipping the tree. If this makes you happy then go for it. Furthermore the election fraud and the other political corruption is conducted by members of this corrupt church. They
    are witches who rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The corrupt church-state not only runs the government, but also the media, educational system, the legal system, the medical system and the entertainment industry. All these institutions parrot
    their church and teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, for they are all the same institution.

    The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up as fish and taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that many species of fish lay enormous quantities of eggs and so were viewed and whoreshipped as symbols of fertility, while
    the evergreen tree was whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Many people also cap the very top of their blinkin’ trees with miniature sparking Egyptian obelisks, they are representations of penises, another
    symbol of fertility.

    In 1988 I first spoke out against the churches teaching the pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments and was brutally tortured for years. Another indication to me that you indeed whoreship the tree is that you close your hearts to the
    suffering of me and other Christians who dared to share God’s Word and speak out against the pagan idols. You would prefer to annually spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols than raise a finger in defense of the victims
    of psychiatric torture.

    Now I suggest that you not only continue in your pagan filth but also pull your pants down and ejaculate onto your God-damned fertility tree idols. Maybe that will make you happier.

    Pagan Fertility Rites:

    I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches and said they were censoring Scriptural reference to cannibalism. I said that it was no surprise your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they
    already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, then I was horribly tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at The University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital for years. The Hindu said that I
    thought too much about penises, odd as Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me was mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, this false church owns and uses the media, the educational and political systems to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is extremely important
    for them to get you to abide by the pagan winter festivities as different aspects of this pagan holiday are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, which they hate.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols then later these same priests and ministers parroted their media and parroted their politicians and told you to take the death jab. Now all I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26)
    . You abided by pagan fertility rites and then took a jab that removed your fertility and will ultimately take your lives, and now as you are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the jabs, your greatest desire is to return to church this winter
    and see the trees that blink (and to turn your own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility). The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show.

    The Christians laughed and laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country, and each winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos while standing next to the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos of their children
    standing next to the idols on Facebook, where the witches shopped for your children. The witches would cruise Facebook and find a child that appealed to them, they would place an order and the child would be abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed
    and eaten. It was so vitally important for the parents to post photos on Facebook of their children posing with the pagan idols that they would do so even if their child was shown to be playing with his penis.

    The Christians also voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over them, when they saw Obama posing with the pagan idols they assumed he shared their values. Those who did not vote for this cannibal
    tolerated him for he was posing with their favoured idols.

    The Christians have absolutely zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror, odd as it is the Spirit-filled Christians who face the greatest horror in the psychiatric wards, those who are opposed to the pagan idols are targeted
    and then provided with treatments that causes the most harm.

    When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. Even the atheists (people who hate God and Christians) decorate and bow to the Catholic idols and so have become Catholics as well. Even the Doukhobors, people who historically fled
    from the corrupt churches, now turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility and so have become Catholics as well. All I can do now is cry out to God against the so-called Christians. You celebrate and laugh when I begged in vain for assistance
    to flee the country, now I celebrate the fact that you are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dropping dead. All I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26).

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture and then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. And there isn’t a single one of you that has enough compassion for me to even attempt to
    make up the loss of years of my life by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Indeed, you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a cookie!!! You people truly are the God-damned shit of the earth.
    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!!!

    Nothing can stop what is coming!!! What is coming??? Will somebody some day acknowledge that you are silent about the issue of psychiatric torture and utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror??? Will somebody acknowledge that their
    universities are being used to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists??? Will somebody finally acknowledge that Trudeau not only trains them, but then allows these Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to practice psychiatry in Canada (
    torture Canadians to death in Canada) without them becoming Canadian citizens???

    What is coming??? The only thing that I see coming is Charles, he is the Islamic Anti-Christ and heads the massive United Nations Islamic army. I don't see anybody expelling the Islamists, for if you attempted to then Charles will step in and on top of
    you. Nothing can stop what is coming. You gleefully embrace pagan fertility rites (your phallic-capped churches teach you to turn trees into decorated idols), your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you defend the cannibals running
    your churches with brutal psychiatric torture, you are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, now you get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. And you deserve it!!!

    Catholics verses Jews verses Christians:

    For the most part, Jews were expelled from Catholic countries, they were not Christian countries at all. The Catholics in these Catholic nations prayed to Mary and turned trees into decorated idols. Some nations converted to Protestantism, but that was
    in name only as they still upheld Catholic fertility rites. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Catholics killed Christians century after century, forcing the changing of God's Sabbath to
    Sunday. Satan dothn’t care if the sheep called themselves Catholics or Protestants, just as long as their Sunday worship coupled with their winter traditions together violated God’s First Four Commandments, which He hates.

    The Catholics rammed their penises up the children's arseholes, the Catholics censored Scriptural references to cannibalism and devoured children, as they continue to today. Now you embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your soul and blame
    Jews for all your problems. Now many of you call yourselves Protestants, and as your Protestant ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes you still blame Jews for all of your problems. Whether Protestant or Catholic, you make sure to cap
    the roofs of your churches and the very top of your blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises so now why don't you consider pulling down your pants and ejaculating upon your blinkin' fertility idols as well?

    You cover the graves of your war dead with evergreen tree branches twisted into decorative wreaths, these are pagan symbols of fertility just like your blinkin’ evergreen trees. You place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian
    penises, then you bow to these pagan dinks when you place your decorative wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the base of these Egyptian penises (another pagan symbol of fertility). You push your Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers with
    your Catholic (pagan) fertility wreaths. Now that you are decorating the tombstones of the dead soldiers with fertility idols, why don’t you also get these wreaths to blink? You get your trees to blink and you cap these blinkin’ trees with miniature
    Egyptian penises… then you place the statues of your war dead next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, so why don’t you place a little Egyptian penis on the very top of the soldier’s tombstones as well? Cover the graves of your war dead
    with blinkin’ fertility idol wreaths, and maybe also a glittering golden miniature penis, just like the little glittering Egyptian penis that you cap your blinkin’ evergreen tree with. Try some of these ideas I am mentioning and see if God will
    restore your nations and restore your fertility. And regardless if these ideas work or if they dothn’t work, you will still be offended by my words, so phone the police on me.

    Get me arrested and tortured again in psychiatric facilities as a reward for speaking, the drugs make me nauseous beyond belief, makes my brain pound in pain, makes my skin hard and dry, makes my jaw lock open and my lips and tongue turn into hard
    leather, makes my hair fall out, makes me unable to get an erection. Maybe if you continue to have me tortured with psychiatric drugs that also prevents me from getting an erection then you will receive God’s blessings and He will restore your nations
    and restore your fertility. It can’t hurt to try (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    World Peace:

    Catholics killed an estimated 100 million Christians to force the changing of God's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Catholics persecuted and killed a lot of Jews as well, as the Catholics hate God's Saturday Sabbath that the Jews uphold, and the Jews
    would not join with them in turning trees into decorated idols nor pray to Mary. Catholics expelled Jews from Catholic nations. Catholics have a hatred of both Jews and Christians while Jews have a hatred of both Catholics and Christians, Christians in
    turn are embracing Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of their souls, are handing cash over to Jews while handing their nations over to members of alternative fertility cults (to Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists). All the while the witches are laughing
    at you and eating your children. And all the while the Catholics, Christians and Jews join together and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror (they laugh at those people who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric
    facilities as a reward for trying to warn you witches are eating your children). So recognize that Catholics, Christians and Jews can bring about world peace by simply joining together and laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, and by assaulting
    them further, while continuing to ignore the witches, who are eating your children. This is how the world works.

    Concern Trees May Have Obstructed Visibility:

    The Bott children were pulled out of school and homeschooled in order to instill into them Christian values. Then they had to return to school every winter to take part in the pagan winter festivities and see the trees that blink. God proclaims in
    Scripture that He is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are together in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. People exchanged God's Laws for pagan traditions and
    then they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when they hear my criticisms of their filthy phallic-capped churches.

    It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. Your phallic-capped churches are either run by cannibals who
    censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, or your phallic-capped churches are run by racists, liars and idiots who claim that white Christians eliminated cannibalism is the South Seas and in Africa. Phallic-capped church members publish books praising
    themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism being conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture explaining that we have cannibals living among us.

    I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, I
    begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further, and scornfully tell me that I was judging them. They cover their trees with copious quantities
    of tinfoil and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat, and that I should shut up and take another pill.

    Then they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so important for them to pose with the pagan idols and post the photos on Facebook, that they would post the photo even if it depicted one of their children
    playing with his penis. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.

    I beg God with every breath to honour His promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children, and He chose the Bott daughters (among others). The Bott daughters were born for the role. And just as you think it hilarious that I
    lose year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, I think that the deaths of the Bott daughters is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

    You people have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, courts of law, police stations, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you have millions of dollars to have me repeatedly arrested
    and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities in an effort to prevent me from saying so, and are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie. Go to hell.

    Time To Retire:

    The jabbed should all retire from their jobs, sell their houses and go on holidays as they only have a handful of months left to live. Consider taking your holiday at the southern border and defending your nation there in an attempt to do something
    positive for your fellow Americans. Or take over an airport and prevent Islamists from being flown in. Or shut down a psychiatric facility and free those being detained and tortured to death there.

    Or stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, take your bullshit Covid injections by choice and then stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, at those who have the horrid drugs forced upon them. Post messages on social
    media defending turning trees into decorated idols, tithe to the priests and ministers who taught you to, to the priests and ministers who stood at their pulpits and urged their sheep to comply and take the death jabs. Cover your blinkin' trees with
    copious quantities of tinfoil and then spend your final days laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats. Twitch, convulse and necrotize from your bullshit Covid injections and continue to laugh at the victims
    of psychiatric horror. Sell your homes and go on holidays, maybe see all the evergreen trees in Yukon and Alaska, time is short for you. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what
    doth He know? Laugh at those who criticized your pagan fertility rites and who then faced years of psychiatric horror in an attempt to shut them up about this and your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, when you hear them screaming
    out in horror about the psychiatric drugs, laugh and tell them to take another pill. Time is short for you, do all you do with conviction and zeal.


    They are witches. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Witches have been poisoning people for millennia, that is what they do. Witches rule over the nations and they are laughing at you.

    The witches even preach to you from pulpits and teach you to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols. They cap the roofs of many of their churches with Egyptian penises... it is no surprise that they ram their penises up your children's arseholes for
    they already advertise themselves with penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. The witches in the churches cap the very tops of their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with miniature sparkling golden or miniature sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (
    penises), which you love, so then you turn your own homes into blinkin' temples of fertility with your own phallic-capped blinkin' evergreen tree idols.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture dothn't proclaim that God is enraged when He sees witches rape, torture, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn
    tree into decorated idols. So therefore phone the police on me when you hear my criticisms of your churches, then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, then assault them further. Make a big show of your objection to the Covid injections that you
    take by choice, while remaining silent about the psychiatric injections that others are forced to take. If you would have first defended those people who were stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, none of this Covid
    shit would have happened to you.

    Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for pointing out that they are pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments... and
    all you people can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I cry out to God against you people with every breath I take. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. You are the
    Jingle Bell people, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook where the witches shop for their next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to them,
    they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Then you voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over you, when you saw photos of Obama posing with the pagan
    idols you assumed he shared your values. Those who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) tolerated his presidency, for he posed with their beloved pagan idols. Year after year after year of brutal
    horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that not a single one of you can find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to
    make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me a cookie!!! I worked for you since 1988 and you rewarded my ministry with brutal
    horrid torture, with laughter and with additional brutal assaults. Many Christians died from the psychiatric drugs, God preserved my life so I could tell you about it.

    Proclaim You Are Saved:

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 17 02:16:49 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff
    March 15th 2023 12:47 pm 188,440 words (218 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard


    On November 13th 2022 in “Election Integrity (Stop The Steal)” on www.GAB.com, Olvar proclaims that people are free to do whatever they damn well want, it is their money so they are free to use it as they wish, and says that the act of decorating the
    tree is not the same as election fraud and the rest of the corruption in the political arena. He continues to say that nobody who embraces these pagan idols are whoreshipping them. He also says that the pagan celebration makes him happy. I am unable to
    join the group and respond to him there.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The fact that you bow down to the base of the tree when you place and retrieve presents at the base of the tree, and that you do so after God
    proclaims the act enrages Him, are indications to me that you are truly whoreshipping the tree. If this makes you happy then go for it. Furthermore the election fraud and the other political corruption is conducted by members of this corrupt church. They
    are witches who rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The corrupt church-state not only runs the government, but also the media, educational system, the legal system, the medical system and the entertainment industry. All these institutions parrot
    their church and teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, for they are all the same institution.

    The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up as fish and taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that many species of fish lay enormous quantities of eggs and so were viewed and whoreshipped as symbols of fertility, while
    the evergreen tree was whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Many people also cap the very top of their blinkin’ trees with miniature sparking Egyptian obelisks, they are representations of penises, another
    symbol of fertility.

    In 1988 I first spoke out against the churches teaching the pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments and was brutally tortured for years. Another indication to me that you indeed whoreship the tree is that you close your hearts to the
    suffering of me and other Christians who dared to share God’s Word and speak out against the pagan idols. You would prefer to annually spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols than raise a finger in defense of the victims
    of psychiatric torture.

    Now I suggest that you not only continue in your pagan filth but also pull your pants down and ejaculate onto your God-damned fertility tree idols. Maybe that will make you happier.

    Pagan Fertility Rites:

    I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches and said they were censoring Scriptural reference to cannibalism. I said that it was no surprise your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children's arseholes for they
    already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, then I was horribly tortured by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists at The University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital for years. The Hindu said that I
    thought too much about penises, odd as Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me was mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, this false church owns and uses the media, the educational and political systems to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is extremely important
    for them to get you to abide by the pagan winter festivities as different aspects of this pagan holiday are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, which they hate.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols then later these same priests and ministers parroted their media and parroted their politicians and told you to take the death jab. Now all I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26)
    . You abided by pagan fertility rites and then took a jab that removed your fertility and will ultimately take your lives, and now as you are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing from the jabs, your greatest desire is to return to church this winter
    and see the trees that blink (and to turn your own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility). The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show.

    The Christians laughed and laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country, and each winter they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos while standing next to the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos of their children
    standing next to the idols on Facebook, where the witches shopped for your children. The witches would cruise Facebook and find a child that appealed to them, they would place an order and the child would be abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed
    and eaten. It was so vitally important for the parents to post photos on Facebook of their children posing with the pagan idols that they would do so even if their child was shown to be playing with his penis.

    The Christians also voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over them, when they saw Obama posing with the pagan idols they assumed he shared their values. Those who did not vote for this cannibal
    tolerated him for he was posing with their favoured idols.

    The Christians have absolutely zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror, odd as it is the Spirit-filled Christians who face the greatest horror in the psychiatric wards, those who are opposed to the pagan idols are targeted
    and then provided with treatments that causes the most harm.

    When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. Even the atheists (people who hate God and Christians) decorate and bow to the Catholic idols and so have become Catholics as well. Even the Doukhobors, people who historically fled
    from the corrupt churches, now turn their homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility and so have become Catholics as well. All I can do now is cry out to God against the so-called Christians. You celebrate and laugh when I begged in vain for assistance
    to flee the country, now I celebrate the fact that you are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dropping dead. All I can do is laugh (Proverbs 1:26).

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture and then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. And there isn’t a single one of you that has enough compassion for me to even attempt to
    make up the loss of years of my life by buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Indeed, you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a cookie!!! You people truly are the God-damned shit of the earth.
    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!!!

    Nothing can stop what is coming!!! What is coming??? Will somebody some day acknowledge that you are silent about the issue of psychiatric torture and utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror??? Will somebody acknowledge that their
    universities are being used to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists??? Will somebody finally acknowledge that Trudeau not only trains them, but then allows these Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to practice psychiatry in Canada (
    torture Canadians to death in Canada) without them becoming Canadian citizens???

    What is coming??? The only thing that I see coming is Charles, he is the Islamic Anti-Christ and heads the massive United Nations Islamic army. I don't see anybody expelling the Islamists, for if you attempted to then Charles will step in and on top of
    you. Nothing can stop what is coming. You gleefully embrace pagan fertility rites (your phallic-capped churches teach you to turn trees into decorated idols), your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you defend the cannibals running
    your churches with brutal psychiatric torture, you are utterly compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, now you get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. And you deserve it!!!

    Catholics verses Jews verses Christians:

    For the most part, Jews were expelled from Catholic countries, they were not Christian countries at all. The Catholics in these Catholic nations prayed to Mary and turned trees into decorated idols. Some nations converted to Protestantism, but that was
    in name only as they still upheld Catholic fertility rites. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival together violate God’s First Three Commandments. The Catholics killed Christians century after century, forcing the changing of God's Sabbath to
    Sunday. Satan dothn’t care if the sheep called themselves Catholics or Protestants, just as long as their Sunday worship coupled with their winter traditions together violated God’s First Four Commandments, which He hates.

    The Catholics rammed their penises up the children's arseholes, the Catholics censored Scriptural references to cannibalism and devoured children, as they continue to today. Now you embrace Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of your soul and blame
    Jews for all your problems. Now many of you call yourselves Protestants, and as your Protestant ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes you still blame Jews for all of your problems. Whether Protestant or Catholic, you make sure to cap
    the roofs of your churches and the very top of your blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises so now why don't you consider pulling down your pants and ejaculating upon your blinkin' fertility idols as well?

    You cover the graves of your war dead with evergreen tree branches twisted into decorative wreaths, these are pagan symbols of fertility just like your blinkin’ evergreen trees. You place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian
    penises, then you bow to these pagan dinks when you place your decorative wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the base of these Egyptian penises (another pagan symbol of fertility). You push your Catholic fertility rites upon the dead soldiers with
    your Catholic (pagan) fertility wreaths. Now that you are decorating the tombstones of the dead soldiers with fertility idols, why don’t you also get these wreaths to blink? You get your trees to blink and you cap these blinkin’ trees with miniature
    Egyptian penises… then you place the statues of your war dead next to or directly on top of an Egyptian penis, so why don’t you place a little Egyptian penis on the very top of the soldier’s tombstones as well? Cover the graves of your war dead
    with blinkin’ fertility idol wreaths, and maybe also a glittering golden miniature penis, just like the little glittering Egyptian penis that you cap your blinkin’ evergreen tree with. Try some of these ideas I am mentioning and see if God will
    restore your nations and restore your fertility. And regardless if these ideas work or if they dothn’t work, you will still be offended by my words, so phone the police on me.

    Get me arrested and tortured again in psychiatric facilities as a reward for speaking, the drugs make me nauseous beyond belief, makes my brain pound in pain, makes my skin hard and dry, makes my jaw lock open and my lips and tongue turn into hard
    leather, makes my hair fall out, makes me unable to get an erection. Maybe if you continue to have me tortured with psychiatric drugs that also prevents me from getting an erection then you will receive God’s blessings and He will restore your nations
    and restore your fertility. It can’t hurt to try (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    World Peace:

    Catholics killed an estimated 100 million Christians to force the changing of God's Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Catholics persecuted and killed a lot of Jews as well, as the Catholics hate God's Saturday Sabbath that the Jews uphold, and the Jews
    would not join with them in turning trees into decorated idols nor pray to Mary. Catholics expelled Jews from Catholic nations. Catholics have a hatred of both Jews and Christians while Jews have a hatred of both Catholics and Christians, Christians in
    turn are embracing Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of their souls, are handing cash over to Jews while handing their nations over to members of alternative fertility cults (to Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists). All the while the witches are laughing
    at you and eating your children. And all the while the Catholics, Christians and Jews join together and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror (they laugh at those people who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric
    facilities as a reward for trying to warn you witches are eating your children). So recognize that Catholics, Christians and Jews can bring about world peace by simply joining together and laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, and by assaulting
    them further, while continuing to ignore the witches, who are eating your children. This is how the world works.

    Concern Trees May Have Obstructed Visibility:

    The Bott children were pulled out of school and homeschooled in order to instill into them Christian values. Then they had to return to school every winter to take part in the pagan winter festivities and see the trees that blink. God proclaims in
    Scripture that He is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are together in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. People exchanged God's Laws for pagan traditions and
    then they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when they hear my criticisms of their filthy phallic-capped churches.

    It is no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. Your phallic-capped churches are either run by cannibals who
    censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, or your phallic-capped churches are run by racists, liars and idiots who claim that white Christians eliminated cannibalism is the South Seas and in Africa. Phallic-capped church members publish books praising
    themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in the South Seas and Africa while ignoring the cannibalism being conducted by Freemasons and other witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture explaining that we have cannibals living among us.

    I faced year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that they were pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, I
    begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all people could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further, and scornfully tell me that I was judging them. They cover their trees with copious quantities
    of tinfoil and proclaim that I am wearing a tinfoil hat, and that I should shut up and take another pill.

    Then they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so important for them to pose with the pagan idols and post the photos on Facebook, that they would post the photo even if it depicted one of their children
    playing with his penis. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten.

    I beg God with every breath to honour His promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children, and He chose the Bott daughters (among others). The Bott daughters were born for the role. And just as you think it hilarious that I
    lose year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, I think that the deaths of the Bott daughters is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

    You people have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, courts of law, police stations, stores, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you have millions of dollars to have me repeatedly arrested
    and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities in an effort to prevent me from saying so, and are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie. Go to hell.

    Time To Retire:

    The jabbed should all retire from their jobs, sell their houses and go on holidays as they only have a handful of months left to live. Consider taking your holiday at the southern border and defending your nation there in an attempt to do something
    positive for your fellow Americans. Or take over an airport and prevent Islamists from being flown in. Or shut down a psychiatric facility and free those being detained and tortured to death there.

    Or stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, take your bullshit Covid injections by choice and then stay home and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, at those who have the horrid drugs forced upon them. Post messages on social
    media defending turning trees into decorated idols, tithe to the priests and ministers who taught you to, to the priests and ministers who stood at their pulpits and urged their sheep to comply and take the death jabs. Cover your blinkin' trees with
    copious quantities of tinfoil and then spend your final days laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror, tell them they are wearing tinfoil hats. Twitch, convulse and necrotize from your bullshit Covid injections and continue to laugh at the victims
    of psychiatric horror. Sell your homes and go on holidays, maybe see all the evergreen trees in Yukon and Alaska, time is short for you. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, but what
    doth He know? Laugh at those who criticized your pagan fertility rites and who then faced years of psychiatric horror in an attempt to shut them up about this and your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, when you hear them screaming
    out in horror about the psychiatric drugs, laugh and tell them to take another pill. Time is short for you, do all you do with conviction and zeal.


    They are witches. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Witches have been poisoning people for millennia, that is what they do. Witches rule over the nations and they are laughing at you.

    The witches even preach to you from pulpits and teach you to turn evergreen trees into decorated idols. They cap the roofs of many of their churches with Egyptian penises... it is no surprise that they ram their penises up your children's arseholes for
    they already advertise themselves with penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. The witches in the churches cap the very tops of their blinkin' evergreen tree idols with miniature sparkling golden or miniature sparkling silver Egyptian obelisks (
    penises), which you love, so then you turn your own homes into blinkin' temples of fertility with your own phallic-capped blinkin' evergreen tree idols.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture dothn't proclaim that God is enraged when He sees witches rape, torture, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn
    tree into decorated idols. So therefore phone the police on me when you hear my criticisms of your churches, then laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, then assault them further. Make a big show of your objection to the Covid injections that you
    take by choice, while remaining silent about the psychiatric injections that others are forced to take. If you would have first defended those people who were stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, none of this Covid
    shit would have happened to you.

    Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture as a reward for speaking out against your churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for pointing out that they are pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments... and
    all you people can do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I cry out to God against you people with every breath I take. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. You are the
    Jingle Bell people, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to post pictures of your children posing with the pagan idols on Facebook where the witches shop for their next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that is attractive to them,
    they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Then you voted for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to rule over you, when you saw photos of Obama posing with the pagan
    idols you assumed he shared your values. Those who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist (who is also a pedophile and a cannibal) tolerated his presidency, for he posed with their beloved pagan idols. Year after year after year of brutal
    horrid torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that not a single one of you can find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to
    make up the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you people are so cheap and ignorant and compassionless that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me a cookie!!! I worked for you since 1988 and you rewarded my ministry with brutal
    horrid torture, with laughter and with additional brutal assaults. Many Christians died from the psychiatric drugs, God preserved my life so I could tell you about it.

    Proclaim You Are Saved:

    After you say NO to all the bullshit your see, you will still abide by the teachings of the churches and turn trees into decorated idols. You will still tithe to the priests and ministers who ram their penises up your children's arseholes because you
    love to see the blinkin' fertility tree idols in their churches. You will continue to phone the police on me for saying that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and for saying “It is no surprise that your priests and
    ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of your filthy churches.”

    And you will continue to honor your war vets by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises. And you will bow to these pagan dinks when you place decorative evergreen tree wreaths (pagan symbols of fertility) at the bases of
    these fertility idols. And you will bow down and place these pagan fertility wreaths on the grave stones of the war dead, you will use the dead soldiers to push your Catholic beliefs upon others.

    Then you will continue to vote for politicians who appear to share your values because they pose next to the blinkin' idols. You will even vote for a politician if he is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal.

    Then you will continue to phone the police on me in an attempt to prevent me from criticizing your Catholic churches and your Catholic beliefs. Then you will get tired of hearing me criticize your churches, and tire of me complaining of the years of
    psychiatric horror, and you will close your ears and eyes, take a Covid shot and roll over and die. Those who never took the Covid shots will also tire of my words, will sing Jingle Bells and will still eventually roll over and die. The jabbed and the
    unjabbed will both proclaim their prayers are full of power and that mine are of no effect.

    Year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture and all you can do is laugh at me and assault me further, and proclaim that you are saved. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Unaware of Cannibals:

    They are cannibals. They not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Those who should be arresting the cannibals are on film committing the acts themselves, they are blackmailed into silence. God proclaims in Scripture that it
    enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The cannibals rejoice in your ignorance of their existence and love to eat your children and homeless without anybody
    being aware (Habakkuk 3:14).

    How do you keep people unaware? 1) By focusing on them being pedophiles and rapists rather than identifying them as being the cannibals that they are. 2) By arresting and torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities when they proclaim that the
    churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. 3) By impoverishing people and making them homeless, as homeless people go missing (get eaten) without raising alarm.

    They are witches (cannibals), you ignore they are witches and instead call them pedophiles and rapists. The witches have been poisoning people for many thousands of years, that and eating people is what they do. You respond by getting your tree to blink.
    The tree blinks on and off, on and off, on and off, it is a real show. Then when your children die from the poison jabs, you respond by giving the priests and ministers more money as these priests and ministers gave you assurances that your loved one is
    now in heaven, watching over you (and because you love their blinkin' trees).

    You love their blinkin' trees so much that you would vote for a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and cannibal, you assumed Obama shared your values because he posed with the fertility tree idols.

    Then you hear reports for decades of American service men being stripped of their rights and tortured to death in psychiatric faciltiies and you ignore them, continue to close your hearts to them and to the other victims of psychiatric horror, and then
    see yourself as an absolute hero because you speak up about the J6 prisoners, or because you call the cannibals "pedophiles and rapists" rather than the cannibals that they really are.

    You want your J6 prisoners released so they can return to their families and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. When you abide by Catholic fertility rites then you become a Catholic. You are Catholics who speak out in defense of other
    Catholic prisoners while being silent about the victims of psychiatric horror who are tortured to death for daring to criticize the pagan fertility rites taught by your churches and that you embrace as gospel. You consider yourselves Christians but
    rather than face persecution for your beliefs, you instead persecute those Christians who dare to speak up against your churches for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, for teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, and for pointing out
    that they cap the roofs of their filthy churches with Egyptian penises. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. You are allied with atheists and are at war against God.

    Perhaps your highly esteemed Catholic J6 prisoners will be released on “Christmas” (use of God’s name in vain, not His Mass) day, then you will rejoice and hang J6 decorations upon your trees. In a few years it will be established tradition and
    whoever questions the practice will be arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities.

    Chinese vs Canadian Protestors

    The Chinese communists identify those protesting in the crowd and abduct and kill them and harvest their organs later when nobody is watching. Instead of throwing objects at the communists, the people should be piercing them with sharp sticks. There is a
    time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), because the Chinese people are not allowed to have rifles, they should be using sharp sticks (aka spears), or bows and arrows. Scripture doth not proclaim we should be sitting on our arses and allowing evil to triumph.
    Tolerance is not a Christian virtue.

    Compare the Chinese protestors to Canadians, the Canadians accept all manners of indignities and then respond by having people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities. In 1988 I proclaimed that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to
    cannibalism. In 1988 I also proclaimed that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. In 1988 I was
    arrested and given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals and she proceeded to brutally torture me for years. All the Canadians could do for me is laugh at me and call me a pedophile, and assault me

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 19 19:47:30 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff
    April 19th 2023 2:13 am 197,537 words (230 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    www.gab.com posts:

    Using Science:

    The priests of fish-god Dagon would dress up as fish and turn evergreen trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that the fish is seen as a symbol of fertility as some fish lay great multitudes of eggs while the evergreen tree is viewed as
    being a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Today the followers of fish-god Dagon continue to embrace these fertility rites but are losing their fertility, and risk losing their nations. Why?

    Maybe they are failing to decorate large enough trees, or maybe they are not using enough decorations for their trees, or maybe they are not decorating enough trees. Perhaps they are getting their trees to blink at the wrong frequency. Or perhaps they
    are using too many blinkin’ red lights and not enough blinkin’ blue lights, or blinkin’ lights of other colors. Maybe they are not covering their idols with enough tinfoil. The ancient Egyptians worshipped the penis and made obelisks, which are
    representations of penises, which they bowed to, as the penis is seen as another symbol of fertility. So of course people make miniature obelisks (representations of penises) and call them steeples and place these dinks on the roofs of their churches,
    yet still they lose their fertility, and risk losing their nations. Even when they place miniature Egyptian dinks on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen trees they continue to lose their children and lose their fertility, and continue to risk
    losing their nations. Why?

    Maybe they are not showing proper reverence to their blinkin’ trees. Maybe if people would cap their blinkin’ trees with miniature Egyptian penises that are golden then they would receive the blessings. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged
    when He sees people turn trees into blinkin’ idols, perhaps He is only enraged because the Egyptian penises on the very top of the trees are not golden, or maybe because people entirely failed to place an Egyptian penis on the top of the tree, or maybe
    because the trees are blinkin’ at the wrong frequency. Or maybe the sheep are failing to dress up as fish when they decorate their trees.

    Using science we can restore our fertility and restore our nations, we can dress up like fish and systematically try different frequencies and different colors of blinkin’ lights. And we can insure that the subject is approached with reverence by
    preventing people from mocking our traditions. Those who dare to criticize our blinkin’ trees can go to hell, but first we can get Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture them before we send them to hell. We will save our nations and restore
    our fertility by using science!!!

    Hitler The Artist:

    Hitler was an artist, he was able to pump out perhaps three works of art a day. Some days Adolf sat around uninspired, wandering the streets of Vienna looking for inspiration, other days he could produce perhaps a dozen works of art, resulting in perhaps
    an average of three works of fine art a day.

    Hitler loved having evergreen trees turned into blinkin’ idols, and so much of his artistic work featured images of decorated trees. Hitler soon learned to hate the Jews, it was because they would not buy his crappy art, and turning trees into
    decorated idols was contrary to their teachings to begin with. Then Adolf was refused admission into art school and again blamed the Jews. At about this time Adolf was being accosted by bulbous women who paid him but a trifle to paint their overflowing
    images onto canvas. Painting the bulbous fat-assed women, who weighed perhaps up to six times the average woman’s weight clearly traumatized Hitler, who was already facing discrimination from the Jews. Poor Hitler.

    The fat-assed women saw themselves as symbols of fertility, they would fly to Africa and the Caribbean to have sex with the black men at the beach resorts there, while insisting that their airfare be equal to that of women who were a sixth of their
    weight. Their enormity required that they occupy two seats on the aircraft on their frequent trips to Africa and to the Caribbean, and then would only pay Hitler a small trifle of copper coins for his artistical labor in Vienna. Clearly Hitler was
    traumatized by these bulbous women, resulting in World War Two.

    Hitler went on to murder millions of people who did not appreciate his blinkin’ trees. Stalin killed a few million as well. But the numbers of people killed by Stalin and Hitler will be dwarfed by the numbers of people killed by taking the death jabs.
    Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, he rules America and tells Biden what to say and do. Obama and Trudeau are both Islamists, both demand you take the Islamic death jabs. Over 80% of the white and aboriginal Indian residents of Canada and USA are
    now shedding toxins contained in the Islamic death jabs and nasal swabs, are rendered infertile, their sperm and eggs are toxic, they have AIDS - their immune systems barely function, they are developing cancers and are suddenly dropping dead… Obama
    and Trudeau have slaughtered more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. Both Trudeau and Obama are great military leaders who managed (with their witch jabs and their nasal swabs and toxic medical care) to kill over 80% of their enemies without ever
    firing a single shot. Trudeau is a great and fearless military leader, not a fool at all.

    The Funny Side:

    Look at the funny side of this bogus pandemic. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian dinks on the roofs of their
    churches. I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught by the churches then faced years of brutal horrid torture in psychiatric facilities, and all people could do is laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. Now the same media
    that taught you to turn trees into decorated idols is telling you to take an injection, and you comply. You laughed and laughed at me when I got needles forced upon me, and now all I can do is laugh at you for willingly taking an injection that is sure
    to take your life. You trust in medications and blinkin’ tree idols rather than in The Word of God. Spend millions having me brutally tortured, laugh at me and the loss of my rights, then annually spend billions getting your trees to blink. Honour your
    war dead by placing statues of them standing next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, and make sure to cover their grave stones with Catholic evergreen tree fertility idol wreaths while you are at it (these soldiers never fought in defense of your
    Catholic fertility rites but for your country and America’s constitution). I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture then lost additional years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain
    for assistance to flee the country, and you people are so cheap and ignorant that you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a measly cookie in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life!!! Keep laughing and getting your trees to
    blink. The same church that teaches you to sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees is now teaching you to take the poison death jab, so here you are dying from the injection while singing Jingle Bells. The poisoned unite with those who refused the
    jab and together they sing Jingle Bells and then phone the police on me because I criticized their pagan fertility rites. The Bible proclaims that you are about to be spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely

    Maintaining Traditions:

    Different aspects of your Catholic fertility rites are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, those who indicate such are mocked, if they continue to speak out in defense of God’s Commandments they are then laughed at, then the abuse is
    escalated and they are shunned and removed from the churches, and then eventually arrested and tortured under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against Catholicism. Most individuals defend turning trees into decorated idols by first mocking
    the messenger and exclaiming that the individual is wearing a tinfoil hat, and then this abuse is escalated and the messenger is told to take a pill. The so-called Protestant churches actively teach you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites and get their
    trees to blink. Many of the so-called Protestant and the Catholic churches have Egyptian penises capping their roofs. The Catholic churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, and the Catholics will phone the police on you if you mention that
    their churches are censoring the Scriptural references to cannibalism or that their churches are capped with Egyptian penises, and then the Catholic judges and Catholic police work together to arrest the individual for quoting unpleasant Scripture.
    Cannibalism is another Catholic fertility rite as the cannibals believe they can extend their lives and virility by eating children. The Catholics train and employ Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at our western universities,
    and in Canada Trudeau allows them to work (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. God dothn't care which particular pagan fertility cult rules over America. God saw that westerners embrace pagan fertility rites, and saw that
    they defend their pagan fertility rites with brutal violence, and allowed them to take the death jabs. Islam is the major benefactor of the jabs as when the westerners die, the Islamists will take over your nations. The women will face the greatest
    horrors, in the Islamic system they do not have to pay women for their labor and most women (and children) will simply become sex slaves. I encourage all you Catholics to take a jab that removes your fertility and your lives. I begged in vain for
    assistance to flee the country and all you people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, or otherwise just ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatry. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    In the Beginning:

    It starts with the churches teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, if one was to question this teaching at the church, the individual will be mocked. If mocking is insufficient to shut the parishioner up, then the individual will be laughed at
    and be made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, and that will quickly escalate to shunning the individual and banning him or her from the church entirely. Remain vocal and face assaults, libel, slander, arrest and torture in psychiatric facilities,
    especially if you are adamant that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that there are cannibals running the churches and other institutions. The Protestant churches were co-opted by the Catholic Church and assists that
    church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Your Catholic church employs Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death when they criticize their various churches and other institutions they own.

    But to the average North American, evergreen tree fertility idols (and psychiatric horror) is not an issue, and they happily honor the trees by decorating them, and they bow to the trees when placing presents at the base of the trees. Even though they do
    not attend church, they like to see the steeples (Egyptian penises) capping the roofs of the churches. They like to see the blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols gracing the church properties and then respond by turning their own homes into blinkin’
    temples of fertility. When Catholics stick statues of soldiers on top of or directly next to Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), Americans follow behind and bow down to the base of these Egyptian dink when they place their pagan idols there.

    In all your wisdom you decorate these monuments and the graves of your war dead with branches from evergreen trees turned into decorative wreaths, they are pagan symbols of fertility. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you
    arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture doth NOT proclaim that God is enraged when He sees cannibals rape, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    The end result of embracing these pagan fertility rites is that you now get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You also lose your children... you honored pagan crap and then allowed Satanists to inject you and your children
    with concoctions that made you infertile and necrotize (rot). The witches running the churches taught you to turn trees into decorated idols, then these witches preached from the pulpits and parroted “their” media and demanded you to take a jab that
    causes sterility and is sure to take your life. And while you twitch and convulse and necrotize from the jabs, you still desire to tithe to your executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Tolerance and Trees:

    You tolerate Obama's destruction of the USA because Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) posed with your evergreen tree idols, you love your evergreen tree idols more than the Word of God. Those who voted for him loved the
    decorated evergreen tree idols dearly, those that did not vote for him still loved his decorated evergreen tree idols, dearly. When I spoke out against the idols in 1988 (and pointed out that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to
    cannibalism) I was mocked, shunned, arrested, tortured, and people said I was wearing a tinfoil hat while they decorated their trees with tinfoil, and they laughed and laughed. They made me a home in psychiatric ward at a cost of many millions of dollars,
    then they spent billions of dollars giving free homes to Islamists.

    All you could do is laugh, now all I can do is cry out to God against you while simultaneously laughing at you (Proverbs 1:26 RSV). You had brutal psychiatrists torturing me for years and all you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do
    is laugh at me. Americans funded the CIA who developed, tested and "treated" people to these horrid drugs at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, then other patriotic Americans stop briefly in Saskatoon but only in order to catch a connecting
    flight to the north so they may hunt and fish. They love to go up north and see the evergreen trees, which they idolize in the winter. They also make decorative wreaths from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols) and use these year around to
    decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers, they push their Catholic beliefs upon the fallen and use the dead soldiers to promote their Catholic faith. They stick statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then they bow to these
    dinks when they place their decorative idols at the base of these Egyptian penises. They place their symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian penis, another symbol of fertility.

    Rather than assist me to end psychiatry and the forced administration of the brutal drugs, people sang Jingle Bells and had themselves injected with snake venom and a myriad of other toxins. They laughed at me when I convulsed in horror, similarly that
    is now what I offer you as you convulse in horror from the venoms and other toxins you willingly chose to inject. You people embrace Catholic fertility rites, that makes you Catholics. Even the atheists among you adopt the Catholic fertility tree rituals
    and so have become Catholics as well. You (Canadians and Americans) spent millions having me tortured for years, then annually you spend billions turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility,
    and you think it is funny!!! Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Children On Facebook and Other Social Media:

    Obama (an Islamist, sodomite, pedophile and cannibal) rules, he tells Biden what to do and say. If you attempt to remove Obama, then Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations (Islamic) army and put you people in your
    proper place. Your proper place is to turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The reason why your churches teach
    you to turn trees into decorated idols is because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate. The reason why your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism is because
    the priests and ministers not only rape your children, but they eat them as well. The churches publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in Africa and the South Seas and did away with cannibalism, while ignoring the
    cannibalism being conducted by the witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture dealing with this pagan fertility rite. Eating children is a pagan fertility rite, the cannibals believe they may extend their virility and longevity by consuming the

    Turning the evergreen tree into a blinkin’ idol is another pagan fertility rite, the tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility for it remains green throughout the year. Some of you even place shiny silver or golden miniature Egyptian obelisks (
    penises) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees and on the roofs of your blinkin’ churches. You defend your churches with brutal violence for you believe nobody has the right to criticize your blinkin’ trees and phallic capped churches, and your
    pedophile-cannibal priests and ministers. You can easily find a Catholic judge aiding a Catholic police officer to arrest the offending member and deliver that member to your local psychiatric ward, where a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic or a Catholic psychiatrist
    will inform the individual that they think too much about cannibals, penises and evergreen trees.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture and begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror. Your response is to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures of your family members posing with the blinkin’ idols
    on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal, and laugh at me and assault me further. It is so vitally important for you pagan arseholes to post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would even do so if
    one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Squeak Squeak!!!:

    It is estimated that some 82% of the Americans took jabs that robbed them of their fertility, causes a myriad of diseases and is certain to take their lives. The Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as the saviors of America, but some 82% of these people took
    the bullshit Covid jabs as well, they are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dying, and are in no shape to defend their nation

    If the Americans manage to expel the Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, African, Asian and Latin American invaders, they would still have people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to speak out against their Catholic fertility rites. The
    Americans turn trees into decorated idols. They decorate the graves of their veterans with decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols). They honor their dead veterans by erecting statues of them and placing the statues next
    to or on top of Egyptian obelisks (penises). They bow to these Egyptian penises when they place their pagan presents at the base of the pagan dinks. They cap their church roofs with Egyptian penises and call them steeples, and they stick miniature
    Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ tree idols. They reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at their universities. They honor their living veterans by allowing them to be stripped of their
    rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists and by never attempting to raise a finger in their defense.

    Even before the 3% took the jabs that robbed them of their health, they were unable to find the energy to end psychiatric horror, now they are even less apt to raise a finger in defense of their people and their nation. Americans are more likely to phone
    the police on people who criticize their Catholic traditions and lobby to have them arrested and treated in psychiatric facilities. Now the Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as heroes because they speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while continuing
    a painful silence about the topic of psychiatric horror, and a painful silence about the CIA developing the drugs at Canadian and other western universities.

    It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, squeak squeak. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. The left and the right are
    united in their Catholic fertility tree rituals, the left and the right are united in enraging God. Just a bunch of pagans who now get to lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

    Heroes and Hype:

    You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
    speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
    blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
    your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
    tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
    you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
    shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
    Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.

    You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
    if your child is playing with his penis. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped,
    tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First
    Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
    coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
    churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?

    Jingle All The Way:

    If you first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror none of this shit would have happened to you. Now you will fight desperately for your nations and if you win, you will still have people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities because they
    continue to criticize the pagan idolatry in your Catholic churches and continue to claim that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you use your
    universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. Your compassion is limited to your pagan
    evergreen tree idols and to the Egyptian penises you cap your churches and blinkin' trees with. Rather than assist you to fight for the survival of your nations, I am crying out to God against you, against your children, and against your nations. You
    people are compassionless turds, the God-damned shit of the earth!!! Years of absolute horror in the psychiatric wards, additional years of absolute horror utterly fearful of another arrest and round of torture, and all you filthy pagan pricks can do for
    me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror is laugh at us, slander and libel us and assault us further, and then sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. You turn trees into decorated idols and then cap these idols with miniature sparkling silver or
    golden Egyptian penises because you follow the example made by the cannibals running your filthy phallic-capped churches. You turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility and then fly to tropical resorts where you pose with the pagan idols there,
    then you post the photos of your children posing with the idols on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches see an attractive child on Facebook, place and order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. God
    proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. You spend millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities and
    think it funny, then you annually spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you can’t even
    find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you don’t even have the compassion to buy me a cookie!!! Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Respond By Laughing:

    Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
    every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
    Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
    defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.

    To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by doink so,
    became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
    to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
    People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
    to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.

    Handing Over Authority:

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 27 19:26:50 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff
    May 26th 2023 3:10 pm 202,646 words (236 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    www.gab.com posts continued:

    Jingle All The Way:

    If you first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror none of this shit would have happened to you. Now you will fight desperately for your nations and if you win, you will still have people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities because they
    continue to criticize the pagan idolatry in your Catholic churches and continue to claim that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you use your
    universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. Your compassion is limited to your pagan
    evergreen tree idols and to the Egyptian penises you cap your churches and blinkin' trees with. Rather than assist you to fight for the survival of your nations, I am crying out to God against you, against your children, and against your nations. Years
    of absolute horror in the psychiatric wards, additional years of absolute horror utterly fearful of another arrest and round of torture, and all you can do for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror is laugh at us, slander and libel us and
    assault us further, and then sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. You turn trees into decorated idols and then cap these idols with miniature sparkling silver or golden Egyptian penises because you follow the example made by the cannibals running your
    filthy phallic-capped churches. You turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility and then fly to tropical resorts where you pose with the pagan idols there, then you post the photos of your children posing with the idols on Facebook, where the
    witches shop for children. The witches see an attractive child on Facebook, place and order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into
    decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. You spend millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities and think it funny, then you annually spend billions of dollars turning your churches,
    schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble
    attempt to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, you don’t even have the compassion to buy me a cookie!!! Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Tolerance and Trees:

    You tolerate Obama's destruction of the USA because Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) posed with your evergreen tree idols, you love your evergreen tree idols more than the Word of God. Those who voted for him loved the
    decorated evergreen tree idols dearly, those that did not vote for him still loved his decorated evergreen tree idols, dearly. When I spoke out against the idols in 1988 (and pointed out that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to
    cannibalism) I was mocked, shunned, arrested, tortured, and people said I was wearing a tinfoil hat while they decorated their trees with tinfoil, and they laughed and laughed. They made me a home in psychiatric ward at a cost of many millions of dollars,
    then they spent billions of dollars giving free homes to Islamists.

    All you could do is laugh, now all I can do is cry out to God against you while simultaneously laughing at you (Proverbs 1:26 RSV). You had brutal psychiatrists torturing me for years and all you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do
    is laugh at me. Americans funded the CIA who developed, tested and "treated" people to these horrid drugs at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, then other patriotic Americans stop briefly in Saskatoon but only in order to catch a connecting
    flight to the north so they may hunt and fish. They love to go up north and see the evergreen trees, which they idolize in the winter. They also make decorative wreaths from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols) and use these year around to
    decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers, they push their Catholic beliefs upon the fallen and use the dead soldiers to promote their Catholic faith. They stick statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then they bow to these
    dinks when they place their decorative idols at the base of these Egyptian penises. They place their symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian penis, another symbol of fertility.

    Rather than assist me to end psychiatry and the forced administration of the brutal drugs, people sang Jingle Bells and had themselves injected with snake venom and a myriad of other toxins. They laughed at me when I convulsed in horror, similarly that
    is now what I offer you as you convulse in horror from the venoms and other toxins you willingly chose to inject. You people embrace Catholic fertility rites, that makes you Catholics. Even the atheists among you adopt the Catholic fertility tree rituals
    and so have become Catholics as well. You (Canadians and Americans) spent millions having me tortured for years, then annually you spend billions turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility,
    and you think it is funny!!! Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Children On Facebook and Other Social Media:

    Obama (an Islamist, sodomite, pedophile and cannibal) rules, he tells Biden what to do and say. If you attempt to remove Obama, then Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations (Islamic) army and put you people in your
    proper place. Your proper place is to turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The reason why your churches teach
    you to turn trees into decorated idols is because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate. The reason why your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism is because
    the priests and ministers not only rape your children, but they eat them as well. The churches publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in Africa and the South Seas and did away with cannibalism, while ignoring the
    cannibalism being conducted by the witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture dealing with this pagan fertility rite. Eating children is a pagan fertility rite, the cannibals believe they may extend their virility and longevity by consuming the

    Turning the evergreen tree into a blinkin’ idol is another pagan fertility rite, the tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility for it remains green throughout the year. Some of you even place shiny silver or golden miniature Egyptian obelisks (
    penises) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees and on the roofs of your blinkin’ churches. You defend your churches with brutal violence for you believe nobody has the right to criticize your blinkin’ trees and phallic capped churches, and your
    pedophile-cannibal priests and ministers. You can easily find a Catholic judge aiding a Catholic police officer to arrest the offending member and deliver that member to your local psychiatric ward, where a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic or a Catholic psychiatrist
    will inform the individual that they think too much about cannibals, penises and evergreen trees.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture and begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror. Your response is to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures of your family members posing with the blinkin’ idols
    on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal, and laugh at me and assault me further. It is so vitally important for you pagan arseholes to post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would even do so if
    one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Squeak Squeak!!!:

    It is estimated that some 82% of the Americans took jabs that robbed them of their fertility, causes a myriad of diseases and is certain to take their lives. The Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as the saviors of America, but some 82% of these people took
    the bullshit Covid jabs as well, they are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dying, and are in no shape to defend their nation

    If the Americans manage to expel the Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, African, Asian and Latin American invaders, they would still have people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to speak out against their Catholic fertility rites. The
    Americans turn trees into decorated idols. They decorate the graves of their veterans with decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols). They honor their dead veterans by erecting statues of them and placing the statues next
    to or on top of Egyptian obelisks (penises). They bow to these Egyptian penises when they place their pagan presents at the base of the pagan dinks. They cap their church roofs with Egyptian penises and call them steeples, and they stick miniature
    Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ tree idols. They reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at their universities. They honor their living veterans by allowing them to be stripped of their
    rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists and by never attempting to raise a finger in their defense.

    Even before the 3% took the jabs that robbed them of their health, they were unable to find the energy to end psychiatric horror, now they are even less apt to raise a finger in defense of their people and their nation. Americans are more likely to phone
    the police on people who criticize their Catholic traditions and lobby to have them arrested and treated in psychiatric facilities. Now the Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as heroes because they speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while continuing
    a painful silence about the topic of psychiatric horror, and a painful silence about the CIA developing the drugs at Canadian and other western universities.

    It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, squeak squeak. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. The left and the right are
    united in their Catholic fertility tree rituals, the left and the right are united in enraging God. Just a bunch of pagans who now get to lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

    Heroes and Hype:

    You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
    speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
    blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
    your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
    tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
    you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
    shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
    Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.

    You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
    if your child is playing with his penis. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped,
    tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First
    Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
    coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
    churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?

    Respond By Laughing:

    Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
    every winter the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
    Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
    defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.

    To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by doink so,
    became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
    to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
    People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
    to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.

    Handing Over Authority:

    If Hindus owned the media they would use it to teach you to obtain your spiritual bliss via orgasm and to worship monkeys and rats. If Jews owned the media then they would use it to teach you to abide by God's Ten Commandments. If Christians owned the
    media they would use it to teach you that Jesus created heaven and earth and is God in the flesh who died for your sins. If Catholics owned the media they would teach you to get your evergreen trees to blink. It is written in Scripture that God hates
    your evergreen tree idols and seeing them enrages Him, yet folks embrace this Catholic fertility rite with great zeal while worshipping a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of their God-damned mouths.
    Pretty much every single institution teaches you to embrace Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, and there you are, abiding by Catholic fertility rites while claiming it is Jews who rule the world.

    We live in a corrupt church-state which teaches you to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Now this same corrupt church is using their media to demand you to take a death jab. Some people woke up and see that the injections are a death jab, but they
    continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. After criticizing the pagan fertility rites in the churches (evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, Egyptian penises on the church roofs, the priests and ministers ramming
    their penises up your children’s arseholes, the clergy cannibalizing your children and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for years in psychiatric facilities. All people could do for me is slander me,
    libel me, steal from me, laugh at me, and assault me further.

    Note that your former Queen was a cannibal, she was supposedly the head of a Protestant church yet she used her office to annually teach you to abide by Catholic fertility rites and get your trees to blink. Her son Charles is the Anti-Christ, he has been
    using his wealth to fund the spread of Islam for the last several decades. The Catholic Church is about to hand all of their authority over to Charles, who claims to be the defender of faith. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a
    cannibal, who tells Biden what to do and say. Both Canada and the United States are ruled by Islamists who demand you take the death jabs. If you attempt to remove Trudeau or Obama from office and expel the Islamic invaders, then Charles will come with
    his massive United Nations Islamic army and defend his people. And oh look, UN (Islamic) aircraft are already landing in both the US and Canada in quantities.

    The Love of Catholic Traditions:

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The Christians behave as pagans during the winter pagan festival and turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into
    blinkin' temples of fertility. Their supposedly Protestant Queen modeled the behavior annually, turning trees into decorated idols is a Catholic tradition.

    Then the Christians act as pagans year around when they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when I dare to point out that they are embracing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and that their churches are
    censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. When I complain of the brutal horrid torture they slander me, libel me, mock me, laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, then they say that I am judging them.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. I was being repeatedly arrested for speaking and never knew when the next arrest and round of
    torture would occur, leaving me in an state of apprehension, wanting to leave the country but finding ridicule rather than support. Once I was arrested and tortured because I was brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Bible study,
    for speaking… these people are Catholics, different aspects of their winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, then they think themselves holy for upholding His Fourth Commandment. Some of the Seventh-day Adventist
    churches have Egyptian penises on their roofs, while Ellen G. White has an Egyptian dink for a tombstone.

    The Catholics spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about it, and they don't have the compassion to even attempt to make up my loss by
    buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Instead they fly to tropical resorts where they and their children pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they post the photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their
    next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for victims and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. It is so vitally important for these Catholics to pose for photos beside their Catholic fertility tree
    idols, that they would post the photo on Facebook even if it showed one of their children playing with his penis. Every winter in Vatican Square the Catholics erect a huge blinkin’ tree next to the stolen Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis),
    they place their symbols of fertility side by side.

    All I can do is cry, and I cry out to God against you so-called Christians who embrace this Catholic fertility rite, you are a stumbling block who then teaches this pagan filth to others. When you adopt Catholic fertility rituals, then you become
    Catholics. Even the atheists among you have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. One of my superpowers
    is to not die from the psychiatric drugs and the years of psychiatric horror. What is your superpower? Is it to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror or just to ignore the horror of psychiatry and allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive? God
    preserved my life so that I could give testimony against you and your churches, why doth God bother preserving your life?

    Honouring Your Veterans:

    You honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow down to the penis and place a fertility wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made from the branches of evergreen trees at the base of the
    dink (another pagan fertility idol). You also honour your war dead by placing decorative wreaths (pagan idols) on their tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. Then you elected and re-elected a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photos next to the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols. Those of you
    who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist pedophile and cannibal tolerated him because he posed with the pagan idols, which you love more than The Word of God. You also ignored decades of reports of American soldiers being stripped of their
    rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, now you consider yourselves as absolute heroes because you dare to speak out about the J6 prisoners. These favoured prisoners of yours are all Catholics, as they all abide by the Catholic fertility
    rites and get their trees to blink, they want to be released from prison so they may return home to their families and bow to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols. Your favoured prisoners are all Catholics who decorate and bow to trees, while some of the
    victims of psychiatric horror who you ignore or scorn, are detained because they criticized your churches for teaching pagan fertility traditions.

    American and Canadian soldiers defended one group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women, and then they raped the female soldiers serving in their own
    platoons. After ignoring the soldiers that were stripped of their rights and had psychiatric drugs forced upon them, they took the bullshit Covid injections by choice and lost their fertility and their lives. Those veterans that have not yet perished
    from the bullshit Covid jabs are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing and have lost their fertility. Maybe if you pagan arseholes ejaculated upon your blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols then you would regain your fertility. Anyway, just as you
    think it hilarious that people who criticize your Catholic churches and evergreen tree idols get arrested and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    Taking Responsibility:

    Scripture doth not proclaim that you should tithe to cannibals, laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and then sit on your arses while your nations are being invaded. Islamists are coming here to murder and enslave Christians and First Nations, the
    Christians and First Nations need to play a more active role in closing airports, seaports and borders, and in returning the invaders to their home continents.

    Thomas Mick has a plan to return America to its former glory, read about it in Restoring The American Republic:

    “I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be
    regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican
    invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014

    “The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to
    stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties
    consistent with it. - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014

    Utter Hilarity:

    Can't you folks see the utter hilarity of you teaching your children to abide by pagan fertility rites and then having them injected with toxins that removes their fertility and their lives?!!! Those people who attempted to warn you to flee from the
    pagan idolatry you had tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. You allowed doctors to be trained at your universities to practice the brutal torture and you ignored those who complained of the treatments. I got repeatedly arrested and brutally
    tortured as a reward for speaking and all people could do for me is mock me, openly laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, because your pagan traditions are maintained by these actions. I sought to destroy your traditions (your embrace of pagan
    fertility rites) by educating you, by informing you that the practice of turning trees into decorated idols is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, your response was to continue spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and
    laughing at me, and by phoning the police on me when you heard my criticisms of your pagan idolatry. Cannibals head your churches, the cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then the cannibals parroted their own media and demanded that
    the sheep take injections that destroyed their fertility and their lives. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me is slander and libel me and rob me and assault me further and
    then fly to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another
    arrest and round of torture, and your response is to totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and psychiatric horror, then have your children injected as well. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Jingle Bell People:

    [continued in next message]

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 29 22:52:23 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff
    June 26th 2023 3:25 pm 208,461 words (243 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    www.gab.com posts continued:

    Children On Facebook and Other Social Media:

    Obama (an Islamist, sodomite, pedophile and cannibal) rules, he tells Biden what to do and say. If you attempt to remove Obama, then Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations (Islamic) army and put you people in your
    proper place. Your proper place is to turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The reason why your churches teach
    you to turn trees into decorated idols is because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate. The reason why your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism is because
    the priests and ministers not only rape your children, but they eat them as well. The churches publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in Africa and the South Seas and did away with cannibalism, while ignoring the
    cannibalism being conducted by the witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture dealing with this pagan fertility rite. Eating children is a pagan fertility rite, the cannibals believe they may extend their virility and longevity by consuming the

    Turning the evergreen tree into a blinkin’ idol is another pagan fertility rite, the tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility for it remains green throughout the year. Some of you even place shiny silver or golden miniature Egyptian obelisks (
    penises) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees and on the roofs of your blinkin’ churches. You defend your churches with brutal violence for you believe nobody has the right to criticize your blinkin’ trees and phallic capped churches, and your
    pedophile-cannibal priests and ministers. You can easily find a Catholic judge aiding a Catholic police officer to arrest the offending member and deliver that member to your local psychiatric ward, where a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic or a Catholic psychiatrist
    will inform the individual that they think too much about cannibals, penises and evergreen trees.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture and begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror. Your response is to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures of your family members posing with the blinkin’ idols
    on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal, and laugh at me and assault me further. It is so vitally important for you pagan arseholes to post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would even do so if
    one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Squeak Squeak!!!:

    It is estimated that some 82% of the Americans took jabs that robbed them of their fertility, causes a myriad of diseases and is certain to take their lives. The Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as the saviors of America, but some 82% of these people took
    the bullshit Covid jabs as well, they are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dying, and are in no shape to defend their nation

    If the Americans manage to expel the Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, African, Asian and Latin American invaders, they would still have people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to speak out against their Catholic fertility rites. The
    Americans turn trees into decorated idols. They decorate the graves of their veterans with decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols). They honor their dead veterans by erecting statues of them and placing the statues next
    to or on top of Egyptian obelisks (penises). They bow to these Egyptian penises when they place their pagan presents at the base of the pagan dinks. They cap their church roofs with Egyptian penises and call them steeples, and they stick miniature
    Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ tree idols. They reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at their universities. They honor their living veterans by allowing them to be stripped of their
    rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists and by never attempting to raise a finger in their defense.

    Even before the 3% took the jabs that robbed them of their health, they were unable to find the energy to end psychiatric horror, now they are even less apt to raise a finger in defense of their people and their nation. Americans are more likely to phone
    the police on people who criticize their Catholic traditions and lobby to have them arrested and treated in psychiatric facilities. Now the Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as heroes because they speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while continuing
    a painful silence about the topic of psychiatric horror, and a painful silence about the CIA developing the drugs at Canadian and other western universities.

    It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, squeak squeak. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. The left and the right are
    united in their Catholic fertility tree rituals, the left and the right are united in enraging God. Just a bunch of pagans who now get to lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

    Heroes and Hype:

    You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
    speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
    blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
    your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
    tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
    you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
    shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
    Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.

    You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
    if your child is playing with his penis in the photograph. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted,
    delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in
    opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
    coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
    churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol the following day. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?

    Respond By Laughing:

    Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
    every year the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
    Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
    defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.

    To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises as well. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by
    doink so, became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
    to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
    People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
    to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.

    Handing Over Authority:

    If Hindus owned the media they would use it to teach you to obtain your spiritual bliss via orgasm and to worship monkeys and rats. If Jews owned the media then they would use it to teach you to abide by God's Ten Commandments. If Christians owned the
    media they would use it to teach you that Jesus created heaven and earth and is God in the flesh who died for your sins. If Catholics owned the media they would teach you to get your evergreen trees to blink. It is written in Scripture that God hates
    your evergreen tree idols and seeing them enrages Him, yet folks embrace this Catholic fertility rite with great zeal while worshipping a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of their God-damned mouths.
    Pretty much every single institution teaches you to embrace Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, and there you are, abiding by Catholic fertility rites while claiming it is Jews who rule the world.

    We live in a corrupt church-state which teaches you to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Now this same corrupt church is using their media to demand you to take a death jab. Some people woke up and see that the injections are a death jab, but they
    continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. After criticizing the pagan fertility rites in the churches (evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, Egyptian penises on the church roofs, the priests and ministers ramming
    their penises up your children’s arseholes, the clergy cannibalizing your children and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for years in psychiatric facilities. All people could do for me is slander me,
    libel me, steal from me, laugh at me, and assault me further.

    Note that your former Queen was a cannibal, she was supposedly the head of a Protestant church yet she used her office to annually teach you to abide by Catholic fertility rites and get your trees to blink. Her son Charles is the Anti-Christ, he has been
    using his wealth to fund the spread of Islam for the last several decades. The Catholic Church is about to hand all of their authority over to Charles, who claims to be the defender of faith. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a
    cannibal, who tells Biden what to do and say. Both Canada and the United States are ruled by Islamists who demand you take the death jabs. If you attempt to remove Trudeau or Obama from office and expel the Islamic invaders, then Charles will come with
    his massive United Nations Islamic army and defend his people. And oh look, UN (Islamic) aircraft are already landing in both the US and Canada in quantities.

    The Love of Catholic Traditions:

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The Christians behave as pagans during the winter pagan festival and turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into
    blinkin' temples of fertility. Their supposedly Protestant Queen modeled the behavior annually, turning trees into decorated idols is a Catholic tradition.

    Then the Christians act as pagans year around when they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when I dare to point out that they are embracing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and that their churches are
    censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. When I complain of the brutal horrid torture they slander me, libel me, mock me, laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, then they say that I am judging them.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. I was being repeatedly arrested for speaking and never knew when the next arrest and round of
    torture would occur, leaving me in an state of apprehension, wanting to leave the country but finding ridicule rather than support. Once I was arrested and tortured because I was brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Bible study,
    for speaking… these people are Catholics, different aspects of their winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, then they think themselves holy for upholding His Fourth Commandment. Some of the Seventh-day Adventist
    churches have Egyptian penises on their roofs, while Ellen G. White has an Egyptian dink for a tombstone.

    The Catholics spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about it, and they don't have the compassion to even attempt to make up my loss by
    buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Instead they fly to tropical resorts where they and their children pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they post the photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their
    next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for victims and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. It is so vitally important for these Catholics to pose for photos beside their Catholic fertility tree
    idols, that they would post the photo on Facebook even if it showed one of their children playing with his penis. Every winter in Vatican Square the Catholics erect a huge blinkin’ tree next to the stolen Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis),
    they place their symbols of fertility side by side.

    All I can do is cry, and I cry out to God against you so-called Christians who embrace this Catholic fertility rite, you are a stumbling block who then teaches this pagan filth to others. When you adopt Catholic fertility rituals, then you become
    Catholics. Even the atheists among you have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. One of my superpowers
    is to not die from the psychiatric drugs and the years of psychiatric horror. What is your superpower? Is it to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror or just to ignore the horror of psychiatry and allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive? God
    preserved my life so that I could give testimony against you and your churches, why doth God bother preserving your life?

    Honouring Your Veterans:

    You honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow down to the penis and place a fertility wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made from the branches of evergreen trees at the base of the
    dink (another pagan fertility idol). You also honour your war dead by placing decorative wreaths (pagan idols) on their tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. Then you elected and re-elected a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photos next to the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols. Those of you
    who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist pedophile and cannibal tolerated him because he posed with the pagan idols, which you love more than The Word of God. You also ignored decades of reports of American soldiers being stripped of their
    rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, now you consider yourselves as absolute heroes because you dare to speak out about the J6 prisoners. These favoured prisoners of yours are all Catholics, as they all abide by the Catholic fertility
    rites and get their trees to blink, they want to be released from prison so they may return home to their families and bow to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols. Your favoured prisoners are all Catholics who decorate and bow to trees, while some of the
    victims of psychiatric horror who you ignore or scorn, are detained because they criticized your churches for teaching pagan fertility traditions.

    American and Canadian soldiers defended one group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women in place of another group of Islamists who treated their cattle better than women, and then they raped the female soldiers serving in their own
    platoons. After ignoring the soldiers that were stripped of their rights and had psychiatric drugs forced upon them, they took the bullshit Covid injections by choice and lost their fertility and their lives. Those veterans that have not yet perished
    from the bullshit Covid jabs are twitching and convulsing and necrotizing and have lost their fertility. Maybe if you pagan arseholes ejaculated upon your blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols then you would regain your fertility. Anyway, just as you
    think it hilarious that people who criticize your Catholic churches and evergreen tree idols get arrested and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    Taking Responsibility:

    Scripture doth not proclaim that you should tithe to cannibals, laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and then sit on your arses while your nations are being invaded. Islamists are coming here to murder and enslave Christians and First Nations, the
    Christians and First Nations need to play a more active role in closing airports, seaports and borders, and in returning the invaders to their home continents.

    Thomas Mick has a plan to return America to its former glory, read about it in Restoring The American Republic:

    “I believe that all of those forces within our country are there to distract us and prevent us from removing the prime threat, which is globalist control of our governments. In our effort to restore the American Republic, our first priority must be
    regaining command and control; routing out the globalist infiltrators and their infrastructure from our land. Once we have accomplished that task and restored American command over our governments, then we can turn our undivided attention to the Mexican
    invasion and Islam, as well as any other force seeking our destruction.” - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, March 31 2014

    “The plan of action I have proposed removes all oath breakers, starting at the local level, in order to restore our rights and liberty; returning government to the limitations the Constitution imposed on them… This plan doesn’t plead with them to
    stop their usurpation, nor does it seek to impeach them through the corrupt system they’ve establish that protects them; it simply calls for their removal and replacement with people who understand what the oath is and will perform their duties
    consistent with it. - Thomas Mick, Restoring the American Republic, April 22 2014

    Utter Hilarity:

    Can't you folks see the utter hilarity of you teaching your children to abide by pagan fertility rites and then having them injected with toxins that removes their fertility and their lives?!!! Those people who attempted to warn you to flee from the
    pagan idolatry you had tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. You allowed doctors to be trained at your universities to practice the brutal torture and you ignored those who complained of the treatments. I got repeatedly arrested and brutally
    tortured as a reward for speaking and all people could do for me is mock me, openly laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, because your pagan traditions are maintained by these actions. I sought to destroy your traditions (your embrace of pagan
    fertility rites) by educating you, by informing you that the practice of turning trees into decorated idols is repeatedly condemned by Scripture, your response was to continue spending billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and
    laughing at me, and by phoning the police on me when you heard my criticisms of your pagan idolatry. Cannibals head your churches, the cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, then the cannibals parroted their own media and demanded that
    the sheep take injections that destroyed their fertility and their lives. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror and all people could do for me is slander and libel me and rob me and assault me further and
    then fly to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Can't you see the utter hilarity? I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another
    arrest and round of torture, and your response is to totally ignore the issue of psychiatry and psychiatric horror, then have your children injected as well. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Jingle Bell People:

    Your destruction is allowed because you used your CIA to fund the development of the psychiatric drugs at the University of Saskatchewan and at other western universities, then allowed Canadians and others to face brutal horrid torture in psychiatric
    facilities, then you were utterly compassionless to these victims and to your own veterans who were similarly stripped of their rights and brutally tortured with the drugs. I was stripped of my rights as a reward for criticizing the churches who are
    pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments. So I cry out to God against you, against your children and against your nation, and you know what??? You are dying, your children are dying and your nation is dying. You think your prayers are
    oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture and then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all
    you pagan pricks could do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. You folks are so cheap and compassionless that you can't find it in your hearts to buy me a single simple holiday to anywhere in a feeble
    effort to make up for the loss of years of my life to brutal horrid torture, indeed, you are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even offer to buy me a cookie!!! You are utterly compassionless to me and to the other victims of psychiatric horror. I cry
    out to God against you people with all my soul, I desperately desire your deaths and the deaths of your children. You are the Jingle Bell People, jingle all the way.

    A Time of Trouble:

    They are instructed to move to western nations, and the vast majority of them are not making demands and are appearing to assimilate. They believe that they are guaranteed a place in heaven by simply moving here. Without making demands they are being
    provided for, lavishly, by the Islamic federal government. Then the average Canadian buys Halal certified foods and so further funds the expansion of Islam. Then, if the Canadians manage to expel the Islamic invaders, the Canadians will continue to shit
    upon me when I criticize their pagan fertility rites and their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism and petition authorities to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act and tortured in psychiatric facilities. Presently you reserve seats
    for and use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and under Trudeau allow them to practice this "art" without being Canadian citizens... so if you manage to expel the Islamic invaders, then you would only
    have Hindu, Sikh and Catholic psychiatrists left to torture me in the psychiatric facilities when I criticize your filthy churches. All I can do is cry out to God against you, I pray for Him to terminate your lives and the lives of your children. Year
    after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you can do for me is mock me, laugh at me, slander and libel me, rob me and assault me further. And do note, Charles is the Anti-Christ, he is fabulously wealthy and for decades has been using his
    wealth to fund the expansion of Islam in western nations, he is the self-proclaimed defender of faith. And do note, you are again set to spend billions of dollars turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin'
    temples of fertility, and you do so without blushing. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the many episodes of brutal horrid torture and you folks are so cheap and ignorant that you can't even find it in your hearts to buy me so much as a cookie. You
    turn trees into decorated idols and defend this filth with brutal violence, then think your prayers are oh so powerful while mine are of no effect. Go to hell.


    On November 13th 2022 in “Election Integrity (Stop The Steal)” on www.GAB.com, Olvar proclaims that people are free to do whatever they damn well want, it is their money so they are free to use it as they wish, and says that the act of decorating the
    tree is not the same as election fraud and the rest of the corruption in the political arena. He continues to say that nobody who embraces these pagan idols are whoreshipping them. He also says that the pagan celebration makes him happy. I am unable to
    join the group and respond to him there.

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The fact that you bow down to the base of the tree when you place and retrieve presents at the base of the tree, and that you do so after God
    proclaims the act ENRAGES Him, are indications to me that you are truly whoreshipping the tree. If this makes you happy then go for it. Furthermore the election fraud and the other political corruption is conducted by members of this corrupt church. They
    are witches who rape, torture, kill and eat your children. The corrupt church-state not only runs the government, but also the media, educational system, the legal system, the medical system and the entertainment industry. All these institutions parrot
    their church and teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, for they are all the same institution.

    The priests of fish-god Dagon dressed up as fish and taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols, the relationship being that many species of fish lay enormous quantities of eggs and so were viewed and whoreshipped as symbols of fertility, while
    the evergreen tree was whoreshipped as a symbol of fertility due to remaining green throughout the year. Many people also cap the very top of their blinkin’ trees with miniature sparking Egyptian obelisks, they are representations of penises, another
    symbol of fertility.

    In 1988 I first spoke out against the churches teaching the pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments and was brutally tortured for years. Another indication to me that you indeed whoreship the tree is that you close your hearts to the
    suffering of me and other Christians who dared to share God’s Word and speak out against the pagan idols. You would prefer to annually spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols than raise a finger in defense of the victims
    of psychiatric torture.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 30 02:25:25 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff
    July 28th 2023 11:37 pm 213,193 words (249 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    www.gab.com posts continued:

    In the Beginning:

    It starts with the churches teaching you to turn trees into decorated idols, if one was to question this teaching at the church, the individual will be mocked. If mocking is insufficient to shut the parishioner up, then the individual will be laughed at
    and be made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome, and that will quickly escalate to shunning the individual and banning him or her from the church entirely. Remain vocal and face assaults, libel, slander, arrest and torture in psychiatric facilities,
    especially if you are adamant that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that there are cannibals running the churches and other institutions. The Protestant churches were co-opted by the Catholic Church and assists that
    church to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. Your Catholic church employs Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death when they criticize their various churches and other institutions they own.

    But to the average North American, evergreen tree fertility idols (and psychiatric horror) is not an issue, and they happily honor the trees by decorating them, and they bow to the trees when placing presents at the base of the trees. Even though they do
    not attend church, they like to see the steeples (Egyptian penises) capping the roofs of the churches. They like to see the blinkin’ evergreen tree fertility idols gracing the church properties and then respond by turning their own homes into blinkin’
    temples of fertility. When Catholics stick statues of soldiers on top of or directly next to Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), Americans follow behind and bow down to the base of these Egyptian dink when they place their pagan idols there.

    In all your wisdom you decorate these monuments and the graves of your war dead with branches from evergreen trees turned into decorative wreaths, they are pagan symbols of fertility. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you
    arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. Scripture doth NOT proclaim that God is enraged when He sees cannibals rape, kill and eat your children, just when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    The end result of embracing these pagan fertility rites is that you now get to lose your nations to members of alternative fertility cults. You also lose your children... you honored pagan crap and then allowed Satanists to inject you and your children
    with concoctions that made you infertile and necrotize (rot). The witches running the churches taught you to turn trees into decorated idols, then these witches preached from the pulpits and parroted “their” media and politicians and demanded you to
    take a jab that causes sterility and is sure to take your life. And while you twitch and convulse and necrotize from the jabs, you still desire to tithe to your executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Maintaining Traditions:

    Different aspects of your Catholic fertility rites are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, those who indicate such are mocked, if they continue to speak out in defense of God’s Commandments they are then laughed at, then the abuse is
    escalated and they are shunned and removed from the churches, and then eventually arrested and tortured under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against Catholicism. Most individuals defend turning trees into decorated idols by first mocking
    the messenger and exclaiming that the individual is wearing a tinfoil hat, and then this abuse is escalated and the messenger is told to take a pill. The so-called Protestant churches actively teach you to adopt the Catholic fertility rites and get their
    trees to blink. Many of the so-called Protestant and the Catholic churches have Egyptian penises capping their roofs. The Catholic churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, and the Catholics will phone the police on you if you mention that
    their churches are censoring the Scriptural references to cannibalism or that their churches are capped with Egyptian penises, and then the Catholic judges and Catholic police work together to arrest the individual for quoting unpleasant Scripture.
    Cannibalism is another Catholic fertility rite as the cannibals believe they can extend their lives and virility by eating children. The Catholics train and employ Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at our western universities,
    and in Canada Trudeau allows them to work (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. God dothn't care which particular pagan fertility cult rules over America. God saw that westerners embrace pagan fertility rites, and saw that
    they defend their pagan fertility rites with brutal violence, and allowed them to take the death jabs. Islam is the major benefactor of the jabs as when the westerners die, the Islamists will take over your nations. The women will face the greatest
    horrors, in the Islamic system they do not have to pay women for their labor and most women (and children) will simply become sex slaves. I encourage all you Catholics to take a jab that removes your fertility and your lives. I begged in vain for
    assistance to flee the country and all you people could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further, or otherwise just ignore the plight of the victims of psychiatry. Good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Jingle All The Way:

    If you first stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror none of this shit would have happened to you. Now you will fight desperately for your nations and if you win, you will still have people tortured to death in psychiatric facilities because they
    continue to criticize the pagan idolatry in your Catholic churches and continue to claim that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. You are utterly and totally compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, you use your
    universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, and in Canada allow these pagans to practice psychiatry (torture Canadians to death) without them being Canadian citizens. Your compassion is limited to your pagan
    evergreen tree idols and to the Egyptian penises you cap your churches and blinkin' trees with. Rather than assist you to fight for the survival of your nations, I am crying out to God against you, against your children, and against your nations. Years
    of absolute horror in the psychiatric wards, additional years of absolute horror due to being utterly fearful of another arrest and round of torture, and all you can do for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror is laugh at us, slander and
    libel us and assault us further, and then sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. You turn trees into decorated idols and then cap these idols with miniature sparkling silver or golden Egyptian penises because you follow the example made by the cannibals
    running your filthy phallic-capped churches. You turn your homes into blinkin' temples of fertility and then fly to tropical resorts where you pose with the pagan idols there, then you post the photos of your children posing with the idols on Facebook,
    where the witches shop for children. The witches see an attractive child on Facebook, place and order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. God proclaims in Scripture that He is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn
    trees into decorated idols, not when cannibals rape, torture, kill and eat your children. You spend millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities and think it funny, then you annually spend billions of dollars turning your
    churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the brutal horrid torture and you can’t even find it in your hearts to buy me or any other victim of psychiatric
    horror a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up for the loss of years of our lives to brutal horrid torture, you don’t even have the compassion to buy me a cookie nor offer a kind word!!! Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Tolerance and Trees:

    You tolerate Obama's destruction of the USA because Obama (a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a cannibal) posed with your evergreen tree idols, you love your evergreen tree idols more than the Word of God. Those who voted for him loved the
    decorated evergreen tree idols dearly, those that did not vote for him still loved his decorated evergreen tree idols, dearly. When I spoke out against the idols in 1988 (and pointed out that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to
    cannibalism) I was mocked, shunned, arrested, tortured, and people said I was wearing a tinfoil hat while they decorated their trees with tinfoil, and they laughed and laughed. They made me a home in psychiatric ward at a cost of many millions of dollars,
    then they spent billions of dollars giving free homes to Islamists.

    All you could do is laugh, now all I can do is cry out to God against you while simultaneously laughing at you (Proverbs 1:26 RSV). You had brutal psychiatrists torturing me for years and all you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do
    is laugh at me. Americans funded the CIA who developed, tested and "treated" people to these horrid drugs at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, then other patriotic Americans stop briefly in Saskatoon but only in order to catch a connecting
    flight to the north so they may hunt and fish. They love to go up north and see the evergreen trees, which they idolize in the winter. They also make decorative wreaths from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols) and use these year around to
    decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers, they push their Catholic beliefs upon the fallen and use the dead soldiers to promote their Catholic faith. They stick statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then they bow to these
    dinks when they place their decorative idols at the base of these Egyptian penises. They place their symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian penis, another symbol of fertility.

    Rather than assist me to end psychiatry and the forced administration of the brutal drugs, people sang Jingle Bells and had themselves injected with snake venom and a myriad of other toxins. They laughed at me when I convulsed in horror, similarly that
    is now what I offer you as you convulse in horror from the venoms and other toxins you willingly chose to inject. You people embrace Catholic fertility rites, that makes you Catholics. Even the atheists among you adopt the Catholic fertility tree rituals
    and so have become Catholics as well. You (Canadians and Americans) spent millions having me tortured for years, then annually you spend billions turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility,
    and you think it is funny!!! Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    Children On Facebook and Other Social Media:

    Obama (an Islamist, sodomite, pedophile and cannibal) rules, he tells Biden what to do and say. If you attempt to remove Obama, then Prince Charles (the Anti-Christ) will come with his massive United Nations (Islamic) army and put you people in your
    proper place. Your proper place is to turn trees into decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He see you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The reason why your churches teach
    you to turn trees into decorated idols is because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate. The reason why your churches censor Scriptural references to cannibalism is because
    the priests and ministers not only rape your children, but they eat them as well. The churches publish books praising themselves on how they civilized the cannibals in Africa and the South Seas and did away with cannibalism, while ignoring the
    cannibalism being conducted by the witches in the west, and while ignoring Scripture dealing with this pagan fertility rite. Eating children is a pagan fertility rite, the cannibals believe they may extend their virility and longevity by consuming the

    Turning the evergreen tree into a blinkin’ idol is another pagan fertility rite, the tree is worshipped as a symbol of fertility for it remains green throughout the year. Some of you even place shiny silver or golden miniature Egyptian obelisks (
    penises) on the very tops of your blinkin’ trees and on the roofs of your blinkin’ churches. You defend your churches with brutal violence for you believe nobody has the right to criticize your blinkin’ trees and phallic capped churches, and your
    pedophile-cannibal priests and ministers. You can easily find a Catholic judge aiding a Catholic police officer to arrest the offending member and deliver that member to your local psychiatric ward, where a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic or a Catholic psychiatrist
    will inform the individual that they think too much about cannibals, penises and evergreen trees.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid psychiatric torture and begged in vain for assistance to flee the horror. Your response is to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures of your family members posing with the blinkin’ idols
    on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal, and laugh at me and assault me further. It is so vitally important for you pagan arseholes to post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, that you would even do so if
    one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Good for you, I sure hope you win.

    Squeak Squeak!!!:

    It is estimated that some 82% of the Americans took jabs that robbed them of their fertility, causes a myriad of diseases and is certain to take their lives. The Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as the saviors of America, but some 82% of these people took
    the bullshit Covid jabs as well, they are twitching, convulsing, necrotizing and dying, and are in no shape to defend their nation

    If the Americans manage to expel the Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, African, Asian and Latin American invaders, they would still have people arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to speak out against their Catholic fertility rites. The
    Americans turn trees into decorated idols. They decorate the graves of their veterans with decorative wreaths made from the branches of evergreen trees (pagan idols). They honor their dead veterans by erecting statues of them and placing the statues next
    to or on top of Egyptian obelisks (penises). They bow to these Egyptian penises when they place their pagan presents at the base of the pagan dinks. They cap their church roofs with Egyptian penises and call them steeples, and they stick miniature
    Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ tree idols. They reserve seats for and train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at their universities. They honor their living veterans by allowing them to be stripped of their
    rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists and by never attempting to raise a finger in their defense.

    Even before the 3% took the jabs that robbed them of their health, they were unable to find the energy to end psychiatric horror, now they are even less apt to raise a finger in defense of their people and their nation. Americans are more likely to phone
    the police on people who criticize their Catholic traditions and lobby to have them arrested and treated in psychiatric facilities. Now the Patriot Elite 3% see themselves as heroes because they speak out in defense of the J6 prisoners, while continuing
    a painful silence about the topic of psychiatric horror, and a painful silence about the CIA developing the drugs at Canadian and other western universities.

    It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, squeak squeak. Different aspects of your pagan winter festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments. The left and the right are
    united in their Catholic fertility tree rituals, the left and the right are united in enraging God. Just a bunch of pagans who now get to lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults.

    Heroes and Hype:

    You know that people suffer in psychiatric facilities and you ignore it and allow it to continue for decades, and allow it to increase in magnitude. Some of these people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs as a reward for speaking (for
    speaking against your Catholic fertility rites). Those who ignore this horror and instead choose to hype more recent events see themselves as absolute heroes as opposed to being compassionless turds whose main concern is getting their evergreen trees to
    blink. While you post your memes and comments criticizing the bogus pandemic and criticizing the imprisonment of the Americans who entered Congress on January 6th, you scorn those who dare to criticize your Catholic fertility idols. While you decorate
    your pagan idols with copious quantities of tinfoil, you tell those who attempted to warn you of your idolatry that they are wearing tinfoil hats and then smugly tell them to take another pill. You make decorated wreaths (pagan idols) out of evergreen
    tree branches, and place these pagan idols upon the graves of the war dead, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic fertility rites upon others. You make statues of soldiers and place them next to or standing upon Egyptian penises, then
    you bow down and place your pagan symbols of fertility at the base of the Egyptian dink, and you call me crazy and deserving of years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture. You spend billions of dollars annually turning your churches, schools, homes,
    shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility, and then use your universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists who then torture to death those who criticize your Catholic churches. Then under
    Trudeau allow these foreign psychiatrists to work (torture Canadians to death) in Canada without them becoming Canadian citizens.

    You post photographs on Facebook of your children posing with the pagan idols, then you fly to tropical resorts and post photographs your children posing with the pagan idols there. You will post photos of your children posing with the pagan idols even
    if your child is playing with his penis in the photograph. You post photos of your children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their next meal. A witch sees a child on Facebook that appeals to him or her and places an order, the child is abducted,
    delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten, then you phone the police on me for daring to point out that your churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and for saying that different aspects of your winter festivities are in
    opposition to God’s First Three Commandments. It is written in Scripture that God is enraged when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols.

    Now you see yourselves as heroes because you speak out against the imprisonment of those who took a walk in a building they and you purchased. Or you consider yourselves as heroes because you complain about the bullshit Covid injections that people were
    coerced to take, as opposed to the psychiatric injections people are forced to take. Ya, you are a hero who bows to pagan symbols of fertility and then phones the police on me for daring to criticize the cannibalism and the pagan idolatry in your
    churches, and you do that while waiting patiently for Halloween to be over so you can erect and decorate your blinkin’ idol the following day. Absolute heroes. It is the latest thing, what event will your next big outrage be over?

    Respond By Laughing:

    Multitudes of soldiers gave their lives for our freedom, and our governments honor their sacrifices by erecting Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises) for them, and by placing statues of soldiers next to or on top of these Egyptian penises. And
    every year the soldier’s tombstones are decorated with wreaths made from evergreen trees (decorated idols). Turning evergreen trees into decorated idols is an ancient fertility rite that is now religiously observed by the Catholic Church. When
    Catholics decorate the graves of the war dead with their Catholic symbols of fertility, they are using the dead soldiers to push their Catholic beliefs upon others. These soldiers never fought for your Catholic fertility rites but instead fought in
    defense of the American constitution and your freedom. There are more appropriate ways to thank service men and women for their service than to honor them with a pagan dink, or with a decorated fertility tree idol.

    To their defense the Catholics thought it appropriate to place statues of soldiers next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises because they cap their churches with Egyptian penises as well. The Protestants adopted the Catholic fertility rites and by
    doink so, became Catholics, they followed traditions instead of the Word of God. To their shame, all these Catholics could have read the Bible and seen that the pagan representations of penises and evergreen tree idols enrages God. The Catholics employed
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me for years for daring to point out the pagan penises and pagan evergreen tree idols they embrace as Gospel. The sheep hear about it and respond by laughing at me, and getting bigger trees and decorating them
    to greater degrees. I respond by crying out to God against all the people who adopted Catholic fertility rites (Adventists, Baptists and Doukhobors included), God responds to my cries and prayers with storms, supposed accidents, or other acts of God.
    People spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, then annually spend billions of dollars turning trees into decorated idols, it all enrages God and the resulting storms destroy infrastructure, homes and many lives. I am crying out
    to God against all you Catholics and praying for your deaths. Of course you care little about me praying for your deaths because you believe your prayers are so full of power while mine are of no effect. Laugh about it and tell me to take a pill.

    Handing Over Authority:

    If Hindus owned the media they would use it to teach you to obtain your spiritual bliss via orgasm and to worship monkeys and rats. If Jews owned the media then they would use it to teach you to abide by God's Ten Commandments. If Christians owned the
    media they would use it to teach you that Jesus created heaven and earth and is God in the flesh who died for your sins. If Catholics owned the media they would teach you to get your evergreen trees to blink. It is written in Scripture that God hates
    your evergreen tree idols and seeing them enrages Him, yet folks embrace this Catholic fertility rite with great zeal while worshipping a version of Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the utter crap that pours out of their God-damned mouths.
    Pretty much every single institution teaches you to embrace Catholic fertility rites and turn trees into decorated idols, and there you are, abiding by Catholic fertility rites while claiming it is Jews who rule the world.

    We live in a corrupt church-state which teaches you to abide by Catholic fertility rites. Now this same corrupt church is using their media to demand you to take a death jab. Some people woke up and see that the injections are a death jab, but they
    continue to embrace Catholic fertility rites and get their trees to blink. After criticizing the pagan fertility rites in the churches (evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, Egyptian penises on the church roofs, the priests and ministers ramming
    their penises up your children’s arseholes, the clergy cannibalizing your children and censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) I was repeatedly arrested and tortured for years in psychiatric facilities. All people could do for me is slander me,
    libel me, steal from me, laugh at me, and assault me further.

    Note that your former Queen was a cannibal, she was supposedly the head of a Protestant church yet she used her office to annually teach you to abide by Catholic fertility rites and get your trees to blink. Her son Charles is the Anti-Christ, he has been
    using his wealth to fund the spread of Islam for the last several decades. The Catholic Church is about to hand all of their authority over to Charles, who claims to be the defender of faith. Obama is a homosexual Indonesian Islamist, pedophile and a
    cannibal, who tells Biden what to do and say. Both Canada and the United States are ruled by Islamists who demand you take the death jabs. If you attempt to remove Trudeau or Obama from office and expel the Islamic invaders, then Charles will come with
    his massive United Nations Islamic army and defend his people. And oh look, UN (Islamic) aircraft are already landing in both the US and Canada in quantities.

    The Love of Catholic Traditions:

    God proclaims in Scripture that it enrages Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. The Christians behave as pagans during the winter pagan festival and turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into
    blinkin' temples of fertility. Their supposedly Protestant Queen modeled the behavior annually, turning trees into decorated idols is a Catholic tradition.

    Then the Christians act as pagans year around when they phone the police on me and urge my arrest and psychiatric torture when I dare to point out that they are embracing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and that their churches are
    censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. When I complain of the brutal horrid torture they slander me, libel me, mock me, laugh at me, rob me and assault me further, then they say that I am judging them.

    I lost year after year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, then lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of torture. I was being repeatedly arrested for speaking and never knew when the next arrest and round of
    torture would occur, leaving me in an state of apprehension, wanting to leave the country but finding ridicule rather than support. Once I was arrested and tortured because I was brutally assaulted at the Mount Royal Seventh-day Adventist Bible study,
    for speaking… these people are Catholics, different aspects of their winter festivities are in opposition to God’s First Three Commandments, then they think themselves holy for upholding His Fourth Commandment. Some of the Seventh-day Adventist
    churches have Egyptian penises on their roofs, while Ellen G. White has an Egyptian dink for a tombstone.

    The Catholics spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured in an attempt to shut me up about it, and they don't have the compassion to even attempt to make up my loss by
    buying me a simple single holiday to anywhere. Instead they fly to tropical resorts where they and their children pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they post the photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for their
    next meal. The witches cruise Facebook looking for victims and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. It is so vitally important for these Catholics to pose for photos beside their Catholic fertility tree
    idols, that they would post the photo on Facebook even if it showed one of their children playing with his penis. Every winter in Vatican Square the Catholics erect a huge blinkin’ tree next to the stolen Egyptian obelisk (a representation of a penis),
    they place their symbols of fertility side by side.

    All I can do is cry, and I cry out to God against you so-called Christians who embrace this Catholic fertility rite, you are a stumbling block who then teaches this pagan filth to others. When you adopt Catholic fertility rituals, then you become
    Catholics. Even the atheists among you have adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so have become Catholics as well. I beg God to honour His assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives and the lives of your children. One of my superpowers
    is to not die from the psychiatric drugs and the years of psychiatric horror. What is your superpower? Is it to laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror or just to ignore the horror of psychiatry and allow psychiatry to multiply and thrive? God
    preserved my life so that I could give testimony against you and your churches, why doth God bother preserving your life?

    Honouring Your Veterans:

    You honour your dead soldiers by placing statues of them next to or directly on top of Egyptian penises, then you bow down to the penis and place a fertility wreath (a pagan fertility idol) made from the branches of evergreen trees at the base of the
    dink (another pagan fertility idol). You also honour your war dead by placing decorative wreaths (pagan idols) on their tombstones, you use the dead soldiers as tools to push your Catholic idolatry upon others. Then you elected and re-elected a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when he posed for photos next to the blinkin' evergreen tree fertility idols. Those of you
    who did not vote for the homosexual Indonesian Islamist pedophile and cannibal tolerated him because he posed with the pagan idols, which you love more than The Word of God. You also ignored decades of reports of American soldiers being stripped of their
    rights and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, now you consider yourselves as absolute heroes because you dare to speak out about the J6 prisoners. These favoured prisoners of yours are all Catholics, as they all abide by the Catholic fertility
    rites and get their trees to blink, they want to be released from prison so they may return home to their families and bow to the blinkin' evergreen tree idols. Your favoured prisoners are all Catholics who decorate and bow to trees, while some of the
    victims of psychiatric horror who you ignore or scorn, are detained because they criticized your churches for teaching pagan fertility traditions.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 31 23:07:24 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff August 31st 2023 7:09 pm 220,684 words (256 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in March 2023, I learned that the tetanus jabs are not to prevent tetanus, but are designed to prevent fertility. Nobody dies from tetanus, the disease was hyped in order to sterilize people. There are a number of
    videos on www.Bitchute.com discussing the issue.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023 we hear that a number of world leaders were assassinated in 2021 and 2022 because they were opposed to the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs being introduced into their countries.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023, Americans are barred from traveling to parks and visiting museums if they desire to pay the entry fees with cash. Large portions of their nation is off limits to them, even if they could afford to
    travel to these parks they will be denied entry. First they created the parks in order to deny people homesteads and to herd people into the cities, now they deny them entry. Those who demand you wear a mask or be jabbed with snake venom in order to have
    access to wherever, or demand you pay with something other than cash, are working for foreign governments. They soldiers of foreign powers, they should be treated as such and shot. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08).

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023 it is proposed that there be a $25,000 fine for criticizing sodomites in Canada. This is ok, you folks spent many millions of dollars having me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured when I
    criticized your churches, and rather than assist me to flee the country, you laughed at me and assaulted me further. In 1988 I stated that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already
    advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, then was tortured brutally for years. The police officers drove me past the four Egyptian obelisks (
    representations of penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and delivered me to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals, odd as Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
    Then she tortured me for years. Now you can start paying $25,000 fines for speaking out against the sodomites. Just as you people think that it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years, I think that the loss of your
    children and the loss of your nation is equally hilarious. You have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, hospitals, courts of law, shopping centers and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you can easily afford
    to start paying $25,000 fines for criticizing the sodomites. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you folks could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I used to beg for assistance to flee the country, now I beg God to
    honour his assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives.

    They closed their hearts to me and flew off to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witch sees a child attractive to him or
    her, he or she places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. It was so damn important for you pagan arseholes to post the photos on Facebook, that you
    would even do so if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Then the Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America,
    because they assumed he shared their values when he posed for photographs beside the blinkin' fertility tree idols. Good for you. I sure hope you win.

    In the news on April 6th 2023, we read in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix how wonderful it is that Ukrainians can flee war and come to Saskatoon and turn eggs into decorated idols. “It predates Christianity,” (proudly) said Jen Budney, the executive
    director and CEO of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in Saskatoon. Jen Budney says that the decorated egg idols are used to decorate homes and bring good fortune… and then adds that many of these homes have been destroyed now. You are being taught that
    good fortune comes from decorated idols instead of from God. The Ukrainians are upholding Catholic fertility rites, get their country destroyed because they whoreship pagan filth rather than worship God, and now come to Saskatoon to teach us to embrace
    their pagan idolatry. They claim good fortune through decorated egg idols, they decorated their country with the pagan crap, their country gets destroyed and now claim it is a real success story that Saskatoonians should emulate. The Ukrainian idol
    whoreshippers get assistance from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix which prominently places the story on the first and second pages of the newspaper. This newspaper continuously publishes free advertisements for upcoming Satanic rock concerts, and continuously
    encourages the whoreship of other idols. Generally the events that do not involve the whoreship of idols are reported on only after the event is over. The Ukrainian idol whoreshippers have tremendous support from the media, and also have support from
    psychiatry, they will never be told by the psychiatrists that they are deluded and are in need of needles up their God-damned arseholes. We get our country invaded by Hindus, Sikhs, Islamists, by Africans, by Asians, by Latin Americans, and now by
    Catholic idol whoreshippers from the Ukraine, they will compete against us for any and all resources. I am half Ukrainian, these people are a great embarrassment to me. I apologize to the citizens of Saskatoon for the behavior of my fellow Ukrainians who
    are acting like cavemen. Like the evergreen trees, the penises capping the church roofs, the whoreship of Mary, and fish, these pagan Ukrainians whoreship eggs, as they are a symbol of fertility.

    In the news in April 2023 the police issued an amnesty and are collecting unwanted firearms. See the book, Arming and Disarming, A History of Gun Control In Canada by R. Blake Brown, we are going through another period of disarming. America also went
    through periods of disarming their population, rather than actively support gun clubs and shooting ranges, Americans in the late 1800’s and at the turn of the 1900’s were largely unarmed and did not have the skills to accurately shoot a rifle. By
    contrast the Canadians at that time were encouraged to develop the skills. When the Americans realized they were in need of training their people to once again be skilled with the firearms, Canadian marksmen traveled to the States and helped teach the
    skills to the Americans. And then somewhat later a Canadian developed semi-automatic rifles that assisted Americans to survive and thrive during WWII. Now we have drug dealing Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists invading our nations, many are actually soldiers
    seeking to either take over a portion of Canada or all of Canada, I’m pretty sure that they did not hand in any weapons over to the police.

    I expect the police in Canada to start marking their vehicles with homosexual and Islamic insignia, as they have done in the UK, and prosecuting those who speak out against homosexuality and Islam. The police would be better off if they encouraged
    citizens to be gun owners, and encouraged them to train at gun ranges. Until the late 1960’s Saskatoon used to have an annual turkey shoot in a building located on the north-west corner of 22nd Street and 1st Avenue North, in the heart of Saskatoon.
    Farmers used to travel the countryside and even came into the city with their rifles mounted and displayed in the back window of their trucks. Children in the city carried their rifles (mostly air guns and .22’s) across the handlebars of their bicycles
    when they went to the outskirts of the city to hunt gophers. Many rifles made in Canada did not have serial numbers. Deport the invaders, Canadian treaties are between the red and the white, they do not give us permission to import the members of
    alternative fertility cults coming from Latin America, Asia and Africa. Help train the red and the white to be responsible and skilled gun owners. Fight for your survival, for your children and for your nation. Buy your child a rifle calibrated to .243
    Winchester, it doesn’t kick so hard.

    In the news (the mainstream news) in May 2023, Saskatchewan is in need of psychiatric nurses and so they desire to employ more Filipinos (Catholics). It is evident to me that as society collapses, the psychiatric wards will continue to be operated,
    and are being increasingly operated by Hindus, Sikhs, Islamists and of course Catholics. Jesus did not agree with the woman who said that His mother is blessed, He said “Blessed rather are those that keep God’s Commandments.” The Filipino Catholics
    are already overrepresented in the psychiatric wards working as food service providers, now they will begin to represent the bulk of the nurses, eagerly following orders of the Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists and sticking needles in the
    bums of the victims of psychiatric horror.

    Catholics forced the changing of God’s Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday by killing an estimated 100 million people who did not agree with the change, or who disagreed with other Catholic laws. Even if you killed a billion Christians in an attempt
    to force the changing of God’s Sabbath to Sunday, this still is not an adequate reason to change God’s Sabbath day to Sunday. He rested in the tomb on the Seventh Day (it was His custom and Commandment to rest on this day), then He rose on a Sunday
    to resume His WORK, and so because He rose on a Sunday to WORK, they preach that this becomes His day of rest.

    When war breaks out in Saskatoon, it will likely be over the issue of bicycle lanes and the funding and location of a library or an arena, not over the issue of people being brutally tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. It is necessary to
    brutally torture people to death in order to maintain your pagan traditions. They spent many millions of dollars to torture me for years, and they laugh at fly to tropical resorts and pose for photographs with the pagan fertility idols there. They made
    me a home in a psychiatric ward and then laugh and turn their own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. I will not be joining you in your war against bicycle lanes or in the location or funding of your new arena, or in your war against the New
    World Order, or against Islam, they are here to destroy you compassionless turds, many of whom call themselves Christians. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and then subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of
    torture as a reward for speaking against your traditions, and you think it is funny, or you ignore it and rally behind other issues. In Saskatchewan the people are divided, many want the Communist New Democratic party to rule over them and run the
    psychiatric torture facilities, and yet more want the Saskatchewan Party to rule over them and run the psychiatric torture facilities. They tell themselves that little Johnny was given a drug that calmed him down at school, made him more manageable, and
    never stop to think that psychiatrists “treat” their “patients” differently.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in May 2023, Fluorine and Cyanide have been found in Remdesivir. The doctors in hospitals recently killed hundreds of thousands of people by drugging them senseless and then poisoned them with Remdesivir (Fluorine
    and Cyanide), and the hospitals were handed tens of thousands of dollars for everyone they killed. So they first injected people with a gene altering drug that was also found to contain 36 different species of snake venom, which resulted in those who did
    not immediately drop dead to be admitted to hospitals where they were further poisoned with Fluorine and Cyanide. The people who were killed were the same people who listened to their priests and ministers and televisions and turned their homes into
    blinkin’ temples of fertility. They were the ones who laughed at me and phoned the police on me when I criticized their pagan fertility rites and said that their churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, they laughed at me and
    assaulted me further when I begged for assistance to flee the country. They covered their evergreen trees with copious quantities of tinfoil and then said that I was wearing a tinfoil hat and that I should shut my mouth and take another pill. So they
    died and their surviving children are now being taught to ram their penises up each other’s arseholes. Just as you people think it hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities at the Royal University and at
    the Saskatoon City Hospitals, I think that your deaths are equally hilarious. Maybe next time take the Fluorine and Cyanide before you have yourselves injected with the 36 (6x6) species of snake venom instead of after.

    On the CBC radio news in the morning of August 7th 2023 it was reported that some mountain hiking trails have been closed due to concerns about fires being started along the trails by the users of the trails. The media is working overtime to try to
    convince people that there is a climate emergency and is restricting people’s freedoms over this. The Chinese are free to conduct military exercises in the bush in British Columbia, the Chinese are being trained by the Canadian government (now run by
    China) to fly military jets in Canada, the Chinese have opened up police stations in Canada and around the world, the Chinese are pouring across the Mexican/American border by the thousands. The Canadian government (now run by China) first limited your
    ability to house yourself in many wilderness areas in Canada by creating the National Parks, the Provincial Parks, the Regional Parks, the special wilderness reserves, the Indian reservations, the Crown lands, and the massive mining areas handed out to
    billionaires who are free to pollute lakes and rivers. Now some people are starting forest fires across Canada in order to help the media’s narrative that there is a climate emergency resulting in the government (the Chinese) closing hiking trails.
    When some Islamist, Sikh or Hindu security guard at your local drug store or hospital, or when some native Indian at a local native Indian casino, demands that you wear a mask or demands that you cover your hands with their special solution, or if they
    demand to see your Covid passport before allowing you entry, or if they demand that you keep off a hiking trail, or if they demand to see your gun license, they are doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party. As it stands, the vast majority of
    Canadians are too impoverished to be able to arrive at the start of any mountain hiking trail. Likely a good way to overcome Chinese military interference in Canadian affairs would be to shoot those who make such demands upon you, for they are agents of
    the Chinese Communist Party, for 30 pieces of silver they turn themselves into Chinese soldiers and demand you wear a mask that sheds fine particles that lodge into your lungs, a mask that is contaminated with a myriad of pollutants that cause death, it
    is a mask that prevents you from breathing fresh air. They will try to impose new health lockdowns and climate lockdowns, any security guard or police officer who aids the process should be paid danger pay. As they impose the lockdowns they provide
    assorted financial incentives for the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus. These “immigrants” shoot up Toronto and other major Canadian cities so therefore we have to turn in our guns, and they start forest fires so therefore we have to stop walking on
    forest trails. We should have seen this coming. Australia recently started preventing white people from walking on trails as well.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in July and August 2023, Australians are losing their right to own property, by 2030 some 80% of Australia will be designated as native lands, farmers who find themselves on these lands are being prevented from
    erecting fences and are facing other regulations aimed at preventing them from growing food and residing on the land. Similarly increasing numbers of areas in The United States are being designated as protected areas, supposedly in order to protect the
    biodiversity but in actuality to limit American freedom and force Americans into concentration camps. First the government in Australia did everything it could to prevent the settlers from leaving their wage jobs and going off into the countryside in
    search of gold, now the governments of both Canada and America are placing large areas of their nations into protected statuses where people are prevented from mining gold, and now where people are prevented from visiting. The Chinese Communist Party
    runs our governments and is removing your right to own property in Australia, Canada and The United States while they are buying. Over the last few years on the news we saw people being brutalized if they were not wearing masks, now with new health
    lockdowns we will start to see security guards and police officers killed when they attempt to enforce any bullshit Chinese health laws, or the bullshit Chinese environmental laws, or any other bullshit Chinese laws. The Chinese have taken over our
    governments and build up their massive military while limiting people in other nations from engaging in industrialization, travel and the ownership of property. People working together and with God should be able to overcome this bullshit, and without
    having to kill any police officers or security guards. I also think we should be able to start a new monetary system in Canada without having to persecute any people calling themselves Jews, or without having to persecute any other group of people.

    In the mainstream news (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper) on August 11th 2023 the Canadian universities are prevented from raising the price of tuition for Canadian students but are allowed to increase the tuition costs to foreign students, and so are
    eager to have the seats allocated to foreigners rather than to Canadians as this results in additional profits. Many of the foreign students choose to remain in Canada after they complete their university education while the Canadian government is
    allowing an additional large influx of foreigners who do not presently intend to attend universities, but this is all while there isn’t enough housing available. The witches largely prey upon the homeless as they like to eat people without others being
    aware (Habakkuk 3:14), for when the homeless go missing nobody is alarmed as they do not know that the homeless person has gone missing. Trudeau said that he will replace us, and while he is replacing us, he is struggling to find accommodations for his
    people (for the Islamists, Hindus, Sikhs and Chinese). Trudeau’s solution is for the poor white Canadians to seek medically assisted suicide, and to force them to be injected with 36 (6x6) species of snake venom. I do not fully understand how Trudeau
    can take walks outside in Canada without being shot, I guess that pretty much anybody who owns a gun considers themselves wealthy and does not wish to jeopardize their comfortable lives, they took the bullshit Covid death jabs and are patiently waiting
    for death. And Canadians are waiting for “Christmas” so they can express their love to their family members then. Canadians sure tolerate fabulously large amounts of crap, and they wait for additional crap to arrive, they are pretty much like the
    Americans, the Australians and the Swedes, waiting for Christmas so they can pay homage to a baby Jesus that is too young to speak and rebuke the crap that pours out of their God-damned mouths. While they wait for their pagan fertility festival they
    laugh at me for criticizing their traditions, and they laugh at me for begging for assistance to flee the country.

    In the mainstream news in August 2023, fires have destroyed many building and lives in Maui. My head was banging in pain, my hair was falling out, my jaw was locked open, my skin, lips and tongue had turned into hard leather, I complained to a
    psychiatric nurse what the psychiatric medications were doing to me. She laughed at me and told me it was my own damn fault for not drinking enough water. And so it is with the Hawaiian residents, they lost their cars, homes and lives simply because they
    (and their trees) were not drinking enough water. Just as you people think that year after year after year of brutal horrid torture is hilarious, I think that your deaths are equally hilarious. Am I the only one who sees humor in this situation? It took
    me weeks after every six week round of brutal horrid torture before I would feel good enough to venture outside, and then I would meet people and try to show them evidence that their very names and birthdays were gifts from God… names and birthdays and
    numbers in Scripture are coming from the same source and so there should be relationships. I offered to show sheep the evidence that their lives were gifts from God, they gave me their names and their birthdays, often they gave me the names and the
    birthdays of all their family members as well, but in the end they did not like to see the evidence I showed them relating their names to their birthdays and all of this to the numbers in the Bible, then they posted complaints about me, saying that they
    met me and I was clearly insane. Between the periods of brutal horrid torture I would meet them in coffee shops and show them mathematical gems relating their names to their birthdays and all of this to numbers in Scripture, and they would shit on me and
    phone the police on me for continuing to speak of things that their churches and televisions did not. The psychiatrists first said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals, later they told me that I think too much about numbers. Now I
    am overjoyed to hear of the number of homes and businesses burned to the ground in Hawaii. They made me a home in a psychiatric ward and then they spent billions of dollars annually turning their own homes into blinkin’ temples of fertility. You are
    losing your homes and your lives because you are not drinking enough water (and because you don’t know how to blush). Nothing on earth is funnier to you folks than to tell me to shut my mouth and take another pill, nothing on earth is funnier to me
    than to hear reports of you compassionless pagans losing your homes and your lives. Maybe consider drinking more water.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in August 2023 there are reports of directed energy weapons (lasers) starting the fires in Maui. “It works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven in the sight of men” (Revelation 13:13 RSV). The
    Satanic elite (the cannibals) desire to live on islands, away from the general population. They torture, kill and eat your children, who would have ever thought that they would also stoop to burning a city in order to take control of the entire island? A
    white coloured house with a red metal roof survived the blaze, as the house with built with thick concrete walls. We should seek to have small concrete homes built in the countryside, in an effort to house people who are homeless. Even people who are
    renting apartments or who are renting houses can be considered homeless, rather than hand over money to landlords, we should be making an effort to provide people with their own homes, homes that are constructed out of concrete, so they neither burn nor

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in August 2023, it is reported that leprosy is spreading across America, and that this is a result of people’s immune systems being destroyed by taking the bullshit Covid death jabs. Again, you may counteract
    this by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees. It costs a lot of money to do this properly, that is why you need to tithe to the churches (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    In the news (not the mainstream new) in August 2023, somebody burned a copy of the Koran in Sweden resulting in many if not all Christian churches being burned in Pakistan, and with many if not all the Christians being tortured and/or killed. Other
    reports state that the arson and murders is a result of somebody ripping out pages of a Koran in Pakistan. The Canadians will likely respond by sending money to Pakistan, and by allowing an increasing number of Islamists from Pakistan to arrive to Canada.
    The red and white Canadians are facing increased economic pressure, and are contending with never been seen before levels of rapes and other forms of violence. The red and white in Canada risk genocide, the Islamists are not here for the welfare, they
    are here for the land.

    I don’t dare to place another poster in Saskatoon to attempt to warn you about any of the issues I raise, as Dr. Marcoux warned me that my posters are crazy and if he ever hears of me placing another poster in Saskatoon he will have me returned to
    him for another round of “treatment” (brutal horrid torture). Jesus gives me the ability to withstand the horror of the “treatments”, but the greater horror that I haven’t quite come to grips with is people slandering and libeling and laughing
    at me and robbing me and assaulting me when I complain of the brutal horrid torture… the best way I found to deal with this is to cry out to Jesus and request that He honours His assorted promises and terminates your lives and the lives of your
    children. Sometimes storms result that ends up turning entire neighborhoods into kindling. But this is fair, you spend millions of dollars making me a home in a psychiatric ward and you laugh about it, so you can afford billions of dollars in losses as a
    result of the storms. Just as you think it hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years, I think the storms that destroy your homes are equally hilarious. Remember to tell me that I am wearing a tinfoil hat and to take a
    pill, while you upload pictures of your children posing beside the blinkin’ trees onto social media, where the witches shop for their next meal. I can’t put any posters up onto the city electrical posts, but I can still cry, the problem is that I am
    crying out to God against you. And now you lose your nations to Islamists but you don’t care as long as you are free to turn your churches, homes, schools, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples full of evergreen tree fertility idols.
    You people are exceedingly cruel to me, you deserve the loss of your children, homes and nations. I wish to suggest that the readers take a special interest in the affairs of the psychiatrists in their communities before these readers too are stripped of
    their rights for daring to speak, as the drugs the psychiatrists administer are exceedingly painful and damaging. The psychiatric drugs forced upon me were an absolute horror show, and all people could do for me is laugh at me, then they willingly took
    the bullshit Covid injections that are sure to kill them. Most of you took the injections and lost your fertility, some of you are now necrotizing and stink like death before you die, and still you turn trees into decorated idols, tithe to cannibals and
    laugh at me and at the other victims of psychiatric horror.

    I spoke out against the pagan traditions in your false churches in 1988 and was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years. All people could do is laugh, libel me and assault me further. First a police officer told me that I was under arrest
    under the Mental Health Act, then tortured. After my release a police officer told me “You have a history of mental illness, you are under arrest,” then again later police officers said “You have a long term history of mental illness, you are under
    arrest.” I was being repeatedly arrested and tortured, the excuse given was that they did it to me previously. I lost year after year after year to brutal horrid torture, I lost subsequent years living in utter fear of another arrest and round of
    torture, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and people are so cheap and ignorant that they can’t even find it in their hearts to buy me a simple single holiday to anywhere in a feeble attempt to make up the loss of years of my life,
    let alone a cookie!!! You folks made me a home in a psychiatric ward then you spend billions of dollars annually decorating your own homes with blinkin’ Catholic fertility trees, then you fly to resorts and post pictures on Facebook (where the witches
    shop for children) of you and your family members posing in front of the decorated idols. You employed Hindus to torture me for years, then you laughed and trained Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists at our western universities, then
    allowed them to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. Decade after decade you treated my Doukhobor ancestors in an utterly disgusting manner and stole their land, and then believed yourselves to be so rich that you could import Islamists
    and Africans and Asians from the Third World and buy them all new houses!!! The Bible proclaims that you will be spread out like dung over the surface of the earth and you Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers truly deserve it!!! Send your kids
    to school for their infertility-death shots, make sure they get a “booster” as well. You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror and allow not just psychiatry, but communism and Islam to multiply and thrive. Those that did not laugh
    did not care.

    The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshipping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood which cannot either see or hear or walk; nor did they
    repent of their murders or their sorceries or their immorality or their thefts (Revelation 9:20-21 RSV). Those who did not die did not repent.

    So the story went that The People of The Jingle Bells came from Europe and taught the Big-Nosed Cree their ways. Then together they sang Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. -The End


    Using Science:

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  • From Squeak@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 8 14:56:49 2023
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part K - Daryl Kabatoff October 7th 2023 2:24 pm 227,809 words (265 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment
    on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    In the mainstream news in 2022, fungi breaks down rocks into its mineral components and trades this to the trees for the sugar that the trees produce, these are elements that are essential to both of their survivals. If you denude an area of trees, the
    fungi die as well and you end up with a desert. By having frequent trees, the tree roots of course hold the soil together. The tree will be surrounded by fungi which also holds the soil together, and the farther you travel away from the tree, the less
    fungi you will find, until the fungi, and the trees, are extinct in that area.

    Trees can be pruned to be very low and narrow, some species of trees can made into hedges. Farm equipment can be modified to clear the low hedges and to skip over small trees, or trees can be planted to just be out of the way of 80 or 100 foot wide
    strip of land being cultivated and harvested. I challenge the farmers to plant trees on their land, and to plant them in such a way that the fungi doesn’t have to work so hard to transport the minerals to the trees. Keep the trees low and they will not
    shade your crops and not use so much water.

    In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix in January 2023 we continue to read encouragements for parents to get themselves and their children injected with the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs. And we also read that the children’s hospital in Saskatoon is
    overwhelmed with a large number of children who are experiencing difficulty breathing, as the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs have destroyed their natural immunity and ability to resist the common flu. And the children’s hospital is overwhelmed
    due to staff quitting their jobs after they got deathly sick from taking the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs. People are not dying from Covid, this so-called Covid has not been isolated and has not even been proven to exist. People are dying from
    the poisoned food, the fluoridated water, the microwave radiation, from the sexual diseases they obtained after following advice from the media, from the fentanyl and other street drugs, from the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs, and from being
    murdered in the hospitals by being administered additional bad medicine there. The collapsing medical system now hopes to survive by importing more Hindu, Sikh and Islamic doctors and nurses. There will always be enough Hindu, Sikh and Islamic
    psychiatrists available to keep the psychiatric facilities open (where Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists are rarely themselves detained and tortured, unless they are female). The Americans (via the CIA) spent billions of dollars developing the horrid
    psychiatric drugs, and also spent billions attempting to make the common cold lethal, then together the Canadians and Americans spent many billions of dollars having individuals tortured to death in their psychiatric facilities (millions spent torturing
    each individual victim), and they laugh and laugh and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror, now they double down and begin to import additional Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to keep the system operating. The parents laughed and laughed at the victims
    of psychiatric horror, many people were brutally tortured and killed from the psychiatric drugs, then the parents had themselves and their children injected with equally horrific drugs, then the parents bring their children who are gasping for air to the
    children’s hospital where each and every hallway is decorated with evergreen trees turned into decorated idols, which they greatly love and adore. The children lost their fertility and are about to lose their lives, but at least the hospital is
    decorated with fertility tree idols that blink. The trees blink on and off, on and off, on and off… it is really quite a show.

    In the news in February 2023 black people in Canada who commit crimes are not required to do time as they are special. Also people who commit crimes while drunk or intoxicate on whatever drugs do not have to face the normal penalty, if any at all.
    Normally in Canada it is the children who are allowed to commit murders and not face serious repercussions, now it is the black adults and the alcoholics and the drug addicts who are allowed to commit murders without any serious penalty. This lack of
    penalties being handed out to the perpetrators will result in the assassination of the judges, and in the assassination of pedophiles, rapists, robbers, murderers, drug dealers and other thugs, I predict. Millions of Latin Americans, Africans and Asians
    are pouring into the USA from the southern border, they are being bused to northern American cities where they are then provided with bus tickets to Canada, where they are going to be shot, I predict. Canada is red and white, we are a country of Native
    Indians and white Europeans who signed treaties to share the land, neither of us gave permission for Asians, Africans and Latin Americans to come here.

    Because of your absolute compassionlessness to the victims of psychiatric horror the situation is absolutely hilarious. Stick a sparkling silver or a glittering golden miniature Egyptian penis on the very top of your blinkin’ evergreen tree idol and
    laugh. If you hear me state that both your churches and your blinkin’ evergreen tree idols are capped with Egyptian penises you will laugh at me, you will call me a pedophile and assault me further, then phone the police on me in an effort to have me
    arrested under the Mental Health Act and returned to psychiatric horror, doink so might help you to get your children to breathe a little easier. All you can do for the victims of psychiatric horror is laugh at us and assault us further, it is fitting
    that since you embrace fertility idols that you and your children lose your fertility and your lives. Year after year after year of brutal horrid psychiatric torture at The University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital and all you filthy God-
    damned Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers could do for me is laugh.

    In the mainstream news on January 18th 2023, the Sikh leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP) says that the Liberal Party is waging a war against the middle-class. We are being ruled over by a Sikh / Islamic coalition, both parties are in agreement
    to increase immigration from third-world, resulting in increased competition for jobs, housing and other resources. Together the NDP and the Liberals are waging the war against the red and the white. Canada is red and white, bound by treaties that do not
    grant us permission to import Africans. Asians, Latin Americans.

    In the mainstream news on January 18th 2023, both Canada and the USA are giving away military equipment to the Ukraine for their battle against the Christians in Russia. It was discovered that the USA was running 47 different bioweapon labs in the
    Ukraine, they were developing materials to kill humanity. The USA conducted a coup in the Ukraine and installed a Jewish homosexual comedian Nazi, who then banned opposition parties and the media, then later banned the Christian church. On one hand we
    are importing people who want to cut our heads off, on the other hand we are stripping our countries of military hardware.

    In the mainstream news in January 2023, somebody has been dropping off pamphlets in mail boxes in Saskatoon. Somebody complained about the contents and the police are investigating the matter as hate speech. The person who dropped off the information (
    whatever it is) is obviously sick and requires intervention (years of brutal psychiatric horror). We can’t be too careful. It would be for the best. We don’t want to upset anybody. Anybody dropping off pamphlets in Saskatoon containing information
    that dothn’t coincide with the established views is sick and dangerous. Arrest the individual under the Mental Health Act and drive him or her past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan, which is made out of four Egyptian penises, and hand
    him or her over to a Hindu, Sikh, Islamic psychiatrist, or perhaps to a Catholic psychiatrist who professes to be an expert in religious delusions. The psychiatrist would be sure to inform the poor slob that he or she thinks too much about pamphlets and
    mailboxes. We as citizens of the City of Saskatoon should do our part, find the individual, call him or her a pedophile and brutally assault him or her further, then laugh and laugh and laugh. It would be for the good of our city.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in January 2023, Canada, the United States of America and Mexico no longer exist as nations as they have been merged into one single nation. This will go a long way to help destroy the American and Canadian people
    (the red and the white). The American and Canadian people turn trees into decorated idols and tithe to priests and ministers who teach them to, and who ram their penises up your children’s arseholes. The Americas through their CIA funded torture
    research at the University of Saskatchewan and the development of the horrid psychiatric drugs. In the late 1980’s it became common knowledge that the priests were raping children, it took a while due to the media censoring the allegations for decades,
    if not for centuries. In the late 1980’s there was widespread discussion in the media about the sexual abuse of the children, and I spoke up as well to add to that discussion. I said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers were ramming
    their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I added that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and that many of the missing
    children had been eaten. So they arrested me under the Mental Health Act, the police drove me past the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan which are made out of four Egyptian obelisks (representations of penises), and I was given to a Hindu
    psychiatrist who said that I think too much about cannibals, penises and children, but it is the Hindus who obtain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Hindu tortured me off and on for years, and people laughed and laughed and laughed. People on social
    media called me a pedophile so many times that the mainstream media then started quoting those on social media who were libeling me, making my already difficult life a little less tolerable. I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country and all
    people could do for me is laugh and laugh and laugh and assault me further. Now all I can do is laugh and mock your calamity (Proverbs 1:24-26). You people lose your nations because you turn trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that He
    is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. They laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country and they flew to tropical resorts and posed for photos with the pagan idols there. It was so vitally important for
    the Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers to pose for photos with the blinkin’ idols and then post the photos on Facebook, that they would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. They posted the
    photos of their children on Facebook, where the witches shop for children. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child attractive to him or her, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten, portions of the
    child are eaten before the child is killed. And the Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the USA because they assumed “Obama” shared their values when they saw
    the photographs of him posing with the pagan idols. People are not only utterly compassionless to me, but are so utterly compassionless to the other victims of psychiatric horror that they can’t even mention on their social media posts that people are
    being stripped of their rights and tortured with the horrid drugs. I complained that I was being tortured by a Hindu psychiatrist and now they reserve seats for and use their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal
    psychiatrists, and in Canada Trudeau allows them to “work” (torture Canadians to death) without them becoming Canadian citizens. All I can do is laugh and cry out to God against you, I am praying to Jesus for Him to terminate your lives and bring
    this world to an end. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you can do for me is laugh!!!

    In the news on January 24th 2023, 25-year-old Ahmad Ebadi and 26-year-old Cedric Boivin Oligny came to Saskatoon from Quebec to rip off seniors, they went door to door and raked in over $100,000. Police arrested the pair and said they were involved in
    organized crime. These Islamists will not face psychiatric torture at The University of Saskatchewan, there will not be some Hindu, Sikh or Islamic psychiatrist telling them that they think too much about ripping off seniors and taking their money. If
    they end up in jail it will only be for a short time, and they will use that time to recruit the Big-Nosed Cree into Islam.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in February 2023, the mayor of New York City is giving bus tickets for the invaders so that they may be bused to Plattsburgh New York, and from there they continue on to Roxham Road where they enter Canada
    illegally. The RCMP (they work for King Charles, the Islamic Anti-Christ) assists the invaders (many are Moslems) to enter Canada and assist them to be provided with housing in hotels in Montreal, and with food, clothes, medical care, schooling, and
    money, far more money than is provided to Canadians. Then from there the invaders travel on to western Canadian cities where they rip off the seniors and rape the women. Charles is fabulously wealthy and has been using his wealth to fund the spread of
    Islam into western nations for decades. The Catholic church is supportive of Canada being invaded by the Islamists. Soon the pope will hand over all the authority of the Catholic church to this Islamic Anti-Christ who heads The Church of England, a
    supposedly Protestant church. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me detained and tortured in psychiatric facilities and laughed and laughed at me when I begged for assistance to flee the country and now they spend millions of dollars on a daily
    basis just supporting the invaders who arrived here over the course of only the last few weeks. Doukhobours were some of the previous Canadian immigrants that arrived here legally, the Canadian government took away their children and took away their
    houses and took away their land and placed the Doukhobours into prisons, because the Doukhobours back then did not speak kindly of the mainstream churches, and the Doukhobors back then did not turn trees into decorated idols. Rather than press the
    Canadian government for the return of their land, the Doukhobours now instead join with the pope, Hitler, Obama, Mickey Mouse and the Islamic Anti-Christ and turn trees into decorated idols, while ignoring or laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror.
    Those Doukhobors that are established and gained some degree of wealth and security in Canada care little about the stolen land, while most of the Doukhobors descendents are collecting welfare or work for peanuts, and live in basement suites that they
    turn into blinkin’ temples of fertility, or they sleep at the Salvation Army. Canadians have priorities and maintain religious observances that have absolutely NOTHING to do with either compassion or with God’s Word. Established Doukhobors who have
    some degree of wealth show zero compassion for the Doukhobors that lost their land and who now do not have a pot to piss in. The established Doukhobors hand over cash to Trudeau and tell themselves it is the compassionate thing to do.

    Not in the news, I learn in March 2023 that a young feller in Blaine Lake Saskatchewan was caught driving with an elevated blood-alcohol content. The penalty levied against him included the loss of his gun license. Many native people live near Blaine
    Lake, the majority of them hunt without having any gun license at all. Until recently on each Treaty Day the RCMP would hand over boxes of bullets to the Indians on the reserves, even when those Indians did not have a gun license. This was hidden from
    most of the Indians on the reserves, they had the option to either receive a $5 bill or a box of bullets from the RCMP officer, but the vast majority of them did not know the option existed and instead accepted the $5 bill (the Indian chiefs and other
    officials on the reserves never informed their people of the option, and instead gave away quarter sections of land to their friends and family members). Now the young white man that lost his gun license has the option to complain, and would then risk
    incarceration and torture in psychiatric facilities.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in mid March 2023 Breitbart reported that banks and major corporations have handed billions of dollars over to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement. Now these banks are collapsing, and the American taxpayers will
    bail them out. Major corporations gave BLM and related causes $82.9 billion dollars, JP Morgan donated over $30 billion, Bank of America donated over $18 billion, Goldman Sachs donated over $10 billion and Bancorp donated another $2.8 billion. Canadian
    and American First Nations peoples still do not have clean drinking water. Again, you may counteract this mess by getting bigger trees and decorating them to greater degrees, as they are fertility idols, they will restore your fertility and save your
    nations (Proverbs 1:24-26).

    In the news the emergency wards in the three Saskatoon hospitals are jam packed while the ambulances idle and the ambulance attendants wait there… what a good job, the ambulance attendants get called to a home in Saskatoon due to somebody having a
    stroke, then the attendants spend 10 minutes or so trying to insure that the victim indeed suffered a stroke. Then they decide that the victim needs to be extracted from the house so they call the fire department. The firemen eventually come with their
    huge fire truck and move the stroke victim to the ambulance. Then the ambulance attendants take the stroke victim to the hospital and waits with him or her for hours on end… the job pays quite well.

    The ambulance attendant who eventually decided to phone the fire department in order to obtain the assistance to get my dad (who suffered a major stroke) into his ambulance, was an effeminate male, his arms had no mass to them, he spoke in an
    effeminate manner as well. One would think that if the job entails moving incapacitated victims, that the individuals hired for the job could accomplish the task (rather than be hired because they attempt to emulate females).

    Also in the news people are complaining that Saskatoon City Hall allows cross-dressing homosexuals entry into the change rooms where they expose their genitals to the children. Phil Tank of the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix basically says that there are so
    few people engaged in this activity that people should ignore the situation. In 1988 I complained that the churches were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, and said that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their
    penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises in the roofs of their filthy churches, then faced years of brutal horrid torture from primarily a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises,
    cannibals and children. People laughed and laughed and laughed, called me a pedophile and assaulted me further. The Star-Phoenix repeated internet and usenet libel and called me a pedophile, resulting in quite a bit of additional stress in my life (to
    say the least). Now Phil Tank wants you to ignore the men lurking in your daughter’s and wive’s and mother’s changing rooms, exposing their genitals. I think the situation is absolutely hilarious, the people of Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada are
    Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers, they get what they deserve.

    In the mainstream news on March 24th 2023, Canadians paid over $55 million for the pope’s apology tour last year. The Big-Nosed Cree are outraged and say that money could have assisted them overcome the trauma of the sexual abuse perpetrated upon
    them by the priests and nuns. The Indians were complaining of the sexual abuse in the 1980’s and the media provided them with a voice back then. So I thought that I should be able to speak out against the sexual abuse as well, and in 1988 I did so. I
    spoke out against the churches, saying it was no surprise that the priests and ministers ram their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches. I added that they
    were censoring Scripture condemning turning trees into decorated idols, and censored Scriptural references to cannibalism. They tortured me brutally for years, said that I thought too much about penises, children and cannibals. I begged in vain for
    assistance to flee the country and everybody laughed at me. Since 1988 the Big-Nosed Cree must have collectively spent far more than $55 million adopting the Catholic fertility rite of turning trees into decorated idols. Then at One Arrow First Nation
    they decided to place a statue of their ancestral chief upon an Egyptian penis. Then in North Battleford the Big-Nosed Cree helped Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities with money borrowed from the children. Then the Big-Nosed Cree
    appealed to the United Nations Islamic Army when Gerald Stanley was found not-guilty for shooting one of their drunken members who was robbing him and other farmers the same day. Then using the mainstream media in July 2020, Doug Cuthand (speaks for all
    the grandmothers) urged the Canadian Indians to ally with blacks (Islamists, Anarchists and Marxists) in their war against the white man.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in March 2023, I learned that the tetanus jabs are not to prevent tetanus, but are designed to prevent fertility. Nobody dies from tetanus, the disease was hyped in order to sterilize people. There are a number of
    videos on www.Bitchute.com discussing the issue.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023 we hear that a number of world leaders were assassinated in 2021 and 2022 because they were opposed to the bullshit Covid snake venom death jabs being introduced into their countries.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023, Americans are barred from traveling to parks and visiting museums if they desire to pay the entry fees with cash. Large portions of their nation is off limits to them, even if they could afford to
    travel to these parks they will be denied entry. First they created the parks in order to deny people homesteads and to herd people into the cities, now they deny them entry. Those who demand you wear a mask or be jabbed with snake venom in order to have
    access to wherever, or demand you pay with something other than cash, are working for foreign governments. They soldiers of foreign powers, they should be treated as such and shot. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08).

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in April 2023 it is proposed that there be a $25,000 fine for criticizing sodomites in Canada. This is ok, you folks spent many millions of dollars having me repeatedly arrested and brutally tortured when I
    criticized your churches, and rather than assist me to flee the country, you laughed at me and assaulted me further. In 1988 I stated that it was no surprise that your priests and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already
    advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and added that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, then was tortured brutally for years. The police officers drove me past the four Egyptian obelisks (
    representations of penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, and delivered me to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, children and cannibals, odd as Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm.
    Then she tortured me for years. Now you can start paying $25,000 fines for speaking out against the sodomites. Just as you people think that it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years, I think that the loss of your
    children and the loss of your nation is equally hilarious. You have billions of dollars to annually turn your churches, schools, homes, hospitals, courts of law, shopping centers and entire cities into blinkin' temples of fertility, you can easily afford
    to start paying $25,000 fines for criticizing the sodomites. Year after year after year of brutal horrid torture and all you folks could do for me is laugh at me and assault me further. I used to beg for assistance to flee the country, now I beg God to
    honour his assorted promises in Scripture and terminate your lives.

    They closed their hearts to me and flew off to tropical resorts where they posed for photographs with the pagan idols there. Then they posted the photos on Facebook, where the witches shop for your children. The witch sees a child attractive to him or
    her, he or she places an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed. It was so damn important for you pagan arseholes to post the photos on Facebook, that you
    would even do so if one of your children was playing with his penis in the photograph. Then the Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America,
    because they assumed he shared their values when he posed for photographs beside the blinkin' fertility tree idols. Good for you. I sure hope you win.

    In the news on April 6th 2023, we read in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix how wonderful it is that Ukrainians can flee war and come to Saskatoon and turn eggs into decorated idols. “It predates Christianity,” (proudly) said Jen Budney, the executive
    director and CEO of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in Saskatoon. Jen Budney says that the decorated egg idols are used to decorate homes and bring good fortune… and then adds that many of these homes have been destroyed now. You are being taught that
    good fortune comes from decorated idols instead of from God. The Ukrainians are upholding Catholic fertility rites, get their country destroyed because they whoreship pagan filth rather than worship God, and now come to Saskatoon to teach us to embrace
    their pagan idolatry. They claim good fortune through decorated egg idols, they decorated their country with the pagan crap, their country gets destroyed and now claim it is a real success story that Saskatoonians should emulate. The Ukrainian idol
    whoreshippers get assistance from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix which prominently places the story on the first and second pages of the newspaper. This newspaper continuously publishes free advertisements for upcoming Satanic rock concerts, and continuously
    encourages the whoreship of other idols. Generally the events that do not involve the whoreship of idols are reported on only after the event is over. The Ukrainian idol whoreshippers have tremendous support from the media, and also have support from
    psychiatry, they will never be told by the psychiatrists that they are deluded and are in need of needles up their God-damned arseholes. We get our country invaded by Hindus, Sikhs, Islamists, by Africans, by Asians, by Latin Americans, and now by
    Catholic idol whoreshippers from the Ukraine, they will compete against us for any and all resources. I am half Ukrainian, these people are a great embarrassment to me. I apologize to the citizens of Saskatoon for the behavior of my fellow Ukrainians who
    are acting like cavemen. Like the evergreen trees, the penises capping the church roofs, the whoreship of Mary, and fish, these pagan Ukrainians whoreship eggs, as they are a symbol of fertility.

    In the news in April 2023 the police issued an amnesty and are collecting unwanted firearms. See the book, Arming and Disarming, A History of Gun Control In Canada by R. Blake Brown, we are going through another period of disarming. America also went
    through periods of disarming their population, rather than actively support gun clubs and shooting ranges, Americans in the late 1800’s and at the turn of the 1900’s were largely unarmed and did not have the skills to accurately shoot a rifle. By
    contrast the Canadians at that time were encouraged to develop the skills. When the Americans realized they were in need of training their people to once again be skilled with the firearms, Canadian marksmen traveled to the States and helped teach the
    skills to the Americans. And then somewhat later a Canadian developed semi-automatic rifles that assisted Americans to survive and thrive during WWII. Now we have drug dealing Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists invading our nations, many are actually soldiers
    seeking to either take over a portion of Canada or all of Canada, I’m pretty sure that they did not hand in any weapons over to the police.

    I expect the police in Canada to start marking their vehicles with homosexual and Islamic insignia, as they have done in the UK, and prosecuting those who speak out against homosexuality and Islam. The police would be better off if they encouraged
    citizens to be gun owners, and encouraged them to train at gun ranges. Until the late 1960’s Saskatoon used to have an annual turkey shoot in a building located on the north-west corner of 22nd Street and 1st Avenue North, in the heart of Saskatoon.
    Farmers used to travel the countryside and even came into the city with their rifles mounted and displayed in the back window of their trucks. Children in the city carried their rifles (mostly air guns and .22’s) across the handlebars of their bicycles
    when they went to the outskirts of the city to hunt gophers. Many rifles made in Canada did not have serial numbers. Deport the invaders, Canadian treaties are between the red and the white, they do not give us permission to import the members of
    alternative fertility cults coming from Latin America, Asia and Africa. Help train the red and the white to be responsible and skilled gun owners. Fight for your survival, for your children and for your nation. Buy your child a rifle calibrated to .243
    Winchester, it doesn’t kick so hard.

    [continued in next message]

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