• Re: Shanquella gets beat to deff by other bootlip sow

    From %@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 12 14:47:29 2022
    % wrote:
    KWills wrote:
    It was an idyllic Mexican vacation, well, until the sows chimped out.
    The buck of course just
    records the battle sows and does nothing but cackle like a typical
    brain-dead spook.


    In the original story, the daed sow's "friends" claimed they dindu
    nuffins and
    Shanquella (lol) died of alcohol poisoning. Then, after the white man
    autopsy showed Shanquella was beaten to deff and had a cracked spine
    and broken neck,
      they changed their story to they dinknow nuffins about who did the
    fatal beating
    and it must have been some local. The State Department got involved
    and there was a
    lot of talk about "protecting American tourists abroad" and "violence
    in Cabo." And
    of course there was the obligatory "we wantz ansuhs" from the fambly.

    Strategic Writer, Psychotronic World Dominator and FEMA camp
    All hail the taco! http://www.taconati.org/



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