• TURMEL: GoFundMe for warning that Covid was a false alarm and for fundi

    From John KingofthePaupers Turmel@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 24 09:38:56 2022
    TURMEL: GoFundMe for warning that Covid was a false alarm and for funding Peace over War

    You are receiving this message because you have been on
    johnturmel@yahoo.com email list of contacts over the past 30
    years. It could be mailed by a friend.

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19flyer.pdf explains our Federal
    Court of Canada Statement of Claim detailing how WHO
    compared the Covid 3.4% CFR "Case Fatality Rate" Apple not
    to Flu's known 10% CFR "Apple" but to its 100-times smaller
    0.1% IFR "Infection Fatality Rate" "Orange." It also
    mentioned how Wuhan tested 10 million for clusters of
    infections around people with no symptoms and found zero. So
    we were tricked into masks and social distancing for no

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/c19scjct.pdf is the Statement of Claim
    detailed in my book Covid Mortality Hyped hundredfold" at
    Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/b09dfgld8d

    I explain how being the only person to bring the Apple
    Orange trick to the world's attention is a final great
    reason why I took out the sites SmartestManOnEarth.Ca and
    http://SmartestMan.Ca for short 8 years ago.

    Over 80 self-represented plaintiffs filed claims asking the
    Court to declare that Covid was a false alarm and declare
    any restrictions or vaccine mandates unconstitutional. The
    judges wouldn't let it be heard. The first 8 self-
    represented plaintiffs who filled out the template to join
    me have been slapped us $500 court costs for trying to warn
    the world of the false alarm.

    Over 30 million Canadians have now taken the clot shot since
    then. So I expect over 32 thousand to have permanent heart

    If you agree we should not be punished for trying to warn
    the world there was no reason to take an experimental clot
    shot for the Covid false alarm, see the video and thank us
    at GoFundMe to pay our costs for trying to warn you.

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/fauci has my poem detailing the scam.

    I've just suffered another $1,500 cost for having tried to
    warn the world no need for vaccines for a false alarm. Any
    help would be noted and appreciated.

    And another $500 for the Crown's S.40 Application to have me
    declared a vexatious litigant on Nov 9 and barred from using
    templates to help others again.

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/s40j.pdf has Justice Fothergill's
    decision which I will appeal. The Crown had asked for $4,000
    in costs so $500 was a nice gesture by the judge.

    Many hundreds have used my templates in the past but only
    half a dozen issues were contested:

    - Fought many busts to legalise casino gambling;

    - Stalled many foreclosures with my Stiff the banks kits in
    the 1980s with 22% interest rates:

    - Went on Parliament Hill with 7 pounds of marijuana to
    force the Crown to drop 4,000 marijuana charges and helped
    many get sweet deals or their charges withdrawn since then: http://SmartestMan.Ca/stay4k.jpg

    - helped almost 400 ask court for the medpot permits back
    after 18,000 were cut off in 2014;

    - helped almost 400 ask court to speed up their medpot
    permits and for damages due to processing delays;

    - helped over 80 ask Federal Court to declare Covid a
    hundredfold hyped false alarm for which we were hit with
    court costs.

    - financed the LETS timebank software allowing the poor to
    log on what nights they could double-duty babysit each
    others' kids and pay with 1-Hour IOUs even when they were

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/globalwarming is my poem detailing how
    CO2 plant food does not cause warming but is used as the
    excuse to shut down coal, gas and oil power with farming!

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/1974 is my poem detailing how you pay
    more taxes to pay interest imposed on our national debt and
    how restricting bank computers to a pure service charge and
    abolishing the interest charge can save the planet. Great
    Canadian Gambler spent 40 years of winnings in 106 elections
    trying to get you interest-free credit cards. And they're
    raising interest rates to fight inflation as if raising
    costs can lower prices, the Big Lie of Economics.

    If you remember how the US reaction to Russia wanting to
    place nukes in Cuba in 1961, then you could expect the
    Russian reaction to the US wanting to place nukes in Ukraine
    after overthrowing its government and putting Nazis in

    The global warmers and the warmongers are threatening the
    existence of all, maybe to cover up upcoming vaccine deaths.

    Housing your families in your cars with no food or heat
    is looming. The only way to save yourselves is to help me
    get elected in the Mississauga-Lakeshore by-election so I
    can urge the world to end the funding of war production to
    finance peace production. Nothing else can save us.

    I'm doing a series of 1-hour shows on http://thatchannel.tv
    up until the Dec 12 by-election urging people to email their
    friends and families to watch and then urge anyone they know
    in the riding to vote for SmartestMan.Ca You can call in to
    comment or ask questions.

    http://SmartestMan.Ca/thatchannel has the index of videos.

    Don't help if you don't sense economic catastrophe on the
    horizon. But if the rise in prices and reductions in
    supplies scare you, this could be your last chance to get me
    into Parliament so I can defund war and fund peace.

    Winning after losing 105 previous elections should make news
    around the world and I am asking the world quit funding war
    and start funding peace.

    If you gofundme and are later short of cash, I'll try to
    return it if it's not been used.

    Help SmartestMan.Ca now or suffer the looming consequences.

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