• On Monday's Mark Levin Show

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 31 21:05:00 2022
    XPost: alt.radio.talk, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa

    On Mondy’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats have spread their big lies and
    conspiracy theories since the attack on Paul Pelosi, which have turned
    out to be false.

    Rough transcript of Hour 1

    Hour 1 Segment 1

    By the way, I am prepared to bet the Biden crime family one million
    dollars. One million dollars. That if the Republicans win the House and
    the Senate, they will not cut Social Security. First of all, they
    couldn’t do it without Biden’s signature. So Biden is out there using
    these old bromides that the Republicans are going to cut Social
    Security and Medicare. Ladies and gentlemen, not only have they not
    said that they couldn’t do it if they wanted to and they don’t, but
    more on that later. We have now spent three days listening to the
    Democrat Party conspiracy theories. And big lies. About how Republicans
    or Trump supporters. Or fill in the blank who they oppose. Incited the
    attack on Paul Pelosi. Now, when you read the charges now against the psychopath who attacked Paul Pelosi, the Democrat Party, conspiracy
    theories. I demonstrated to be nothing but hopeful lies on their part. Hopefully, that doesn’t stop virtually every single elected Democrat,
    Democrat candidate and media outlet, a.k.a. Democrat corrupt media
    outlet from promoting it. And not only that. Writing stories about poor
    Nancy Pelosi, how she’s been subjected to such harsh politics. By the Republicans for years, Nancy Pelosi is a vicious, vile. Politician. Who
    is power hungry? Nothing can change who Nancy Pelosi is and has been
    for decades. She is the worst. The worst. But Vox, Politico, Washington
    Post, media, I don’t even know why they have these different companies
    and platforms, they all say exactly the same thing. So all weekend
    long. Even into today, even despite. What the feds have filed against
    this guy, who obviously is a head case, that’s what he is. He’s gone
    hard left, he’s gone hard right, he’s gone in between. His former
    girlfriend and neighbors have said he’s a head case, but that’s not
    good enough. The Washington Post Vox. The rest of the corrupt. Media
    that America holds in deep contempt. They kept at it and even schmuck
    Todd over there at Melasti oh, excuse me, he’s still at NBC, but
    that’ll be short lived at this point. Even why are they still running
    ads against Nancy Pelosi, says the Democrat dressed up as a journalist?
    Why? Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. I didn’t even know she was still around.
    There she is again, popping up. Why, obviously, this is and then
    they’re tying it to January 6th. They can’t help it. The Republicans
    did this because we know the Republicans are anti democracy, the
    Republicans are violent. I ask you a question, this serious question.
    How many Republican riots can you count? Oh, Jan, how many Republican
    riots? Have you ever seen. How many cities have burned because the
    Republicans have rioted? None. I’m not talking to the Democrats and
    their media platform. I don’t care about them, they can twist in Spain
    and do whatever they do. That’s what liars do. That’s what the American
    Pravda does. Republicans don’t lead riots. They never have. Oh, that’s
    not exactly true. I mean, they did fight the civil war to keep the
    country together and to end slavery, but that’s not a right. They were responding to the Confederacy, the Democrats. So the Democrat Party.
    Oh, here we go, Paul. We are truly praying for a speedy recovery. As
    part, I want to also start by thanking the San Francisco Police
    Department for their immediate and swift investigation of this case.
    Will the Democrats apologize and announce charges against Mr. David in connection with the violent attack on Mr. Pelosi? The charges that we
    are filing today include attempted murder, residential burglary,
    assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, false imprisonment of an
    elder, as well as threats to a public official and their family. These
    charges are based on the following facts, many of which are contained
    in the federal affidavit that was filed today, as well as will be
    contained in the motion to detain Mr. that we file tomorrow. Mr. Dipak specifically targeted the Pelosi home to confront Speaker Pelosi. He
    forced his way into the home through a rear glass door by breaking that
    glass. The defendant made his way upstairs to the second floor of the
    home, locating Mr. Pelosi in his bed, sleeping. He woke him up,
    confronting him about the whereabouts of Speaker Pelosi. Mr. Pelosi,
    who was sleeping, was wearing a loose fitting pajama shirt and boxer
    shorts. He was forced to get out of bed. And at some point during that encounter, Mr. Pelosi attempted to access the elevator in the home,
    which has a phone. The defendant then blocked Mr. Pelosi’s access to
    that elevator. It was at some point after that Mr. Pelosi asked to go
    to the bathroom, which is where he was able to call nine one one from
    his cell phone. The defendant realizing that Mr. Pelosi had called 911.
    One took Mr. Pelosi downstairs near the front door of the residence.
    Two police officers arrived at the front door two minutes after that
    911 one call when that door was opened, the defendant was holding his
    hammer, which Mr. Pelosi appeared to be attempting to control by
    holding a portion of that hammer. The defendant then pulled the hammer
    away from Mr. Pelosi and violently struck him in the top of his head.
    The police then immediately apprehended the defendant. What we also
    have learned is that the defendant brought to the location of the
    Pelosi residence a second hammer, as well as zip ties, rope and a roll
    of tape. What is clear, based on the evidence that we have thus far, is
    that this House and the speaker herself were specifically targets of
    the defendant. As for next steps, the defendant is expected to be
    arraigned tomorrow afternoon. My office will be filing a motion to
    detain him without bail. And that is based on what is obvious and
    severe public safety risk that the defendant poses to San Francisco as
    well as the outer community. Violence has no place in this city and we
    will work vigorously to hold the defendant accountable. One last thing
    that I want to say today is that as leaders and as citizens, it is
    incumbent upon us all to watch the words that we say and to turn down
    the volume of our political rhetoric. We should be able to all engage
    in passionate political discourse, but still remain respectful of one
    another. Violence certainly has no place in San Francisco or in
    politics. Thank you. Thank you. And now we’ll open up for some
    questions. Yes. How many years before we get that? I would like to keep
    this a little bit orderly just because I want to make sure we’re able
    to get through and not have a free for all. Yes, sir. General from Wall
    Street Journal, thank you for this. How many of you open the door for
    police officers? And one question. My second question is how many times
    you struck me one time with the number, not one. So at this time, it’s
    unclear which of the men opened the door. And we are also still
    fleshing out how many times he was struck in the head, the Mercury
    News. I’m wondering how an individual was able to access the home of
    someone so prominent. Was there any security in place there? How was he
    able to open the door of this home? What I can tell you is that there
    was no security present and that he was able to break the window to a
    glass door to gain entry into the home. Did this have any prior
    history, have any prior contact with law enforcement, any prior
    arrests, any sort of record? All of that will come out in court
    tomorrow, guys, whether that means we will go to Christian in the back
    of the new year, because if you can let us know how this investigation
    is going to work or how this case is going to work in conjunction with
    our cooperation with federal authorities who also are found there. Yes.
    And so what I will say is that thus far, both San Francisco Police
    Department as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations have been simultaneously investigating this case. They’ve been cooperating very
    well with each other. We have been in touch with the US attorney’s
    office. These will be parallel prosecutions and we will work to make
    sure that that both move forward successfully. A D.A., given the
    intense national focus on this case and its political dimensions of
    some of the theories that are already out there about what transpired.
    How important is it for your office in conjunction with other
    prosecutors, to paint a clearer picture, including the evident
    political motivation for this attack? Of course, it’s always paramount
    that the correct facts be in the public. We, of course, do not want
    distorted facts floating around, certainly not in a manner that is
    further traumatizing a family that’s already been traumatized enough
    given the nature of this incident. And so that’s why it’s of paramount importance here. Can you cover some of the things the police found in
    the interview in the past in terms of his attempt to go after the
    speaker for the speaker and what his plans were for her? I think I’ve
    covered as much as we’re going to cover today. More facts will be
    contained in our motion to detain that. We will file tomorrow in court
    that you’ll have access to. So we can you talk about his current state?
    Our understanding is that he’s still being held in a general hospital.
    Can you talk a little about that and his arraignment tomorrow? So I’m
    not aware of where he is currently. He has obviously been booked on
    these charges. We will file our complaint, we expect for him to be in
    court tomorrow. And that’s the most I can say about spoke will be
    revealed in the arraignment tomorrow of what, when and if will we see
    the body cam footage from the cops when it is made available during a
    court proceeding? That will not that’s the way that this works, will
    become public if it is played in a court proceeding at. Will be public
    then come some of the details of the federal charges today, talk about
    finding a journal on the scene that he had brought in saying that he
    wanted to use Nancy Pelosi to lure some other individuals, that maybe
    you can speak to some of those details. What do we know about trying to
    bring someone else to the home? No, we’re not revealing any other
    details at this time, as we’ve said. This investigation is still
    ongoing, and so what we have offered is what we believe the relevant
    facts are that are the basis for the current charges. Does he have
    legal representation? And if so, who’s representing him? We will find
    out whether he has legal representation tomorrow at his arraignment. So
    can you definitively say now this was obviously politically motivated?
    Yes, it appears as though this was based on his statements and comments
    that were made in that house during his encounter with Mr. Pelosi, that
    this was politically motivated evidence to go as far to say with an assassination attempt. What I will say is that he was looking for the
    speaker at the time that he entered the home. Of course, the federal
    affidavit contains a bit more information about other things that he’s motivations that he’s expressed. But he certainly did enact what we
    believe is an attempt to murder her husband at the time that the police arrived. Bluejacket, Highlandtown five. Are there any plans to increase security around the Pelosi House or any other prominent. Well,
    unfortunately, I have to take a break, ladies and gentlemen. If it
    continues beyond, we will bring it up. If not, I will comment. We’ll be
    right back.

    Hour 1 Segment 2

    You know, folks, I listen very carefully to this press event and the
    questions afterwards, we didn’t learn a thing more than has already
    been filed today. And I presume we’ll learn more tomorrow. What
    continues to trouble me, she said, was politically motivated. It may
    have been. Who else was on his list, he has a list, she wouldn’t reveal
    it, it’ll be revealed in time. Why not reveal it now? But even more
    than that, I’m not into conspiracies and all the rest of it. This guy
    is looking for Nancy Pelosi. He assaults her husband. He says he will.
    Break his knees or something to that effect. But Nancy Pelosi’s in
    order to get information from her and then to send her to Washington in
    a wheelchair, does that sound like somebody who’s rational to you? And
    then we’re told it’s politically motivated what the press does with
    that. What the slime does with that is they take that and then blame Republicans. So really, I think it was the duty of this district
    attorney to reveal something more than what she did because she didn’t
    reveal much more than what we already know. More when I return.

    Hour 1 Segment 3

    So this. Would be murder is an illegal alien who overstayed his visa
    and was not deported. I suspect we’re going to find that he’s had run
    ins with the cops on more than a few occasions. Very few in the media
    talking to the neighbors, he’s known to the neighbors, he’s known as a
    nut. He’s known to have embraced all kinds of political theories. And
    as you heard the D.A. say, she feels that this is political, what took
    place. Now, clearly it’s political in the sense that he wanted to harm
    the Pelosi’s. But the media goes well beyond that, the Washington Post
    attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband follows years of GOP demonizing her
    vox. The attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband is the culmination of long
    time GOP hate mongering. Hatemongering. Nancy Pelosi has been a
    vicious. Partisan for decades. People have written about it
    extensively. She’s a hero of the left, she’s a hero of the media. And
    nobody’s been demonized more Washington Post and Vox and all the rest
    than Donald Trump. And I doubt you’d be writing pieces about an attack
    on fill in the blank follows years of Democrat demonizing him or the
    attack on Donald Trump’s fill in the blank is the culmination of long
    time Democrat hate mongering. When you and the media exploit situations
    like this. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Knows no bounds. You said
    nothing. When Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. Slammed Rand Paul. After he was violently attacked by a neighbor. So Rand Paul is under attack for
    reminding people, and he wished Paul Pelosi in the speaker a speedy
    recovery and all the best, but he did remind people the tweet that
    Twitter has since taken down. This is the politics they play when
    there’s a shooting. They have their agenda, they all say the same
    thing. They have their agenda. Nobody asked the day today. Or if this
    guy is an illegal alien, why wasn’t he deported? No question. Nothing
    like that. Or does the. Or is the alleged would be killer? Does he have
    mental health issues? No question. Have you spoken to the neighbors,
    the neighbors have spoken to some independent journalists out there who
    have put out quite a significant story about how this guy’s politics
    has been all over the field, and he’s he’s kind of a nut and all that.
    No question. They’re still going to play politics with this in the
    media. But the truth shall set us free. This guy should be prosecuted,
    the book should be thrown out and he should do hard time. You almost
    killed somebody. I feel that way when anybody is attacked, whether
    they’re the husband or wife of a powerful person or a powerful person.
    How many people were murdered in Chicago this week and how many people
    were murdered in Philadelphia? How many people were assaulted in New
    York City? How many people were assaulted? In San Francisco. Nobody
    seems to care. Nobody seems to care. The day after. Steve Scalise was
    almost murdered. I mean, you know, almost murdered had. Life saving
    surgery. The speaker of the House had a press conference. Cut 26 go, it
    didn’t used to be this way. Somewhere in the 90s, Republicans decided
    on a politics of personal destruction as they went after the Clintons.
    And that is the provenance of it, and that’s what has continued. But
    again, I feel is, you know, having a family moment that is very, very
    serious. And and we’re talking about things that we can save the
    discussion for another day. But you have a president who says I could
    shoot somebody in the avenue and nobody would care when you have people
    saying, beat him up and I’ll pay your legal fees when you have all the
    insults that are made on Hillary Clinton. For them to be so
    sanctimonious is something that I really am almost sad for myself that
    I have gone down this path with you because I don’t think it’s
    appropriate to have the full discussion of it and it’ll be for another
    day. I feel exactly like she did then. About now. Then, about now. Now,
    we had this death threat against cabinet. Would be assassination guy
    comes from California. To Washington, these justices are still being threatened. They’re still having their homes. You know, the subject of campaigns, loud protests and so forth. In the House under Nancy Pelosi
    couldn’t pass a bill. Couldn’t pass a bill out of the gate. To provide additional protection. For the justices. It became a political issue,
    not in the Senate side. Where there was bipartisan support, but on the
    House side, because the DOBs decision had effectively been leaked and
    Nancy Pelosi was angry with the Supreme Court so they couldn’t get it
    passed. I’ll bet you haven’t heard that at media either. The Huffington
    Post. Or any of these other outlets cut one go on versus Kavanagh’s,
    like you said, the justices are protected, but there was an attempt on
    his life. Is the captain the of this? This is not about the Justice
    Department. It’s about staff and the rest for justice. You saw the
    attorney general even double down on that. But this doesn’t matter for
    the justice is an armed man showed up near just coming on Friday. We
    were working together on a bill that the Senate will be able to approve
    of because that’s what we can pass the one thing we wanted to be able
    to pass the Senate. So I don’t really talking about. But you haven’t
    seen what the debate is and not debate, but what the language is that
    it will be a bill, but nobody is in danger over the weekend because of
    our not having the bill. That is amazing, if this guy hadn’t called
    himself into the local cops, cabinet could have been killed. The
    justices hadn’t have bodyguards, one does the chief justice. It’s
    amazing to me how this is all ignored. The public officials need to be protected, this is no joke. It’s the effort to politicize this. That’s
    the sickening part, and then the people in the media and the Democrats
    who say we got to lower the tone. However, the other side of their
    mouth within minutes. Within minutes, they’re on the attack. They’re on
    the attack. You can go anywhere. It’s not just on the Internet. Listen
    to what they say all the time. This election is about democracy.
    Meaning if you vote for a Republican. They’re going to destroy. Our
    governing system, when, in fact Republicans defend the Constitution,
    but it doesn’t matter, you tell people. Republicans are going to
    destroy your Social Security and your Medicare. You demonize somebody
    like. Donald Trump to the extent that they demonize that man. You’re
    going to spread violence, I’ll give you even a better example, you
    demonize police the way the media and the Democrats did throughout
    2020. Now we have crime through the roof. And the people who have
    demonized the cops take no responsibility for it. The people who said
    defund the cops. Or slash their budgets or otherwise, tie their hands
    on community issues and so forth. We now have crime through the roof,
    people being slaughtered in our cities. It’s almost like Iraq over here
    in the war stage, the number of people who get shot and killed in the
    course of a year. And that doesn’t move media, right, and that doesn’t
    move Fox and that doesn’t move The Washington Post and that doesn’t
    move the Democrat Party, including the leaders of the Democrat Party.
    Including the candidates running and then, of course, you look at the
    show, The View, you have Lee Zeldin, a sitting member of the House of Representatives, running for governor. A guy approaches him with. What
    with an object that could cut his throat. And he stopped and Zoltán
    grabs his arm and they laugh about it, they downplay it. I can only
    speak for myself. You haven’t heard me laughing about any of this or downplaying any of this, what you’ve heard me do or what you’ve read on
    my. My social media is to push back against the political horse in this country, the media hordes in this country. Who take these tragedies?
    And exploit them for political purposes. I was subjected to that myself
    once. When Congresswoman Giffords was shot and a federal judge was
    murdered. By that nutjob in Arizona. Sarah Palin was targeted. But I
    was targeted to. That’s somehow something I said, which had absolutely
    nothing to do with anything. It’s creating the. The environment in this
    country that’s not didn’t know who I was, and so every time something
    like this happens, it’s horrific. And every time something like this
    happens, the media pounce. On Republicans. On Trump supporter. People
    that support the Second Amendment, it’s the same media, the same
    Democrats that do the same thing over and over again, you don’t have
    time to give thought to what’s taken place to gather the facts. You
    haven’t heard me get involved in any of these conspiracy theories, not
    one. But then again, I’m not getting involved in the media conspiracy
    theories either, which is it’s the fault of the Republicans, it’s the
    fault of Magga, it’s the fault of this and that. Which brings me to my
    point, America. We have an election in eight days. An election. Don’t
    let anything distract you from the need to win that election, anything. Anything. You can walk and chew gum at the same time we are waiting for
    all the facts to come out with the Paul Pelosi matter. But we must win
    this election. We cannot surrender. We cannot surrender this country.
    To the people who destroyed the economy, have destroyed the border and destroyed our police forces and law and order. We cannot surrender the
    country to this. And by the time we vote, more people are going to be
    murdered and maimed and raped, citizens whose names we’ll never know.
    Whose death you’ll never hear about. Who simply won’t receive this kind
    of attention? And there’ll be many of them. From my perspective, if you
    want to bring civility and sanity back to the public square, you want
    to bring civility and sanity back to politics. But you need to like conservative. So make sure you get out and vote and you vote early.
    There’s many, many very close elections. Many. Republicans had nothing
    to do with what took place in San Francisco, period, the candidates
    running all across the country had nothing to do with what took place
    in San Francisco, period. No talk show host that I’m aware of and I’m
    not aware of all of them. But the ones I’m aware of had anything to do
    with what took place in San Francisco, period. No host on Fox had
    anything to do with what took place in San Francisco, period. Despite
    the best efforts. Of the Provida corrupt media to create its narrative,
    its scenario, and to push it like the big lie on the body politic, stay focused. I’ll be right back.

    Hour 1 Segment 4

    It’s conspiracy in modern times was the Russian collusion conspiracy.
    Folks, we have added in the last five or six days, 100000 followers on
    my Twitter site. Since Elon Musk fired the management over their
    Twitter. Which means we’ve been shadow band and other things have been
    done to us that we weren’t even aware of, over 100000 followers have
    been have been added. Well, well over three million now we’re heading
    towards four million. Remember I said on the air, Mr. Producer, we
    said, why am I stuck at two point nine million? That’s not possible.
    That’s why we know and I remember I’d resigned from Twitter, so we kind
    of had to start over again, but here we are building quickly. All
    right, so we need to strengthen law and order, we need to get behind
    the cops, we need to deport illegal aliens, so such horrendous things
    don’t happen. As much as they do. The chief of police did say our
    police respond to this sort of thing or something to that effect all
    the time in San Francisco, unfortunately, it happens all the time in
    cities across America. It’s horrendous. It’s absolutely horrendous. I
    mean, other than a detail here and there about the elevator and we
    still don’t know who opened the front door and so forth, that’ll all
    come out. But in terms of this would be killer. I mean, you would think
    if this would be killer had a direct line to the Republican Party. That
    we’d know about it, because for all intents and purposes, media
    meteorite, Vox, the Washington Post, Politico and the rest of the
    gaggle are essentially saying that just ignore them, plow ahead. I’ll
    be right back.

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