• Re: Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Ka

    From Jack Par@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 2 11:52:43 2022
    Pada Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2022 pukul 11.13.41 UTC+7, Squeaky Squeaky Squeak Squeak menulis:
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff October 6th 2022 9:35 pm 141,524 words (159 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to
    comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    Some 82% of the citizens of Canada and the United States took the death jabs, including the Christians. Many Christians took the death jabs because not only their media but their preachers encouraged them to do so as well, and there are reports in the
    news (not the mainstream news) that preachers were bribed in order to encourage their sheep to take the poison. There will soon be 82% fewer Christians in North America. Most Christians who never took the death jabs will not face persecution for their
    beliefs for they spend their time encouraging everyone to turn trees into decorated idols. Satan doth not persecute people who encourage you to adopt pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments. Rather than stand up for and defend those people
    who were stripped of their rights and were brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities with injections, some 82% of the Christians instead took injections that results in their sterility and will ultimately result in their deaths. Some 82% of the non-
    Christians took the poison, likely a greater percentage of Christians took the poison because they not only listened to the mainstream media, they also listened to the cannibals preaching to them from their pulpits. They thought they embraced God’s
    Holy Spirit and that this Spirit would help them discern right from wrong, many knew that it was in error to turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into pagan temples of fertility, but did so anyway for the sake of
    tradition. And for the sake of tradition had their children injected with a supposed vaccine. Tradition trumps God’s Word. Speaking out against tradition only gets one arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic
    psychiatrists, and then laughed at and assaulted further by the so-called Christians who embrace pagan idolatry. There will soon be 82% fewer people who desire to go horse racing or who desire to watch soccer, football or hockey. It will be easy to kill
    off the remaining 18% once the 82% finally perish from the jabs. The American patriots think themselves part of the 3% who defend their nation from evil, most are really part of the 82% who are perishing from the Islamic death jabs that Obama (a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamic, pedophile and cannibal) demanded they take or else lose their jobs and access to education and travel. The Islamists are working overtime trying to convince you that it is the Jews who are orchestrating the tragedy… the
    mess will be compounded when the Chinese invade North America and start slaughtering the white Europeans and American native Indians who immigrated here over the last few centuries. Consider going back to re-read the first part of this book, as there is
    encouragement there for the white Europeans to abandon North America and help defend established white populations in the Old World (in Europe and in the Russian far east). If there is a massive exodus of white Europeans from North America, it will be
    guaranteed that the American native Indians who remain behind will face the Islamic and Chinese wrath largely on their own. The American native Indians will go extinct in short order, as some 82% of them took a jab that will kill them in one to three
    years. If you the white Europeans and American native Indians desire to stay in North America you will have to start by turning North America into a no-fly zone and expelling the Asian, African and South American immigrants (invaders). You need to
    reaffirm your red and white treaties, you need to fight for each other rather than fight for the right to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, or fight for your right to turn a school or church into a blinkin’ temple of fertility. My advice is
    to abandon North America, and emigrate to Magadan or Yakutia. There are Christian churches in Magadan and Yakutia, if you speak out against the pagan idolatry taught by these churches, expect persecution (brutal horrid torture in Russian psychiatric
    facilities). Putin is a Freemason, he is ok with Christians being persecuted in Russia when they criticize the pomp and ceremony in the established Russian Orthodox churches. Doukhobors fled to Canada to avoid that Russian persecution, and ended up
    filling their Canadian homes with blinkin’ Catholic fertility tree idols (in order to fit in and avoid persecution). Now some 82% of the Doukhobors took one, two or three of the bullshit “covid” injections and will be dead in one, two or three
    years, just like everybody else.

    In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper on June 29th 2022, it is announced that three levels of government (federal, provincial and city) got together and funded a “vaccine” manufacturing facility at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
    s (VIDO) facilities at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said “There are many issues where we fully disagree with the direction of the federal government… this is not one of them.” The facility being built could
    manufacture up to 40 million doses a year, including RNA vaccines, which alter the DNA that God provided us with. The direction of the federal government is to kill off the Canadians with injections and replace the population with Islamists. Premier
    Scott Moe is on board, the mayor of Saskatoon Charlie Clark is on board. Scott Moe provides welfare payments to each of the four Islamic brides, he provides a house paid for with your tax money to each of them and allows them to purchase guns and
    ammunition without them showing their faces. Mayor Charlie Clark employs non-Canadians (Islamists) rather than provide the jobs to Saskatoonians or to other people raised in Saskatchewan, or to other Canadians. They are poised to start manufacturing “
    vaccines” at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, this is where people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs.

    Most of those people who understand that the so-called “covid” jabs and other inoculations are killing off many millions of people are upset about this and spend their time on social media complaining about it. But the adults among them, although
    coerced into taking the jab, still took the jab by choice, while those who are tortured to death in psychiatric facilities are NOT taking the jabs by choice. Few stand up for the victims of psychiatric horror, it is not a concern to them, their concern
    is only the recent jabs that Trudeau and Obama (tells Biden what to do and say) demand that the red and white citizens in Canada and the United States take. They are outraged that they took the jabs by choice and are now sterile and have begun rotting
    before they even die. They are not outraged that I and many others faced brutal episodes of psychiatric torture but instead turn their backs or laugh. They are rotting before they even die, many women among you have their vaginas rotting away and stink
    like death, the women who’s vaginas are not yet necrotizing should expect it. While necrotizing from the jabs you look forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s name in vain, it is not His Mass) so you can collectively spend billions of dollars
    turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. They honor the evergreen tree by decorating it, it is a symbol of fertility, then they lose their fertility to a jab. The priests and ministers
    modeled the behavior of turning trees into decorated idols and then later encouraged their sheep to take a jab that removed their fertility and their lives.

    Similarly you are all upset about the American political prisoners who were arrested and jailed as a result of the January 6th peaceful demonstration yet nobody is concerned about the military vets being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities,
    which has being going on for decades. I criticized the decorated evergreen tree idols (and the churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) and was repeatedly detained and tortured, I complained that I was being tortured by predominantly
    Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me or ignored me (or robbed or assaulted me), now you have Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death and you still ignore it. And you reserve seats in medical schools for these foreign
    pagans and train them to practice their “arts” here (it isn’t science), mainly against the white Spirit-filled Christians who dare to raise their voices against the churches who teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, some of whom tried to
    warn you of the cannibals running your institutions and among you. Anyway, those who are rotting from the jabs that their priests and ministers urged them to take, are looking forward to the coming winter festival so they may tithe yet more funds to
    their executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in July 2022 an American judge imposed a lesser sentence for an MS-13 gang member who murdered an American, so that he would be allowed to stay in the United States after his sentence is served. Justin Trudeau paid
    out millions of dollars to a 14-year-old girl that he raped, in order to insure her silence (this latter news has been circulating on the internet for months).

    In the mainstream news on July 21st 2022, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the Sikh truck driver who in 2018 plowed into a busload of Catholic hockey players, killing 16 and injuring 13, was later sentence to 8 years (224 days per death) in prison and has now
    been granted parole (that was quick). The Catholic family members of the killed and injured are upset that Sidhu is now a free man. The Catholics engage in a pagan fertility rite when they turn trees into decorated idols, and here they lost their
    children to a Sikh, a member of an alternative fertility cult. The message being sent out by the legal system is that your European lives have little value. Those family members who are upset with this turn of events can seek “treatment” from Hindu,
    Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists (who were trained at western universities), who will likely tell them that they think too much about children, Sikhs and trucks. Sidhu never received psychiatric torture as a reward for plowing into the busload of hockey
    players, it is I who received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture after daring to speak out against your churches for pushing Catholic fertility rites and for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, which people then laugh about and
    assault me further. The Sikh truck drivers that are caught transporting drugs into Canada similarly do not face years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture for their crimes, are instead given a slap on the wrist and are allowed to purchase farm land and
    mansions. So post some more photos of your children whoreshipping trees on social media (the witches shop for your children on social media, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed, cooked and eaten, usually eaten
    without being cooked), and consider importing Sikhs who drive a little better. The situation is simply absolutely hilarious. Just as you people are utterly compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, just as you people think that me
    being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists is hilarious, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

    Also in the July 2022 news, the Saskatchewan provincial government expects to receive 13,000 doses of poison and will use this crap to inject into and sicken, sterilize and kill children aged six months to five years old. In other news (not the
    mainstream news) there is a shortage of children’s caskets, children in North America are now dying at such an elevated rate that the industry is unable to make and ship the caskets quick enough. The provincial Saskatchewan Party is in bed with the
    federal Liberal Party, together they are working hard to replace the red (aboriginal) and white (European) people, in part so they do not have to pay wages to women. Our Islamic and satanic rulers hate women so much that they would rather ram their
    penises up each other’s arseholes than have sexual relations with real women.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) the co-opted western governments are implementing assorted measures to bankrupt farmers, so they leave and the land be used to house Islamists, and so their citizens starve and are replaced with Islamists. Shutting
    down oil extraction, oil pipelines and oil refineries is making it difficult for the farmers to obtain fuels and fertilizers so they can continue growing food for the population. The governments claims that it desires to replace oil with green energy (
    wind and solar) for the sake of the planet, but wind and solar will result in Europeans (people living in Europe and North America) to freeze to death in the winter, and is inadequate to operate farm machinery. While the western nations shut down their
    economies with the bogus covid measures and by lack of oil, the Chinese are using fossil fuels in record amounts in order to grow their military to record size and power. An estimated 82% of the Canadians and Americans took the death jabs, are either
    dead or perishing, while Islamists and other African and Asian and Latin American “immigrants” are not required to take the jabs. I tried to warn people in 1988 that the witches were running the show, eating your children and implementing measures to
    destroy the world, was rewarded with years of brutal horrid torture by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists that many of you continue to think as being funny.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) toxins from 36 different shellfish and venomous snakes have been found in the people who took the bullshit Covid Islamic death jabs. The respiratory illness people are suffering from is not due to a virus but from
    the microwaves and also from the venom and other toxins in the jabs. A reminder that the churches displayed the behavior and taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, then later these same churches urged the sheep to take a jab that
    removed their fertility and their lives. I think that the Catholic Church pulls most of the strings and implements policies that are beneficial to Islam, other people blame the Jews, some blame white people. I think that Charles is the Anti-Christ (he
    has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques around the world and assist Islam in a variety of other ways, for decades), other people claim the Anti-Christ is any one of a number of other people. Whatever. The issue to me is that psychiatry is
    absolutely brutal, and that no matter how much any of the victims of psychiatric horror complain of the psychiatric drugs and psychiatric profession, people don’t care and continue to allow their universities to reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and
    Islamists, and many of those seats are reserved in medical schools where these pagans are taught psychiatry, and who are then allowed to practice this brutality in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. I complained I was being tortured by
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me (and assaulted me further), and now allow their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists, and now you allow these pagans to “work” (torture Canadians to death)
    in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. After criticizing the pagan practices taught by the churches (and criticizing their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism) I lost year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, and
    all people could do is laugh and continue to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures on Facebook (where the witches shopped for your children and placed orders) of themselves and their children posing beside the decorated idols there. Then Trudeau (an
    Islamist) interrupted your festivities and demanded you take the death jab if you wanted to work, go to school, or go to a bar, or if you wanted to celebrate your pagan holiday in the tropics. People have so little compassion for me or for any other
    victims of psychiatric horror that they can’t even offer to buy any one of us a measly cookie, yet will continue to tithe to the cannibals running the churches, to those people that taught them to destroy their lives with jabs and their souls with
    fertility idols.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) we learn that a “quarantine” locks down sick people, while “tyranny” locks down all people. While the people were locked down and told to have themselves injected with snake venom and other toxins, those
    who rule over you worked overtime to install 5G towers, many of which were erected close to schools. The 5G towers utilize AI (artificial intelligence) to automatically target those people who indicated right-wing views (anti-Catholic, anti-Islamic and
    anti-immigration views) on social media and blasts them with microwave radiation when they wander near, in an effort to cause cellular damage, cancer and death. The 5G antennas are highly directional, are a weapon system designed to kill those people who
    they failed to murder with the toxic jabs and other bad medicine. And in the not the mainstream news, Biden (Obama tells Biden what to do and say, while Satan instructs Obama) is weaponizing government organizations that have no business to be acting in
    a military role, and will now seek out American patriots and have them arrested for daring to hold views that are supported by the Constitution of The United States of America.

    People don’t care, just like they don’t care that some people were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured at their local universities, all they really care about is turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells. You adopt
    Catholic fertility rites then you lose your fertility to toxic jabs and microwave radiation, and still you laugh and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. Years of brutal horrid torture after criticizing your pagan fertility rituals, people thought it
    funny and assaulted me further, the jabs and the 5G microwaves are a just reward. After the Islamists take over the western nations, then the 5G microwaves will be turned off, I predict.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) over 96% of the Australian population has been “vaccinated” (given the kill shot) and has set a new record for “covid” (kill shot) deaths. I guess the Chinese are poised to complete the transition, and they
    will be competing with Indonesia (competing with Islamists) for the continent. This is what happens to a nation that gives up its guns. Also this is what happens to a nation that turns its back on their Papuan allies and allows them to be invaded (
    genocided) by Indonesia with Chinese assistance. The Australians will want to flee to Canada, where they will continue with their Catholic fertility tree rituals, and will join the Canadians in laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror (they appear
    to be in pain and they shuffle their feet rather than walk, these are people who rarely ever smile). Anybody criticizing your blinkin’ trees deserves years of brutal psychiatric horror and deserves to be laughed at and assaulted further, especially if
    they are shuffling their feet and appear to be in pain.

    Australians employ thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists, and psychiatric horror is not an issue to them. They are just as compassionless and ignorant as the Canadians are, and Canada is simply not in need of a great influx of additional
    compassionless and ignorant Catholics. The Americans take the cake, there were reports of soldiers being tortured in psychiatric facilities for decades and the so-called “patriots” allow it to slide, then, like everybody else, allows the government
    to reserves seats in medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who then “work” in American hospitals. The psychiatric drugs are exceedingly brutal, most people die from these drugs, some kill themselves to
    avoid additional horror, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, nor political parties in other countries address the issue because they benefit when they prevent people from inappropriately squeaking. You folks laugh at the victims of psychiatric
    horror, or ignore them, then allow an influx of Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists and train them at your universities to become brutal psychiatrists. And Trudeau allows them to “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. So you continue tithing
    to the churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and they use that money to buy courts (and judges), schools (and pedophiles), hospitals (executioners), governments (traitors) and to train the Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become
    brutal psychiatrists. The priests and ministers taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols and then they parroted their very own politicians and media and told their sheep to take a poison death jab. And as they twitch, convulse and necrotize
    from the toxins, their greatest desire is to attend church this winter and see the trees that blink.

    You now have learned to hate Disneyland for the perverts there and for the perversions they teach, but you still love Mickey, Minnie and Donald Duck because they pose beside the idols, which you love more than God’s Word. The reason Americans either
    voted for Obama or tolerated his presidency (past and current) is because he decorated and he posed next to your beloved trees. Anybody displaying the appropriate behavior is rewarded. Now the American patriots are waiting for Christmas 2022 so they can
    pose beside the many decorated idols in their communities, or will fly to distant tropical resorts and pose with the idols there. You will post pictures of your children posing with the blinkin’ trees on Facebook where the witches shop for their next

    Americans will vote for Republican politicians who pose for photographs beside the blinkin’ Catholic idols, for it is tradition. Likely the American Republican politicians will pose with the Catholic evergreen tree idols and not address the issue of
    psychiatry. If the patriots in Canada and the USA raid the hospitals and destroy the psychiatric and other deadly drugs, occupy the airports and seaports and appoint mayors and police chiefs and police officers and teachers who uphold basic human rights
    in Canada, or who uphold the Constitution of the United States in America, and deport the invaders, the result would likely be civil war and the Moslems who had not been detained and deported will be exploding bombs, while Charles will come with his
    United Nations army, while the patriots would lose the battle as they only annually enrage God when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You really should not allow Islamists near your food, water and medical supplies (trucking,
    processing, storing, preparing, serving, administering) and stop turning trees into idols… just a gentle suggestion to those who have ears.

    . These recent immigrants dream of becoming union members and then working for high wages as janitors or food service providers in the psychiatric facilities and in other hospital wings. Some will become aids and assist in the sterilization of your
    children, again for the high union wages. Deport them, we have Treaties between the Red Aboriginals and White Europeans in Canada that do not give either of us permission to import Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. All the Islamists, the Hindus and
    the Sikh appeasers have to go, leave Canada, either cross the border to USA or be deported to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or to Latin America.

    In the news (not the mainstream news), Trudeau is handing over many millions of dollars to Islamic organizations. The Bank of Canada prints “money” out of thin air, then the government of Canada borrows this “money” and makes Canadians pay
    compound interest on the unnecessary debt (nations have the right to coin their own debt-free currency). Canadians are borrowing bogus “money”, then giving it to Islamists, then paying compound interest on the unnecessary debt. While this is goink on,
    Canadians are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, and universities are training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are then allowed to “work” (torture white Canadians to death) without they themselves
    being Canadian citizens. The NDP came to power provincially in Saskatchewan and their first act of legislation was to remove more rights from the psychiatric abuse victims, then the Saskatchewan Party was elected and kept the NDP’s abusive legislation
    on the books. And people laugh and sing Jingle Bells (engage in fertility tree whoreship) and continue to support these political parties.

    In the mainstream news in August 2022, the medical system is collapsing in Canada, hospitals are closing their doors and refusing to “treat” those seeking care. Nurses are in short supply, many took the jabs and either now dead or too sick to work,
    other nurses see the carnage caused by the gene-altering snake venom-filled syringes and are unable to cope with the influx of the vax-injured. Hopefully this will continue until the psychiatric facilities shut down. Under Trudeau people may work in
    Canada without being Canadian citizens, so it is likely that more people from third-world shit holes will be staffing the psychiatric wards in order to keep them open and to keep Canadians in their place. Christians are praying for peace (while at the
    same time are teaching the world to engage in fertility tree whoreship and are supporting the spread of Islam), they would be a more effective force if they picked up arms and forced the third-world invaders to return to Africa, Asia and Latin America.
    They would have to occupy the airports and enforce a no-fly zone, then peacefully bus or possibly fly the invaders to a seaport and put them on ships bound for distant shores, while guarding their own shores and borders.

    Treat them nicely, don’t abuse them. Feed them along the route, give them fresh fruit and beef steaks, and baked potatoes with lots of sour cream, onions, chives, olive oil and such. Offer a variety of cheeses, including old cheddar, mozzarella and
    blue cheese. Offer salmon sandwiches, Greek salads with black olives and feta cheese. Make certain to provide cinnamon-raisin toast, lavishly covered with butter and honey. Provide a variety of pies for desserts along the route, offer Apple, Saskatoon
    Berry, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, and Lemon Meringue, together with a choice of at least two different high quality vanilla ice-creams. Make sure it is all fresh, don’t be offering sour and rubbery lemon tarts, and make an effort to heat the apple pies. Make
    their deportation a pleasant experience. I can imagine how this will play out, the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus would travel together and sit next to one another. They will say things like “Exuse me young woman, would you please be so kind as to cook my
    steak to medium rare?” and “Excuse me young man, would you please be so kind as to provide me with some extra sour cream for my baked potatoe?” By the time they arrive to Dakar, Karachi and Mumbai, they will be satiated and fully rested, ready to
    tell of their varied experiences in the New World and their pleasant journey home.

    It is an error to allow Islamists into Canada, here they are engaged in rapes and other brutal crimes, and then have the audacity to stand in front of inner-city mosques and make dress-code demands of the non-Islamic women walking by. Studies show over
    and over that as they increase their percentage of the population, that they make increasing demands upon the invaded nations. For centuries Islamists prided themselves in their knowledge of herbs, they are skilled in using herbs to reduce the fertility
    of the non-believers, but now the Islamists are adding snake venom to the mixture. Some 80% or more of the white European Canadians and the native American Indians took the jab that will take their lives, soon you will have few patriots and warriors left
    to pick up arms and halt the invasion.

    [continued in next message]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Jack Par@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 2 11:55:02 2022
    Pada Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2022 pukul 11.13.41 UTC+7, Squeaky Squeaky Squeak Squeak menulis:
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff October 6th 2022 9:35 pm 141,524 words (159 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to
    comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Who remembers the Armenian genocide? If they can’t remember the Armenian genocide, who is goink to be concerned about the Jews?” - Adolph Hitler speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    Some 82% of the citizens of Canada and the United States took the death jabs, including the Christians. Many Christians took the death jabs because not only their media but their preachers encouraged them to do so as well, and there are reports in the
    news (not the mainstream news) that preachers were bribed in order to encourage their sheep to take the poison. There will soon be 82% fewer Christians in North America. Most Christians who never took the death jabs will not face persecution for their
    beliefs for they spend their time encouraging everyone to turn trees into decorated idols. Satan doth not persecute people who encourage you to adopt pagan fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments. Rather than stand up for and defend those people
    who were stripped of their rights and were brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities with injections, some 82% of the Christians instead took injections that results in their sterility and will ultimately result in their deaths. Some 82% of the non-
    Christians took the poison, likely a greater percentage of Christians took the poison because they not only listened to the mainstream media, they also listened to the cannibals preaching to them from their pulpits. They thought they embraced God’s
    Holy Spirit and that this Spirit would help them discern right from wrong, many knew that it was in error to turn their churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into pagan temples of fertility, but did so anyway for the sake of
    tradition. And for the sake of tradition had their children injected with a supposed vaccine. Tradition trumps God’s Word. Speaking out against tradition only gets one arrested and tortured in psychiatric facilities by Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic
    psychiatrists, and then laughed at and assaulted further by the so-called Christians who embrace pagan idolatry. There will soon be 82% fewer people who desire to go horse racing or who desire to watch soccer, football or hockey. It will be easy to kill
    off the remaining 18% once the 82% finally perish from the jabs. The American patriots think themselves part of the 3% who defend their nation from evil, most are really part of the 82% who are perishing from the Islamic death jabs that Obama (a
    homosexual Indonesian Islamic, pedophile and cannibal) demanded they take or else lose their jobs and access to education and travel. The Islamists are working overtime trying to convince you that it is the Jews who are orchestrating the tragedy… the
    mess will be compounded when the Chinese invade North America and start slaughtering the white Europeans and American native Indians who immigrated here over the last few centuries. Consider going back to re-read the first part of this book, as there is
    encouragement there for the white Europeans to abandon North America and help defend established white populations in the Old World (in Europe and in the Russian far east). If there is a massive exodus of white Europeans from North America, it will be
    guaranteed that the American native Indians who remain behind will face the Islamic and Chinese wrath largely on their own. The American native Indians will go extinct in short order, as some 82% of them took a jab that will kill them in one to three
    years. If you the white Europeans and American native Indians desire to stay in North America you will have to start by turning North America into a no-fly zone and expelling the Asian, African and South American immigrants (invaders). You need to
    reaffirm your red and white treaties, you need to fight for each other rather than fight for the right to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, or fight for your right to turn a school or church into a blinkin’ temple of fertility. My advice is
    to abandon North America, and emigrate to Magadan or Yakutia. There are Christian churches in Magadan and Yakutia, if you speak out against the pagan idolatry taught by these churches, expect persecution (brutal horrid torture in Russian psychiatric
    facilities). Putin is a Freemason, he is ok with Christians being persecuted in Russia when they criticize the pomp and ceremony in the established Russian Orthodox churches. Doukhobors fled to Canada to avoid that Russian persecution, and ended up
    filling their Canadian homes with blinkin’ Catholic fertility tree idols (in order to fit in and avoid persecution). Now some 82% of the Doukhobors took one, two or three of the bullshit “covid” injections and will be dead in one, two or three
    years, just like everybody else.

    In the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix newspaper on June 29th 2022, it is announced that three levels of government (federal, provincial and city) got together and funded a “vaccine” manufacturing facility at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
    s (VIDO) facilities at the University of Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said “There are many issues where we fully disagree with the direction of the federal government… this is not one of them.” The facility being built could
    manufacture up to 40 million doses a year, including RNA vaccines, which alter the DNA that God provided us with. The direction of the federal government is to kill off the Canadians with injections and replace the population with Islamists. Premier
    Scott Moe is on board, the mayor of Saskatoon Charlie Clark is on board. Scott Moe provides welfare payments to each of the four Islamic brides, he provides a house paid for with your tax money to each of them and allows them to purchase guns and
    ammunition without them showing their faces. Mayor Charlie Clark employs non-Canadians (Islamists) rather than provide the jobs to Saskatoonians or to other people raised in Saskatchewan, or to other Canadians. They are poised to start manufacturing “
    vaccines” at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, this is where people are being tortured to death with psychiatric drugs.

    Most of those people who understand that the so-called “covid” jabs and other inoculations are killing off many millions of people are upset about this and spend their time on social media complaining about it. But the adults among them, although
    coerced into taking the jab, still took the jab by choice, while those who are tortured to death in psychiatric facilities are NOT taking the jabs by choice. Few stand up for the victims of psychiatric horror, it is not a concern to them, their concern
    is only the recent jabs that Trudeau and Obama (tells Biden what to do and say) demand that the red and white citizens in Canada and the United States take. They are outraged that they took the jabs by choice and are now sterile and have begun rotting
    before they even die. They are not outraged that I and many others faced brutal episodes of psychiatric torture but instead turn their backs or laugh. They are rotting before they even die, many women among you have their vaginas rotting away and stink
    like death, the women who’s vaginas are not yet necrotizing should expect it. While necrotizing from the jabs you look forward to “Christmas” (the use of God’s name in vain, it is not His Mass) so you can collectively spend billions of dollars
    turning your churches, schools, homes, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. They honor the evergreen tree by decorating it, it is a symbol of fertility, then they lose their fertility to a jab. The priests and ministers
    modeled the behavior of turning trees into decorated idols and then later encouraged their sheep to take a jab that removed their fertility and their lives.

    Similarly you are all upset about the American political prisoners who were arrested and jailed as a result of the January 6th peaceful demonstration yet nobody is concerned about the military vets being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities,
    which has being going on for decades. I criticized the decorated evergreen tree idols (and the churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism) and was repeatedly detained and tortured, I complained that I was being tortured by predominantly
    Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me or ignored me (or robbed or assaulted me), now you have Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists torturing people to death and you still ignore it. And you reserve seats in medical schools for these foreign
    pagans and train them to practice their “arts” here (it isn’t science), mainly against the white Spirit-filled Christians who dare to raise their voices against the churches who teach people to honor the pagan fertility rites, some of whom tried to
    warn you of the cannibals running your institutions and among you. Anyway, those who are rotting from the jabs that their priests and ministers urged them to take, are looking forward to the coming winter festival so they may tithe yet more funds to
    their executioners. Well good for you, I sure hope you win!!!

    In the news (not the mainstream news) in July 2022 an American judge imposed a lesser sentence for an MS-13 gang member who murdered an American, so that he would be allowed to stay in the United States after his sentence is served. Justin Trudeau paid
    out millions of dollars to a 14-year-old girl that he raped, in order to insure her silence (this latter news has been circulating on the internet for months).

    In the mainstream news on July 21st 2022, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, the Sikh truck driver who in 2018 plowed into a busload of Catholic hockey players, killing 16 and injuring 13, was later sentence to 8 years (224 days per death) in prison and has now
    been granted parole (that was quick). The Catholic family members of the killed and injured are upset that Sidhu is now a free man. The Catholics engage in a pagan fertility rite when they turn trees into decorated idols, and here they lost their
    children to a Sikh, a member of an alternative fertility cult. The message being sent out by the legal system is that your European lives have little value. Those family members who are upset with this turn of events can seek “treatment” from Hindu,
    Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists (who were trained at western universities), who will likely tell them that they think too much about children, Sikhs and trucks. Sidhu never received psychiatric torture as a reward for plowing into the busload of hockey
    players, it is I who received years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture after daring to speak out against your churches for pushing Catholic fertility rites and for censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, which people then laugh about and
    assault me further. The Sikh truck drivers that are caught transporting drugs into Canada similarly do not face years of brutal horrid psychiatric torture for their crimes, are instead given a slap on the wrist and are allowed to purchase farm land and
    mansions. So post some more photos of your children whoreshipping trees on social media (the witches shop for your children on social media, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed, cooked and eaten, usually eaten
    without being cooked), and consider importing Sikhs who drive a little better. The situation is simply absolutely hilarious. Just as you people are utterly compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror, just as you people think that me
    being tortured by primarily Hindu psychiatrists is hilarious, I think that the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:26).

    Also in the July 2022 news, the Saskatchewan provincial government expects to receive 13,000 doses of poison and will use this crap to inject into and sicken, sterilize and kill children aged six months to five years old. In other news (not the
    mainstream news) there is a shortage of children’s caskets, children in North America are now dying at such an elevated rate that the industry is unable to make and ship the caskets quick enough. The provincial Saskatchewan Party is in bed with the
    federal Liberal Party, together they are working hard to replace the red (aboriginal) and white (European) people, in part so they do not have to pay wages to women. Our Islamic and satanic rulers hate women so much that they would rather ram their
    penises up each other’s arseholes than have sexual relations with real women.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) the co-opted western governments are implementing assorted measures to bankrupt farmers, so they leave and the land be used to house Islamists, and so their citizens starve and are replaced with Islamists. Shutting
    down oil extraction, oil pipelines and oil refineries is making it difficult for the farmers to obtain fuels and fertilizers so they can continue growing food for the population. The governments claims that it desires to replace oil with green energy (
    wind and solar) for the sake of the planet, but wind and solar will result in Europeans (people living in Europe and North America) to freeze to death in the winter, and is inadequate to operate farm machinery. While the western nations shut down their
    economies with the bogus covid measures and by lack of oil, the Chinese are using fossil fuels in record amounts in order to grow their military to record size and power. An estimated 82% of the Canadians and Americans took the death jabs, are either
    dead or perishing, while Islamists and other African and Asian and Latin American “immigrants” are not required to take the jabs. I tried to warn people in 1988 that the witches were running the show, eating your children and implementing measures to
    destroy the world, was rewarded with years of brutal horrid torture by predominantly Hindu psychiatrists that many of you continue to think as being funny.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) toxins from 36 different shellfish and venomous snakes have been found in the people who took the bullshit Covid Islamic death jabs. The respiratory illness people are suffering from is not due to a virus but from
    the microwaves and also from the venom and other toxins in the jabs. A reminder that the churches displayed the behavior and taught you to turn trees into decorated fertility idols, then later these same churches urged the sheep to take a jab that
    removed their fertility and their lives. I think that the Catholic Church pulls most of the strings and implements policies that are beneficial to Islam, other people blame the Jews, some blame white people. I think that Charles is the Anti-Christ (he
    has been using his fabulous wealth to build mosques around the world and assist Islam in a variety of other ways, for decades), other people claim the Anti-Christ is any one of a number of other people. Whatever. The issue to me is that psychiatry is
    absolutely brutal, and that no matter how much any of the victims of psychiatric horror complain of the psychiatric drugs and psychiatric profession, people don’t care and continue to allow their universities to reserve seats for Hindus, Sikhs and
    Islamists, and many of those seats are reserved in medical schools where these pagans are taught psychiatry, and who are then allowed to practice this brutality in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. I complained I was being tortured by
    predominantly Hindu psychiatrists and people laughed at me (and assaulted me further), and now allow their universities to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become psychiatrists, and now you allow these pagans to “work” (torture Canadians to death)
    in Canada without them even being Canadian citizens. After criticizing the pagan practices taught by the churches (and criticizing their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism) I lost year after year of my life to brutal horrid torture, and
    all people could do is laugh and continue to fly to tropical resorts and post pictures on Facebook (where the witches shopped for your children and placed orders) of themselves and their children posing beside the decorated idols there. Then Trudeau (an
    Islamist) interrupted your festivities and demanded you take the death jab if you wanted to work, go to school, or go to a bar, or if you wanted to celebrate your pagan holiday in the tropics. People have so little compassion for me or for any other
    victims of psychiatric horror that they can’t even offer to buy any one of us a measly cookie, yet will continue to tithe to the cannibals running the churches, to those people that taught them to destroy their lives with jabs and their souls with
    fertility idols.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) we learn that a “quarantine” locks down sick people, while “tyranny” locks down all people. While the people were locked down and told to have themselves injected with snake venom and other toxins, those
    who rule over you worked overtime to install 5G towers, many of which were erected close to schools. The 5G towers utilize AI (artificial intelligence) to automatically target those people who indicated right-wing views (anti-Catholic, anti-Islamic and
    anti-immigration views) on social media and blasts them with microwave radiation when they wander near, in an effort to cause cellular damage, cancer and death. The 5G antennas are highly directional, are a weapon system designed to kill those people who
    they failed to murder with the toxic jabs and other bad medicine. And in the not the mainstream news, Biden (Obama tells Biden what to do and say, while Satan instructs Obama) is weaponizing government organizations that have no business to be acting in
    a military role, and will now seek out American patriots and have them arrested for daring to hold views that are supported by the Constitution of The United States of America.

    People don’t care, just like they don’t care that some people were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured at their local universities, all they really care about is turning trees into decorated idols and singing Jingle Bells. You adopt
    Catholic fertility rites then you lose your fertility to toxic jabs and microwave radiation, and still you laugh and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. Years of brutal horrid torture after criticizing your pagan fertility rituals, people thought it
    funny and assaulted me further, the jabs and the 5G microwaves are a just reward. After the Islamists take over the western nations, then the 5G microwaves will be turned off, I predict.

    In the news (not the mainstream news) over 96% of the Australian population has been “vaccinated” (given the kill shot) and has set a new record for “covid” (kill shot) deaths. I guess the Chinese are poised to complete the transition, and they
    will be competing with Indonesia (competing with Islamists) for the continent. This is what happens to a nation that gives up its guns. Also this is what happens to a nation that turns its back on their Papuan allies and allows them to be invaded (
    genocided) by Indonesia with Chinese assistance. The Australians will want to flee to Canada, where they will continue with their Catholic fertility tree rituals, and will join the Canadians in laughing at the victims of psychiatric horror (they appear
    to be in pain and they shuffle their feet rather than walk, these are people who rarely ever smile). Anybody criticizing your blinkin’ trees deserves years of brutal psychiatric horror and deserves to be laughed at and assaulted further, especially if
    they are shuffling their feet and appear to be in pain.

    Australians employ thousands of Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists, and psychiatric horror is not an issue to them. They are just as compassionless and ignorant as the Canadians are, and Canada is simply not in need of a great influx of additional
    compassionless and ignorant Catholics. The Americans take the cake, there were reports of soldiers being tortured in psychiatric facilities for decades and the so-called “patriots” allow it to slide, then, like everybody else, allows the government
    to reserves seats in medical schools to train Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who then “work” in American hospitals. The psychiatric drugs are exceedingly brutal, most people die from these drugs, some kill themselves to
    avoid additional horror, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans, nor political parties in other countries address the issue because they benefit when they prevent people from inappropriately squeaking. You folks laugh at the victims of psychiatric
    horror, or ignore them, then allow an influx of Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists and train them at your universities to become brutal psychiatrists. And Trudeau allows them to “work” in Canada without them being Canadian citizens. So you continue tithing
    to the churches that teach you to turn trees into decorated idols, and they use that money to buy courts (and judges), schools (and pedophiles), hospitals (executioners), governments (traitors) and to train the Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become
    brutal psychiatrists. The priests and ministers taught the sheep to turn trees into decorated idols and then they parroted their very own politicians and media and told their sheep to take a poison death jab. And as they twitch, convulse and necrotize
    from the toxins, their greatest desire is to attend church this winter and see the trees that blink.

    You now have learned to hate Disneyland for the perverts there and for the perversions they teach, but you still love Mickey, Minnie and Donald Duck because they pose beside the idols, which you love more than God’s Word. The reason Americans either
    voted for Obama or tolerated his presidency (past and current) is because he decorated and he posed next to your beloved trees. Anybody displaying the appropriate behavior is rewarded. Now the American patriots are waiting for Christmas 2022 so they can
    pose beside the many decorated idols in their communities, or will fly to distant tropical resorts and pose with the idols there. You will post pictures of your children posing with the blinkin’ trees on Facebook where the witches shop for their next

    Americans will vote for Republican politicians who pose for photographs beside the blinkin’ Catholic idols, for it is tradition. Likely the American Republican politicians will pose with the Catholic evergreen tree idols and not address the issue of
    psychiatry. If the patriots in Canada and the USA raid the hospitals and destroy the psychiatric and other deadly drugs, occupy the airports and seaports and appoint mayors and police chiefs and police officers and teachers who uphold basic human rights
    in Canada, or who uphold the Constitution of the United States in America, and deport the invaders, the result would likely be civil war and the Moslems who had not been detained and deported will be exploding bombs, while Charles will come with his
    United Nations army, while the patriots would lose the battle as they only annually enrage God when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. You really should not allow Islamists near your food, water and medical supplies (trucking,
    processing, storing, preparing, serving, administering) and stop turning trees into idols… just a gentle suggestion to those who have ears.

    . These recent immigrants dream of becoming union members and then working for high wages as janitors or food service providers in the psychiatric facilities and in other hospital wings. Some will become aids and assist in the sterilization of your
    children, again for the high union wages. Deport them, we have Treaties between the Red Aboriginals and White Europeans in Canada that do not give either of us permission to import Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. All the Islamists, the Hindus and
    the Sikh appeasers have to go, leave Canada, either cross the border to USA or be deported to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or to Latin America.

    In the news (not the mainstream news), Trudeau is handing over many millions of dollars to Islamic organizations. The Bank of Canada prints “money” out of thin air, then the government of Canada borrows this “money” and makes Canadians pay
    compound interest on the unnecessary debt (nations have the right to coin their own debt-free currency). Canadians are borrowing bogus “money”, then giving it to Islamists, then paying compound interest on the unnecessary debt. While this is goink on,
    Canadians are being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities, and universities are training Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to become brutal psychiatrists, who are then allowed to “work” (torture white Canadians to death) without they themselves
    being Canadian citizens. The NDP came to power provincially in Saskatchewan and their first act of legislation was to remove more rights from the psychiatric abuse victims, then the Saskatchewan Party was elected and kept the NDP’s abusive legislation
    on the books. And people laugh and sing Jingle Bells (engage in fertility tree whoreship) and continue to support these political parties.

    In the mainstream news in August 2022, the medical system is collapsing in Canada, hospitals are closing their doors and refusing to “treat” those seeking care. Nurses are in short supply, many took the jabs and either now dead or too sick to work,
    other nurses see the carnage caused by the gene-altering snake venom-filled syringes and are unable to cope with the influx of the vax-injured. Hopefully this will continue until the psychiatric facilities shut down. Under Trudeau people may work in
    Canada without being Canadian citizens, so it is likely that more people from third-world shit holes will be staffing the psychiatric wards in order to keep them open and to keep Canadians in their place. Christians are praying for peace (while at the
    same time are teaching the world to engage in fertility tree whoreship and are supporting the spread of Islam), they would be a more effective force if they picked up arms and forced the third-world invaders to return to Africa, Asia and Latin America.
    They would have to occupy the airports and enforce a no-fly zone, then peacefully bus or possibly fly the invaders to a seaport and put them on ships bound for distant shores, while guarding their own shores and borders.

    Treat them nicely, don’t abuse them. Feed them along the route, give them fresh fruit and beef steaks, and baked potatoes with lots of sour cream, onions, chives, olive oil and such. Offer a variety of cheeses, including old cheddar, mozzarella and
    blue cheese. Offer salmon sandwiches, Greek salads with black olives and feta cheese. Make certain to provide cinnamon-raisin toast, lavishly covered with butter and honey. Provide a variety of pies for desserts along the route, offer Apple, Saskatoon
    Berry, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, and Lemon Meringue, together with a choice of at least two different high quality vanilla ice-creams. Make sure it is all fresh, don’t be offering sour and rubbery lemon tarts, and make an effort to heat the apple pies. Make
    their deportation a pleasant experience. I can imagine how this will play out, the Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus would travel together and sit next to one another. They will say things like “Exuse me young woman, would you please be so kind as to cook my
    steak to medium rare?” and “Excuse me young man, would you please be so kind as to provide me with some extra sour cream for my baked potatoe?” By the time they arrive to Dakar, Karachi and Mumbai, they will be satiated and fully rested, ready to
    tell of their varied experiences in the New World and their pleasant journey home.

    It is an error to allow Islamists into Canada, here they are engaged in rapes and other brutal crimes, and then have the audacity to stand in front of inner-city mosques and make dress-code demands of the non-Islamic women walking by. Studies show over
    and over that as they increase their percentage of the population, that they make increasing demands upon the invaded nations. For centuries Islamists prided themselves in their knowledge of herbs, they are skilled in using herbs to reduce the fertility
    of the non-believers, but now the Islamists are adding snake venom to the mixture. Some 80% or more of the white European Canadians and the native American Indians took the jab that will take their lives, soon you will have few patriots and warriors left
    to pick up arms and halt the invasion.

    [continued in next message]

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