• TURMEL: Crown Memorandum to bar Turmel from Federal Court (2/3)

    From John KingofthePaupers Turmel@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 27 23:22:25 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    31 Coote v Canada, 2021 FCA 150, paras 3, 6, 13; see also
    Lawyers Professional Indemnity Company v Coote, CFN T-312
    (Order of Hughes J, dated June 13, 2013), paras (b) and 1,
    BOA, Tab 4; Lawyers Professional Indemnity Company v Coote,
    2013 FC 643 ["Coote FC 2013 reasons"], aff'd 2014 FCA 98

    27. The purpose of s. 40 is well known. The resources of the
    Federal Courts are finite, and every moment devoted to a
    vexatious litigant is a moment unavailable to deserving
    litigants. While access to the courts is fundamental in our
    society, regulation is sometimes necessary to ensure that
    vexatious litigants cannot consume court resources in a
    manner that effectively limits access for everyone else, or
    repeatedly target innocent parties or the Crown with
    unmeritorious proceedings.32
    32 Canada v Olumide, 2017 FCA 42, paras 18-21 ["Olumide"];
    Hughes v Canada, CFN T-1315-18 (Order of Barnes J., dated
    October 6, 2021), para 9, BOA, Tab 3

    28. The central question in each s. 40 application is
    whether the litigant's ungovernability or harmfulness to the
    court system is so great as to justify a leave-granting
    33 Bernard v Canada, 2019 FCA 144, para 16, leave to appeal
    refused [2019] SCCA No 432; see also Olumide, para 27

    While no single factor is determinative, the Federal Courts
    have identified several common indicia of vexatiousness,
    including persistently bringing meritless proceedings and
    appeals; bringing proceedings for an improper purpose;
    attempting to re-litigate previously decided issues; making
    unsubstantiated or intemperate remarks regarding the court
    or other parties; disregard for court orders, rules or
    timelines; and the failure to pay costs of prior
    34 Olumide, paras 22, 32, 33, Canada v Fabrikant, 2019 FCA
    198, para 26 ["Fabrikant"]; Potvin v Rooke, 2019 FCA 285,
    para 5 ["Potvin"]; Coote FC 2013 reasons, paras 23-25;
    Tonner v Lowry, 2016 FC 230, para 20; Mazhero v Fox, 2011 FC
    392, para 40 ["Mazhero"]

    29. In weighing these factors, the Court should have regard
    to the whole history of the litigant's proceedings, and not
    only whether the proceedings originally disclosed a good
    cause of action.35
    35 Coote FC 2013 reasons, para 25

    It may also consider the litigant's proceedings in other
    courts, their conduct out of court, and any role played by
    the litigant in proceedings brought by others.36
    36 Mazhero, para 13; Canada Post Corp v Varma, [2000] FCJ No
    851, para 23; Badawy v 1038482 Alberta Ltd, 2019 FC 504,
    para 22 [Badawy]; Canada v Ubah, 2021 FC 1466, para 30


    30. Mr. Turmel bears several hallmarks of a vexatious
    litigant. He and his kit users have brought numerous
    meritless proceedings, motions and appeals, and frequently
    bring them for an improper purpose. He routinely tries to
    re-litigate previously decided issues, and uses pleadings
    and social media to make scandalous and intemperate
    statements about the Crown and the Courts. He often refuses
    to follow court orders, rules and timelines, and has
    numerous costs awards that remain unpaid.

    31. Taken together, these factors reveal a wholly
    ungovernable litigant for whom a leave requirement is
    warranted to ensure that he cannot continue to abuse the
    process of the Federal Courts.

    1. Mr. Turmel persistently brings meritless proceedings and

    32. As detailed above, courts have to date dismissed
    virtually all of the proceedings brought by Mr. Turmel and
    his kit users. While the reasons for dismissal have varied,
    common reasons include that the claims lacked sufficient
    material facts to disclose a reasonable cause of action,37
    37 M.Affidavit, paras 144, 167, 191, 213, 232, 237,
    277, 287, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 45, 56, 63, 68-69, 74, 76, 91-
    92, 95

    JCT: And judges can close their eyes any say they fail to
    see anything. Remember every judge who failed to see that
    getting zero broadcast time was not equitable quantitatively
    or qualitatively. Every judge failed to see.

    CR: were scandalous, frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of
    38 M.Affidavit, paras 11, 59, 85, 95, 97, 148, 233,
    277, 287, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 14, 24, 30-32, 48-49, 75, 91-
    92, 95

    JCT: And after failing to see, said it was because the
    actions were scandalous, frivolous, vexatious or an abuse of
    process. But remember, they failed to see.

    CR: or were supported by little or no evidence.39
    39 M.Affidavit, paras 36, 59, 71, 74, 80, 158, AR,
    Vol 1, Tab C, p 19, 24, 26-29, 52

    JCT: Insufficient evidence is another great judicial cop-

    CR: 33. The Federal Courts have also repeatedly expressed
    concern about the boilerplate nature of the template
    statements of claim developed by Mr. Turmel. For example, in
    striking the Turmel Kit MMAR-MMPR claims, Phelan J. noted
    that the statements of claim contained vague generalizations
    and hyperbole, but virtually no detail concerning each
    plaintiffs personal circumstances or how the impugned
    regulatory provisions engaged their individual Charter
    40 M.Affidavit, paras 101, 115, 117, 148, AR, Vol
    1, Tab C, p 33, 37-39, 47-49

    JCT: It wasn't enough that their doctor had prescribed it,
    Judge Phelan wanted to see their medical files. Many
    appealed him wanting to stick his nose into where he wasn't

    CR: The Federal Court of Appeal and this court have echoed
    this concern in subsequent cases.41
    41 M.Affidavit, paras 191, 232, 277, 287, AR, Vol
    1, Tab C, p 63, 74, 91-92, 95; Fudge costs decision, para
    18, BOA, Tab 2

    JCT: Yes, other unqualified appellate judges agreed he
    should have been shown their medical files. We might have
    known it if only he'd come to the hearing with his

    CR: 34. In the course of their proceedings, Mr. Turmel and
    his kit users frequently bring motions for interlocutory
    relief, often for orders exempting them from the
    constitutionally impugned legislative provisions pending the
    underlying proceeding.42
    42 M.Affidavit, paras, 58-59, 70, 75, 78, 84, 94-
    101, 157-58, 162-63, 284 and Exhibit 132 (para 11), AR, Vol
    1 (Tab C, p 24, 26-33, 52, 54, 94), Vol 5 (Tab C132, p 1435)

    JCT: Notice the distortion. They mainly filed motions to
    start growing their while they waited for Health Canada to
    proecss their doctor's prescription. I think that so many
    motions were mooted by hop-to-it delivery of the permits is
    an important point.

    CR: This includes more than 89 motions in the course of the
    Turmel Kit MMAR-MMPR claims, and 11 in the course of the
    Turmel Kit motions for extensions of time to appeal the
    Allard injunction decision. Like the underlying proceedings,
    each of these motions was ultimately dismissed, many of them
    on grounds that they were unsupported by any evidence
    concerning each plaintiff's circumstances or why interim
    relief was required.43
    43 M.Affidavit, paras 104, 108, 110, 117, 121-22
    and Exhibit 132 (para 49), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 34-36, 38-
    40), Vol 5 (Tab C132, p 1447)

    JCT: No, most were dismissed for being mooted by delivery of
    the relief requested. Imagine trying to distort their losses
    into our losses. Lucky for me, I've done reports on all the
    hop-to-it motions.

    CR: 35. Mr. Turmel appeals virtually all of his litigation
    losses, sometimes even bringing multiple appeals from the
    same decision.44
    44 M.Affidavit, paras 12, 17, 23, 28, 31, 33, 53, 60, 66,
    85, 90, 108, 119, 126, 139, 150, 272, 280, 282, AR, Vol 1,
    Tab C, p 15-18, 22, 24-25, 30-31, 35, 39, 41, 44-45, 50, 90,

    When these appeals are dismissed, he routinely seeks leave
    to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada where, once leave
    is inevitably denied, he often seeks reconsideration.45
    45 M.Affidavit, paras 13, 15, 23, 32, 49, 54, 60,
    67, 79, 81, 86-88, 92, 128, 140, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 15-16,
    18, 22-24, 26, 28-31, 42, 45

    JCT: I want to get as many judges as possible on record
    refusing righteous requests.

    CR: He also frequently prepares appeal materials for others
    to file, and encourages them to appeal.46
    46 M.Affidavit, paras 118, 129, 131, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 39,

    Since 2014, kit users have responded with 40 appeals to the
    Federal Court of Appeal, 19 applications for leave to appeal
    to the Supreme Court of Canada, and five motions for
    reconsideration by that court.47
    47 M.Affidavit, paras 108, 110, 119, 122, 127, 132,
    162-63, 184, 186, 207, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 35-36, 39-41, 43,
    54, 61, 67

    JCT: I'll leave it to posterity to see if lots of judges end
    up on the Wall of Shame.

    CR: 36. While Mr. Turmel appears to take pride in his
    appellate experience - he has noted in recent social media
    posts that "I appeal all my cases to the Supreme Court" and
    that "Most of my cases end up at the top"48
    48 M.Affidavit, paras 257, 270, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 82, 88

    - courts have consistently dismissed his and his kit users'
    appeals, leave applications and reconsideration motions.49
    49 M.Affidavit, paras 13-14, 17-18, 23, 32-33, 49,
    53-54, 60, 66-67, 80, 87, 90, 92, 108, 121-22, 124, 127,
    130, 140, 151, 163, 191, 203, 219, 237, 265-66, AR, Vol 1,
    Tab C, p 15-16, 18, 22-26, 28-30, 35, 40-42, 45, 50, 54, 63,
    66, 70, 76, 85-86

    JCT: And zero time must be equiable because so many courts
    have dismissed them.

    CR: In doing so, courts have often noted that Mr. Turmel or
    his kit users failed to so much as identify an arguable
    error in the appealed from, and invited the appellate court
    instead to simply reweigh evidence and reach a different
    conclusion from the court below.50
    50 M.Affidavit, paras 151, 219, 266 and Exhibit 44
    (paras 18, 20), AR, Vol 1, (Tab C, p 50, 70, 85-86), Vol 3
    (Tab C44, p 771)

    JCT: To disagree with a righteous request is to err.

    2. Mr. Turmel attempts to re-litigate previously decided

    37. Courts in at least seventeen proceedings have observed
    that Mr. Turmel or his kit users attempted to raise
    previously decided issues.51
    51 M.Affidavit, paras 27, 30, 36, 40, 59, 65, 75,
    77, 84, 86, 95, 97, 99, 142, 148, 232, 287, AR, Vol 1, Tab
    C, p 17-20, 24-25, 27-33, 45, 74, 95

    JCT: The more judges who get it wrong in public, the better.
    Why should I stop putting righteous requests to them just
    becaue they keep getting them wrong?

    CR: 38. In the elections context, Mr. Turmel has brought
    five applications in this court for mandamus to compel the
    CRTC to address broadcasters' allocation of free political
    broadcast time or Mr. Turmel's omission from debate
    broadcasts, and three more for applications restraining the
    broadcasters themselves from airing election broadcasts
    without him.52
    52 M.Affidavit, paras 21, 25, 29, 35, 39, 45 (see
    also paras 33, 42, 47), AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 16-22

    JCT: And every judge found that my omission from debate was
    getting a quantitatively and qualitatively equitable share
    of the free broadcast time.

    CR: The court has consistently dismissed these applications
    on the grounds that the CRTC was under no public duty to
    address these issues, and that the broadcasters were not
    federal boards, commissions or tribunals subject to the
    court's jurisdiction.53
    53 M.Affidavit, paras 22, 26-27, 30, 36-37, 40, 46
    (see also paras 33, 43, 48), AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 16-21

    JCT: All the judges failed to see that it is the CRTC's duty
    enforce its rules on quantitative and qualitative
    equitableness sharing or broadcast time on the air-waves
    they regulate and the broadcasters were usually sued with
    the CRTC, rarely alone.

    In dismissing two of these applications in 1987, Joyal J.
    observed that the court had followed these principles "in
    successive and unsuccessful applications before this court
    by the same applicant in the years 1980, 1983 and 1984," and
    that "[t]he applicant admits to having had many runs at the
    cat on this point."54
    54 M.Affidavit, para 40, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 20

    JCT: Yes, every time I got cheated, I complained to the
    CRTC and when they did nothing, dragged them before the

    CR: 39. In the cannabis context, Mr. Turmel brought two
    separate civil applications in the Ontario Superior Court of
    Justice in 2002 and 2003 for declarations that the CDSA
    marihuana provisions were unconstitutional, and after the
    first of these applications was dismissed, he filed a motion
    in that application for essentially the same relief.55
    55 M.Affidavit, paras 73-77, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 27-28

    Criminal courts have also noted the tendency of Mr. Turmel
    and his criminal kit users to bring numerous applications
    for interlocutory relief, and to continue bringing them long
    after identical applications have been dismissed.56
    56 M.Affidavit, paras 59, 84, 86, 95, 97, 99, 101,
    AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 24, 29-33

    JCT: No, criminal kit users only brought motions to quash
    the charges and constitutional motions to strike. The point
    is that the arguments were so powerful that many Crowns
    chose to offer sweet deals or withdrawals so why not keep
    making the same arguments.

    CR: 40. Mr. Turmel has repeatedly and unsuccessfully sought
    judicial recognition of a constitutional right for healthy
    individuals to use cannabis for preventive medical
    57 M.Affidavit, para 74, 80 and Exhibit 34 (Reasons
    for Order, para 23), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 27-29), Vol 3 (Tab
    C34, p 684)

    JCT: Actually, I only sought the right to use what's good to
    cure the illness to prevent the illness. And only one court
    ruled that there was no proof that it could prevent what it
    could cure. Har har h ar har har har. Judges Doherty, Goudge
    and Simmons who also say they resurrected the prohibitions
    by fixing the exemption when the Interpretation Act said
    only Parliament could to that once it was dead. But all the
    judgeschose to obey the Ontario Court of Appeal's Hitzig
    decision rather than Parliament's Interpretation Act. Many
    many more judges on the wall of shame.

    CR: In 2017, this court struck the Turmel Kit MMAR-MMPR
    challenges, which alleged that the 150-gram limit on
    possession of cannabis for purposes, the requirement for
    annual medical authorization to use cannabis, and the
    production-site requirements for personal producers, were
    58 M.Affidavit, para 148 and Exhibit 22 (Statement
    of Claim, p 3, 5, 7), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 47-49), Vol 2 (Tab
    C22, p 466, 468, 470)

    JCT: Actually, Judge Brown dismissed the Crown motion to
    strike the action against the cap and granted the Lead
    Plainitff the same 10-day supply granted in the B.C. Garber
    case. http://johnturmel.com/150cn1j.pdf But the Federal
    Court of Appeal overruled it.

    CR: Despite this decision, Mr. Turmel has continued to
    develop new template claims concerning these same issues.59
    59 M.Affidavit, paras 221-22, 224-25, 241-42, AR,
    Vol 1, Tab C, p 70-72, 77

    He also personally filed a Turmel Kit juice and oil claim
    long after several identical claims were struck,60
    60 M.Affidavit, paras 167-69, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 56-57

    and has continued to distribute and promote the Turmel Kit
    processing-time claims long after the Federal Court of
    Appeal and this court struck hundreds of these claims.61
    61 M.Affidavit, paras 191, 200, 203-04, 211, AR,
    Vol 1, Tab C, p 63, 65-67

    JCT: Igor Mozajko had to file an action against the delay in
    processing his change of address and they hopped to it to
    mooten his hearing. Gisele Pilon had to fild an action
    against the delay in processing her permit and they hopped
    to it to mooten her claim. So Health Canada is still making
    people wait for their permits and the kits are still useful
    to those victims.

    CR: 41. In May 2022, this court struck Mr. Turmel's
    constitutional challenge to Canada's vaccination
    requirements for air travellers. In doing so, Prothonotary
    Horne observed that the claim included "the same lengthy
    diatribes, and unsubstantiated allegations of cover-ups and
    conspiracies" as Mr. Turmel's previously struck challenge to
    federal COVID-19 mitigation measures, and challenged some of
    the same provisions while his appeal of the decision
    striking that claim was still outstanding, which the court
    concluded was an abuse of process.62
    62 M.Affidavit, para 287 and Exhibit 173 (paras 9,
    11-12), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 95), Vol 7 (Tab C173, p 1866-67)

    JCT: Go read it to find out that there is not one wrong
    thing in it. http://smartestman.ca/c19scjct.pdf Just lots
    the judges faiked to see. Remember, to them, WHO comparing
    covid CFR to flu IFR is not a fact. They can fail to see
    anything they want.

    3. Mr. Turmel brings proceedings for an improper purpose

    42. Mr. Turmel often brings proceedings for an improper

    43. In 1981, Mr. Turmel brought an application in this court
    for an order compelling the provincial Crown to prosecute
    retailer Simpsons-Sears for selling decks of playing cards,
    which Mr. Turmel alleged were gaming devices. In dismissing
    the application, Walsh J. explained that it followed Mr.
    Turmel's own conviction for keeping gaming devices, and that
    Mr. Turmel's stated purpose in bringing the application was
    "to drag someone really big down with me" who could better
    defend the charge, which Mr. Turmel hoped would lead to the
    gaming-devices offence being repealed, amended or no longer
    63 M.Affidavit, paras 56-57, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 23

    JCT: Them charging me with possession of a gambling device
    because it's still on the books is okay but me charging
    Simpson Sears with the same thing is improper.

    CR: 44. In social media posts, Mr. Turmel has described his
    development and distribution of litigation kits as part of
    an intentional strategy to overwhelm the courts and the
    Crown. He invites plaintiffs to "clog up," "flood," "swamp,"
    "semi-paralyze" or "ream out" the Federal Court registry
    with a "tidal wave" or "avalanche" of claims or requests for
    64 M.Affidavit, paras 118, 146, 160-61, 165, 173, 257, 270,
    285-86, 288, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 39, 46-47, 53-58, 82-83,
    88, 94-95

    JCT: Sure shows the anger without clogging up the streets!

    CR: 45. In a July 2016 post promoting the Turmel Kit juice
    and oil claims, Mr. Turmel explained that "The real winning
    power is once again what freaked out both the Crown and the
    Registry last time, the volume." In a December 2018 post
    concerning a proposed challenge to the Criminal Code drug-
    impaired driving provisions, he similarly explained that
    "There is only [one] way to fight back and that's through
    mass action in the courts."65
    65 M.Affidavit, para 252, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 80

    JCT: Don't tell me 400 people complaining about the same
    thing doesn't get their attention better than in the

    CR: 46. In other posts, Mr. Turmel uses militaristic or
    violent language to characterize his litigation strategy. He
    describes himself as a "guerrilla lawyer" and invites his
    kit users (whom he has described as an "army of goldstars,"
    in reference to the gold-coloured seal placed on Federal
    Court claims) to "sap the defences" of the court and Crown
    and file claims and "get in on the kill."66
    66 M.Affidavit, paras 106, 112, 165, 168, 182, 218,
    257, 270, 290, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 35, 37, 54-57, 61, 70,
    82, 89, 96

    JCT: Get proof you asked for justice even if you don't get
    it. And usually don't.

    CR: 47. In still other posts, Mr. Turmel acknowledges that
    his kit proceedings lack merit,

    JCT: I have never said that my actions lack merit.

    CR: but explains why he nevertheless brings them. In a 2014
    post, he acknowledged that his challenge to the Marihuana
    Medical Access Regulations had been rendered moot by the
    repeal of those regulations, but explained that he was
    proceeding with his challenge "to smear [Health Canada] with
    their own dirt. These are malevolent government gremlins and
    I'm about to really light a fire under their asses."67
    67 M.Affidavit, para 111, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 36

    JCT: Our constitutional motion detailed flaws in the MMAR
    with many retainied in the MMPR. So the question was whether
    to continue challenging the MMPR and not mention the same
    torts in the MMAR. I decided I was going to keep mentioning
    that the torts complained of were retained from the MMAR to
    smear the bad guys who kept them in. That's all.

    CR: 48. In another post concerning the Turmel Kit 150-gram
    claims, Mr. Turmel explained that "People ask me why I keep
    fighting so many loser fights. It's because I love ruining
    the careers of the judges and Crowns who get added to the
    History Wall of MedPot shame."68
    68 M.Affidavit, para 236, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 75

    JCT: So I keep presenting righteous arguments and force the
    judges to "fail to see" and add them to the Wall of Shame.

    CR: After this court struck the Turmel Kit MMAR-MMPR claims,
    Mr. Turmel similarly used social media to announce that he
    would appeal, noting that "Sure, the chances are slim but I
    enjoy exposing judicial failures to their bosses."69
    69 M.Affidavit, para 149 (see also paras 131, 264),
    AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 42, 49-50, 85

    JCT: Does exosing the judicial failures to their higher ups
    sound like I think I'm presenting loser arguments?

    CR: 49. While Mr. Turmel openly boasts about having brought
    proceedings for improper purposes, courts have expressed
    concern with this aspect of his litigation.

    JCT: No I don't bring proceedings for improper purposes.
    They always seek righteous justice even if I don't get it.

    CR: Courts in criminal proceedings have noted Mr. Turmel's
    use of "legal warfare" language, and described Mr. Turmel's
    and his kit users' interlocutory applications as obvious
    tactics to delay and frustrate proceedings.70
    70 M.Affidavit, paras 59, 97, 101, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 24,

    JCT: No, they're tactics to win withdrawals or sweet deals.

    CR: 50. This court has recently expressed similar concerns.
    In awarding costs against several plaintiffs in the Turmel
    Kit vaccination-requirement claims, Prothonotary Horne
    observed that the claims were identical in substance to Mr.
    Turmel's claim and that the plaintiffs' objective appeared
    to be to "clog the registry with redundant actions, and vex
    the defendant with needless filings."71
    71 Fudge costs decision, paras 18-19, BOA, Tab 2

    JCT: Better than clogging the streets. Judge Horne didn't
    like angry plaintiffs trying to warn people against the
    suicide shot over a false alarm.

    CR: 4. Mr. Turmel makes unsubstantiated and intemperate
    remarks against other parties and the courts

    JCT: Let's see if he can cite one.

    CR: 51. Mr. Turmel frequently uses pleadings to make
    unsubstantiated and intemperate remarks about other parties,
    and when courts dismiss his proceedings, uses social media
    to crudely insult the judges involved.

    JCT: No, I use social media to point out the blood on their

    CR: 52. In pleadings and argument, he has described Bank of
    Canada interest policies and various aspects of Canada's
    medical cannabis regulatory regime as "genocidal."72
    72 M.Affidavit, paras 10, 71, 74-75, 117, 233 and Exhibit 17
    (Superior Court of Justice decision dated January 9, 2003,
    para 63; Superior Court of Justice decision dated February
    7, 2003, paras 1, 7), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 14, 27-28, 38,
    75), Vol 2 (Tab C17, p 263, 282-83)

    JCT: The judges all failed to see that putting farmers out
    of work in a world that's starving is genocide. Do you see?

    CR: He has alleged that the public possession and shipping
    limits for medical cannabis and federal COVID-19 measures
    are the result of "statistical fraud,"

    JCT: I caught Health Canada fudging the stats and I happen
    to be accredited expert in math by Federal Tax Court of
    Canada. The judges who fail to see are not.

    CR: and suggested that COVID-19 itself is an "imaginary
    plague," deaths from which greatly exaggerated by an "evil
    cabal" that includes the WHO, with the support of global
    73 M.Affidavit, para 233 and Exhibit 147 (Statement of
    Claim, paras 37, 39, 46, 71, 89-90, 104, 117, 120), AR, Vol
    1 (Tab C, p 75), Vol 6 (Tab C147, p 1538-39, 1542, 1552,
    1556-57, 1561, 1566-67)
    Courts have repeatedly struck these allegations as
    scandalous, frivolous and vexatious.74
    74 M.Affidavit, paras 148, 233, 277 and Exhibit 17
    (Superior Court of Justice decision dated January 9, 2003,
    para 81; Court of Appeal for Ontario decision dated October
    7, 2003, para 6), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 48-49, 75, 91-92), Vol
    2 (Tab C17, p 266, 289)

    JCT: The cabal tricked the world into lockdown and forced
    vax to escape over a false alarm. Can't get more evil than
    that. And the deaths statistics are now being revealed.
    Christine Anderson (German MP) - EU Parliament called the
    vaccine " The Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity" https://odysee.com/@SolacoMan:c/The-Biggest-Crime-Ever-Committed-on-Humanity-(Covid-Vaccines)-Christine-Anderson-(German-MP)-EU-Parliament-05-July-2022-(3-min-video):0
    Many doctors are now calling it a genocide but cannot be
    taken seriously because they have had their licenses
    suspended for saying so.

    CR: 53. In social media posts, Mr. Turmel insults the
    intelligence or integrity of the judges who dismiss his and
    his kit users' proceedings, referring to them as "imbeciles"
    or otherwise suggesting that they lack intelligence.75
    75 M.Affidavit, paras 239, 269-70, AR, Vol 1, Tab
    C, p 76, 87, 89

    JCT: Para270: who will doubt whom posterity will rule to be
    the imbecile in the matter, (me or the judge?)
    So I didn't call any judge an imbecile, I said posterity
    might one of us an imbecile though you know whom I'm betting
    on. But distortion.

    CR: He has suggested that the judges who dismissed his
    cannabis or COVID-19 kit claims have "blood on their hands"
    or "deserve death row for what they have done."76
    76 M.Affidavit, paras 131, 149, 208, 264, 275, 279,
    AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 43, 49-50, 68, 85, 91-93

    JCT: Will telling them they deserve death row for what
    they've done get reconsideration? If they let people die who
    would not have died if they had been warned, sure, they
    deserve death row.

    CR: 54. In January 2017, after Phelan J. struck the Turmel
    Kit MMAR-MMPR claims for lack of material facts,

    JCT: Remember, he thought the doctor's prescription wasn't
    fact enough to prove the patient needed the medication. He
    wanted to see the medical file for himself.

    CR: Mr. Turmel explained in a social media post that one of
    the plaintiffs had cancer and was medically authorized to
    use cannabis, but that "Judge said that's not enough. Wanted
    to see her X-rays, maybe give her a feel for those tumors
    before Doubting Thomas would believe."77
    77 M.Affidavit, para 149, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 49

    JCT: Says it all. It was none of the unqualified judge's
    business to be looking into their medical files, the doctor
    had already done that. But magbe the doctor was wrong and
    the judge could correct the doctor?

    CR: 55. In a further comment concerning a Federal Court of
    Appeal stay decision in the Turmel Kit public possession and
    shipping limit claims, Mr. Turmel observed "I feel sad for
    what [Near J.A.] has done to punish 7,000 sick people.
    Because that's the number who will benefit when we strike
    the cap. God'll get him."78
    78 M.Affidavit, para 236, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 75

    JCT: I do feel sad for the low-tech judges who now have the
    agonies and deaths of many on their tab. And acknowledge
    they'll get away with it in this life but not in the
    afterlife. I'm a believer that Heaven can be Hell.

    CR: 56. In yet another social media post after this court
    struck his Turmel Kit COVID-19 claim, Mr. Turmel suggested
    to readers that:
    If you took the jab but wouldn't have if you'd known
    that Covid was a hoax, maybe you should send
    Prothonotary Aylen a message telling her that her you
    wouldn't have taken the experimental vaccine if she
    hadn't suppressed that the virus was a hoax. And if
    someone near you dies of a blood clot, let her know she
    did it to them.
    Ottawa girl thought she'd shut down that Ottawa
    eccentric Turmel and now she'll have the blood of
    millions on her hands. Har har. Looks good on her. Not
    so good on her victims.79
    79 M.Affidavit, para 279, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 93

    JCT: All true. Who out of the 3 billion would have taken the
    experimental gene therapy if she hadn't suppressed that the
    Covid Mortality was a Hundrefdold Hyped false alarm? Most of
    the 3 billion. So all the adverse effects are on her tab.

    CR: 5. Mr. Turmel shows disregard for court orders, rules
    and timelines

    57. Mr. Turmel often disregards court orders, rules and
    timelines. In 2002, he was convicted of contempt for
    knowingly posting material to the Internet in violation of a
    publication ban issued in the course of his brother's
    criminal trial for marihuana offences.80
    80 M.Affidavit, paras 69-71, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p

    JCT: That's not often. And I don't disregard non-cost
    orders, rules and timelines. The 2002 contempt conviction
    was to let everyone know they were stalling people to death
    and calling them "dormants." Notice that that once is all
    they have.

    CR: 58. In the various Turmel Kit proceedings in this court,
    Mr. Turmel has attempted to file impermissible materials
    such as summary-judgment motions in a stayed or simplified
    action, and an appeal from a direction.81
    81 M.Affidavit, paras 113, 115, 117, 138-39, AR, Vol 1, Tab
    C, p 37-38, 44-45; Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106, s 297
    ["Federal Courts Rules"]; Aga Khan v Tajdin, 2012 FCA 238,
    para 4

    JCT: I was improperly advised by the Registry to file my
    action as "simplified" and when I found out I could not file
    the motion, I asked the court to change it and it was.

    CR: In 2015, nineteen of his kit users also filed or
    attempted to file motions for extensions of time to appeal
    the Allard injunction decision, although the applicants were
    not parties in Allard and therefore lacked any standing to
    82 M.Affidavit, paras 158-59, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 52

    JCT: They were affected by the Allard decision that took
    away their grow-ops but had no standing!

    59. On at least three occasions, Mr. Turmel has failed to
    pursue his appeals at all, leading the Federal Court of
    Appeal to dismiss them for delay or as abandoned.83
    83 M.Affidavit, paras 28, 31, 53, AR, Vol 1, Tab C,
    p 17-18, 22

    JCT: Three times in many dozens where I didn't complete the
    appeal. Not quite regularly..

    CR: On several other occasions, Mr. Turmel and his kit users
    have missed filing deadlines, sometimes by several months,
    but brought motions for extensions of time.84
    84 M.Affidavit, paras 53, 81, 108, 126, 150, 181,
    190, 218, 266, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 22, 29, 35, 41, 50, 60,
    63, 70, 85-86

    JCT: Usually granted because there were good reasons for the
    missed deadline. Several times out of dozens more.

    CR: While the courts have granted extensions in many of
    these cases, they have denied extensions in others, often on
    grounds that the applicants failed entirely to explain their
    85 M.Affidavit, paras 82, 151, 158, 219 and Exhibit
    155 (p 2), AR, Vol 1 (Tab C, p 29, 50, 52, 70), Vol 6 (Tab
    C155, p 1662)

    JCT: How many others? Three?

    CR: 60. In 2015, Mr. Turmel missed a court-ordered deadline
    to serve and file an appeal book agreement in several
    consolidated appeals in which he had been designated lead
    appellant. Although the Federal Court of Appeal granted his
    motion for an extension of time, in doing so Ryer J.A. noted
    Mr. Turmel's "seeming indifference towards compliance with
    the order of Boivin J.A.," and awarded costs to Canada
    despite Mr. Turmel's success on the motion.86
    86 M.Affidavit, paras 125-26, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 41

    JCT: Once.

    CR: 61. Mr. Turmel often attempts to make legal submissions
    on behalf of others despite multiple reminders from this
    court that, as a non-solicitor, he is not permitted to do
    87 M.Affidavit, paras 99, 114, 123, 145, 147-48,
    202, 262, 301, AR, Vol 1, Tab C, p 33, 37, 41, 46-47, 66,
    84-85, 100; Federal Courts Rules, s 119

    JCT: Never without asking. I don't ever remember being
    granted. So never.

    CR: He also frequently uses social media to provide his kit
    users with advice on the conduct of their proceedings, or to
    suggest that he can obtain relief on their behalf.88
    88 M.Affidavit, paras 115-16, 197, 206, 261, AR, Vol 1, Tab
    C, p 37-38, 65, 67, 84

    He has served and files materials for others, apparently
    including a deceased person in one case, and has suggested

    [continued in next message]

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