• AYUP! Revolting PAEDO PRIESTS innit! And nasty POLISH pedo priests!

    From γÇá Clement VII@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 18 12:15:11 2022
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    In 2013 a succession of child sex abuse scandals within the church, and the poor
    response by the church, became a matter of widespread public concern. The church
    resisted demands to pay compensation to victims.[97][98] On September 27, 2018, however, Bishop Romuald Kaminski of the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga stated that Polish
    church leaders were working on a document, to be published later, on priestly sexual
    abuse of minors in Poland, and ways to prevent it. Cases were being evaluated by
    Warsaw courts, and the priests involved were banned from working with minors; three
    were suspended from all pastoral work.[99] According to Archbishop Wojciech Polak,
    the head of Poland's Catholic Church, the document will include data on the scale
    of priestly sex abuse in Poland.[99]

    On October 8, 2018, a victims group mapped out 255 cases of alleged sex abuse in Poland.[100]


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