• Eat the Bugs Update: Nuclear for We and Not for Thee, Peasants

    From Leroy N. Soetoro@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 21 21:51:06 2024
    XPost: alt.energy.nuclear, talk.politics.guns, alt.politics.green.party
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.engineering.electrical

    https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2024/10/16/eat-the-bugs-update- nuclear-for-we-and-not-for-thee-peasants-n3795871

    If you ever - EH-VAH - harbored any lingering doubts in your tenderhearted
    soul that we live in a "them and us" world of a globalist elite cabal and everyone else, I am going to dispel that illusion once and for all for

    Well, okay. Actually, I'M not going to - the cabal is going to do it for
    me. I'm merely going to line up the "them" and the "us" pictures to
    clarify and crystalize where the dividing lines are.

    Back towards the end of September, I told you about what seemed to be a momentous announcement on the nuclear energy front - the rejuvenation and restart of the legendary Three Mile Island nuclear plant. It sounded like
    a real boon for the troubled East Coast energy grid thanks to short-
    sighted, climate cult governors and utility boards hurtling towards the
    energy impoverishment of their citizens. They are facing certain and self- imposed disasters all in the service of achieving arbitrary, bull-Schlitz 'NetZero' goals.

    What a headfake it turned out to be.

    Yes, Three Mile Island will glow again, but every last drop of juice will
    go not to illuminate and warm homes in Teaneck or the Catskills - it will
    all belong to Microsoft, who is financing the venture for their incoming
    data center plans.

    Tough luck for Tri-State area residents with their lunatic governors, heat
    pump mandates, war on natural gas-fired electrical plants, and their love affair with wind turbines at sea.

    Now Gaia-loving Gates already had his fingers in the nuclear pie, so to
    speak, having invested in start-up TerraPower back in 2008, then breaking ground on their first nuclear power plant site in Wyoming this year.

    Microsoft, whatever they espouse publicly, isn't leaving it up to tornado
    and hail storm bait solar farms or exploding wind turbines.

    Neither is Google, oddly enough.

    The wind turbines in the mock-up are so cute, aren't they? You'll notice they're spinning, as they often do not do.

    Lucky for Google - unlike you - the company will have SEVEN cute little nuclear reactors to run whatever their little evil hearts desire.

    Again, unlike you when you need that effin' mandated heat pump cranking to
    keep your house tepid inside when it's 28° outside, Google's power sources
    will be reliable and 24/7.


    Sensing a trend yet? You should be.

    Oh, gosh. Big nuclear news today. Guess who and not you?

    ...Amazon is investing in X-Energy and joining Washington-based nuclear operator Energy Northwest to deploy nuclear energy in a planned 5 GW fleet
    by 2040.

    After Amazon and its pears claimed for years to be using "100% Renewable power", it has become an open secret that this has only worked because of
    heavy use of steady nuclear, natural gas, and coal power bought as "gray energy" and taken from the local power grid.

    An announcement ceremony is happening in Washington DC now.

    !! SURPRISE !!

    Yet another totally woke, earth-friendly, eat-the-bugs advocating, in- your-face climate cult charter member tech giant admits that renewables
    cannot cut the mustard for reliable and sufficient electricity generation.
    How nice they have the wherewithal to build their own nuclear reactors.
    Problem solved!

    At the same time, they continue to righteously lecture on what's
    acceptable behavior and proselytize the Green Gospel about how YOU, the knuckle-dragging Luddites, need to live even as they sell you crap in the
    most efficient way possible for them.

    I once told you all the story of the Georgia Vogtle nuclear plant, the
    newest nuclear reactors constructed and to come online in the US. Unit 3
    fired up in July of last year, and Unit 4 this past February. It had taken fifteen years and cost $36.8B - twice as much time and money thanks to
    repeated government interference with change orders and overruns. It
    bankrupted Southern Company, which is how we wound up with Florida Power & Light here in Pensacola. SouthernCo had to sell them our branch.

    I guarantee you that nothing of this magnitude will ever happen to any of
    the powerhouse tech companies unless another company with the name "Musk"
    on it asks for permits to build one.

    There will be little privately branded, privately owned reactors popping
    up everywhere for the favored classes among us.

    Meanwhile, in places like, say, New Jersey, where a rodential chief
    executive is both drunk on power and desperate to shove off-shore wind
    turbines and his Green fever dreams down his citizens' throats (costs and consequences be damned), the resistance is marshaling their forces as
    never before.

    Then again, they have some hard data to share about the complete lack of benefits to both the NetZero fantasies of the governor and the slamma-
    jamma to ratepayers of the state that this boondoggle is fixin' to bring.

    For one thing, because of inflation and the wind industry's problem with "quality control," wind development is not as lucrative as it was two
    years ago. Developers have been pulling out of projects wholesale, not
    bidding for new leases, or asking utility boards for renegotiated rates on existing agreements. You can read that last as "screw the ratepayers" and
    that is exactly what is happening with Gov Phil Murphy's last gasp shot at
    the Atlantic Shores 1 & 2 projects.

    The feds just approved the project (with some havey-cavey stuff going on
    there, probably panic-induced at the thought of a Trump victory) at the beginning of this month. Now, the utility board gets to hammer out numbers
    to make it all pay off for the developers. There had already been
    agreements in 2021 that the projects were eligible for Offshore Renewable Energy Credits (ORECs) for power. In light of delays and other projects'
    booms and busts (NTM being NJ), the NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) is revisiting the Atlantic Shores 1 (AS1) & 2 (AS2) credit allowances.

    Someone ran the numbers instead of trusting the state, the developers, and
    the feds.

    Technically *winkwinknudgenudge* the BPU is "supposed" to "protect
    ratepayers" first and foremost. That's their job description.


    ...On March 6, 2024 the BPU announced a proposed Fourth Solicitation
    seeking bids for an additional 1200-4000 MW of offshore wind capacity. In
    this solicitation, in addition to receiving bids for new projects, BPU has allowed companies who were awarded ORECs in the First or Second
    Solicitations to rebid those projects and receive new awards which would supersede the existing OREC prices. Since new awards to AS1 or AS2 will undoubtedly result in higher ratepayer subsidies than those already
    approved, it is appropriate to estimate the ratepayer impact of any such
    awards and whether such an action by BPU would comply with the Offshore
    Wind Economic Development Act (OWEDA) which imposes mandates on the BPU
    meant to protect ratepayers. That is the purpose of this report.

    Based on the expected OREC prices and terms of any new awards, the
    following are the major findings and conclusions which are detailed in the report:

    Ratepayer Impacts

    • If the AS South (AS1 and AS2) projects are awarded new OREC contracts,
    NJ ratepayers will be required to pay triple the market price for power
    from those facilities, from $122-197/MWH higher. This represents a much
    higher ratepayer subsidy than that associated with the existing AS1 OREC prices.

    • The AS South ratepayer subsidy will total $32 billion over the life of
    the facility and the 2024 present value (PV) of these above market
    ratepayer costs is $20 billion.

    That's just the introduction of the report. To begin building this out,
    the state has to agree to as much as triple the already outrageous OREC
    prices agreed to in the original contract with developers.

    This in a state where utility prices are already through the roof.

    New Jersey residents have been bracing for higher electric bills since the state Board of Public Utilities approved rate hikes back in February.

    Now the first bills reflecting those power rates have arrived, and
    homeowners are finding the change, in a word, shocking.

    The base rate increases approved by the state ranged from about 3% to 9%
    and took effect on June 1. But that was the start of a hot, steamy month
    that ended up the second-warmest June in New Jersey history. And after an unusually cool June in 2023, the year-over-year comparison has been eye- opening.

    "I have JCP&L and my bill is $782????" demanded one Parsippany resident on
    a local town page on Facebook. "Can this be right? I have an average-sized house!!!"

    Why are they so high?

    Because of ill-planned, based on bogus Science™elitest, globalist Green
    fever dream schemes - the same ones inflicting misery from California to
    New Jersey to Massachusetts and in between.

    ...Murphy champions New Jersey’s move to windmills and solar panels at the expense — literally and figuratively — of fossil fuels and the complete disregard of nuclear power. The estimated cost of his plan is $40 billion,
    yet the Murphy administration has not been honest about the cost to

    In 2022, the BPU released a study declaring that ultimately the Energy
    Master Plan would result in lower costs for New Jersey residents. The
    study only looked at the end-result potential monthly bills for residents
    who fully electrified their lives. It did not consider any capital costs associated with reaching that point.

    First, consumers have to pay to switch from natural gas to electric
    appliances for their heat, cooking and car charging. Then, due to this increased electric flow to the house, homeowners will need to pay more out-of-pocket costs to rewire their homes to bear the exponential volume
    of electricity powering their daily lives

    The Murphy administration could have told the truth, helped you prepare,
    even tried to explain or justify the higher costs. Instead, they let you
    find out the truth when you opened up your power bill in July.

    Shut up, Parsippany peasant person - no nukes for you!


    Have a bug.

    Soon, you'll be able to search for bug types reliably on your PC, thanks
    to Microsoft. Google AI will ensure terrific bug pictures, and Amazon will always have power to get them to you, even if you're in the dark.

    They never will be.

    We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
    stupid people won't be offended.

    Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

    No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
    Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

    Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
    fiasco, President Trump.

    Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
    The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
    queer liberal democrat donors.

    President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

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